The 3 additional factors to worry Trump acolytes in 2020

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I wrote "additional factors" in the thread's title because only an idiot would shrug off the unfavorable ratings of Trump's performance AND the mounting legal quagmires facing Trump, his family members and his chosen, crooked and indicted staff.

But, in ADDITION to the above problems, consider these:

1. The economy was strongest in the first quarter of 2018........Yet, we all clearly saw how last November's elections turned out.

2. The dominance of republican controlled state legislature has considerably shrunk.....Bear in mind that 2020 is ALSO a census year and the gerrymandering of districts is about to be drastically changed.

3. The GOP is SHRINKING....sure, the solidarity has grown among older, white males who have gone for Trump in fear of their loss of status.....but the base is comprised by much fewer voters.......The University of Virginia Center for Politics detailed in 2018, party registration and found that there were nearly 12 million more registered Democrats than Republicans.

Bottom line is this: The economy is slowing down, even after the HUGE tax cuts that Trump gave to the wealthy class.......the expectation of a strong economy in the last quarters of 2020 during the election is NOT that rosy.
Plus, the GOP is shrinking and moribund....and the handful of states whose electoral college votes narrowly gave Trump the oval office, have changed their opinion after the false promises of the demagogue-in-chief have proven unfulfilled.

Happy days ahead.

12 million more registered voters in California, Chicago and New York still does not translate into wins for your beloved political party.

Until you show those registered voters were in key swing and red states the added voter roll does not help that much...
Trump will not win Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin again

He will struggle to repeat in Florida, Arizona and Georgia

And if he does what will be the lie you and the left will spew this time?


America is stupid?

Popular vote should only be counted in Blue States?
Let’s see him do it without Putin and Comey helping him

I am sick of this partisan nonsense!

1. If you were stupid enough to believe twenty million Amish were going to vote for Trump then you should not be voting in the first damn place!

2. If you believe Wikileaks was a lie then you should not be voting!!

3. Seeing one and two did not have much to do with Comey sinking of Hillary just maybe the left like you can be honest and admit Hillary just suck and a mental midget could have beaten her.


In the end the DNC did everything to crown Hillary and she still lost!

The GOP did almost everything to keep Trump from winning and he won!!

So please run Beto, Warren or Harris and let see how many of those swing states will they win because my bet is Trump win them again while still losing the Popular Vote because of California...
I wrote "additional factors" in the thread's title because only an idiot would shrug off the unfavorable ratings of Trump's performance AND the mounting legal quagmires facing Trump, his family members and his chosen, crooked and indicted staff.

But, in ADDITION to the above problems, consider these:

1. The economy was strongest in the first quarter of 2018........Yet, we all clearly saw how last November's elections turned out.

2. The dominance of republican controlled state legislature has considerably shrunk.....Bear in mind that 2020 is ALSO a census year and the gerrymandering of districts is about to be drastically changed.

3. The GOP is SHRINKING....sure, the solidarity has grown among older, white males who have gone for Trump in fear of their loss of status.....but the base is comprised by much fewer voters.......The University of Virginia Center for Politics detailed in 2018, party registration and found that there were nearly 12 million more registered Democrats than Republicans.

Bottom line is this: The economy is slowing down, even after the HUGE tax cuts that Trump gave to the wealthy class.......the expectation of a strong economy in the last quarters of 2020 during the election is NOT that rosy.
Plus, the GOP is shrinking and moribund....and the handful of states whose electoral college votes narrowly gave Trump the oval office, have changed their opinion after the false promises of the demagogue-in-chief have proven unfulfilled.

Happy days ahead.

12 million more registered voters in California, Chicago and New York still does not translate into wins for your beloved political party.

Until you show those registered voters were in key swing and red states the added voter roll does not help that much...
Trump will not win Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin again

He will struggle to repeat in Florida, Arizona and Georgia

And if he does what will be the lie you and the left will spew this time?


America is stupid?

Popular vote should only be counted in Blue States?
Let’s see him do it without Putin and Comey helping him

I am sick of this partisan nonsense!

1. If you were stupid enough to believe twenty million Amish were going to vote for Trump then you should not be voting in the first damn place!

2. If you believe Wikileaks was a lie then you should not be voting!!

3. Seeing one and two did not have much to do with Comey sinking of Hillary just maybe the left like you can be honest and admit Hillary just suck and a mental midget could have beaten her.


In the end the DNC did everything to crown Hillary and she still lost!

The GOP did almost everything to keep Trump from winning and he won!!

So please run Beto, Warren or Harris and let see how many of those swing states will they win because my bet is Trump win them again while still losing the Popular Vote because of California...
Up to five million Russians voted for Trump in 2016
Believe me
12 million more registered voters in California, Chicago and New York still does not translate into wins for your beloved political party.

Until you show those registered voters were in key swing and red states the added voter roll does not help that much...
Trump will not win Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin again

He will struggle to repeat in Florida, Arizona and Georgia

And if he does what will be the lie you and the left will spew this time?


America is stupid?

Popular vote should only be counted in Blue States?
Let’s see him do it without Putin and Comey helping him

I am sick of this partisan nonsense!

1. If you were stupid enough to believe twenty million Amish were going to vote for Trump then you should not be voting in the first damn place!

2. If you believe Wikileaks was a lie then you should not be voting!!

3. Seeing one and two did not have much to do with Comey sinking of Hillary just maybe the left like you can be honest and admit Hillary just suck and a mental midget could have beaten her.


In the end the DNC did everything to crown Hillary and she still lost!

The GOP did almost everything to keep Trump from winning and he won!!

So please run Beto, Warren or Harris and let see how many of those swing states will they win because my bet is Trump win them again while still losing the Popular Vote because of California...
Up to five million Russians voted for Trump in 2016
Believe me

Sure and I fart rainbows!

That bullshit is not working in me, so maybe try the right illegals voted for Hillary in Kalifornia nonsense and let see if I agree with that retaliation...
Trump will not win Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin again

He will struggle to repeat in Florida, Arizona and Georgia

And if he does what will be the lie you and the left will spew this time?


America is stupid?

Popular vote should only be counted in Blue States?
Let’s see him do it without Putin and Comey helping him

I am sick of this partisan nonsense!

1. If you were stupid enough to believe twenty million Amish were going to vote for Trump then you should not be voting in the first damn place!

2. If you believe Wikileaks was a lie then you should not be voting!!

3. Seeing one and two did not have much to do with Comey sinking of Hillary just maybe the left like you can be honest and admit Hillary just suck and a mental midget could have beaten her.


In the end the DNC did everything to crown Hillary and she still lost!

The GOP did almost everything to keep Trump from winning and he won!!

So please run Beto, Warren or Harris and let see how many of those swing states will they win because my bet is Trump win them again while still losing the Popular Vote because of California...
Up to five million Russians voted for Trump in 2016
Believe me

Sure and I fart rainbows!

That bullshit is not working in me, so maybe try the right illegals voted for Hillary in Kalifornia nonsense and let see if I agree with that retaliation...

It is true
Up to five million Russians voted Trump
And if he does what will be the lie you and the left will spew this time?


America is stupid?

Popular vote should only be counted in Blue States?
Let’s see him do it without Putin and Comey helping him

I am sick of this partisan nonsense!

1. If you were stupid enough to believe twenty million Amish were going to vote for Trump then you should not be voting in the first damn place!

2. If you believe Wikileaks was a lie then you should not be voting!!

3. Seeing one and two did not have much to do with Comey sinking of Hillary just maybe the left like you can be honest and admit Hillary just suck and a mental midget could have beaten her.


In the end the DNC did everything to crown Hillary and she still lost!

The GOP did almost everything to keep Trump from winning and he won!!

So please run Beto, Warren or Harris and let see how many of those swing states will they win because my bet is Trump win them again while still losing the Popular Vote because of California...
Up to five million Russians voted for Trump in 2016
Believe me

Sure and I fart rainbows!

That bullshit is not working in me, so maybe try the right illegals voted for Hillary in Kalifornia nonsense and let see if I agree with that retaliation...

It is true
Up to five million Russians voted Trump

Sure and also twenty million Amish according to one fake news site...

To get rid of a sitting President is nearly impossible ... Ross Perot cost Bush Sr. His second term and the Iran issue cost Carter but usually the President is elected a second term and if Bush Jr. won a second term then Trump can win his second term...
Let’s see him do it without Putin and Comey helping him

I am sick of this partisan nonsense!

1. If you were stupid enough to believe twenty million Amish were going to vote for Trump then you should not be voting in the first damn place!

2. If you believe Wikileaks was a lie then you should not be voting!!

3. Seeing one and two did not have much to do with Comey sinking of Hillary just maybe the left like you can be honest and admit Hillary just suck and a mental midget could have beaten her.


In the end the DNC did everything to crown Hillary and she still lost!

The GOP did almost everything to keep Trump from winning and he won!!

So please run Beto, Warren or Harris and let see how many of those swing states will they win because my bet is Trump win them again while still losing the Popular Vote because of California...
Up to five million Russians voted for Trump in 2016
Believe me

Sure and I fart rainbows!

That bullshit is not working in me, so maybe try the right illegals voted for Hillary in Kalifornia nonsense and let see if I agree with that retaliation...

It is true
Up to five million Russians voted Trump

Sure and also twenty million Amish according to one fake news site...

To get rid of a sitting President is nearly impossible ... Ross Perot cost Bush Sr. His second term and the Iran issue cost Carter but usually the President is elected a second term and if Bush Jr. won a second term then Trump can win his second term...
Russian interference cost Hillary the election
I wrote "additional factors" in the thread's title because only an idiot would shrug off the unfavorable ratings of Trump's performance AND the mounting legal quagmires facing Trump, his family members and his chosen, crooked and indicted staff.

But, in ADDITION to the above problems, consider these:

1. The economy was strongest in the first quarter of 2018........Yet, we all clearly saw how last November's elections turned out.

2. The dominance of republican controlled state legislature has considerably shrunk.....Bear in mind that 2020 is ALSO a census year and the gerrymandering of districts is about to be drastically changed.

3. The GOP is SHRINKING....sure, the solidarity has grown among older, white males who have gone for Trump in fear of their loss of status.....but the base is comprised by much fewer voters.......The University of Virginia Center for Politics detailed in 2018, party registration and found that there were nearly 12 million more registered Democrats than Republicans.

Bottom line is this: The economy is slowing down, even after the HUGE tax cuts that Trump gave to the wealthy class.......the expectation of a strong economy in the last quarters of 2020 during the election is NOT that rosy.
Plus, the GOP is shrinking and moribund....and the handful of states whose electoral college votes narrowly gave Trump the oval office, have changed their opinion after the false promises of the demagogue-in-chief have proven unfulfilled.

Happy days ahead.

12 million more registered voters in California, Chicago and New York still does not translate into wins for your beloved political party.

Until you show those registered voters were in key swing and red states the added voter roll does not help that much...
Trump will not win Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin again

He will struggle to repeat in Florida, Arizona and Georgia

Lol, history repeats itself.
nce again you lie. Beofre you were merely mistaken, but now, thanks to the transcripts of the lisa page testimony we know that the FBI wanted to indict hilary for her crimes but was prevented from doing so by the obummer DOJ.

You are an eternal MORON........ALL that Page testified is that the FBI wanted to charge Clinton with :gross negligence" and that the DOJ, after checking out the statute, said that the charge was "too [fucking] VAGUE"

Go back to watching Hannity for all your "legal expertise," you inane twerp........LOL

Wrong again dipshit. They CLAIMED the Statute was too vague as a cover for their illegal decision. It isn't vague at all. It is clear as a bell that INTENT (which is what they used as their reasoning to not prosecute) is NOT a part of the Statute. That means, dear little liar, that whether she intended to break the law or not is immaterial, she broke the law merely by doing what she did.
Sure and Comey did exactly what he said he was going to do. So shoot him.

Hitlery lost. Trump won.

She ran the worst campaign I've ever seen. She, like you, believed the talking head, pundits and polls. Surprise.

She basically beat herself. Wonder woman she ain't.
Strangely, Comey did not release the fact that Trumps involvement with Russia was under FBI investigation

Comey did tell Hitlery that if he found anything new on her email scandal he would investigate and that's just what he did.

And no. He wasn't under investigation by anyone before the election.
Wrong on both points

Comey broke long standing tradition in the FBI not to interfere with elections. He followed the tradition in not revealing there was an investigation of Trump but broke it in revealing unfounded investigations of Hillary

Once again you lie. Beofre you were merely mistaken, but now, thanks to the transcripts of the lisa page testimony we know that the FBI wanted to indict hilary for her crimes but was prevented from doing so by the obummer DOJ.

Now, because we KNOW this, you are lying through your teeth.

Wow...are you ever gullible
Republicans controlled the House and Senate. If Hillary was the least bit dirty they would have pressed charges

Why didn’t Trumo when he controlled the Justice Dept?
Because there was nothing there

The House and the Senate CAN'T press charges, silly boy. Only the DOJ can do that, a DOJ that was controlled by your hero, the obummer.
Strangely, Comey did not release the fact that Trumps involvement with Russia was under FBI investigation

Comey did tell Hitlery that if he found anything new on her email scandal he would investigate and that's just what he did.

And no. He wasn't under investigation by anyone before the election.
Wrong on both points

Comey broke long standing tradition in the FBI not to interfere with elections. He followed the tradition in not revealing there was an investigation of Trump but broke it in revealing unfounded investigations of Hillary

Once again you lie. Beofre you were merely mistaken, but now, thanks to the transcripts of the lisa page testimony we know that the FBI wanted to indict hilary for her crimes but was prevented from doing so by the obummer DOJ.

Now, because we KNOW this, you are lying through your teeth.

Wow...are you ever gullible
Republicans controlled the House and Senate. If Hillary was the least bit dirty they would have pressed charges

Why didn’t Trumo when he controlled the Justice Dept?
Because there was nothing there

The House and the Senate CAN'T press charges, silly boy. Only the DOJ can do that, a DOJ that was controlled by your hero, the obummer.

Where were the recommendations of indictment from the Republican Congress that the Obama DOJ rejected?
Wrong again dipshit. They CLAIMED the Statute was too vague as a cover for their illegal decision

Yep.........The above moron, (and Trump ass kisser) has determined that the statute being vague or not, Hillary STILL deserved to be "locked up"........WHY????..............Simple because hate filled morons NEED a scapegoat to cover their fucked up stupidity in voting for a CLOWN.
Hillary has this in the bag.

As much as I despise her as a far as I am concerned - she won and Trump lost.

I do not honor the Electoral College and if Trump tried to tell me what to do...I would laugh and probably spit in his face.

He is POTUS in name only to me.

And I do not begin to care what the law says or what you/other Trumpbots say on this.

I only follow laws I agree with (unless it is too much hassle to not follow them). Only wimps blindly do what they are told.
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And I do not begin to what the law says or what you/other Trumpbots say on this.

Trump cults members have entered into a Faustian bargain......They sold their souls, their ethics and their so-called Evangelical beliefs............ALL for the sake of a few conservative judges........and their hatred of Hillary.

(I too despised Hillary.......but in damn comparison to this scourge of a clown, she would have been much better.)
Comparing the last 21 months of the Obama administration with the first 21 months of Trump’s, shows that under Trump’s watch, more than 10 times the number of manufacturing jobs were added.


The Trump Manufacturing Jobs Boom: 10 Times Obama's Over 21 Months

Comparing the last 21 months of the Obama administration with the first 21 months of Trump’s, shows that under Trump’s watch, more than 10 times the number of manufacturing jobs were added.

View attachment 251613

The Trump Manufacturing Jobs Boom: 10 Times Obama's Over 21 Months

View attachment 251614

Job creation number itself only tells part of the story when it comes to employment. While the headline numbers tell a good story, it’s also critical to look at other factors like the quality and stability of jobs on the market. Factors like wages and mismatch between the education level required by a position and the education level of the person holding it are critical indicators that aren’t addressed by the simple number of added jobs.
Comparing the last 21 months of the Obama administration with the first 21 months of Trump’s, shows that under Trump’s watch, more than 10 times the number of manufacturing jobs were added.

View attachment 251613

The Trump Manufacturing Jobs Boom: 10 Times Obama's Over 21 Months

View attachment 251614

Job creation number itself only tells part of the story when it comes to employment. While the headline numbers tell a good story, it’s also critical to look at other factors like the quality and stability of jobs on the market. Factors like wages and mismatch between the education level required by a position and the education level of the person holding it are critical indicators that aren’t addressed by the simple number of added jobs.
I knew that article would rustle your jimmies when I posted it! lol

Facts favoring Trump are difficult for people suffering from TDS.
I wrote "additional factors" in the thread's title because only an idiot would shrug off the unfavorable ratings of Trump's performance AND the mounting legal quagmires facing Trump, his family members and his chosen, crooked and indicted staff.

But, in ADDITION to the above problems, consider these:

1. The economy was strongest in the first quarter of 2018........Yet, we all clearly saw how last November's elections turned out.

2. The dominance of republican controlled state legislature has considerably shrunk.....Bear in mind that 2020 is ALSO a census year and the gerrymandering of districts is about to be drastically changed.

3. The GOP is SHRINKING....sure, the solidarity has grown among older, white males who have gone for Trump in fear of their loss of status.....but the base is comprised by much fewer voters.......The University of Virginia Center for Politics detailed in 2018, party registration and found that there were nearly 12 million more registered Democrats than Republicans.

Bottom line is this: The economy is slowing down, even after the HUGE tax cuts that Trump gave to the wealthy class.......the expectation of a strong economy in the last quarters of 2020 during the election is NOT that rosy.
Plus, the GOP is shrinking and moribund....and the handful of states whose electoral college votes narrowly gave Trump the oval office, have changed their opinion after the false promises of the demagogue-in-chief have proven unfulfilled.

Happy days ahead.

12 million more registered voters in California, Chicago and New York still does not translate into wins for your beloved political party.

Until you show those registered voters were in key swing and red states the added voter roll does not help that much...
Trump will not win Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin again

He will struggle to repeat in Florida, Arizona and Georgia

And if he does what will be the lie you and the left will spew this time?


America is stupid?

Popular vote should only be counted in Blue States?
Let’s see him do it without Putin and Comey helping him

I am sick of this partisan nonsense!

1. If you were stupid enough to believe twenty million Amish were going to vote for Trump then you should not be voting in the first damn place!

2. If you believe Wikileaks was a lie then you should not be voting!!

3. Seeing one and two did not have much to do with Comey sinking of Hillary just maybe the left like you can be honest and admit Hillary just suck and a mental midget could have beaten her.


In the end the DNC did everything to crown Hillary and she still lost!

The GOP did almost everything to keep Trump from winning and he won!!

So please run Beto, Warren or Harris and let see how many of those swing states will they win because my bet is Trump win them again while still losing the Popular Vote because of California...

If you believe that the Republican Party didn't do everything possible to help Trump win after he secured the nomination, you are too stupid to be one person and YOU should not be voting.

The Russians also hacked the RNC. At the time, Republicans claimed their "better IT security" helped thwart the attack and the Russians got nothing, but other sources have said that they got a lot of stuff on the RNC but never used it. Why not? The Republicans had a lot of "never Trump" factions. There was talk of a "brokered convention" to free all of the delegates to vote their conscience, and negotiations over this continued right up to the point where the convention started. There was all of the personal bickering between Trump and Ted Cruz, Trump and Marco Rubio, and Trump and the Bush family. I would have LOVED to see what sort of fuckery they all got up to in order to stop Trump, but that would not have been in Putin's best interests now would it?

Republicans also blocked attempts by Obama and the FBI to warn voters about the ongoing Russian interference. Why is that? Obama had no plans to tell them that the Trump campaign members were under investigation, but McConnell and the GOP had been made aware of Russian interference on behalf of Trump. They said and did nothing and they refused to sign off on Obama warning the American people.

WikiLeaks wasn't a lie, but it sure was one-sided. They made a big deal to Sanders supporters about Debbie Wasserman-Schultz' offer offers to cheat on Hillary's behalf, but utterly ignored Clinton's refusal to accept the offer. There was no publication of RNC emails about the attempts to broker the convention, and the numerous other strategies the "Stop Trump" forces tried.
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