The 8 Most Exciting Solar Projects in the U.S. [Updated]


Oh wait're right. They want wind to take care of the rest. :rolleyes:

Who is "they"? You got a problem with trying to wean ourselves off of foreign oil? You're a joke and another on the list of poster children for the Dumbing Down of America!!!
They act all threatened when you say you want to lessen dependency on foreign oil! :lol:

Why do they love the Saudis so much?

We love Canada and Mexico even more...

CANADA 1,975
MEXICO 1,229

Crude Oil and Total Petroleum Imports Top 15 Countries
What kind of tax subsidies is that company getting?
Whatever it is, you can be guaranteed that part of it is not the U.S. Army, Navy, Marines, and Overhead Observers protecting these plants 24/7 from radical Americans trying to blow it up.

So add the cost of us being in the Middle East to the billions in subsidies that the oil industry gets.
What kind of tax subsidies is that company getting?
Whatever it is, you can be guaranteed that part of it is not the U.S. Army, Navy, Marines, and Overhead Observers protecting these plants 24/7 from radical Americans trying to blow it up.

So add the cost of us being in the Middle East to the billions in subsidies that the oil industry gets.

A good arguement for more drilling here in the U.S.

Drill here, drill now, pay less.
Better question. How many INDUSTRIES can one of those plants supply with consistent, reliable power?

It's not meant to be the only source of power, but a supplement that will lower our dependence on foreign oil. It goes into the grid which you well know, but choose to ignore in favor of your well-documented biases toward anything that makes sense.

1% of U.S. electricity is generated using crude oil.

So... this must be what Obama was talking about in his State of the Union Speech. He said we need one million electric cars on the road, and he said we will pay for it by taxing the domestic petroleum industry (to the tune of $40 billion as per his budget proposals).


It's not meant to be the only source of power, but a supplement that will lower our dependence on foreign oil. It goes into the grid which you well know, but choose to ignore in favor of your well-documented biases toward anything that makes sense.

1% of U.S. electricity is generated using crude oil.

So... this must be what Obama was talking about in his State of the Union Speech. He said we need one million electric cars on the road, and he said we will pay for it by taxing the domestic petroleum industry (to the tune of $40 billion as per his budget proposals).


Your keyboard broken?
Who is "they"? You got a problem with trying to wean ourselves off of foreign oil? You're a joke and another on the list of poster children for the Dumbing Down of America!!!
They act all threatened when you say you want to lessen dependency on foreign oil! :lol:

Why do they love the Saudis so much?

We love Canada and Mexico even more...

CANADA 1,975
MEXICO 1,229

Crude Oil and Total Petroleum Imports Top 15 Countries
Liberals love America more than we love Canada and Mexico. That's why we want non-polluting energy choices.
What kind of tax subsidies is that company getting?
Whatever it is, you can be guaranteed that part of it is not the U.S. Army, Navy, Marines, and Overhead Observers protecting these plants 24/7 from radical Americans trying to blow it up.

So add the cost of us being in the Middle East to the billions in subsidies that the oil industry gets.

A good arguement for more drilling here in the U.S.

Drill here, drill now, pay less.
Don't you mean "Spill Here, Spill Now"?

American oil burns just as dirty as Canada's.
1% of U.S. electricity is generated using crude oil.

So... this must be what Obama was talking about in his State of the Union Speech. He said we need one million electric cars on the road, and he said we will pay for it by taxing the domestic petroleum industry (to the tune of $40 billion as per his budget proposals).


Your keyboard broken?
Did you already post the link?
Who is "they"? You got a problem with trying to wean ourselves off of foreign oil? You're a joke and another on the list of poster children for the Dumbing Down of America!!!
morons like you who are scared all to pieces of every reliable piece of energy generating tech and fuel out there preferring to rely on failed, unproven and untested industries that cannot sustain or replace things that work perfectly well.

To be thought stupid by ecofascists is to be wise in reality.

Must be getting to you, Fitz. Not a single piece of useful info, just trash talk. That might work with the other brain-dead wingnuts, but those of us with intelligence only :lol: at what passes for debate these days.
Konnie... I've never seen you post anything with intelligence. When your arguments are debunkable sans research by common sense and simple questions, I don't need to post dozens of links.

Reminds me of when the first joint space mission between the US and USSR happened. The Astronauts were bragging about their pen that writes upside down and in zero g. When informed that the Cosmonauts did not use such a tool, they asked smuggly "what do YOU use then?"

The Cosmonaut held up a pencil.

Your rube goldberg solutions to the energy non-crisis are pointless and comical. From a threat that doesn't exist, to a shortage that is imaginary, all for the sake of a political system and philosophy that is a lethal failure every time it's tried... yet you tards KEEP going back to it (the definition of insanity right there). The solution is simple. Make something better than 'fossil fuels', fission and hydropower, and the world will beat a path to your door.

Till then, you're a fucking joke.
Whatever it is, you can be guaranteed that part of it is not the U.S. Army, Navy, Marines, and Overhead Observers protecting these plants 24/7 from radical Americans trying to blow it up.

So add the cost of us being in the Middle East to the billions in subsidies that the oil industry gets.

A good arguement for more drilling here in the U.S.

Drill here, drill now, pay less.
Don't you mean "Spill Here, Spill Now"?

American oil burns just as dirty as Canada's.
Firstly, in some instances links are redundant. If you care to corroberate then make a few mouse clicks to satisfy your own curiosity.

Drill and spill? Is that your impression? It's not a perfect industry- none are- not even your allegedly non-polluting green technologies. But after 150 years and billlions of barrels produced, I think it's got a pretty good track record.

Oil produced within the U.S. is in fact a much cleaner fuel, and a higher BTU content fuel than even Canada's. But more importantly, the value of those U.S. barrels stays in the U.S. And so do the jobs.
Non polluting energy sources?


Then please edumicate me as to the processes involved in developing and bringing to market various green/alternative/renewable energies and how they are non-polluting from drawing board to construction.
What kind of tax subsidies is that company getting?
Whatever it is, you can be guaranteed that part of it is not the U.S. Army, Navy, Marines, and Overhead Observers protecting these plants 24/7 from radical Americans trying to blow it up.

So add the cost of us being in the Middle East to the billions in subsidies that the oil industry gets.

Do you even know where we get most of our oil from?
A good arguement for more drilling here in the U.S.

Drill here, drill now, pay less.
Don't you mean "Spill Here, Spill Now"?

American oil burns just as dirty as Canada's.
Firstly, in some instances links are redundant. If you care to corroberate then make a few mouse clicks to satisfy your own curiosity.

Sorry, that's not how it works. If you make a statement in a factual manner, it's incumbent upon you to be able to back it up.

Drill and spill? Is that your impression? It's not a perfect industry- none are- not even your allegedly non-polluting green technologies. But after 150 years and billlions of barrels produced, I think it's got a pretty good track record.

If you are making widgets, there is no need to be perfect. When you are using public resources, with the possibility of ruining those resources, perfection is required. Since they cannot provide that, their opportunities and access should be greatly curtailed.

Oil produced within the U.S. is in fact a much cleaner fuel, and a higher BTU content fuel than even Canada's. But more importantly, the value of those U.S. barrels stays in the U.S. And so do the jobs.

That's very nice. It's still not as clean as solar or wind.

Non polluting energy sources?


Then please edumicate me as to the processes involved in developing and bringing to market various green/alternative/renewable energies and how they are non-polluting from drawing board to construction.

No. I'm not your teacher. Do your own research.

You asked if "non-polluting energy sources" is an oxymoron. It is not. Wind is non-polluting.
What kind of tax subsidies is that company getting?
Whatever it is, you can be guaranteed that part of it is not the U.S. Army, Navy, Marines, and Overhead Observers protecting these plants 24/7 from radical Americans trying to blow it up.

So add the cost of us being in the Middle East to the billions in subsidies that the oil industry gets.

Do you even know where we get most of our oil from?
Canada, Mexico, U.S., Venezuela.

Why does it matter? It all pollutes. It is all finite. The huge increase in demand will only make gas prices rise higher and higher.
#7 says "California will produce a whopping 1000 MW of power, making it the largest solar power plant in the world". That will cover close to a million homes.
While the sun is shining. Oops.
The plants are located in Mojave California, Boulder City Nevada and Gila Bend Arizona and Blythe California where the sun shines 300+ days a year! Everywhere else: No dice. :lol:

"No dice" = No imagination.
Solar power can and will be used to produce hydrogen from water. A clean process and a clean source of energy able to produce electricity everywhere.
I'm sure the conservatives of yesteryear opposed every new idea and project at the get-go; thank God for giving humanity a brain capable of imagining things, and some the courage to create them.
While the sun is shining. Oops.
The plants are located in Mojave California, Boulder City Nevada and Gila Bend Arizona and Blythe California where the sun shines 300+ days a year! Everywhere else: No dice. :lol:

"No dice" = No imagination.
Solar power can and will be used to produce hydrogen from water. A clean process and a clean source of energy able to produce electricity everywhere.
I'm sure the conservatives of yesteryear opposed every new idea and project at the get-go; thank God for giving humanity a brain capable of imagining things, and some the courage to create them.

Chris Rock nailed it, while talking about curing diseases:

"There's no money in the cure - the money is in the medicine. THAT'S how you get paid!"

It's the same thing with solar. If I buy a system, I'm done. If my house is running on sunshine, and I can charge up my auto every day on sunshine, then how is the oil industry getting paid?

That's why they are throwing millions and millions into lobbying Congress.
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Whatever it is, you can be guaranteed that part of it is not the U.S. Army, Navy, Marines, and Overhead Observers protecting these plants 24/7 from radical Americans trying to blow it up.

So add the cost of us being in the Middle East to the billions in subsidies that the oil industry gets.

Do you even know where we get most of our oil from?
Canada, Mexico, U.S., Venezuela.

Why does it matter? It all pollutes. It is all finite. The huge increase in demand will only make gas prices rise higher and higher.

So your argument about the money spent in the Middle east has absolutely nothing to do with the tax subsidies so called green energy companies eat up.
Before I went my pants, how many homes will these projects power. For example, with these projects, what percentage of CA's power will come from solar power?

My guess is, and I don't want to be pestimissitic, is about 2-3% of CA needs!
Better question. How many INDUSTRIES can one of those plants supply with consistent, reliable power?

It's not meant to be the only source of power, but a supplement that will lower our dependence on foreign oil. It goes into the grid which you well know, but choose to ignore in favor of your well-documented biases toward anything that makes sense.

Name one power plant in California that uses foreign oil to produce electricity. You can not do it because its a lie that Solar Power reduces use of foreign oil.
Not mentioned is this is going to cost the tax payers 1.3 billion dollars, thats right, the same cost of a nuclear power plant that produces at least 1000 times more energy. Also not mentioned is this project is on public land, or government owned land, hence that is a huge subsidy, imagine if you had to by over 9 Square miles of land to build a Solar Plant, that cost alone would make it impossible.

Oh well, fuck the public, give our money to Spanish and Israeli companies. Thats right, some of this project if not all is being made by a corporation in Israel. Not the place I would create jobs but I just pay tax and high electric rates in California.

Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System BrightSource

January 17, 2011 - On Friday January 14, 2011 Western Watersheds Project filed suit in federal court to halt construction of the Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System on 5.4 square miles of high quality habitat for the threatened Desert tortoise.

“No project can be considered clean or green when it involves destruction of habitat for a species listed under Endangered Species Act on this scale,” said Dr. Michael J. Connor, California Director for Western Watersheds Project. “The Department of Interior is tasked with siting energy projects in an environmentally sound manner. Instead it is allowing thousands of acres of important desert tortoise habitat to be bulldozed when there are alternative ways of generating power”

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