The 2nd Civil War

I'm thinking the winners will have turned you down during recruitment


Unless I am the winner! (maniacal laughter in background)
How old are you OldSchool? Too old to be of any real use in a military campaign, probably. I, on the other hand, practice shooting actual rifles (as opposed to video game ones) constantly, study military tactics and logistics, acquaint myself with military equipment and gear, condition myself for long marches and hikes and extreme weather conditions, am a very persuasive speaker (face to face), am highly manipulative, make wonderful grades throughout school, etc.

You sound like a catch! When the revolution goes down perhaps we can hook up and you can protect me.
Everyone knows that at the rate things are going, we will probably have a 2nd Civil War sometime in our near future. The question is, who will come out on top?
Do you think it will be the Dems? The Right? The people? Or some dissident cell? What about a terrorist group?

My hopes and bets are on a dissident cell made up of the common people.
The people with GUNS will come out on top.

Good thing Obama will be confiscating the guns before then.

There's not going to be a civil war. Maybe a few sporadic incidents, that's about it.

We've become fat and complacent. We're far more worried and informed about Kim Kardashian's wardrobe than we are about our cultural decay (ironically, since she's a symptom of it). We've reduced standards & expectations slowly enough that very few have noticed. We're expert at taking "selfies" because we're so narcissistic, yet we don't really care that many of our high school graduates can't write a coherent sentence.

So, for the most part, we're just going to roll over and grab the remote.

If by chance there ever were another civil war, it would be one of "the people" finding it necessary to over-ride a tyrannical and overbearing government. If that were ever to happen, the "people" would survive, and the "government" would fall.
Everyone knows that at the rate things are going, we will probably have a 2nd Civil War sometime in our near future. The question is, who will come out on top?
Do you think it will be the Dems? The Right? The people? Or some dissident cell? What about a terrorist group?

My hopes and bets are on a dissident cell made up of the common people.

Any American hoping for a civil war is one fucked up individual. (That be you OP writer) And what the fuck is in the water in Indiana. Here we have had two high school kids on here all worried about the next civil war.

But listen up you bad mother fucker you. Join the Army. Live out your fantasy. Then when you shit yourself in fear for your life, you will understand a little better what war is.

And it ain't the video games you play. Punk ass mother fucker wishing for a civil war. Fuck you.
I'm thinking the winners will have turned you down during recruitment


Unless I am the winner! (maniacal laughter in background)
How old are you OldSchool? Too old to be of any real use in a military campaign, probably. I, on the other hand, practice shooting actual rifles (as opposed to video game ones) constantly, study military tactics and logistics, acquaint myself with military equipment and gear, condition myself for long marches and hikes and extreme weather conditions, am a very persuasive speaker (face to face), am highly manipulative, make wonderful grades throughout school, etc.'re quite the warrior. Why aren't you out serving your country?
Everyone knows that at the rate things are going, we will probably have a 2nd Civil War sometime in our near future. The question is, who will come out on top?
Do you think it will be the Dems? The Right? The people? Or some dissident cell? What about a terrorist group?

My hopes and bets are on a dissident cell made up of the common people.
The people with GUNS will come out on top.

The people with guns will be hunted down in the streets and placed in FEMA Death Camps where they belong
There will not be a Civil War

Americans are fat and complacent. A Civil War takes commitment to a cause
Everyone knows that at the rate things are going, we will probably have a 2nd Civil War sometime in our near future. The question is, who will come out on top?
Do you think it will be the Dems? The Right? The people? Or some dissident cell? What about a terrorist group?

My hopes and bets are on a dissident cell made up of the common people.

Don't be silly, civil wars are started and fought by the youth of any given nation and our young people are never going to fight each other over silly politics. All the people who seem to want a fight are far too attached to their la-z-boys and far too cowardly to actually do anything but bitch.
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Everyone knows that at the rate things are going, we will probably have a 2nd Civil War sometime in our near future. The question is, who will come out on top?
Do you think it will be the Dems? The Right? The people? Or some dissident cell? What about a terrorist group?

My hopes and bets are on a dissident cell made up of the common people.

Don't be silly, civil wars are started fought by the youth of any given nation and our young people are never going to fight each other over silly politics. All the people who seem to want a fight are far too attached to their la-z-boys and far too cowardly to actually do anything but bitch.


How are we going to get young people off their facebook and video games to fight a Civil War? What possible issue would get them to do that?

UC Homeland Security agent provocateur trolling for folks dumb enough to
sign up and end up on one of their watch lists.
Everyone knows that at the rate things are going, we will probably have a 2nd Civil War sometime in our near future. The question is, who will come out on top?
Do you think it will be the Dems? The Right? The people? Or some dissident cell? What about a terrorist group?

My hopes and bets are on a dissident cell made up of the common people.

Don't be silly, civil wars are started fought by the youth of any given nation and our young people are never going to fight each other over silly politics. All the people who seem to want a fight are far too attached to their la-z-boys and far too cowardly to actually do anything but bitch.


How are we going to get young people off their facebook and video games to fight a Civil War? What possible issue would get them to do that?
Taking away the car keys, stop paying their cell phone bills, and disconnect from the internet.
Thats about it.
There we go, knew it was only a matter of time before you said something really fucking crazy.

Could you name a nation that hasnt devolved into civil war or been conquored by outsiders?

we are kind of beyond anything like that. You all talk a good game, but thats just it.

Really? Isn't that convenient? Why is it whenever you are called to actually back something up, you find some excuse not to?
There we go, knew it was only a matter of time before you said something really fucking crazy.

Could you name a nation that hasnt devolved into civil war or been conquored by outsiders?

Our nation is more likely to face economic collapse under the weight of government entitlements than face a civil war. How far do you think Washington can continue to devalue the U.S. dollar, under the illusion of economic stability, with the weight of all this debt? That's the real looming crisis that will be the sobering wake up call for many in this country.

And what do you think will happen when the economy collapses? People will take to the streets and there will be civil war.
Could you name a nation that hasnt devolved into civil war or been conquored by outsiders?

Our nation is more likely to face economic collapse under the weight of government entitlements than face a civil war. How far do you think Washington can continue to devalue the U.S. dollar, under the illusion of economic stability, with the weight of all this debt? That's the real looming crisis that will be the sobering wake up call for many in this country.

And what do you think will happen when the economy collapses? People will take to the streets and there will be civil war.

Only if dumbass conservatives fight on the side of the government and the bankers. Other wise the fucking bankers had better have their own country to flee to or perhaps a secret spaceship.
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