The 50 most developed countries in the world and Universal Healthcare.

And he completely ignores the cost are prohibitive and he doesn’t realize the age thing just dropped since Obamacare came into effect, with its take a pill and go home to die philosophy.
But the United States is in the top 50 of the most developed nations in the World. In fact its at #13 in the world. Yes, high per capita GDP, 13th in the world in fact. Strong on education. Much weaker when it comes to life expectancy since it ranks at #34.

The point of this thread is that despite the United States high wealth and high rankings, It is one of only FIVE top 50 developed countries to not provide Universal Healthcare for its citizens. That is a major failure for a country that is so wealthy and developed.
Non-sequitur....There are lots of reasons for lower life expectancy that don't involve a State-run medical care monopoly.

Is there a logical fallacy that you couldn't invoke today?

If the cost are so prohibitive, how are 45 of the 50 most developed countries in the world providing Universal Healthcare for their citizens?
It be fine if it was voluntary, but any socialized medicine/healthcare has to be forced... no thanks
Well, ISIS, Al Quada, and Iran also think that the vast majority of the US government is illegitimate and immoral. Most Americans don't.

Universal Healthcare is a standard in modern developed society. The United States is way behind on this, but I'm starting to feel confident it will finally catch up. Its an embarrassment to the extreme that the wealthiest country in the world does not provide its citizens Universal Healthcare when 90% of the top 50 most developed countries in the world do.

I think the United States can do better than countries like Bulgaria, Qatar, and U.A.E. when it comes to providing Healthcare. But right now, those countries are the United States peers in terms of providing healthcare for its citizens. Great company, eh?

Probably why I have more respect for ISIS and Al Queda than most Americans at this point.

I’m not interested in modern society. I’m interested in what the US Constitution allows. 90% of the rest of the world doesn’t allow for private gun ownership either. The US isn’t the rest of the world and hopefully never will be.

I don’t really care what countries we are compared to because I don’t believe we should have contact with other countries.

Universal Healthcare means I die very quickly.bThe ACA has already made my health insurance worse. Medicare for All means I die. It’s thst simple.
How does one measure 'development'?

Is this developed?


Or this?


Development is measured by economist at the United Nations using the Human Development Index. The Human Development Index is based on 3 criteria:
01. GDP per capita
02. Life Expectancy
03. Education levels

No matter who is doing the measuring (IMF, World Bank, UN) the US is in the top 10 for GDP per capita. Interestingly enough, Macau (a city state former colony of Portugal whose revenue relies mostly on gamblers from Hong Kong and other parts of Asia) is in the top five.

A Google search shows Hong Kong in the number one slot for life expectancy world wide -- a country with no public health care. The UK, with its much vaunted National Health System falls to 29th place.

The UN system measures education levels by years of schooling by the average of Mean Years of Schooling and Expected Years of Schooling ... and completely ignores tertiary education in the equation. Even so, according the UN rating, the US is in the top 10 on the Education index.

So, for America in the top 10 for two of the factors, not to make the top 50 means there are other factors (subjective factors that the bureaucrats at the UN find attractive) coming into this equation. What is the UN's agenda in publishing this data, other than to make other countries feel better about themselves?

The larger question is, if America is at the bottom of various lists a desirable model for people to live and work, why is it on the top of every list for countries into which people are trying to get in to?


But the United States is in the top 50 of the most developed nations in the World. In fact its at #13 in the world. Yes, high per capita GDP, 13th in the world in fact. Strong on education. Much weaker when it comes to life expectancy since it ranks at #34.

The point of this thread is that despite the United States high wealth and high rankings, It is one of only FIVE top 50 developed countries to not provide Universal Healthcare for its citizens. That is a major failure for a country that is so wealthy and developed.

American voters decide what services we receive, and don't receive from our tax dollars.

American voters have been very clear that national health isn't our priority. It is much more of a priority to politicians would seek yet another way to keep the voter dependent on government.

It's telling that many of those 'developed' countries did not institute a national health system as part of a citizen plebiscite, but their citizens were told that they would be receiving these benefits, and the reciprocal tax burdens, for their own good ... and governments spent a great deal of money and effort selling their citizens on services they had no choice but to utilize.

As to what constitutes 'Universal Health' in your list, there seems to be some question. Many of the countries on that list, unable to pay for their healthcare system with taxes alone, have instituted mandatory health insurance and substantial co-payments to recoup the exorbitant costs of their healthcare system.

Which countries on the list? Please site evidence for your answer.
Below are the 50 most developed countries in the world ranked according to the UN Human Development index which measures development and standard of living through estimates of GDP per capita, life expectancy, and education. There are a total of 197 countries in the world today. 193 of those countries are part of the United Nations. 45 out of the 50 most developed countries in the world below provide UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE for its citizens, essentially medicare for all. The following are the five countries from the list below that do not:

01. Cyprus
02. United Arab Emirates
03. Qatar
04. Bahrain
05. United States

Cyprus is currently In the process of moving to a Universal Healthcare system which will be completed in a few years. That will leave the United States alone with three Arab countries as being the only countries, of the 50 most developed in the world, that do not have Universal HealthCare.

Why does the United States, the wealthiest country in the world and the 3rd wealthiest per captia country, still not provide Universal Healthcare for its citizens? How could anyone say that Universal HealthCare is impossible or too expensive for the United States when nearly all of the 50 most developed countries in the world provide it for its citizens?


01 - Norway
02 - Switzerland
03 - Australia
04 - Ireland
05 - Germany
06 - Iceland
07 - San Marino
08 - Sweden
09 - Singapore
10 - Netherlands
11 - Denmark
12 Canada
13 - United States
14 - United Kingdom
15 - Monaco
16 - Vatican City
17 - Finland
18 - New Zealand
19 - Belgium
20 - Liechtenstein
21 - Japan
22 - Austria
23 - Luxembourg
24 - Israel
25 - Taiwan
26 - South Korea
27 - France
28 - Slovenia
29 - Spain
30 - Czech Republic
31 - Italy
32 - Malta
33 - Estonia
34 - Greece
35 - Cyprus
36 - Poland
37 - United Arab Emirates
38 - Andorra
39 - Lithuania
40 - Qatar
41 - Slovakia
42 - Brunei
43 - Saudi Arabia
44 - Latvia
45 - Portugal
46 - Bahrain
47 - Chile
48 - Hungary
49 - Croatia
50 - Argentina
This is why we need to stop defending the world and re electing the same old tired entrenched lifetime politicians....this is why I do not understand why so many are against Trump...the first outsider that has won the presidency and is openly trying to stop us from being taken advantage of in the world in trade and immigration and openly states he wants us to bring our troops home....not for him but for we can enjoy a better life with a more responsive government that is focused on the peoples needs...the people of THIS country...

No one is taking advantage of the USA in trade, in immigration, or in the military. Trump is lying to you. You are the richest most powerful nation in the world. You didn't get there making bad trade deals, or because other people are taking advantage of you. The United States has never intervened in a war where "US interests" weren't involved.

"US interests" is a euphanistic term that the American government uses to describe property owned by large US multination corporations. "US interests" in the Middle East, include American owned oil refineries, hotels and other businesses. Saudi Arabia isn't on Trump's "Muslim ban list" even though ALL of the 9/11 terrorists held Saudi passports, and Osama Bin Laden was a Saudi, because Trump owns property there, and
“Why does the United States, the wealthiest country in the world and the 3rd wealthiest per captia country, still not provide Universal Healthcare for its citizens?”

Because conservatives have successfully propagated the lie that in addition to being ‘too expensive,’ providing all Americans access to affordable healthcare will ‘destroy capitalism’ and make America ‘socialist’ – when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

Can I add, that universal health care if the most freeing aspect of our culture, both fiscally, and socially. I'm having a knee replacement because arthritis has destroyed all of the cartilege in my knee. The average cost of a total knee replacement in the USA is $49,400.00. I could scrape together the 20% medicare co-pay, if I had to I guess, but at my current level of income it would take me three years to replace those savings. But then I'd have no liquidity at all. Any emergency, health or otherwise, would put me in a financially difficult position.

But fortunately, in Canada, I won't be getting a bill from either my surgeon or the hospital, unless I opt for a private room, or rent a TV. I have an annual co-pay of $100 on all of my prescriptions. Once I pay $100, my prescriptions cost me $2 each.
It’s fine if you want your socialized medicine/healthcare... Millions of Americans want no such thing so why force it on people that want nothing to do with it?

Millions of Americans hate the idea of spending so much of the nation's GDP on defence department spending. The USA has been attacked twice in its more than 200 year history, and yet you spend more than the next 10 countries combined, and 9 of them are your allies. Why should they be forced to subsidize a large, expensive, unnecessary army they neither want or need?

Everyone in America needs health care at some point in their lives. When everyone has access to health care, people live longer, are more productive, and it gives them freedom to lives their best lives. Access to single payer health care is the single biggest factor for financial freedom and independence in people's lives.
Well, ISIS, Al Quada, and Iran also think that the vast majority of the US government is illegitimate and immoral. Most Americans don't.

Universal Healthcare is a standard in modern developed society. The United States is way behind on this, but I'm starting to feel confident it will finally catch up. Its an embarrassment to the extreme that the wealthiest country in the world does not provide its citizens Universal Healthcare when 90% of the top 50 most developed countries in the world do.

I think the United States can do better than countries like Bulgaria, Qatar, and U.A.E. when it comes to providing Healthcare. But right now, those countries are the United States peers in terms of providing healthcare for its citizens. Great company, eh?

Probably why I have more respect for ISIS and Al Queda than most Americans at this point.

I’m not interested in modern society. I’m interested in what the US Constitution allows. 90% of the rest of the world doesn’t allow for private gun ownership either. The US isn’t the rest of the world and hopefully never will be.

I don’t really care what countries we are compared to because I don’t believe we should have contact with other countries.

Universal Healthcare means I die very quickly.bThe ACA has already made my health insurance worse. Medicare for All means I die. It’s thst simple.

Damn, does not believe we should have contact with other countries. That's pretty radical.
Below are the 50 most developed countries in the world ranked according to the UN Human Development index which measures development and standard of living through estimates of GDP per capita, life expectancy, and education. There are a total of 197 countries in the world today. 193 of those countries are part of the United Nations. 45 out of the 50 most developed countries in the world below provide UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE for its citizens, essentially medicare for all. The following are the five countries from the list below that do not:

01. Cyprus
02. United Arab Emirates
03. Qatar
04. Bahrain
05. United States

Cyprus is currently In the process of moving to a Universal Healthcare system which will be completed in a few years. That will leave the United States alone with three Arab countries as being the only countries, of the 50 most developed in the world, that do not have Universal HealthCare.

Why does the United States, the wealthiest country in the world and the 3rd wealthiest per captia country, still not provide Universal Healthcare for its citizens? How could anyone say that Universal HealthCare is impossible or too expensive for the United States when nearly all of the 50 most developed countries in the world provide it for its citizens?


01 - Norway
02 - Switzerland
03 - Australia
04 - Ireland
05 - Germany
06 - Iceland
07 - San Marino
08 - Sweden
09 - Singapore
10 - Netherlands
11 - Denmark
12 Canada
13 - United States
14 - United Kingdom
15 - Monaco
16 - Vatican City
17 - Finland
18 - New Zealand
19 - Belgium
20 - Liechtenstein
21 - Japan
22 - Austria
23 - Luxembourg
24 - Israel
25 - Taiwan
26 - South Korea
27 - France
28 - Slovenia
29 - Spain
30 - Czech Republic
31 - Italy
32 - Malta
33 - Estonia
34 - Greece
35 - Cyprus
36 - Poland
37 - United Arab Emirates
38 - Andorra
39 - Lithuania
40 - Qatar
41 - Slovakia
42 - Brunei
43 - Saudi Arabia
44 - Latvia
45 - Portugal
46 - Bahrain
47 - Chile
48 - Hungary
49 - Croatia
50 - Argentina
This is why we need to stop defending the world and re electing the same old tired entrenched lifetime politicians....this is why I do not understand why so many are against Trump...the first outsider that has won the presidency and is openly trying to stop us from being taken advantage of in the world in trade and immigration and openly states he wants us to bring our troops home....not for him but for we can enjoy a better life with a more responsive government that is focused on the peoples needs...the people of THIS country...

No one is taking advantage of the USA in trade, in immigration, or in the military. Trump is lying to you. You are the richest most powerful nation in the world. You didn't get there making bad trade deals, or because other people are taking advantage of you. The United States has never intervened in a war where "US interests" weren't involved.

"US interests" is a euphanistic term that the American government uses to describe property owned by large US multination corporations. "US interests" in the Middle East, include American owned oil refineries, hotels and other businesses. Saudi Arabia isn't on Trump's "Muslim ban list" even though ALL of the 9/11 terrorists held Saudi passports, and Osama Bin Laden was a Saudi, because Trump owns property there, and
“Why does the United States, the wealthiest country in the world and the 3rd wealthiest per captia country, still not provide Universal Healthcare for its citizens?”

Because conservatives have successfully propagated the lie that in addition to being ‘too expensive,’ providing all Americans access to affordable healthcare will ‘destroy capitalism’ and make America ‘socialist’ – when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

Can I add, that universal health care if the most freeing aspect of our culture, both fiscally, and socially. I'm having a knee replacement because arthritis has destroyed all of the cartilege in my knee. The average cost of a total knee replacement in the USA is $49,400.00. I could scrape together the 20% medicare co-pay, if I had to I guess, but at my current level of income it would take me three years to replace those savings. But then I'd have no liquidity at all. Any emergency, health or otherwise, would put me in a financially difficult position.

But fortunately, in Canada, I won't be getting a bill from either my surgeon or the hospital, unless I opt for a private room, or rent a TV. I have an annual co-pay of $100 on all of my prescriptions. Once I pay $100, my prescriptions cost me $2 each.
It’s fine if you want your socialized medicine/healthcare... Millions of Americans want no such thing so why force it on people that want nothing to do with it?

Millions of Americans hate the idea of spending so much of the nation's GDP on defence department spending. The USA has been attacked twice in its more than 200 year history, and yet you spend more than the next 10 countries combined, and 9 of them are your allies. Why should they be forced to subsidize a large, expensive, unnecessary army they neither want or need?

Everyone in America needs health care at some point in their lives. When everyone has access to health care, people live longer, are more productive, and it gives them freedom to lives their best lives. Access to single payer health care is the single biggest factor for financial freedom and independence in people's lives.

Because the military spending is necessary to maintain stability in various parts of the world that are vital to U.S. economic, social, and environmental interest. Most Americans support a large defense budget. They gave Ronald Reagan the largest landslide electoral college victory in 1984 after his first four years in office saw the largest peace time increases in U.S. defense spending in its history. The most respected and loved institution in the United States is the "United States Military". Election after election, the United States people have continued to support a large defense budget that helps to defend the world and its interest and helps to prevent a third world war.
Damn, does not believe we should have contact with other countries. That's pretty radical.

Very radical for the 21st Century. Not so radical for the 19th century, when this country was still a decent place to live.
Below are the 50 most developed countries in the world ranked according to the UN Human Development index which measures development and standard of living through estimates of GDP per capita, life expectancy, and education. There are a total of 197 countries in the world today. 193 of those countries are part of the United Nations. 45 out of the 50 most developed countries in the world below provide UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE for its citizens, essentially medicare for all. The following are the five countries from the list below that do not:

01. Cyprus
02. United Arab Emirates
03. Qatar
04. Bahrain
05. United States

Cyprus is currently In the process of moving to a Universal Healthcare system which will be completed in a few years. That will leave the United States alone with three Arab countries as being the only countries, of the 50 most developed in the world, that do not have Universal HealthCare.

Why does the United States, the wealthiest country in the world and the 3rd wealthiest per captia country, still not provide Universal Healthcare for its citizens? How could anyone say that Universal HealthCare is impossible or too expensive for the United States when nearly all of the 50 most developed countries in the world provide it for its citizens?


01 - Norway
02 - Switzerland
03 - Australia
04 - Ireland
05 - Germany
06 - Iceland
07 - San Marino
08 - Sweden
09 - Singapore
10 - Netherlands
11 - Denmark
12 Canada
13 - United States
14 - United Kingdom
15 - Monaco
16 - Vatican City
17 - Finland
18 - New Zealand
19 - Belgium
20 - Liechtenstein
21 - Japan
22 - Austria
23 - Luxembourg
24 - Israel
25 - Taiwan
26 - South Korea
27 - France
28 - Slovenia
29 - Spain
30 - Czech Republic
31 - Italy
32 - Malta
33 - Estonia
34 - Greece
35 - Cyprus
36 - Poland
37 - United Arab Emirates
38 - Andorra
39 - Lithuania
40 - Qatar
41 - Slovakia
42 - Brunei
43 - Saudi Arabia
44 - Latvia
45 - Portugal
46 - Bahrain
47 - Chile
48 - Hungary
49 - Croatia
50 - Argentina
This is why we need to stop defending the world and re electing the same old tired entrenched lifetime politicians....this is why I do not understand why so many are against Trump...the first outsider that has won the presidency and is openly trying to stop us from being taken advantage of in the world in trade and immigration and openly states he wants us to bring our troops home....not for him but for we can enjoy a better life with a more responsive government that is focused on the peoples needs...the people of THIS country...

No one is taking advantage of the USA in trade, in immigration, or in the military. Trump is lying to you. You are the richest most powerful nation in the world. You didn't get there making bad trade deals, or because other people are taking advantage of you. The United States has never intervened in a war where "US interests" weren't involved.

"US interests" is a euphanistic term that the American government uses to describe property owned by large US multination corporations. "US interests" in the Middle East, include American owned oil refineries, hotels and other businesses. Saudi Arabia isn't on Trump's "Muslim ban list" even though ALL of the 9/11 terrorists held Saudi passports, and Osama Bin Laden was a Saudi, because Trump owns property there, and
“Why does the United States, the wealthiest country in the world and the 3rd wealthiest per captia country, still not provide Universal Healthcare for its citizens?”

Because conservatives have successfully propagated the lie that in addition to being ‘too expensive,’ providing all Americans access to affordable healthcare will ‘destroy capitalism’ and make America ‘socialist’ – when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

Can I add, that universal health care if the most freeing aspect of our culture, both fiscally, and socially. I'm having a knee replacement because arthritis has destroyed all of the cartilege in my knee. The average cost of a total knee replacement in the USA is $49,400.00. I could scrape together the 20% medicare co-pay, if I had to I guess, but at my current level of income it would take me three years to replace those savings. But then I'd have no liquidity at all. Any emergency, health or otherwise, would put me in a financially difficult position.

But fortunately, in Canada, I won't be getting a bill from either my surgeon or the hospital, unless I opt for a private room, or rent a TV. I have an annual co-pay of $100 on all of my prescriptions. Once I pay $100, my prescriptions cost me $2 each.
It’s fine if you want your socialized medicine/healthcare... Millions of Americans want no such thing so why force it on people that want nothing to do with it?

Millions of Americans hate the idea of spending so much of the nation's GDP on defence department spending. The USA has been attacked twice in its more than 200 year history, and yet you spend more than the next 10 countries combined, and 9 of them are your allies. Why should they be forced to subsidize a large, expensive, unnecessary army they neither want or need?

Everyone in America needs health care at some point in their lives. When everyone has access to health care, people live longer, are more productive, and it gives them freedom to lives their best lives. Access to single payer health care is the single biggest factor for financial freedom and independence in people's lives.
I get it...
Below are the 50 most developed countries in the world ranked according to the UN Human Development index which measures development and standard of living through estimates of GDP per capita, life expectancy, and education. There are a total of 197 countries in the world today. 193 of those countries are part of the United Nations. 45 out of the 50 most developed countries in the world below provide UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE for its citizens, essentially medicare for all. The following are the five countries from the list below that do not:

01. Cyprus
02. United Arab Emirates
03. Qatar
04. Bahrain
05. United States

Cyprus is currently In the process of moving to a Universal Healthcare system which will be completed in a few years. That will leave the United States alone with three Arab countries as being the only countries, of the 50 most developed in the world, that do not have Universal HealthCare.

Why does the United States, the wealthiest country in the world and the 3rd wealthiest per captia country, still not provide Universal Healthcare for its citizens? How could anyone say that Universal HealthCare is impossible or too expensive for the United States when nearly all of the 50 most developed countries in the world provide it for its citizens?


01 - Norway
02 - Switzerland
03 - Australia
04 - Ireland
05 - Germany
06 - Iceland
07 - San Marino
08 - Sweden
09 - Singapore
10 - Netherlands
11 - Denmark
12 Canada
13 - United States
14 - United Kingdom
15 - Monaco
16 - Vatican City
17 - Finland
18 - New Zealand
19 - Belgium
20 - Liechtenstein
21 - Japan
22 - Austria
23 - Luxembourg
24 - Israel
25 - Taiwan
26 - South Korea
27 - France
28 - Slovenia
29 - Spain
30 - Czech Republic
31 - Italy
32 - Malta
33 - Estonia
34 - Greece
35 - Cyprus
36 - Poland
37 - United Arab Emirates
38 - Andorra
39 - Lithuania
40 - Qatar
41 - Slovakia
42 - Brunei
43 - Saudi Arabia
44 - Latvia
45 - Portugal
46 - Bahrain
47 - Chile
48 - Hungary
49 - Croatia
50 - Argentina
So, all the highly ranked countries are mostly white?

Racist motherfucker.
“Why does the United States, the wealthiest country in the world and the 3rd wealthiest per captia country, still not provide Universal Healthcare for its citizens?”

Because conservatives have successfully propagated the lie that in addition to being ‘too expensive,’ providing all Americans access to affordable healthcare will ‘destroy capitalism’ and make America ‘socialist’ – when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
"Below are the 50 most developed countries in the world ranked according to the UN Human Development index"

Right off the bat, your post is bullshit. The "UN Human Development index" is a con. It's propaganda. Any claims made by the U.N. are bullshit.
Below are the 50 most developed countries in the world ranked according to the UN Human Development index which measures development and standard of living through estimates of GDP per capita, life expectancy, and education. There are a total of 197 countries in the world today. 193 of those countries are part of the United Nations. 45 out of the 50 most developed countries in the world below provide UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE for its citizens, essentially medicare for all. The following are the five countries from the list below that do not:

01. Cyprus
02. United Arab Emirates
03. Qatar
04. Bahrain
05. United States

Cyprus is currently In the process of moving to a Universal Healthcare system which will be completed in a few years. That will leave the United States alone with three Arab countries as being the only countries, of the 50 most developed in the world, that do not have Universal HealthCare.

Why does the United States, the wealthiest country in the world and the 3rd wealthiest per captia country, still not provide Universal Healthcare for its citizens? How could anyone say that Universal HealthCare is impossible or too expensive for the United States when nearly all of the 50 most developed countries in the world provide it for its citizens?


01 - Norway
02 - Switzerland
03 - Australia
04 - Ireland
05 - Germany
06 - Iceland
07 - San Marino
08 - Sweden
09 - Singapore
10 - Netherlands
11 - Denmark
12 Canada
13 - United States
14 - United Kingdom
15 - Monaco
16 - Vatican City
17 - Finland
18 - New Zealand
19 - Belgium
20 - Liechtenstein
21 - Japan
22 - Austria
23 - Luxembourg
24 - Israel
25 - Taiwan
26 - South Korea
27 - France
28 - Slovenia
29 - Spain
30 - Czech Republic
31 - Italy
32 - Malta
33 - Estonia
34 - Greece
35 - Cyprus
36 - Poland
37 - United Arab Emirates
38 - Andorra
39 - Lithuania
40 - Qatar
41 - Slovakia
42 - Brunei
43 - Saudi Arabia
44 - Latvia
45 - Portugal
46 - Bahrain
47 - Chile
48 - Hungary
49 - Croatia
50 - Argentina
What do u expect when both Congress and the president are bought by interest groups?
I'm saddened that ordinary right wingers who think that universal health care is a bad socialist thing...but they are ok with the defense contractors taking billions of dollars.
and everyone on your list from western Europe has major problems
we have Canadians coming across the border looking for health care
people in Scandinavian countries dying at home because they were waiting for SIMPLE chest xrays

but i'm sure if we pull another ACA the one that multinational insurance companies wrote and nancy pelosi said we'll have to wait till its passed to see whats in it 'NOW THAT THE Solution

define socialism derrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp
I'm yet to meet a canadian that is not happy with their health system or doesn't feel sorry for our system...and millions of Americans cross borders for cheaper care especially to Mexico.
“Why does the United States, the wealthiest country in the world and the 3rd wealthiest per captia country, still not provide Universal Healthcare for its citizens?”

Because conservatives have successfully propagated the lie that in addition to being ‘too expensive,’ providing all Americans access to affordable healthcare will ‘destroy capitalism’ and make America ‘socialist’ – when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
"Below are the 50 most developed countries in the world ranked according to the UN Human Development index"

Right off the bat, your post is bullshit. The "UN Human Development index" is a con. It's propaganda. Any claims made by the U.N. are bullshit.
Lol everything is fake news....let's take france or the U.K where I visit regularly and I have friends and family there....they dont pay thousands of dollars foe health procedures, and they dont go bankrupt because of a procedure, their medecine is a lot cheaper, they are healthier than us, and they live longer and they are as diverse as we are. ;)
...Why does the United States, the wealthiest country in the world and the 3rd wealthiest per captia country, still not provide Universal Healthcare for its citizens? How could anyone say that Universal HealthCare is impossible or too expensive for the United States when nearly all of the 50 most developed countries in the world provide it for its citizens?...

The fact that it is possible to implement such a system is irrelevant here in the United States .

Here the question is whether or not the Founding documents of this country allow for it.

The answer to that question in unequivocally.... NO. The US Constitution does not allow for such things to be run by the Government, even though we have had an unconstitutional Medicare system for almost a century.

Implementing such a system would require a Constitutional Amendment for true legitimacy, and that’s not likely to be possible in the near future.
the constitution is outdated, time to join the 21st guys worship that constitution like is god's sent. There are lot of things in it than need to be updated.
The United States ranks 34th in the world in terms of Life Expectancy. That's despite the fact that the United States spend more on healthcare than any country in the world. Yet despite all that spending, the United States is not taking care of all of its citizens like the rest of the world is and essentially has a different system of care for those that are rich vs lower class. HOW IS THAT SMART?
Wow, you clowns always bring out that debunked talking point.

Get back to Me when they compare apples to apples. We are so diverse as a nation that life expectancy really isn't a viable metric of healthcare. In fact, it is a testament to how good our health services are that we rank that high at all.

How about you try being honest here. You're not talking about healthcare, your talking about other people picking up the tab for your own life.

Sure, why should a lowerclass person be forced to spend all their savings and go into debt just because they get sick? Is that good for the economy? Nope.

Life Expectancy is the most relevant metric that tells the truth about healthcare.

In biology, Diversity is the key to health and survival. Given how diverse the United States is, it should have the highest life expectancy in the world.
Life Expectancy is the most relevant metric that tells the truth about healthcare.
bullshit,you can have the best healthcare there is but if you dont take care of your self what good did it do you?...many Americans have access to great healthcare but dont take great care of themselves....factors for life expectancy has more to do with how you take care of yourself then if you have good healthcare...

Most of the citizens of developed countries have similar lifestyles. Quality of healthcare and access to it is a more important factor when comparing life expectancy among developed countries.

Finally, even if their healthcare is at best equal to ours in quality, at least they provide it to everyone. There is very little evidence to support that Europeans have significantly worse quality healthcare. On average they live longer. Their healthcare quality is either equal too or better than that of the United States. Plus they provide it to all their citizens. They also spend less on healthcare than the United States does.

And they spend a 10th on defense that we why are you a foot soldier for the people that has kept us in this situation for so long?....No one has ever said what Trump has said...that we need to stop wasting our wealth on other nations so we can provide for our own nation...and yet you side with his haters...I guess some folks just need to be kicked in the head to get it....
trump is a liar, he said he has the best health care system and lot cheaper...keep defending the asshole.
I spent years in Canada...I know single payer FAR better than most of you do. It is a terrible system.

I am all for government healthcare for those who need it.

But I am 100% against single payer.

Want to know what it is like to be a patient in a single payer system?
Go to the DMV (in America) and that is how you will be treated in single payer...not as a person, but STRICTLY as a number (unless you get 'lucky' and someone nice takes pity on you).
Single payer means customer satisfaction becomes TOTALLY irrelevant. All the employees will care about is doing what they are told by their superior. You could literally scream at them for help - and if it is not their responsibility - they will not lift a finger for you (unless they are young/new).
That is the DMV and THAT is single payer.

Leave government healthcare for those who need it and leave private healthcare for everyone else...that, IMO, is the best system.
“Why does the United States, the wealthiest country in the world and the 3rd wealthiest per captia country, still not provide Universal Healthcare for its citizens?”

Because conservatives have successfully propagated the lie that in addition to being ‘too expensive,’ providing all Americans access to affordable healthcare will ‘destroy capitalism’ and make America ‘socialist’ – when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

Well, there is a lot of capitalism among those 50 most developed countries. I mean, most Billionaires in the world live in those 50 most developed countries. Most of the large private Business's, Large corporations, multi-national corporations in the world are located in those 50 most developed countries. I would also say that most business activity in the world and most profit is made in those 50 most developed countries. With the exception of five of them, all of them provide Universal Healthcare of their citizens. Rather than being unusual, Universal Healthcare is a common feature among wealthy, developed, capitalist, democratic countries.

There are only five oddballs that don't provide among the 50:

01. Cyprus - within 5 years Cyprus will have Universal Healthcare
02. Bahrain
03. United Arab Emirates
04. Qatar
05. United States

I think the United States has a lot to learn from the other 49 most developed countries in the world.

Look no further than the VA if you want to see how "Universal Health Care" would go. Only it would be twice as bad as the VA.
and everyone on your list from western Europe has major problems
we have Canadians coming across the border looking for health care
people in Scandinavian countries dying at home because they were waiting for SIMPLE chest xrays

but i'm sure if we pull another ACA the one that multinational insurance companies wrote and nancy pelosi said we'll have to wait till its passed to see whats in it 'NOW THAT THE Solution

define socialism derrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp
I'm yet to meet a canadian that is not happy with their health system or doesn't feel sorry for our system...and millions of Americans cross borders for cheaper care especially to Mexico.

Biitch! I've yet to meet a Canadian that doesn't get procedures done in the US while they're visiting for months. Why? Because they don't have to wait here.
“Why does the United States, the wealthiest country in the world and the 3rd wealthiest per captia country, still not provide Universal Healthcare for its citizens?”

Because conservatives have successfully propagated the lie that in addition to being ‘too expensive,’ providing all Americans access to affordable healthcare will ‘destroy capitalism’ and make America ‘socialist’ – when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
What the heck do you call obamacare?
“Why does the United States, the wealthiest country in the world and the 3rd wealthiest per captia country, still not provide Universal Healthcare for its citizens?”

Because conservatives have successfully propagated the lie that in addition to being ‘too expensive,’ providing all Americans access to affordable healthcare will ‘destroy capitalism’ and make America ‘socialist’ – when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
What the heck do you call obamacare?

No socialist ideas ever work out as intended.

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