The '67 Borders.

We Americans even gave 3 billion dollars a year to Musharref so Pakistan could hide bin Laden on us.

Considering all the money Netanyahu and his cronies are making from the occupation of Palestine, you and I probably won't live long enough to hear his retraction of "creeping annexation" or his response to Obama's call for a full withdrawal of IDF forces in the Jordan River valley, on the far side of any Palestinian bantustan. To Zionists Obama's proposals sound like he's hedging his support for Israel's occupation while all reasonably sane human beings recognize the president is simply recognizing reality.
Looks like Georgie Boy is back to one of his favorite subjects -- money. Why do those who have little obsess over this and accuse others of getting rich? Meanwhile, of course, Georgie Boy, doesn't seem to realize that any help given Israel by America is such a small amount compared to the huge defense budget which Israel has as a result of its enemies always trying to destroy her. Why not tell us about how the Pakistanis are getting rich from the money we have given them, Georgie Boy, and how many in the Pakistani Army give information to the Taliban which in turn murder our troops?

great response! :clap2:
The United States Government agreed it was an accident. Please stop reading conspiracy websites. It is the source of your confusion. I am certain of it. - Jeri
The US Congress has never investigated the deliberate Israeli assault on Liberty.
Here's how one member of the US government who was an eyewitness to the attack would likely have testified if the US government had given him the opportunity:

"After more than two hours of unremitting assault, the Israelis finally halted their attack. One of the torpedo boats approached the Liberty.

"This same torpedo boat crew had been circling the ship, machine-gunning anyone who stuck his
head above decks, as well as the lifeboats the crew had put over the side.

"What had changed?

"The Israeli government knew that US aircraft carriers had just launched aircraft to come to Liberty's aid and the attack was quickly called off. The Israeli government called the US Embassy and said that they had made a 'mistake.'

"A torpedo boat officer asked in English over a bullhorn: 'Do you need any help?'

"The wounded commander of the Liberty, Captain William McGonagle, instructed the quartermaster to respond emphatically: "Fuck you."

McGonagle won the Medal of Honor that day and that's no conspiracy theory.

Lyndon Baines Johnson was five days away from turning his presidential back on the crew of the USS Liberty when he signed this missive to Israel:

"Dear Mr. Prime Minister:

"I am grateful for your letter of May 30./2/ I appreciate particularly the steadfastness with which the Government and people of Israel have maintained a posture of resolution and calm in a situation of grave tension..."

"Our position in this crisis (Strait of Tiran) rests on two principles which are vital national interests of the United States.

"The first is that we support the territorial integrity and political independence of all of the countries of the Middle East. This principle has now been affirmed by four American Presidents.

"The second is our defense of the basic interest of the entire world community in the freedom of the seas.

"As a leading maritime nation, we have a vital interest in upholding freedom of the seas, and the right of passage through straits of an international character.

"Freedom of the seas," get it?

President Johnson's Letter to Levi Eshkol, June 3 - 1967

How long will you beat that dead horse? No one will ever be able to convince me that it was nothing more than accident, considering the circumstances surrounding those desperate days, which was so long ago. You're also the one who thought there was something sinister about the flotilla incident taking place on American Memorial Day, when that just happened to be the day that Turkey invaded Israel. It was just another day in the Middle East. Also, you've never even been to Israel, so you don't know how much Israelis worship America.
I wonder if eyewitnesses to Israel's deliberate attack on Liberty would be able to convince you?

USS Liberty: Contact Page

Next Saturday is June 8th...?

thank you, george.
The United States Government agreed it was an accident. Please stop reading conspiracy websites. It is the source of your confusion. I am certain of it. - Jeri

it is not a conspiracy that the U.S.S. Liberty incident did not receive a full congressional investigation that other similar incidents prior to this have received.

it is no conspiracy that those who have been actively opposed to such a full congressional investigation have been jews and/or zionists.

i am not sure that the united states government has ever "agreed" on anything.

your certainty on many subjects is certainly suspect.
Germany may soon restrict 'Made in Israel' labels

Document issued in response to German opposition members states products should be labeled 'made in Israel' only if they are manufactured within 1967 borders. EU ambassador: Efforts reflect growing impatience with settlements

The Media Line Published: 06.02.13, 17:57 / Israel News

The close ties between Israel and Germany may become strained if the German government changes its policy on labeling Israeli goods that are produced in areas that Israel obtained in 1967. Until now, all Israeli goods, regardless of where they were produced, were labeled “Made in Israel.”

An official document was issued in response to German opposition members.

“In our view products should be labeled “Made in Israel” only if they are manufactured within the 1967 borders,” the document states, according to Israeli press reports. That would exclude products made in the more than 140 communities built on land that Israel acquired in 1967, also known as the West Bank.

Germany may soon restrict 'Made in Israel' labels - Israel News, Ynetnews

just keep repeating over and over...

"BDS isn't working. BDS isn't working."

hint: it works best before your evening walk and whistle passing the graveyard.

I was actually reading an article earlier today indicating the Mossad was going to be tasked to deal with the threat of BDS.
Germany may soon restrict 'Made in Israel' labels

Document issued in response to German opposition members states products should be labeled 'made in Israel' only if they are manufactured within 1967 borders. EU ambassador: Efforts reflect growing impatience with settlements

The Media Line Published: 06.02.13, 17:57 / Israel News

The close ties between Israel and Germany may become strained if the German government changes its policy on labeling Israeli goods that are produced in areas that Israel obtained in 1967. Until now, all Israeli goods, regardless of where they were produced, were labeled “Made in Israel.”

An official document was issued in response to German opposition members.

“In our view products should be labeled “Made in Israel” only if they are manufactured within the 1967 borders,” the document states, according to Israeli press reports. That would exclude products made in the more than 140 communities built on land that Israel acquired in 1967, also known as the West Bank.

Germany may soon restrict 'Made in Israel' labels - Israel News, Ynetnews

just keep repeating over and over...

"BDS isn't working. BDS isn't working."

hint: it works best before your evening walk and whistle passing the graveyard.

I was actually reading an article earlier today indicating the Mossad was going to be tasked to deal with the threat of BDS.
While you have posters salivating over this BDS movement, you actually get the impression that they are so into this that they have no problem buying Chinese goods even though the Chinese are actually occupying Tibet (and forcing the Tibetan women to have abortions so as to kill out the Tibetan culture) Naturally they would also never think of boycotting cheap goods from Pakistan even though Christians, Hindus, plus Shiite and Ahmadi Muslims are harassed and killed there by the Sunnis. What hypocrites these people are!!! If it doesn't involve the Jews, they actually don't care what is happening elsewhere, Meanwhile, of course, they never think of the Arabs who will be unemployed because of this BDS movement. Maybe the posters who are so into this BDS movement should start collecting some money to send to these unemployed Arabs. Of course, Israel will thrive even with this BDS movement and there will always be investors willing to put their money into Israeli industries.
"Palestinian Prisoners Day was last week marked with actions in 11 countries protesting the complicity of British-Danish security company G4S in Israel’s prison system. The company provides equipment and services to prisons at which Palestinian political prisoners, including child prisoners, are illegally detained and subjected to torture.

"G4S also operates in Israeli checkpoints and illegal Israeli settlements. G4S has already lost contracts with universities, banks and charities across Europe as a result of its role in Israeli human rights violations.

Reporting on the groundswell of public anger about G4S profiting from Israeli violations of international law, the Financial Times published an article that underlines the extent to which the campaign against G4S is impacting on the company’s reputation among investors.

“'The Israel/Palestine conflict has created reputational issues' for G4S, an investment analyst is quoting as warning. The article suggests that G4S may be considering selling its Israeli subsidiary altogether."

Israel's "reputational issue" in Palestine is rapidly approaching Chinese/Tibetan stature, not that paid trolls for Zion would ever notice.

Why is it you never take time time to start a thread on human rights abuses in Africa or Tibet, yet always find hours every week to apologize for the "chosen ones?"

G4S responds to public anger but remains complicit in Israel?s abhorrent prison system |
Germany may soon restrict 'Made in Israel' labels

Document issued in response to German opposition members states products should be labeled 'made in Israel' only if they are manufactured within 1967 borders. EU ambassador: Efforts reflect growing impatience with settlements

The Media Line Published: 06.02.13, 17:57 / Israel News

The close ties between Israel and Germany may become strained if the German government changes its policy on labeling Israeli goods that are produced in areas that Israel obtained in 1967. Until now, all Israeli goods, regardless of where they were produced, were labeled “Made in Israel.”

An official document was issued in response to German opposition members.

“In our view products should be labeled “Made in Israel” only if they are manufactured within the 1967 borders,” the document states, according to Israeli press reports. That would exclude products made in the more than 140 communities built on land that Israel acquired in 1967, also known as the West Bank.

Germany may soon restrict 'Made in Israel' labels - Israel News, Ynetnews

just keep repeating over and over...

"BDS isn't working. BDS isn't working."

hint: it works best before your evening walk and whistle passing the graveyard.

I was actually reading an article earlier today indicating the Mossad was going to be tasked to deal with the threat of BDS.
While you have posters salivating over this BDS movement, you actually get the impression that they are so into this that they have no problem buying Chinese goods even though the Chinese are actually occupying Tibet (and forcing the Tibetan women to have abortions so as to kill out the Tibetan culture) Naturally they would also never think of boycotting cheap goods from Pakistan even though Christians, Hindus, plus Shiite and Ahmadi Muslims are harassed and killed there by the Sunnis. What hypocrites these people are!!! If it doesn't involve the Jews, they actually don't care what is happening elsewhere, Meanwhile, of course, they never think of the Arabs who will be unemployed because of this BDS movement. Maybe the posters who are so into this BDS movement should start collecting some money to send to these unemployed Arabs. Of course, Israel will thrive even with this BDS movement and there will always be investors willing to put their money into Israeli industries.

don't assume that the way you work is the way others work.

when my son was 8 y.o. we had established a tradition of stopping by "toys U us" on fridays and getting him a hot wheels. one day, there were two chinese women outside leafleting to not buy goods made in china. he talked to them. for almost three years he wouldn't buy any of those cars until one day he found thaat some were being made in singapore.

i give to an irish charity that targets palestinian families, among others.

there will always be investors willing to put their money into anything. i am sure NAZI germany had plenty of successful investors. some people are incapable of seeing the human toll that provides their profits. ain't their something in that bible of yours about mammon? maybe you should read it.
I was actually reading an article earlier today indicating the Mossad was going to be tasked to deal with the threat of BDS.
While you have posters salivating over this BDS movement, you actually get the impression that they are so into this that they have no problem buying Chinese goods even though the Chinese are actually occupying Tibet (and forcing the Tibetan women to have abortions so as to kill out the Tibetan culture) Naturally they would also never think of boycotting cheap goods from Pakistan even though Christians, Hindus, plus Shiite and Ahmadi Muslims are harassed and killed there by the Sunnis. What hypocrites these people are!!! If it doesn't involve the Jews, they actually don't care what is happening elsewhere, Meanwhile, of course, they never think of the Arabs who will be unemployed because of this BDS movement. Maybe the posters who are so into this BDS movement should start collecting some money to send to these unemployed Arabs. Of course, Israel will thrive even with this BDS movement and there will always be investors willing to put their money into Israeli industries.

don't assume that the way you work is the way others work.

when my son was 8 y.o. we had established a tradition of stopping by "toys U us" on fridays and getting him a hot wheels. one day, there were two chinese women outside leafleting to not buy goods made in china. he talked to them. for almost three years he wouldn't buy any of those cars until one day he found thaat some were being made in singapore.

i give to an irish charity that targets palestinian families, among others.

there will always be investors willing to put their money into anything. i am sure NAZI germany had plenty of successful investors. some people are incapable of seeing the human toll that provides their profits. ain't their something in that bible of yours about mammon? maybe you should read it.
You don't say??? Big dig who you give to. I think many of us have heard the story about your son before. Meanwhile, many Americans are donating to help all people over the world who actually need help because of their unfortunate circumstances, and when Americans give to relief organizations they don't care if those receiving the help have different religious beliefs or are of different races. Aren't you ridiculous bringing the Nazis in. Don't forget, Seal, pass the word to your like-mind friends that if the money from the investors to Israel is used to come up with some life-saving innovation that they need, just pass it by because you don't want to use anything invented there.
Sieg Heil, Herr Hossie, and a happy HP occupation to you and yours:

"The Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories is maintained and preserved by daily practices of surveillance and control. In recent years, these practices have increasingly relied on technological mechanisms provided by international and local corporations.

"Hewlett-Packard (HP) is one of the companies that unable this technological supervision and oppression.

"Through its subsidiary EDS Israel, HP is the prime contractor of the Basel System, an automated biometric access control system installed and maintained by HP in checkpoints throughout the occupied Palestinian territories (oPt).

"Another control mechanism with which HP is involved, is Israel's ID card system, which reflects and reinforces the state's political and economic asymmetries as well as its tiered citizenship structure.

"HP was charged by the Ministry of Interior with the manufacturing of biometric ID cards for the citizens and residents of Israel (Jewish and Palestinians). In addition, HP also provides services and technologies to the Israeli army."

Technologies of Control: The Case of Hewlett Packard (HP) | Who Profits
While you have posters salivating over this BDS movement, you actually get the impression that they are so into this that they have no problem buying Chinese goods even though the Chinese are actually occupying Tibet (and forcing the Tibetan women to have abortions so as to kill out the Tibetan culture) Naturally they would also never think of boycotting cheap goods from Pakistan even though Christians, Hindus, plus Shiite and Ahmadi Muslims are harassed and killed there by the Sunnis. What hypocrites these people are!!! If it doesn't involve the Jews, they actually don't care what is happening elsewhere, Meanwhile, of course, they never think of the Arabs who will be unemployed because of this BDS movement. Maybe the posters who are so into this BDS movement should start collecting some money to send to these unemployed Arabs. Of course, Israel will thrive even with this BDS movement and there will always be investors willing to put their money into Israeli industries.

don't assume that the way you work is the way others work.

when my son was 8 y.o. we had established a tradition of stopping by "toys U us" on fridays and getting him a hot wheels. one day, there were two chinese women outside leafleting to not buy goods made in china. he talked to them. for almost three years he wouldn't buy any of those cars until one day he found thaat some were being made in singapore.

i give to an irish charity that targets palestinian families, among others.

there will always be investors willing to put their money into anything. i am sure NAZI germany had plenty of successful investors. some people are incapable of seeing the human toll that provides their profits. ain't their something in that bible of yours about mammon? maybe you should read it.
You don't say??? Big dig who you give to. I think many of us have heard the story about your son before. Meanwhile, many Americans are donating to help all people over the world who actually need help because of their unfortunate circumstances, and when Americans give to relief organizations they don't care if those receiving the help have different religious beliefs or are of different races. Aren't you ridiculous bringing the Nazis in. Don't forget, Seal, pass the word to your like-mind friends that if the money from the investors to Israel is used to come up with some life-saving innovation that they need, just pass it by because you don't want to use anything invented there.

Trócaire | Irish Charity Working for a Just World

that ain't the black irish at the bottom of the page...

and about...

Trócaire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Trócaire (Irish pronunciation: [ˈt̪ˠɾˠoːkəɾʲə], meaning "Mercy") is the official overseas development agency of the Catholic Church in Ireland.

The roots of the charity lie in Pope Paul VI's 1967 encyclical Populorum Progressio,[1] which called for people to take notice and respond to the injustices that were occurring all round the world. Then, in response to the 1973 floods which ravaged Bangladesh, Cardinal William Conway saw the need for a church agency which would co-ordinate charitable donations originating in Ireland. Trócaire's life began with a pastoral letter written in the same year by the Bishops of Ireland. In it, they set out the aims of Trócaire as two-fold:

Abroad, it will give whatever help lies within its resources to the areas of greatest need among the developing counties.
At home, it will try to make us all more aware of the needs of these countries and of our duties towards them. These duties are no longer a matter of charity but of simple justice.

Trócaire works in 127 programmes across 28 countries in Africa, Latin America and the Middle East. The charity aims to:
Support gender equality;
Respond to Emergencies and Disasters;
Address the HIV and AIDS crisis;
Help people cope with climate change; and
Tackle injustice and defend human rights.

it is obvious that you have no idea of what a boycott is about, and you claiming irish ancestry. we are not in jonathan swift's time of "burn everything english except the coal." instead, in today's world, while an economic impact is ideal but it is measured a success if it garners the attention to educate the public of injustice. in that sense, BDS is an enormous success.

why do you wish my friends dead? they never have done anything to you.
don't assume that the way you work is the way others work.

when my son was 8 y.o. we had established a tradition of stopping by "toys U us" on fridays and getting him a hot wheels. one day, there were two chinese women outside leafleting to not buy goods made in china. he talked to them. for almost three years he wouldn't buy any of those cars until one day he found thaat some were being made in singapore.

i give to an irish charity that targets palestinian families, among others.

there will always be investors willing to put their money into anything. i am sure NAZI germany had plenty of successful investors. some people are incapable of seeing the human toll that provides their profits. ain't their something in that bible of yours about mammon? maybe you should read it.
You don't say??? Big dig who you give to. I think many of us have heard the story about your son before. Meanwhile, many Americans are donating to help all people over the world who actually need help because of their unfortunate circumstances, and when Americans give to relief organizations they don't care if those receiving the help have different religious beliefs or are of different races. Aren't you ridiculous bringing the Nazis in. Don't forget, Seal, pass the word to your like-mind friends that if the money from the investors to Israel is used to come up with some life-saving innovation that they need, just pass it by because you don't want to use anything invented there.

Trócaire | Irish Charity Working for a Just World

that ain't the black irish at the bottom of the page...

and about...

Trócaire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Trócaire (Irish pronunciation: [ˈt̪ˠɾˠoːkəɾʲə], meaning "Mercy") is the official overseas development agency of the Catholic Church in Ireland.

The roots of the charity lie in Pope Paul VI's 1967 encyclical Populorum Progressio,[1] which called for people to take notice and respond to the injustices that were occurring all round the world. Then, in response to the 1973 floods which ravaged Bangladesh, Cardinal William Conway saw the need for a church agency which would co-ordinate charitable donations originating in Ireland. Trócaire's life began with a pastoral letter written in the same year by the Bishops of Ireland. In it, they set out the aims of Trócaire as two-fold:

Abroad, it will give whatever help lies within its resources to the areas of greatest need among the developing counties.
At home, it will try to make us all more aware of the needs of these countries and of our duties towards them. These duties are no longer a matter of charity but of simple justice.

Trócaire works in 127 programmes across 28 countries in Africa, Latin America and the Middle East. The charity aims to:
Support gender equality;
Respond to Emergencies and Disasters;
Address the HIV and AIDS crisis;
Help people cope with climate change; and
Tackle injustice and defend human rights.

it is obvious that you have no idea of what a boycott is about, and you claiming irish ancestry. we are not in jonathan swift's time of "burn everything english except the coal." instead, in today's world, while an economic impact is ideal but it is measured a success if it garners the attention to educate the public of injustice. in that sense, BDS is an enormous success.

why do you wish my friends dead? they never have done anything to you.

Now before I call you a hypocrite, please inform us of the organizations that you give to that provide assistance to the Gazans !!!
Last edited:
Germany may soon restrict 'Made in Israel' labels

Document issued in response to German opposition members states products should be labeled 'made in Israel' only if they are manufactured within 1967 borders. EU ambassador: Efforts reflect growing impatience with settlements

The Media Line Published: 06.02.13, 17:57 / Israel News

The close ties between Israel and Germany may become strained if the German government changes its policy on labeling Israeli goods that are produced in areas that Israel obtained in 1967. Until now, all Israeli goods, regardless of where they were produced, were labeled “Made in Israel.”

An official document was issued in response to German opposition members.

“In our view products should be labeled “Made in Israel” only if they are manufactured within the 1967 borders,” the document states, according to Israeli press reports. That would exclude products made in the more than 140 communities built on land that Israel acquired in 1967, also known as the West Bank.

Germany may soon restrict 'Made in Israel' labels - Israel News, Ynetnews

just keep repeating over and over...

"BDS isn't working. BDS isn't working."

hint: it works best before your evening walk and whistle passing the graveyard.

I was actually reading an article earlier today indicating the Mossad was going to be tasked to deal with the threat of BDS.
While you have posters salivating over this BDS movement, you actually get the impression that they are so into this that they have no problem buying Chinese goods even though the Chinese are actually occupying Tibet (and forcing the Tibetan women to have abortions so as to kill out the Tibetan culture) Naturally they would also never think of boycotting cheap goods from Pakistan even though Christians, Hindus, plus Shiite and Ahmadi Muslims are harassed and killed there by the Sunnis. What hypocrites these people are!!! If it doesn't involve the Jews, they actually don't care what is happening elsewhere, Meanwhile, of course, they never think of the Arabs who will be unemployed because of this BDS movement. Maybe the posters who are so into this BDS movement should start collecting some money to send to these unemployed Arabs. Of course, Israel will thrive even with this BDS movement and there will always be investors willing to put their money into Israeli industries.

Outside of this board and among neo Nazis and Islamo Nazis, not a single soul has heard about the BDS Bowel Discharge Movement.
I was actually reading an article earlier today indicating the Mossad was going to be tasked to deal with the threat of BDS.
While you have posters salivating over this BDS movement, you actually get the impression that they are so into this that they have no problem buying Chinese goods even though the Chinese are actually occupying Tibet (and forcing the Tibetan women to have abortions so as to kill out the Tibetan culture) Naturally they would also never think of boycotting cheap goods from Pakistan even though Christians, Hindus, plus Shiite and Ahmadi Muslims are harassed and killed there by the Sunnis. What hypocrites these people are!!! If it doesn't involve the Jews, they actually don't care what is happening elsewhere, Meanwhile, of course, they never think of the Arabs who will be unemployed because of this BDS movement. Maybe the posters who are so into this BDS movement should start collecting some money to send to these unemployed Arabs. Of course, Israel will thrive even with this BDS movement and there will always be investors willing to put their money into Israeli industries.

Outside of this board and among neo Nazis and Islamo Nazis, not a single soul has heard about the BDS Bowel Discharge Movement.

I wonder if those involved with BDS think that they are actually going to make even the slightest difference to Israel's economy. It's been around since 2005, and I have not seen a shred of evidence suggesting that it has had an impact on Israel. Almost a decade !
While you have posters salivating over this BDS movement, you actually get the impression that they are so into this that they have no problem buying Chinese goods even though the Chinese are actually occupying Tibet (and forcing the Tibetan women to have abortions so as to kill out the Tibetan culture) Naturally they would also never think of boycotting cheap goods from Pakistan even though Christians, Hindus, plus Shiite and Ahmadi Muslims are harassed and killed there by the Sunnis. What hypocrites these people are!!! If it doesn't involve the Jews, they actually don't care what is happening elsewhere, Meanwhile, of course, they never think of the Arabs who will be unemployed because of this BDS movement. Maybe the posters who are so into this BDS movement should start collecting some money to send to these unemployed Arabs. Of course, Israel will thrive even with this BDS movement and there will always be investors willing to put their money into Israeli industries.

Outside of this board and among neo Nazis and Islamo Nazis, not a single soul has heard about the BDS Bowel Discharge Movement.

I wonder if those involved with BDS think that they are actually going to make even the slightest difference to Israel's economy. It's been around since 2005, and I have not seen a shred of evidence suggesting that it has had an impact on Israel. Almost a decade !
Maybe you should read more than hasbara talking points in the next decade?

"Agrexco, Israel’s former largest exporter of agricultural produce, entered liquidation towards the end of 2011, following a campaign of blockades, demonstrations, lobbying of supermarkets and governments, popular boycotts and legal action in more than 13 countries across Europe. The campaign against the company was a major factor behind the lack of investors’ interest to salvage it."

BDS Victories |
The goal of BDS is to end the occupation, right? They are trying to weaken the economy of the West Bank, correct?
The goal of BDS is to end the occupation, right? They are trying to weaken the economy of the West Bank, correct?
Define "economy of the West Bank"?

BDS is weakening the Jewish stranglehold over West Bank resources:

"The campaign for boycotts, divestment and sanctions (BDS) is shaped by a rights-based approach and highlights the three broad sections of the Palestinian people: the refugees, those under military occupation in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and Palestinians in Israel.

"The call urges various forms of boycott against Israel until it meets its obligations under international law by:

"Ending its occupation and colonization of all Arab lands occupied in June 1967 and dismantling the Wall;

"Recognizing the fundamental rights of the Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel to full equality; and
Respecting, protecting and promoting the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties as stipulated in UN Resolution 194."

Introducing the BDS Movement |
The goal of BDS is to end the occupation, right? They are trying to weaken the economy of the West Bank, correct?
Define "economy of the West Bank"?

BDS is weakening the Jewish stranglehold over West Bank resources:

"The campaign for boycotts, divestment and sanctions (BDS) is shaped by a rights-based approach and highlights the three broad sections of the Palestinian people: the refugees, those under military occupation in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and Palestinians in Israel.

"The call urges various forms of boycott against Israel until it meets its obligations under international law by:

"Ending its occupation and colonization of all Arab lands occupied in June 1967 and dismantling the Wall;

"Recognizing the fundamental rights of the Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel to full equality; and
Respecting, protecting and promoting the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties as stipulated in UN Resolution 194."

Introducing the BDS Movement |

Well let me make it simple for you. Judea and Samaria (changed to the West Bank) is a place where Jewish Businesses are located. Some of these businesses are store which offer a variety of products. BDS is boycotting by not buying these products and .encouraging people and other businesses not to buy them , correct? In other words,trying to help with the failure of that business.
Well since there is a direct correlation between the success or failure of businesses and the status of an economy, it is clear that BDS is attempting to harm the Economy of the West Bank, withing the Jewish Community, in an effort to get Israel to withdraw from The West Bank and tear down the wall (which has saved countless lives)
The goal of BDS is to end the occupation, right? They are trying to weaken the economy of the West Bank, correct?
Define "economy of the West Bank"?

BDS is weakening the Jewish stranglehold over West Bank resources:

"The campaign for boycotts, divestment and sanctions (BDS) is shaped by a rights-based approach and highlights the three broad sections of the Palestinian people: the refugees, those under military occupation in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and Palestinians in Israel.

"The call urges various forms of boycott against Israel until it meets its obligations under international law by:

"Ending its occupation and colonization of all Arab lands occupied in June 1967 and dismantling the Wall;

"Recognizing the fundamental rights of the Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel to full equality; and
Respecting, protecting and promoting the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties as stipulated in UN Resolution 194."

Introducing the BDS Movement |

Well let me make it simple for you. Judea and Samaria (changed to the West Bank) is a place where Jewish Businesses are located. Some of these businesses are store which offer a variety of products. BDS is boycotting by not buying these products and .encouraging people and other businesses not to buy them , correct? In other words,trying to help with the failure of that business.
Well since there is a direct correlation between the success or failure of businesses and the status of an economy, it is clear that BDS is attempting to harm the Economy of the West Bank, withing the Jewish Community, in an effort to get Israel to withdraw from The West Bank and tear down the wall (which has saved countless lives)
Judea and Samaria are BCE mythology.
The Occupied Territories are CE Fourth Geneva.
Those "Jews" or "Russians" or "Poles" running Jewish Businesses on the West Bank are war criminals.
There's a more direct correlation between the illegality of an Occupying Power transferring its civilian population into territory it controls and the moral failure of the Jewish state.
BTW, regarding that wall (which has saved countless lives) why is the life of a Jew worth more than his/her victim?
Define "economy of the West Bank"?

BDS is weakening the Jewish stranglehold over West Bank resources:

"The campaign for boycotts, divestment and sanctions (BDS) is shaped by a rights-based approach and highlights the three broad sections of the Palestinian people: the refugees, those under military occupation in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and Palestinians in Israel.

"The call urges various forms of boycott against Israel until it meets its obligations under international law by:

"Ending its occupation and colonization of all Arab lands occupied in June 1967 and dismantling the Wall;

"Recognizing the fundamental rights of the Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel to full equality; and
Respecting, protecting and promoting the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties as stipulated in UN Resolution 194."

Introducing the BDS Movement |

Well let me make it simple for you. Judea and Samaria (changed to the West Bank) is a place where Jewish Businesses are located. Some of these businesses are store which offer a variety of products. BDS is boycotting by not buying these products and .encouraging people and other businesses not to buy them , correct? In other words,trying to help with the failure of that business.
Well since there is a direct correlation between the success or failure of businesses and the status of an economy, it is clear that BDS is attempting to harm the Economy of the West Bank, withing the Jewish Community, in an effort to get Israel to withdraw from The West Bank and tear down the wall (which has saved countless lives)
Judea and Samaria are BCE mythology.
The Occupied Territories are CE Fourth Geneva.
Those "Jews" or "Russians" or "Poles" running Jewish Businesses on the West Bank are war criminals.
There's a more direct correlation between the illegality of an Occupying Power transferring its civilian population into territory it controls and the moral failure of the Jewish state.
BTW, regarding that wall (which has saved countless lives) why is the life of a Jew worth more than his/her victim?

Judea and Samaria, West Bank, whatever you want Georgie boy.
They are not war criminals, and you know that, you need to change your propaganda. If they really wanted the West Bank they would have accepted, or at the very least compromised with the offers proposed to them.
There is no failure involving the Jewish State.. Only success, which I know you continuously deny and which I know hurts you. But there is massive failure among the Palestinians and their agenda, no doubt there.
As for the wall, lest we forget the second intifada, mainly between 2002-2004 where suicide bombings were almost a weekly , and sometimes daily occurrence :

List of Palestinian suicide attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Once a large part of the wall was built, low and behold, suicide bombings virtually ceased ! Israelis were not getting blown to bits. This has nothing to do with valuing Israeli life over An Arabs life, that is just more of your bullshit Arab propaganda used to vilify Israel
The wall and it being detrimental to the Palestinians is just another example of Palestinians fucking themselves over for commencing hostilities.
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