The 50 most developed countries in the world and Universal Healthcare.

I'm opposed to UHC, by the way. I've made that very clear over the years. I have also taken great pains many times to describe what I believe we need to do to reform health care and have LESS government in our health care.

Unfortunately, I have done more than the Republican party in this respect. Because the Republicans have done NOTHING. For DECADES.

And that is why we are going to end up with UHC sooner or later.

The dumb rubes were fucking stupid enough to bleev the GOP's horseshit that they would repeal and replace Obamacare if they were given all the power. Then, once the rubes gave the GOP all the power, the stupid fucks STILL didn't catch on they were hoaxed when the Republicans once again did NOTHING. They never even wrote a bill to repeal Obamacare, much less replace it.

So the dumb fucking cucks deserve UHC.
America does not need any type of socialized medicine/healthcare...
It’s far too costly, it’s far too ineffective, and it’s all about control nothing to do with healthcare
60 repeals.

Then ZERO.

You've been hoaxed, cucks. And you just sit there and take it.

"You're going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost, and it's going to be so easy."

Trump's Chumps swallowed that bullshit hook, line, and sinker.
I'm opposed to UHC, by the way. I've made that very clear over the years. I have also taken great pains many times to describe what I believe we need to do to reform health care and have LESS government in our health care.

Unfortunately, I have done more than the Republican party in this respect. Because the Republicans have done NOTHING. For DECADES.

And that is why we are going to end up with UHC sooner or later.

The dumb rubes were fucking stupid enough to bleev the GOP's horseshit that they would repeal and replace Obamacare if they were given all the power. Then, once the rubes gave the GOP all the power, the stupid fucks STILL didn't catch on they were hoaxed when the Republicans once again did NOTHING. They never even wrote a bill to repeal Obamacare, much less replace it.

So the dumb fucking cucks deserve UHC.
America does not need any type of socialized medicine/healthcare...
It’s far too costly, it’s far too ineffective, and it’s all about control nothing to do with healthcare
Then you should have held the GOP and Trump accountable to their promises, cuck.
That's wrong.
Actually, 70 percent of Americans support Medicare for all.

70% probably support free booze too. Everyone likes free stuff, but the hard cold truth is that nothing is free. Do you really want your medical care decided by a marginally intelligent GS5 sitting in a cubicle in bangla desh? Because that's what you are asking for, and if you don't think the admin of it would be outsourced you are dumber than I thought.
Can you show me which UHC countries outsource their health care decisions to Bangladesh?


can you tell me which of those countries have 330,000,000 people and 20 million illegals? Comparing the US to Norway is like comparing a mouse to an elephant.
What does the size of the population have to do with anything?

Man, that's one of the lamest dodges I've ever seen!

It has everything to do with it. We are a very diverse country, the Scandinavian countries are like big extended families, the all look the same, think the same and have the same value systems.

you want UHC because you think it will be free to you, IT WONT be FREE. the Scandinavians pay 55-70% in income taxes and everyone pays it, unlike here where 50% pay nothing. And if you ask them, or Canadians, or brits about their UHC they will tell you that they don't like it because they have to wait for treatment and what treatment they get is determined by the government. Ask Canadians why they come to the US with any serious medical conditions, ask why 30% of the patients at Mayo clinic are Canadians.
60 repeals.

Then ZERO.

You've been hoaxed, cucks. And you just sit there and take it.

"You're going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost, and it's going to be so easy."

Trump's Chumps swallowed that bullshit hook, line, and sinker.
This country does not need any type of socialize medicine/healthcare… End of story
I'm opposed to UHC, by the way. I've made that very clear over the years. I have also taken great pains many times to describe what I believe we need to do to reform health care and have LESS government in our health care.

Unfortunately, I have done more than the Republican party in this respect. Because the Republicans have done NOTHING. For DECADES.

And that is why we are going to end up with UHC sooner or later.

The dumb rubes were fucking stupid enough to bleev the GOP's horseshit that they would repeal and replace Obamacare if they were given all the power. Then, once the rubes gave the GOP all the power, the stupid fucks STILL didn't catch on they were hoaxed when the Republicans once again did NOTHING. They never even wrote a bill to repeal Obamacare, much less replace it.

So the dumb fucking cucks deserve UHC.
America does not need any type of socialized medicine/healthcare...
It’s far too costly, it’s far too ineffective, and it’s all about control nothing to do with healthcare
Then you should have held the GOP and Trump accountable to their promises, cuck.
The government should not be involved in healthcare… Look what they’ve done to the post office
I'm opposed to UHC, by the way. I've made that very clear over the years. I have also taken great pains many times to describe what I believe we need to do to reform health care and have LESS government in our health care.

Unfortunately, I have done more than the Republican party in this respect. Because the Republicans have done NOTHING. For DECADES.

And that is why we are going to end up with UHC sooner or later.

The dumb rubes were fucking stupid enough to bleev the GOP's horseshit that they would repeal and replace Obamacare if they were given all the power. Then, once the rubes gave the GOP all the power, the stupid fucks STILL didn't catch on they were hoaxed when the Republicans once again did NOTHING. They never even wrote a bill to repeal Obamacare, much less replace it.

So the dumb fucking cucks deserve UHC.
America does not need any type of socialized medicine/healthcare...
It’s far too costly, it’s far too ineffective, and it’s all about control nothing to do with healthcare
Then you should have held the GOP and Trump accountable to their promises, cuck.
The government should not be involved in healthcare… Look what they’ve done to the post office
Then you should have held the GOP and Trump accountable to their promises, cuck.
60 repeals while Obama reigned.

Then ZERO.

You've been hoaxed, cucks. And you just sit there and take it.
Let me ask you this:

Timely Medical | Timely Surgery at Affordable Prices

This is a company. It's a company operating out of Canada. The entire purpose of this company, is to setup patient, primarily in Canada, with doctors and hospitals in the US.

They charge money, obviously to provide this service.
This is an additional charge to the cost of getting whatever treatment or surgery they get in the US.

The company was started by a Canadian doctor, who was fed up watching patients die while waiting.

So my question to you is this.....

Canada has universal care, that is "free". Please explain to me how Timely medical can find enough consistent flow of customers, willing to pay thousands of dollars for surgery in the US, and to pay them to set them up for that surgery.... if those same customers can all get surgery for 'free'?

If government run health care is so great in Canada, how can this company started by a Canadian doctor, end up with thousands of customers every year willing to pay for health care? How can they find enough people willing to spend thousands of dollar for health care, to escape their Canadian system if it is so great?

Can you explain that to me?

Don't have to. These little individual examples, whether they are true or not, are irrelevant. What matters is the overall averages on life expectancy and the countries that provide Universal Healthcare. Look FRANCE, GERMANY, SWEDEN, NORWAY, ITALY etc. Most people in the top 50 most developed countries in the world stay in their own countries when it comes to healthcare. At least 34 of those countries citizens live longer than Americans on average. One's personal experience, or some off hand example will not change that reality.

You are right. Those little examples true or not are irrelevent to you because you haven’t had to address them yet, or you have enough money that it’s just not an issue to you. Same for all the rich people in Europe, Canada or wherever you want. When the crap hits the fan they come here to the US for major treatments. If this is so awesome, who don’t American polititions enter the program with the rest of us? And why don’t rich people in Europe go into their government health care systems?

The vast majority of people, rich or poor, in Europe, use their own countries healthcare. On average they live longer than Americans. Were talking about National policy here. What is best for the most people. We can't bend a national policy for 300 million people because it might be better for this particular individual or that particular individual. We have to do what is best for the country as a whole.

Not how it works here. And the fact remains, when wealthy people in Europe are told “no” the come here. Poor people in Europe have to deal with it. Cool, people in Europe live longer, but tell that to a dude who has been told they need an organ transplant and they will likely die before they get one, or that they are to old to be considered for one. It like you say, our health care system sucks, yet our crappy healthcare system manages to be number 4 on a list of why people immigrate here. Why?

Why people migrate: 11 surprising reasons
Undoubtedly there are some treatments that the US gives access to, which are less available in other countries. On the other hand the reverse is also true. I'm European, my wife's American. Unlike you, I have actual first hand experience in both healthcare and social systems. Are you willing to make an actual comparison?

Yes. Especially those that treat cancer. That’s why when people in other countries can afford it they come here. Non rich Europeans have to get in line.
I'm opposed to UHC, by the way. I've made that very clear over the years. I have also taken great pains many times to describe what I believe we need to do to reform health care and have LESS government in our health care.

Unfortunately, I have done more than the Republican party in this respect. Because the Republicans have done NOTHING. For DECADES.

And that is why we are going to end up with UHC sooner or later.

The dumb rubes were fucking stupid enough to bleev the GOP's horseshit that they would repeal and replace Obamacare if they were given all the power. Then, once the rubes gave the GOP all the power, the stupid fucks STILL didn't catch on they were hoaxed when the Republicans once again did NOTHING. They never even wrote a bill to repeal Obamacare, much less replace it.

So the dumb fucking cucks deserve UHC.
America does not need any type of socialized medicine/healthcare...
It’s far too costly, it’s far too ineffective, and it’s all about control nothing to do with healthcare
Then you should have held the GOP and Trump accountable to their promises, cuck.
The government should not be involved in healthcare… Look what they’ve done to the post office
Then you should have held the GOP and Trump accountable to their promises, cuck.
They got rid of the mandate… Let the motherfucker collapse then.
The federal government fucks up everything they touch
We are going to end up with UCH sooner or later.

And the dumb cucks won't even realize it is their own fault.

60 repeals.

Then ZERO.

You've been hoaxed, cucks. And you just sit there and take it.

"You're going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost, and it's going to be so easy."

Trump's Chumps swallowed that bullshit hook, line, and sinker.

Obozocare would have been repealed but for angry old bitter McCain throwing his final temper tantrum at trump for winning where he lost.
I'm opposed to UHC, by the way. I've made that very clear over the years. I have also taken great pains many times to describe what I believe we need to do to reform health care and have LESS government in our health care.

Unfortunately, I have done more than the Republican party in this respect. Because the Republicans have done NOTHING. For DECADES.

And that is why we are going to end up with UHC sooner or later.

The dumb rubes were fucking stupid enough to bleev the GOP's horseshit that they would repeal and replace Obamacare if they were given all the power. Then, once the rubes gave the GOP all the power, the stupid fucks STILL didn't catch on they were hoaxed when the Republicans once again did NOTHING. They never even wrote a bill to repeal Obamacare, much less replace it.

So the dumb fucking cucks deserve UHC.
America does not need any type of socialized medicine/healthcare...
It’s far too costly, it’s far too ineffective, and it’s all about control nothing to do with healthcare
Then you should have held the GOP and Trump accountable to their promises, cuck.
The government should not be involved in healthcare… Look what they’ve done to the post office
Then you should have held the GOP and Trump accountable to their promises, cuck.
They got rid of the mandate… Let the motherfucker collapse then.
The federal government fucks up everything they touch
Oooooohhhh...they got rid of the mandate! Oooooohhhh!

Big fucking deal.

They didn't get rid of the employer mandate, which is far, far, far greater.

They didn't get rid of the insurance exchanges.

They didn't get rid of the subsidies.

60 repeals while Obama reigned.

Then ZERO.

And you just sit there and take it, cuck.

Rubes like you are why we are going to end up with UHC sooner or later.
You are not a "developed" country if you have a system where you steal the money made by some people and use it to pay the health care bills of other people that didn't earn the money.

That is state sponsored thievery.

Wrong, because people EARN money from the MARKET! The MARKET decides your salary and how much your house is worth, NOT you. You did not create the market, you were born into it. Those who benefit most from the market are required to pay a higher percentage of their earnings in taxes in order to help build and sustain the market. The market needs to be defended from foreign invasion and it needs law and order to operate efficiently which is provided by a government.

Tell you what, move to Somalia where there is no government to "steal your earnings" and see how you like it.

You are confused Moon Bat.

I earned money because I fucking worked for a living. It is morally wrong for the oppressive government to steal that money from me and give it to some filthy ass welfare queen or illegal. You know, a ghetto Democrat voter.

Moon Bats like you have a hard time understanding things like that, don't you?

Instead of me going to Somalia to get lesser government how about you getting your fat commie ass down to Venezuela to how that socialism is working out? Send us a card.

How about this Moon Bat. I'll pay my bills and you pay yours. Isn't that fair or are you some greedy asshole who thinks that you have the right to demand that I pay your bills simply because you are alive?

Fuck socialism. Fuck universal health care. Fuck greedy worthless Moon Bats that are too sorry to pay for their own health care.

If you worked In the United States, then you were either employed by someone or if you had your own business it was dependent on people buying your services or products. Either way, your earnings came from THE MARKET. A market you were born into. A market that you exploited and profited from. Which is fine, as long as you pay the government back in taxes at a rate based on your earnings in order to protect the market and keep it going for future generations.

You are confused as hell Moon Bat.

When I was sitting in Engineering school learning calculus and other hard things I sure as hell didn't have some ghetto welfare queen helping me to get educated so I would be employable.

When I was working on projects 70 hours a week there weren't any fucking Illegals there helping me so I could go home and spend some time with my family.

I sure as hell should not be required by an oppressive and thieving government to pay the bills of those assholes that didn't do a damn thing to help me earn my money.

Socialism is evil and oppressive. It is legalized thievery. It is just as wrong when the government steals my money as if it was Tony Soprano. Socialism is state sponsored slavery and it is despicable.

You pay your bills and I will pay mine. I don't owe you jackshit. If you are some greedy little asshole that thinks I should owe you something just because you are alive then you are one sick puppy.

Let me guess. You are unwilling to earn your own way and support that filthy Green initiative that guarentees income to the unwilling. Am I right or am I right?
With Universal Healthcare, people would have better access to doctors, nurses and others that could give advise and help with the conditions you describe. It would have a dramatic effect on U.S. life expectancy. The reason U.S. life expectancy is low, is that it gets brought down by those who live in poverty or near the poverty level and don't have access to low cost quality food and healthcare. It makes a huge differences in the averages and is why the United States continues to lag behind so many other countries in the developed world in life expectancy.

The evidence is obvious. Universal Healthcare would benefit millions of people in the lower class and in poverty in the United States. It would improve U.S. life expectancy and standard of living. Its the right, moral thing to do for people and the country as a whole will benefit. Yet, because some people are blinded by outdated ideology, they will not support the common sense thing to do to help people.

The common sense thing? 2005 I needed drugs. The drug was an injectable. It was four shots a month, one month supply cost $1,750 bucks per month. The pills I took with the shot cost $375 a month. On Obama care it’s $120+- plus any specialist. I payed nothing for that and no, I didn’t get medicade, I made to much money. I went to the drug company, provided a W2 and I got all those drugs for free. Today, I take drugs for my lungs. Those are $460 a month. Since polititions in Washington who still get the best private insurance tax payers can provide messed with healthcare, drug companies no longer have these programs. If you like it so much move where they have it. If you already live in a place that has it, keep it.

Sorry, but the facts of life expectancy and Universal Healthcare coverage show that the United States would benefit from a system of Universal Healthcare. Europeans have it, they live longer on average than Americans. That's an indisputable fact.
Before the Unaffordable care act was ENFORCED, where some people didnt want to buy health insurance but now had to or be taxed, the life expectancy was very high, around 80 years old. But since the Dimwitocraps behind closed doors FORCED this boondoggle of a bill upon US (thanks to the stupidity of the liberal voter) the "life expectancy" decreased for the first time. Thanks Obama.

Life Expectancy In U.S. Drops For First Time In Decades, Report Finds
So the news out of the federal government Thursday is disturbing: The overall U.S. death rate has increased for the first time in a decade, according to an analysis of the latest data. And that led to a drop in overall life expectancy for the first time since 1993, particularly among people younger than 65.

FACT: People in countries with Universal Health care live longer on average than people in countries without Universal Healthcare.

Fact: Starting an assertion of your opinion with the word "fact" doesn't make it one.
They have this new thing it’s called google, look it up.
We are going to end up with UCH sooner or later.

And the dumb cucks won't even realize it is their own fault.

It will be short term, because it always will be a failure.

I think Ronald Reagan said it best...

I’ll paraphrase I can’t recall the exact quote...
the scariest words... we are from the government and we are here to help
Trump promised the rubes a repeal and replace. Instead, he fucked them in the ass.

And the dumb fucks are glorifying him because he used some lubricant.

"He got rid of the mandate!"

America does not need any type of socialized medicine/healthcare...
It’s far too costly, it’s far too ineffective, and it’s all about control nothing to do with healthcare
Then you should have held the GOP and Trump accountable to their promises, cuck.
The government should not be involved in healthcare… Look what they’ve done to the post office
Then you should have held the GOP and Trump accountable to their promises, cuck.
They got rid of the mandate… Let the motherfucker collapse then.
The federal government fucks up everything they touch
Oooooohhhh...they got rid of the mandate! Oooooohhhh!

Big fucking deal.

They didn't get rid of the employer mandate, which is far, far, far greater.

They didn't get rid of the insurance exchanges.

They didn't get rid of the subsidies.

60 repeals while Obama reigned.

Then ZERO.

And you just sit there and take it, cuck.

Rubes like you are why we are going to end up with UHC sooner or later.
It will fail sooner or later, no socialism is long-term
I’ll never forget old man explaining why he did all he did to get us here. He worked in a tire shop in Scotland, and traveled to Alaska to can fish. He ended up at port Hueneme partying with Seabees. He really liked Americans. He liked the potentials to earn, and finally, he had an impacted tooth that made him very sick. He was fixed in three days.
Ah we're doing anecdotes now? I'll give you one in my own experience. My wife, (before we were married), was visiting me in Belgium. She took a misstep on my landing and had a compound ancle fracture. I took her to the emergency room. She was seen within the hour. Had an emergency reconstructive surgery the same afternoon. And was given a follow up appointment. She was back home that evening. After, she couldn't believe nobody had asked for anything but known allergies, and her passport. There was no thought of how she would pay for the care. ( I ended up paying for it, about 500 euro's. This included emergency care, x-rays and the surgeons time.) Can you match that?

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