The 50 most developed countries in the world and Universal Healthcare.

So, they did have treatment? Thanks for admitting that.
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LOL! It does seem that most of your posts are retarded. Thanks for admitting you have no argument.
You're just another selfish Merrucan. You can afford it so you don't care who dies in the streets, you'll just walk over them.

That's your best response. I was right, you have no argument.
You’re just another selfish bastard. It’s not an argument, it’s a fact.

You're a trolling ass with no argument. That's actually a fact.
I’m for universal health care. So yes, I would help.
No, you would force someone else to pay their bills. Your "compassion" is about 1/10th of an inch deep.
I’m willing for some of my taxes to go for universal health care. That’s willing to help.
Fine, so long as I can prevent my tax dollars from going to your causes. How about we have a check-off system where we get to choose what our taxes pay for?
In Britain? :lol:
You're British? Well, you have the healthcare system you deserve - one of the worst in the industrialized world.

The average Brit lives longer than the average American.
Below are the 50 most developed countries in the world ranked according to the UN Human Development index which measures development and standard of living through estimates of GDP per capita, life expectancy, and education. There are a total of 197 countries in the world today. 193 of those countries are part of the United Nations. 45 out of the 50 most developed countries in the world below provide UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE for its citizens, essentially medicare for all. The following are the five countries from the list below that do not:

01. Cyprus
02. United Arab Emirates
03. Qatar
04. Bahrain
05. United States

Cyprus is currently In the process of moving to a Universal Healthcare system which will be completed in a few years. That will leave the United States alone with three Arab countries as being the only countries, of the 50 most developed in the world, that do not have Universal HealthCare.

Why does the United States, the wealthiest country in the world and the 3rd wealthiest per captia country, still not provide Universal Healthcare for its citizens? How could anyone say that Universal HealthCare is impossible or too expensive for the United States when nearly all of the 50 most developed countries in the world provide it for its citizens?


01 - Norway
02 - Switzerland
03 - Australia
04 - Ireland
05 - Germany
06 - Iceland
07 - San Marino
08 - Sweden
09 - Singapore
10 - Netherlands
11 - Denmark
12 Canada
13 - United States
14 - United Kingdom
15 - Monaco
16 - Vatican City
17 - Finland
18 - New Zealand
19 - Belgium
20 - Liechtenstein
21 - Japan
22 - Austria
23 - Luxembourg
24 - Israel
25 - Taiwan
26 - South Korea
27 - France
28 - Slovenia
29 - Spain
30 - Czech Republic
31 - Italy
32 - Malta
33 - Estonia
34 - Greece
35 - Cyprus
36 - Poland
37 - United Arab Emirates
38 - Andorra
39 - Lithuania
40 - Qatar
41 - Slovakia
42 - Brunei
43 - Saudi Arabia
44 - Latvia
45 - Portugal
46 - Bahrain
47 - Chile
48 - Hungary
49 - Croatia
50 - Argentina

The problem is, simply listing countries that have "universal health care" doesn't mean they are getting good care.

We have universal health care for veterans. It sucks.

Similarly, Cuba is supposed to have universal health care. It sucks. Same with Greece, which you have listed there. Their health care sucks. Same with Venezuela.

Saying something is government policy, doesn't mean it is good.

Equally, we have a massive government run health care system, of free clinics across this entire country. I've been to some of them. They suck. I would much rather pay for good quality care, than get the crappy garbage care provided by government run health clinics and hospitals.

The problem with the left-wing, is that they want to drag everyone down, and force them into garbage care, while jacking up taxes on everyone.

The problem is, they don’t know what they are asking for. Notice the op can not explain why Canadians come here to be treated. Canada and the rest of the world.
The United States ranks 34th in the world in terms of Life Expectancy. That's despite the fact that the United States spend more on healthcare than any country in the world. Yet despite all that spending, the United States is not taking care of all of its citizens like the rest of the world is and essentially has a different system of care for those that are rich vs lower class. HOW IS THAT SMART?

Explain how our ranking in life expectancy is related to our health care system?

Healthcare saves lives which naturally increases the average life expectancy in a country.

False. If that was true, then places that have undeniably worse care, should have lower life expectancy. But they don't.

Japan, by any objective measure has lower quality health care. A women that gets breast cancer in Japan, has a much lower chance of survival, than a women in the US.

So why does Japan have a higher life expectancy? Because they have a tiny fraction of the motor vehicle deaths, and a fraction of the homicides that the US does.

For someone to claim that somehow having government funded health care, will magically cause US auto fatalities and homicides to drop, is beyond ridiculous.
Below are the 50 most developed countries in the world ranked according to the UN Human Development index which measures development and standard of living through estimates of GDP per capita, life expectancy, and education. There are a total of 197 countries in the world today. 193 of those countries are part of the United Nations. 45 out of the 50 most developed countries in the world below provide UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE for its citizens, essentially medicare for all. The following are the five countries from the list below that do not:

01. Cyprus
02. United Arab Emirates
03. Qatar
04. Bahrain
05. United States

Cyprus is currently In the process of moving to a Universal Healthcare system which will be completed in a few years. That will leave the United States alone with three Arab countries as being the only countries, of the 50 most developed in the world, that do not have Universal HealthCare.

Why does the United States, the wealthiest country in the world and the 3rd wealthiest per captia country, still not provide Universal Healthcare for its citizens? How could anyone say that Universal HealthCare is impossible or too expensive for the United States when nearly all of the 50 most developed countries in the world provide it for its citizens?


01 - Norway
02 - Switzerland
03 - Australia
04 - Ireland
05 - Germany
06 - Iceland
07 - San Marino
08 - Sweden
09 - Singapore
10 - Netherlands
11 - Denmark
12 Canada
13 - United States
14 - United Kingdom
15 - Monaco
16 - Vatican City
17 - Finland
18 - New Zealand
19 - Belgium
20 - Liechtenstein
21 - Japan
22 - Austria
23 - Luxembourg
24 - Israel
25 - Taiwan
26 - South Korea
27 - France
28 - Slovenia
29 - Spain
30 - Czech Republic
31 - Italy
32 - Malta
33 - Estonia
34 - Greece
35 - Cyprus
36 - Poland
37 - United Arab Emirates
38 - Andorra
39 - Lithuania
40 - Qatar
41 - Slovakia
42 - Brunei
43 - Saudi Arabia
44 - Latvia
45 - Portugal
46 - Bahrain
47 - Chile
48 - Hungary
49 - Croatia
50 - Argentina

Let me be among the first to say, we're not interested in emulating other countries, so telling us, "THESE countries do it, so we should" doesn't mean much. My advice is that if you think any or all of them are better than this country, you should GO LIVE THERE, rather than demanding that the rest of us becoming something different to suit your tastes.

Well, I love my country, and I think that once it has Universal Healthcare, the countries life expectancy and standard of living will dramatically increase. It will be good for the United States and will actually make the country stronger. The other countries on the list are of systems of healthcare that work. They cost less, cover everyone, and increase life expectancy. If someone does something better than you, you should try to emulate them or find a way to equal or top them.

Crossing the Border for Care
Frustrated by long waits, some Canadians are heading to the U.S. for medical treatment.

Why do they come here if it’s so good in Canada ? Are you just not going to answer? Name a country and people from that country come here to receive treatment for cancer and major illnesses. Why?

Its the assumption that the wealthiest country in the world has the best healthcare. The same assumption that drives people to go the hospital as best in the country. The reality though is much different.

Were not talking about the few with money who choose to travel because they believe something is better. Were talking about average life expectancy in each country and which countries are providing their citizens with Universal Healthcare. Most Europeans do not go to America to get healthcare. They stay in their countries and on average live longer than Americans. That last fact is by FAR the most relevant.
Okay then, if those very civilized countries have such awesome free health care, why do so many folks FROM this very civilized countries always come here to get their major health issues addressed? How come no one from the USA spends the time and money to get their cancer treated, yet a guy from Cypress will come here for treatment? Then take this guy here,

“A fCancer patient appeals to health minister to save his life - Cyprus Mailew small cancer cells which first showed up my 2015 CT scan have spread to my liver and lung and are growing daily.”

McIntyre was informed that he did not meet the criteria to obtain a Cyprus health card, even though he had applied on grounds of ‘special circumstances’ covering only chemotherapy treatment. As he does not have the thousands needed to pay for it privately, he believes the state has handed out a possible death sentence.

He was or IS in one of those most civilized countries you mentioned. Here, if he were a guy on a $25,000 a year salary and in the same shape even medicade would only “make him comfortable”, yet he could go directly to the company who makes the chemo he needs and get them for free as long as he has a Dr. to administer them. Not so in them civilized countries. And many drug company can’t do this anymore because half black Jesus had to do some legacy building. Still, as a poor person, if I had cancer my chances are much better for survival then any of those “most civilized” countries. I never got told no for any medicine I needed until Obamacare passed.

People don't flock to other countries for health care BECAUSE IT'S NOT ALLOWED.

When people's tax dollars are paying for the health care in your country, it's for your citizens first, not some guy with a big wad of cash, UNLESS, you live in the USA and have for-profit health-care.

Canadian tax dollars educate our docutors and nurses, build our hospitals, and keep the system running. We come first. The day we have surplus capacity, we'll cut capacity. Our health care system is bought and paid for with Canadian tax dollars. It is illegal for providers to sell the services our tax dollars pay for, for profit.

Only in America is there a for-profit system which uses public tax money to build, support and staff the system, and pay for research, and allows those who run the system to ignore the American people, and to sell their services to the highest bidder.
My family and I have no right to healthcare, But I do have the right to earn healthcare for me and my family.

If you have the right to life, you have the right to healthcare. You can't separate a right to life from healthcare. The two are intertwined. That is why everyone in prison has universal healthcare. Since the United States provides Universal Healthcare to its criminals, it should also provide it to its law abiding citizens.

Let me tell you something, prision health care ain’t so awesome. Still, if universal healthcare is great in Canada and the rest of the world, why is it that everyone from other countries come here when they can do so?

Some people come here, the vast majority do not.

So the rich come here and the poor ones die. How long would a guy have to wait for a liver transplant in the UK? He would die waiting most likely. But the Canadian are coming in droves. Why is that?
No, you would force someone else to pay their bills. Your "compassion" is about 1/10th of an inch deep.
I’m willing for some of my taxes to go for universal health care. That’s willing to help.
Fine, so long as I can prevent my tax dollars from going to your causes. How about we have a check-off system where we get to choose what our taxes pay for?
In Britain? :lol:
You're British? Well, you have the healthcare system you deserve - one of the worst in the industrialized world.

The average Brit lives longer than the average American.

Which has nothing to do with health care. It has to do with lower auto fatalities and homicides.
So making America great again means letting poor people die in the streets?

It means telling people that those who do not put into the system will not be allowed to benefit from the work of those who do.
So disabled people who can’t work should be left to die? That’s a great America? :cuckoo:
Feel free to pay all their medical bills. No one is trying to stop you.
You’re a selfish prick.

I am.
I hate the poor...almost as much as I hate filthy wetbacks...they are pieces of shits.
None of those filthy fucks ponied up any cash for my high dollar degree that I paid for with three jobs and 3-5 hours of sleep each night...So yeah, let them die in the streets...tonight please.
not enough moral of Goodwill toward men?
Pay more and get less. That will catch on in the rest of the world.

Yes, but paying double (per capita) is a small price to pay when, in turn, you can be assured Those People* are getting it, hard and fast.

*) Referring to Those who unwisely decided to be both un-rich, and un-healthy, not to mention ill-colored.
Feel free to give them all of your own money that you want.
You are being ripped off and the rest of us are laughing at you.

And why would you laughing matter to anyone? If it makes your emergency room wait more enjoyable, laugh away. N.H.S. Overwhelmed in Britain, Leaving Patients to Wait
The United States ranks 34th in the world in terms of Life Expectancy. That's despite the fact that the United States spend more on healthcare than any country in the world. Yet despite all that spending, the United States is not taking care of all of its citizens like the rest of the world is and essentially has a different system of care for those that are rich vs lower class. HOW IS THAT SMART?

Explain how our ranking in life expectancy is related to our health care system?

Healthcare saves lives which naturally increases the average life expectancy in a country.

Except it doesn't work that way. The reason American life expectancy is less than many of our counterparts is we have higher rates of automobile fatalities, we have higher rates of death due to poor eating habits and lack of exercise (Americans are fat and lazy) and we have higher rates of drug related deaths. None of that has anything to do with our health care system. It has to do with poor cultural habits.
Below are the 50 most developed countries in the world ranked according to the UN Human Development index which measures development and standard of living through estimates of GDP per capita, life expectancy, and education. There are a total of 197 countries in the world today. 193 of those countries are part of the United Nations. 45 out of the 50 most developed countries in the world below provide UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE for its citizens, essentially medicare for all. The following are the five countries from the list below that do not:

01. Cyprus
02. United Arab Emirates
03. Qatar
04. Bahrain
05. United States

Cyprus is currently In the process of moving to a Universal Healthcare system which will be completed in a few years. That will leave the United States alone with three Arab countries as being the only countries, of the 50 most developed in the world, that do not have Universal HealthCare.

Why does the United States, the wealthiest country in the world and the 3rd wealthiest per captia country, still not provide Universal Healthcare for its citizens? How could anyone say that Universal HealthCare is impossible or too expensive for the United States when nearly all of the 50 most developed countries in the world provide it for its citizens?


01 - Norway
02 - Switzerland
03 - Australia
04 - Ireland
05 - Germany
06 - Iceland
07 - San Marino
08 - Sweden
09 - Singapore
10 - Netherlands
11 - Denmark
12 Canada
13 - United States
14 - United Kingdom
15 - Monaco
16 - Vatican City
17 - Finland
18 - New Zealand
19 - Belgium
20 - Liechtenstein
21 - Japan
22 - Austria
23 - Luxembourg
24 - Israel
25 - Taiwan
26 - South Korea
27 - France
28 - Slovenia
29 - Spain
30 - Czech Republic
31 - Italy
32 - Malta
33 - Estonia
34 - Greece
35 - Cyprus
36 - Poland
37 - United Arab Emirates
38 - Andorra
39 - Lithuania
40 - Qatar
41 - Slovakia
42 - Brunei
43 - Saudi Arabia
44 - Latvia
45 - Portugal
46 - Bahrain
47 - Chile
48 - Hungary
49 - Croatia
50 - Argentina

The problem is, simply listing countries that have "universal health care" doesn't mean they are getting good care.

We have universal health care for veterans. It sucks.

Similarly, Cuba is supposed to have universal health care. It sucks. Same with Greece, which you have listed there. Their health care sucks. Same with Venezuela.

Saying something is government policy, doesn't mean it is good.

Equally, we have a massive government run health care system, of free clinics across this entire country. I've been to some of them. They suck. I would much rather pay for good quality care, than get the crappy garbage care provided by government run health clinics and hospitals.

The problem with the left-wing, is that they want to drag everyone down, and force them into garbage care, while jacking up taxes on everyone.

The problem is, they don’t know what they are asking for. Notice the op can not explain why Canadians come here to be treated. Canada and the rest of the world.

Some do, most don't. The reasons Canadians live longer than Americans has more to do with their own healthcare system than it does the few who cross the border for private care in the United States.
Okay then, if those very civilized countries have such awesome free health care, why do so many folks FROM this very civilized countries always come here to get their major health issues addressed? How come no one from the USA spends the time and money to get their cancer treated, yet a guy from Cypress will come here for treatment? Then take this guy here,

“A fCancer patient appeals to health minister to save his life - Cyprus Mailew small cancer cells which first showed up my 2015 CT scan have spread to my liver and lung and are growing daily.”

McIntyre was informed that he did not meet the criteria to obtain a Cyprus health card, even though he had applied on grounds of ‘special circumstances’ covering only chemotherapy treatment. As he does not have the thousands needed to pay for it privately, he believes the state has handed out a possible death sentence.

He was or IS in one of those most civilized countries you mentioned. Here, if he were a guy on a $25,000 a year salary and in the same shape even medicade would only “make him comfortable”, yet he could go directly to the company who makes the chemo he needs and get them for free as long as he has a Dr. to administer them. Not so in them civilized countries. And many drug company can’t do this anymore because half black Jesus had to do some legacy building. Still, as a poor person, if I had cancer my chances are much better for survival then any of those “most civilized” countries. I never got told no for any medicine I needed until Obamacare passed.

People don't flock to other countries for health care BECAUSE IT'S NOT ALLOWED.

When people's tax dollars are paying for the health care in your country, it's for your citizens first, not some guy with a big wad of cash, UNLESS, you live in the USA and have for-profit health-care.

Canadian tax dollars educate our docutors and nurses, build our hospitals, and keep the system running. We come first. The day we have surplus capacity, we'll cut capacity. Our health care system is bought and paid for with Canadian tax dollars. It is illegal for providers to sell the services our tax dollars pay for, for profit.

Only in America is there a for-profit system which uses public tax money to build, support and staff the system, and pay for research, and allows those who run the system to ignore the American people, and to sell their services to the highest bidder.
My family and I have no right to healthcare, But I do have the right to earn healthcare for me and my family.

If you have the right to life, you have the right to healthcare. You can't separate a right to life from healthcare. The two are intertwined. That is why everyone in prison has universal healthcare. Since the United States provides Universal Healthcare to its criminals, it should also provide it to its law abiding citizens.

Let me tell you something, prision health care ain’t so awesome. Still, if universal healthcare is great in Canada and the rest of the world, why is it that everyone from other countries come here when they can do so?

Some people come here, the vast majority do not.

Because they can't afford to, because they are paying taxes for an expensive system that lets them die on a waiting list.
Below are the 50 most developed countries in the world ranked according to the UN Human Development index which measures development and standard of living through estimates of GDP per capita, life expectancy, and education. There are a total of 197 countries in the world today. 193 of those countries are part of the United Nations. 45 out of the 50 most developed countries in the world below provide UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE for its citizens, essentially medicare for all. The following are the five countries from the list below that do not:

01. Cyprus
02. United Arab Emirates
03. Qatar
04. Bahrain
05. United States

Cyprus is currently In the process of moving to a Universal Healthcare system which will be completed in a few years. That will leave the United States alone with three Arab countries as being the only countries, of the 50 most developed in the world, that do not have Universal HealthCare.

Why does the United States, the wealthiest country in the world and the 3rd wealthiest per captia country, still not provide Universal Healthcare for its citizens? How could anyone say that Universal HealthCare is impossible or too expensive for the United States when nearly all of the 50 most developed countries in the world provide it for its citizens?


01 - Norway
02 - Switzerland
03 - Australia
04 - Ireland
05 - Germany
06 - Iceland
07 - San Marino
08 - Sweden
09 - Singapore
10 - Netherlands
11 - Denmark
12 Canada
13 - United States
14 - United Kingdom
15 - Monaco
16 - Vatican City
17 - Finland
18 - New Zealand
19 - Belgium
20 - Liechtenstein
21 - Japan
22 - Austria
23 - Luxembourg
24 - Israel
25 - Taiwan
26 - South Korea
27 - France
28 - Slovenia
29 - Spain
30 - Czech Republic
31 - Italy
32 - Malta
33 - Estonia
34 - Greece
35 - Cyprus
36 - Poland
37 - United Arab Emirates
38 - Andorra
39 - Lithuania
40 - Qatar
41 - Slovakia
42 - Brunei
43 - Saudi Arabia
44 - Latvia
45 - Portugal
46 - Bahrain
47 - Chile
48 - Hungary
49 - Croatia
50 - Argentina

Let me be among the first to say, we're not interested in emulating other countries, so telling us, "THESE countries do it, so we should" doesn't mean much. My advice is that if you think any or all of them are better than this country, you should GO LIVE THERE, rather than demanding that the rest of us becoming something different to suit your tastes.

Well, I love my country, and I think that once it has Universal Healthcare, the countries life expectancy and standard of living will dramatically increase. It will be good for the United States and will actually make the country stronger. The other countries on the list are of systems of healthcare that work. They cost less, cover everyone, and increase life expectancy. If someone does something better than you, you should try to emulate them or find a way to equal or top them.

Crossing the Border for Care
Frustrated by long waits, some Canadians are heading to the U.S. for medical treatment.

Why do they come here if it’s so good in Canada ? Are you just not going to answer? Name a country and people from that country come here to receive treatment for cancer and major illnesses. Why?

Its the assumption that the wealthiest country in the world has the best healthcare. The same assumption that drives people to go the hospital as best in the country. The reality though is much different.

Were not talking about the few with money who choose to travel because they believe something is better. Were talking about average life expectancy in each country and which countries are providing their citizens with Universal Healthcare. Most Europeans do not go to America to get healthcare. They stay in their countries and on average live longer than Americans. That last fact is by FAR the most relevant.

You mean people who can afford to come to America come to America, but your average Joe factory worker has to wait in line for months and years to get a treatment for whatever illness when it would be free here. Rich people In Europe don’t use the state health care system. Just like rich people here don’t use Obama care.
Below are the 50 most developed countries in the world ranked according to the UN Human Development index which measures development and standard of living through estimates of GDP per capita, life expectancy, and education. There are a total of 197 countries in the world today. 193 of those countries are part of the United Nations. 45 out of the 50 most developed countries in the world below provide UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE for its citizens, essentially medicare for all. The following are the five countries from the list below that do not:

01. Cyprus
02. United Arab Emirates
03. Qatar
04. Bahrain
05. United States

Cyprus is currently In the process of moving to a Universal Healthcare system which will be completed in a few years. That will leave the United States alone with three Arab countries as being the only countries, of the 50 most developed in the world, that do not have Universal HealthCare.

Why does the United States, the wealthiest country in the world and the 3rd wealthiest per captia country, still not provide Universal Healthcare for its citizens? How could anyone say that Universal HealthCare is impossible or too expensive for the United States when nearly all of the 50 most developed countries in the world provide it for its citizens?


01 - Norway
02 - Switzerland
03 - Australia
04 - Ireland
05 - Germany
06 - Iceland
07 - San Marino
08 - Sweden
09 - Singapore
10 - Netherlands
11 - Denmark
12 Canada
13 - United States
14 - United Kingdom
15 - Monaco
16 - Vatican City
17 - Finland
18 - New Zealand
19 - Belgium
20 - Liechtenstein
21 - Japan
22 - Austria
23 - Luxembourg
24 - Israel
25 - Taiwan
26 - South Korea
27 - France
28 - Slovenia
29 - Spain
30 - Czech Republic
31 - Italy
32 - Malta
33 - Estonia
34 - Greece
35 - Cyprus
36 - Poland
37 - United Arab Emirates
38 - Andorra
39 - Lithuania
40 - Qatar
41 - Slovakia
42 - Brunei
43 - Saudi Arabia
44 - Latvia
45 - Portugal
46 - Bahrain
47 - Chile
48 - Hungary
49 - Croatia
50 - Argentina

Let me be among the first to say, we're not interested in emulating other countries, so telling us, "THESE countries do it, so we should" doesn't mean much. My advice is that if you think any or all of them are better than this country, you should GO LIVE THERE, rather than demanding that the rest of us becoming something different to suit your tastes.

Well, I love my country, and I think that once it has Universal Healthcare, the countries life expectancy and standard of living will dramatically increase. It will be good for the United States and will actually make the country stronger. The other countries on the list are of systems of healthcare that work. They cost less, cover everyone, and increase life expectancy. If someone does something better than you, you should try to emulate them or find a way to equal or top them.

No, I love my counry. YOU love what you think you could make it into. Not the same thing.

While you're envisioning all the wonderful things the US should have because other countries who are much better have them, has it at all occurred to you to ask whether or not your fellow Americans WANT them? Or to ask what your fellow Americans want AT ALL? Or is that just irrelevant because you know what's best for others better than they do?

Healthcare doesn't actually have a lot to do with a nation's life expectancy once it gets past being a third-world pesthole. I realize that your "brilliant" simpleton "logic" tells you it does, but that doesn't actually make it true.

And the other countries on the list have systems of healthcare that work ACCORDING TO YOUR PERSONAL STANDARDS OF "WORKING". Also not the same thing, because that brings us back to the fact that there are 300 million other people in this country, and they don't all want the same things you do. And they aren't required to want them. And they wouldn't consider YOUR system to be "working" at all.
People don't flock to other countries for health care BECAUSE IT'S NOT ALLOWED.

When people's tax dollars are paying for the health care in your country, it's for your citizens first, not some guy with a big wad of cash, UNLESS, you live in the USA and have for-profit health-care.

Canadian tax dollars educate our docutors and nurses, build our hospitals, and keep the system running. We come first. The day we have surplus capacity, we'll cut capacity. Our health care system is bought and paid for with Canadian tax dollars. It is illegal for providers to sell the services our tax dollars pay for, for profit.

Only in America is there a for-profit system which uses public tax money to build, support and staff the system, and pay for research, and allows those who run the system to ignore the American people, and to sell their services to the highest bidder.
My family and I have no right to healthcare, But I do have the right to earn healthcare for me and my family.

If you have the right to life, you have the right to healthcare. You can't separate a right to life from healthcare. The two are intertwined. That is why everyone in prison has universal healthcare. Since the United States provides Universal Healthcare to its criminals, it should also provide it to its law abiding citizens.

Let me tell you something, prision health care ain’t so awesome. Still, if universal healthcare is great in Canada and the rest of the world, why is it that everyone from other countries come here when they can do so?

Some people come here, the vast majority do not.

Because they can't afford to, because they are paying taxes for an expensive system that lets them die on a waiting list.

No, that’s all a myth. Wonder if Bono uses the exchange or if he has private health care? I notice none of the rich movie stars, rock stars and polititions use their countries university health care systems. They all come here.
The United States ranks 34th in the world in terms of Life Expectancy. That's despite the fact that the United States spend more on healthcare than any country in the world. Yet despite all that spending, the United States is not taking care of all of its citizens like the rest of the world is and essentially has a different system of care for those that are rich vs lower class. HOW IS THAT SMART?

Explain how our ranking in life expectancy is related to our health care system?

Healthcare saves lives which naturally increases the average life expectancy in a country.

Except it doesn't work that way. The reason American life expectancy is less than many of our counterparts is we have higher rates of automobile fatalities, we have higher rates of death due to poor eating habits and lack of exercise (Americans are fat and lazy) and we have higher rates of drug related deaths. None of that has anything to do with our health care system. It has to do with poor cultural habits.

With Universal Healthcare, people would have better access to doctors, nurses and others that could give advise and help with the conditions you describe. It would have a dramatic effect on U.S. life expectancy. The reason U.S. life expectancy is low, is that it gets brought down by those who live in poverty or near the poverty level and don't have access to low cost quality food and healthcare. It makes a huge differences in the averages and is why the United States continues to lag behind so many other countries in the developed world in life expectancy.

The evidence is obvious. Universal Healthcare would benefit millions of people in the lower class and in poverty in the United States. It would improve U.S. life expectancy and standard of living. Its the right, moral thing to do for people and the country as a whole will benefit. Yet, because some people are blinded by outdated ideology, they will not support the common sense thing to do to help people.
Universal health care is coming to the US. It's just a matter of time.

You know why?

Because the GOP has never offered a comprehensive solution to skyrocketing health care costs.
My family and I have no right to healthcare, But I do have the right to earn healthcare for me and my family.

If you have the right to life, you have the right to healthcare. You can't separate a right to life from healthcare. The two are intertwined. That is why everyone in prison has universal healthcare. Since the United States provides Universal Healthcare to its criminals, it should also provide it to its law abiding citizens.

Let me tell you something, prision health care ain’t so awesome. Still, if universal healthcare is great in Canada and the rest of the world, why is it that everyone from other countries come here when they can do so?

Some people come here, the vast majority do not.

Because they can't afford to, because they are paying taxes for an expensive system that lets them die on a waiting list.

No, that’s all a myth. Wonder if Bono uses the exchange or if he has private health care? I notice none of the rich movie stars, rock stars and polititions use their countries university health care systems. They all come here.

Sorry, but that is false. The vast majority of people in Europe stay in Europe for their health care and on average they live longer than Americans.
Below are the 50 most developed countries in the world ranked according to the UN Human Development index which measures development and standard of living through estimates of GDP per capita, life expectancy, and education. There are a total of 197 countries in the world today. 193 of those countries are part of the United Nations. 45 out of the 50 most developed countries in the world below provide UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE for its citizens, essentially medicare for all. The following are the five countries from the list below that do not:

01. Cyprus
02. United Arab Emirates
03. Qatar
04. Bahrain
05. United States

Cyprus is currently In the process of moving to a Universal Healthcare system which will be completed in a few years. That will leave the United States alone with three Arab countries as being the only countries, of the 50 most developed in the world, that do not have Universal HealthCare.

Why does the United States, the wealthiest country in the world and the 3rd wealthiest per captia country, still not provide Universal Healthcare for its citizens? How could anyone say that Universal HealthCare is impossible or too expensive for the United States when nearly all of the 50 most developed countries in the world provide it for its citizens?


01 - Norway
02 - Switzerland
03 - Australia
04 - Ireland
05 - Germany
06 - Iceland
07 - San Marino
08 - Sweden
09 - Singapore
10 - Netherlands
11 - Denmark
12 Canada
13 - United States
14 - United Kingdom
15 - Monaco
16 - Vatican City
17 - Finland
18 - New Zealand
19 - Belgium
20 - Liechtenstein
21 - Japan
22 - Austria
23 - Luxembourg
24 - Israel
25 - Taiwan
26 - South Korea
27 - France
28 - Slovenia
29 - Spain
30 - Czech Republic
31 - Italy
32 - Malta
33 - Estonia
34 - Greece
35 - Cyprus
36 - Poland
37 - United Arab Emirates
38 - Andorra
39 - Lithuania
40 - Qatar
41 - Slovakia
42 - Brunei
43 - Saudi Arabia
44 - Latvia
45 - Portugal
46 - Bahrain
47 - Chile
48 - Hungary
49 - Croatia
50 - Argentina

Let me be among the first to say, we're not interested in emulating other countries, so telling us, "THESE countries do it, so we should" doesn't mean much. My advice is that if you think any or all of them are better than this country, you should GO LIVE THERE, rather than demanding that the rest of us becoming something different to suit your tastes.

Well, I love my country, and I think that once it has Universal Healthcare, the countries life expectancy and standard of living will dramatically increase. It will be good for the United States and will actually make the country stronger. The other countries on the list are of systems of healthcare that work. They cost less, cover everyone, and increase life expectancy. If someone does something better than you, you should try to emulate them or find a way to equal or top them.

Crossing the Border for Care
Frustrated by long waits, some Canadians are heading to the U.S. for medical treatment.

Why do they come here if it’s so good in Canada ? Are you just not going to answer? Name a country and people from that country come here to receive treatment for cancer and major illnesses. Why?

Its the assumption that the wealthiest country in the world has the best healthcare. The same assumption that drives people to go the hospital as best in the country. The reality though is much different.

Were not talking about the few with money who choose to travel because they believe something is better. Were talking about average life expectancy in each country and which countries are providing their citizens with Universal Healthcare. Most Europeans do not go to America to get healthcare. They stay in their countries and on average live longer than Americans. That last fact is by FAR the most relevant.

Let me ask you this:

Timely Medical | Timely Surgery at Affordable Prices

This is a company. It's a company operating out of Canada. The entire purpose of this company, is to setup patient, primarily in Canada, with doctors and hospitals in the US.

They charge money, obviously to provide this service.
This is an additional charge to the cost of getting whatever treatment or surgery they get in the US.

The company was started by a Canadian doctor, who was fed up watching patients die while waiting.

So my question to you is this.....

Canada has universal care, that is "free". Please explain to me how Timely medical can find enough consistent flow of customers, willing to pay thousands of dollars for surgery in the US, and to pay them to set them up for that surgery.... if those same customers can all get surgery for 'free'?

If government run health care is so great in Canada, how can this company started by a Canadian doctor, end up with thousands of customers every year willing to pay for health care? How can they find enough people willing to spend thousands of dollar for health care, to escape their Canadian system if it is so great?

Can you explain that to me?

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