The 3 additional factors to worry Trump acolytes in 2020

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Comey helped Trump?? Not hardly.

Oh and what happened to your claim of Russian Collusion??

Guess that's a lie as well.

Trump could not have won without Putin and Comey

LMAO He won without either one.

You really are a lefty loon sheeple. A sheeple who believes what the left tells you to believe.

Sucks to be you.

Facts prove otherwise
Trump was down eight points before the Comey investigation, two points afterwards

Trump used Russian provided propaganda throughout his campaign

Sure and Comey did exactly what he said he was going to do. So shoot him.

Hitlery lost. Trump won.

She ran the worst campaign I've ever seen. She, like you, believed the talking head, pundits and polls. Surprise.

She basically beat herself. Wonder woman she ain't.
Strangely, Comey did not release the fact that Trumps involvement with Russia was under FBI investigation

Comey did tell Hitlery that if he found anything new on her email scandal he would investigate and that's just what he did.

And no. He wasn't under investigation by anyone before the election.
You forgot to mention that the dems are getting much better at "vote harvesting" too.

Democrats don't have to cheat to win elections. They've been winning the popular vote in both the House and the Presidency for years. The ONLY way for Republicans to win is to gerrymander all of the Dems into or two Districts, and leave the Republicans in the rest. Or to surpress the votes of the people who "don't matter" and won't fight back. The poor and the elderly.

Yep, they don't have to cheat, but they do...go figure.
Still haven’t settled the GOP cheating scandal in NC

Still haven't settled the DNC cheating scandal in 2016.

There was no DNC cheating scandal in 2016.

Suuuuure there wasn't......:eusa_whistle:
Dear Democratic party: it's time to stop rigging the primaries
Dear Democratic party: it's time to stop rigging the primaries | Heather Gautney

Was the Democratic primary rigged?
Democrats made a big mistake in the 2016 primary.
By Ezra Klein@ezraklein Nov 14, 2017, 9:10am EST
Was the Democratic primary rigged?

Could Bernie Sanders have won a primary that wasn't 'rigged'? Um.
Could Sanders have won primary that wasn't 'rigged'? - CNNPolitics

The DNC’s Plan to Block Bernie

The Democratic Party has Set the Stage for a Replay of 2016
Washington, D.C. — In 2016, Bernie Sanders was raising hundreds of millions of dollars, polling best against Trump, and filling stadiums everywhere he went. Sanders did not lose because he lacked support. He lost because the Democratic Party rigged its primary to ensure that an establishment candidate would win.

The DNC's Plan to Block Bernie - Movement For a People's Party

I wrote "additional factors" in the thread's title because only an idiot would shrug off the unfavorable ratings of Trump's performance AND the mounting legal quagmires facing Trump, his family members and his chosen, crooked and indicted staff.

But, in ADDITION to the above problems, consider these:

1. The economy was strongest in the first quarter of 2018........Yet, we all clearly saw how last November's elections turned out.

2. The dominance of republican controlled state legislature has considerably shrunk.....Bear in mind that 2020 is ALSO a census year and the gerrymandering of districts is about to be drastically changed.

3. The GOP is SHRINKING....sure, the solidarity has grown among older, white males who have gone for Trump in fear of their loss of status.....but the base is comprised by much fewer voters.......The University of Virginia Center for Politics detailed in 2018, party registration and found that there were nearly 12 million more registered Democrats than Republicans.

Bottom line is this: The economy is slowing down, even after the HUGE tax cuts that Trump gave to the wealthy class.......the expectation of a strong economy in the last quarters of 2020 during the election is NOT that rosy.
Plus, the GOP is shrinking and moribund....and the handful of states whose electoral college votes narrowly gave Trump the oval office, have changed their opinion after the false promises of the demagogue-in-chief have proven unfulfilled.

Happy days ahead.

Never underestimate the Dems gift for snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory.

Watch - they'll nominate a candidate that has NO CHANCE of winning the 2020 election. They'll hand it to Trump of a silver platter.
Trump could not have won without Putin and Comey

LMAO He won without either one.

You really are a lefty loon sheeple. A sheeple who believes what the left tells you to believe.

Sucks to be you.

Facts prove otherwise
Trump was down eight points before the Comey investigation, two points afterwards

Trump used Russian provided propaganda throughout his campaign

Sure and Comey did exactly what he said he was going to do. So shoot him.

Hitlery lost. Trump won.

She ran the worst campaign I've ever seen. She, like you, believed the talking head, pundits and polls. Surprise.

She basically beat herself. Wonder woman she ain't.
Strangely, Comey did not release the fact that Trumps involvement with Russia was under FBI investigation

Comey did tell Hitlery that if he found anything new on her email scandal he would investigate and that's just what he did.

And no. He wasn't under investigation by anyone before the election.
Wrong on both points

Comey broke long standing tradition in the FBI not to interfere with elections. He followed the tradition in not revealing there was an investigation of Trump but broke it in revealing unfounded investigations of Hillary
Democrats don't have to cheat to win elections. They've been winning the popular vote in both the House and the Presidency for years. The ONLY way for Republicans to win is to gerrymander all of the Dems into or two Districts, and leave the Republicans in the rest. Or to surpress the votes of the people who "don't matter" and won't fight back. The poor and the elderly.

Yep, they don't have to cheat, but they do...go figure.
Still haven’t settled the GOP cheating scandal in NC

Still haven't settled the DNC cheating scandal in 2016.

There was no DNC cheating scandal in 2016.

Suuuuure there wasn't......:eusa_whistle:
Dear Democratic party: it's time to stop rigging the primaries
Dear Democratic party: it's time to stop rigging the primaries | Heather Gautney

Was the Democratic primary rigged?
Democrats made a big mistake in the 2016 primary.
By Ezra Klein@ezraklein Nov 14, 2017, 9:10am EST
Was the Democratic primary rigged?

Could Bernie Sanders have won a primary that wasn't 'rigged'? Um.
Could Sanders have won primary that wasn't 'rigged'? - CNNPolitics

The DNC’s Plan to Block Bernie

The Democratic Party has Set the Stage for a Replay of 2016

Washington, D.C. — In 2016, Bernie Sanders was raising hundreds of millions of dollars, polling best against Trump, and filling stadiums everywhere he went. Sanders did not lose because he lacked support. He lost because the Democratic Party rigged its primary to ensure that an establishment candidate would win.

The DNC's Plan to Block Bernie - Movement For a People's Party
The primary was rigged in the number of people who voted for Hillary and the number of states that went Hillary
Never underestimate the Dems gift for snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory.

Watch - they'll nominate a candidate that has NO CHANCE of winning the 2020 election. They'll hand it to Trump of a silver platter.

Indeed, and obviously a grave concern that the DNC better quickly resolve.

We can rest assured that the ENTIRE cult membership is so damn brainwashed that they will en masse show up again to vote for the orange clown.......the so-called "tyranny of the minority."
Yep, they don't have to cheat, but they do...go figure.
Still haven’t settled the GOP cheating scandal in NC

Still haven't settled the DNC cheating scandal in 2016.

There was no DNC cheating scandal in 2016.

Suuuuure there wasn't......:eusa_whistle:
Dear Democratic party: it's time to stop rigging the primaries
Dear Democratic party: it's time to stop rigging the primaries | Heather Gautney

Was the Democratic primary rigged?
Democrats made a big mistake in the 2016 primary.
By Ezra Klein@ezraklein Nov 14, 2017, 9:10am EST
Was the Democratic primary rigged?

Could Bernie Sanders have won a primary that wasn't 'rigged'? Um.
Could Sanders have won primary that wasn't 'rigged'? - CNNPolitics

The DNC’s Plan to Block Bernie

The Democratic Party has Set the Stage for a Replay of 2016

Washington, D.C. — In 2016, Bernie Sanders was raising hundreds of millions of dollars, polling best against Trump, and filling stadiums everywhere he went. Sanders did not lose because he lacked support. He lost because the Democratic Party rigged its primary to ensure that an establishment candidate would win.

The DNC's Plan to Block Bernie - Movement For a People's Party
The primary was rigged in the number of people who voted for Hillary and the number of states that went Hillary

Suuuure it was. All of those "super delegates" were only for show...right? Typical fascist response from you lefty. You disappoint me.
LMAO He won without either one.

You really are a lefty loon sheeple. A sheeple who believes what the left tells you to believe.

Sucks to be you.

Facts prove otherwise
Trump was down eight points before the Comey investigation, two points afterwards

Trump used Russian provided propaganda throughout his campaign

Sure and Comey did exactly what he said he was going to do. So shoot him.

Hitlery lost. Trump won.

She ran the worst campaign I've ever seen. She, like you, believed the talking head, pundits and polls. Surprise.

She basically beat herself. Wonder woman she ain't.
Strangely, Comey did not release the fact that Trumps involvement with Russia was under FBI investigation

Comey did tell Hitlery that if he found anything new on her email scandal he would investigate and that's just what he did.

And no. He wasn't under investigation by anyone before the election.
Wrong on both points

Comey broke long standing tradition in the FBI not to interfere with elections. He followed the tradition in not revealing there was an investigation of Trump but broke it in revealing unfounded investigations of Hillary

Once again you lie. Beofre you were merely mistaken, but now, thanks to the transcripts of the lisa page testimony we know that the FBI wanted to indict hilary for her crimes but was prevented from doing so by the obummer DOJ.

Now, because we KNOW this, you are lying through your teeth.
Still haven’t settled the GOP cheating scandal in NC

Still haven't settled the DNC cheating scandal in 2016.

There was no DNC cheating scandal in 2016.

Suuuuure there wasn't......:eusa_whistle:
Dear Democratic party: it's time to stop rigging the primaries
Dear Democratic party: it's time to stop rigging the primaries | Heather Gautney

Was the Democratic primary rigged?
Democrats made a big mistake in the 2016 primary.
By Ezra Klein@ezraklein Nov 14, 2017, 9:10am EST
Was the Democratic primary rigged?

Could Bernie Sanders have won a primary that wasn't 'rigged'? Um.
Could Sanders have won primary that wasn't 'rigged'? - CNNPolitics

The DNC’s Plan to Block Bernie

The Democratic Party has Set the Stage for a Replay of 2016

Washington, D.C. — In 2016, Bernie Sanders was raising hundreds of millions of dollars, polling best against Trump, and filling stadiums everywhere he went. Sanders did not lose because he lacked support. He lost because the Democratic Party rigged its primary to ensure that an establishment candidate would win.

The DNC's Plan to Block Bernie - Movement For a People's Party
The primary was rigged in the number of people who voted for Hillary and the number of states that went Hillary

Suuuure it was. All of those "super delegates" were only for show...right? Typical fascist response from you lefty. You disappoint me.
If you look at the super delegates they never came into play

Hillary won more votes
Hillary won more regular delegates
Hillary won more states
Bernie only won caucuses

Now...explain how Bernie really won
Facts prove otherwise
Trump was down eight points before the Comey investigation, two points afterwards

Trump used Russian provided propaganda throughout his campaign

Sure and Comey did exactly what he said he was going to do. So shoot him.

Hitlery lost. Trump won.

She ran the worst campaign I've ever seen. She, like you, believed the talking head, pundits and polls. Surprise.

She basically beat herself. Wonder woman she ain't.
Strangely, Comey did not release the fact that Trumps involvement with Russia was under FBI investigation

Comey did tell Hitlery that if he found anything new on her email scandal he would investigate and that's just what he did.

And no. He wasn't under investigation by anyone before the election.
Wrong on both points

Comey broke long standing tradition in the FBI not to interfere with elections. He followed the tradition in not revealing there was an investigation of Trump but broke it in revealing unfounded investigations of Hillary

Once again you lie. Beofre you were merely mistaken, but now, thanks to the transcripts of the lisa page testimony we know that the FBI wanted to indict hilary for her crimes but was prevented from doing so by the obummer DOJ.

Now, because we KNOW this, you are lying through your teeth.

Wow...are you ever gullible
Republicans controlled the House and Senate. If Hillary was the least bit dirty they would have pressed charges

Why didn’t Trumo when he controlled the Justice Dept?
Because there was nothing there
nce again you lie. Beofre you were merely mistaken, but now, thanks to the transcripts of the lisa page testimony we know that the FBI wanted to indict hilary for her crimes but was prevented from doing so by the obummer DOJ.

You are an eternal MORON........ALL that Page testified is that the FBI wanted to charge Clinton with :gross negligence" and that the DOJ, after checking out the statute, said that the charge was "too [fucking] VAGUE"

Go back to watching Hannity for all your "legal expertise," you inane twerp........LOL
I wrote "additional factors" in the thread's title because only an idiot would shrug off the unfavorable ratings of Trump's performance AND the mounting legal quagmires facing Trump, his family members and his chosen, crooked and indicted staff.

But, in ADDITION to the above problems, consider these:

1. The economy was strongest in the first quarter of 2018........Yet, we all clearly saw how last November's elections turned out.

2. The dominance of republican controlled state legislature has considerably shrunk.....Bear in mind that 2020 is ALSO a census year and the gerrymandering of districts is about to be drastically changed.

3. The GOP is SHRINKING....sure, the solidarity has grown among older, white males who have gone for Trump in fear of their loss of status.....but the base is comprised by much fewer voters.......The University of Virginia Center for Politics detailed in 2018, party registration and found that there were nearly 12 million more registered Democrats than Republicans.

Bottom line is this: The economy is slowing down, even after the HUGE tax cuts that Trump gave to the wealthy class.......the expectation of a strong economy in the last quarters of 2020 during the election is NOT that rosy.
Plus, the GOP is shrinking and moribund....and the handful of states whose electoral college votes narrowly gave Trump the oval office, have changed their opinion after the false promises of the demagogue-in-chief have proven unfulfilled.

Happy days ahead.

12 million more registered voters in California, Chicago and New York still does not translate into wins for your beloved political party.

Until you show those registered voters were in key swing and red states the added voter roll does not help that much...
I wrote "additional factors" in the thread's title because only an idiot would shrug off the unfavorable ratings of Trump's performance AND the mounting legal quagmires facing Trump, his family members and his chosen, crooked and indicted staff.

But, in ADDITION to the above problems, consider these:

1. The economy was strongest in the first quarter of 2018........Yet, we all clearly saw how last November's elections turned out.

2. The dominance of republican controlled state legislature has considerably shrunk.....Bear in mind that 2020 is ALSO a census year and the gerrymandering of districts is about to be drastically changed.

3. The GOP is SHRINKING....sure, the solidarity has grown among older, white males who have gone for Trump in fear of their loss of status.....but the base is comprised by much fewer voters.......The University of Virginia Center for Politics detailed in 2018, party registration and found that there were nearly 12 million more registered Democrats than Republicans.

Bottom line is this: The economy is slowing down, even after the HUGE tax cuts that Trump gave to the wealthy class.......the expectation of a strong economy in the last quarters of 2020 during the election is NOT that rosy.
Plus, the GOP is shrinking and moribund....and the handful of states whose electoral college votes narrowly gave Trump the oval office, have changed their opinion after the false promises of the demagogue-in-chief have proven unfulfilled.

Happy days ahead.

12 million more registered voters in California, Chicago and New York still does not translate into wins for your beloved political party.

Until you show those registered voters were in key swing and red states the added voter roll does not help that much...
Trump will not win Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin again

He will struggle to repeat in Florida, Arizona and Georgia
I wrote "additional factors" in the thread's title because only an idiot would shrug off the unfavorable ratings of Trump's performance AND the mounting legal quagmires facing Trump, his family members and his chosen, crooked and indicted staff.

But, in ADDITION to the above problems, consider these:

1. The economy was strongest in the first quarter of 2018........Yet, we all clearly saw how last November's elections turned out.

2. The dominance of republican controlled state legislature has considerably shrunk.....Bear in mind that 2020 is ALSO a census year and the gerrymandering of districts is about to be drastically changed.

3. The GOP is SHRINKING....sure, the solidarity has grown among older, white males who have gone for Trump in fear of their loss of status.....but the base is comprised by much fewer voters.......The University of Virginia Center for Politics detailed in 2018, party registration and found that there were nearly 12 million more registered Democrats than Republicans.

Bottom line is this: The economy is slowing down, even after the HUGE tax cuts that Trump gave to the wealthy class.......the expectation of a strong economy in the last quarters of 2020 during the election is NOT that rosy.
Plus, the GOP is shrinking and moribund....and the handful of states whose electoral college votes narrowly gave Trump the oval office, have changed their opinion after the false promises of the demagogue-in-chief have proven unfulfilled.

Happy days ahead.

12 million more registered voters in California, Chicago and New York still does not translate into wins for your beloved political party.

Until you show those registered voters were in key swing and red states the added voter roll does not help that much...
Trump will not win Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin again

He will struggle to repeat in Florida, Arizona and Georgia

And if he does what will be the lie you and the left will spew this time?


America is stupid?

Popular vote should only be counted in Blue States?
He will struggle to repeat in Florida, Arizona and Georgia

I believe that Arizona kind of liked John McCain......and are not too pleased about the orange clown's bashing of their former senator.
I wrote "additional factors" in the thread's title because only an idiot would shrug off the unfavorable ratings of Trump's performance AND the mounting legal quagmires facing Trump, his family members and his chosen, crooked and indicted staff.

But, in ADDITION to the above problems, consider these:

1. The economy was strongest in the first quarter of 2018........Yet, we all clearly saw how last November's elections turned out.

2. The dominance of republican controlled state legislature has considerably shrunk.....Bear in mind that 2020 is ALSO a census year and the gerrymandering of districts is about to be drastically changed.

3. The GOP is SHRINKING....sure, the solidarity has grown among older, white males who have gone for Trump in fear of their loss of status.....but the base is comprised by much fewer voters.......The University of Virginia Center for Politics detailed in 2018, party registration and found that there were nearly 12 million more registered Democrats than Republicans.

Bottom line is this: The economy is slowing down, even after the HUGE tax cuts that Trump gave to the wealthy class.......the expectation of a strong economy in the last quarters of 2020 during the election is NOT that rosy.
Plus, the GOP is shrinking and moribund....and the handful of states whose electoral college votes narrowly gave Trump the oval office, have changed their opinion after the false promises of the demagogue-in-chief have proven unfulfilled.

Happy days ahead.

12 million more registered voters in California, Chicago and New York still does not translate into wins for your beloved political party.

Until you show those registered voters were in key swing and red states the added voter roll does not help that much...
Trump will not win Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin again

He will struggle to repeat in Florida, Arizona and Georgia

And if he does what will be the lie you and the left will spew this time?


America is stupid?

Popular vote should only be counted in Blue States?
Let’s see him do it without Putin and Comey helping him
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