The abortion issue troubles me mightily

Yes because you can’t kill someone on a whim. In this scenario, 99% of the time you’d be doing something to invite a person (with no ill intent) to your house, and if you then asked them to “leave”, and your method of removal would be to kill them, scrape them up with a shovel, and put them in the trash on the side of the road. Well that’s not very legal is it? If you did something with the chance of luring someone into your house, then you killed them, well that would be called murder.
If I insisted they leave during a blizzard and they died of exposure I don't think that is murder.

Not a very good analogy but my point is that if a mother's rights conflict with the rights of a single cell/fertilized egg, I'll side with the human being that can think and feel.
There's no proof that the soul has entered into the body until after birth, since NOBODY remembers being in a womb, or being born. Up until consciousness enters the body, it's nothing more than an empty vessel. IMHO.
I didn’t know soul was now a scientific definition. We really need to get the doctors and scientist to figure out when that happens. My theory is that for some reason the soul can’t pass through the mother, so it just waits by the vaginal canal until it sees the head, and then jumps right in. And sometimes it can’t find it’s place so the doctor needs to spank the behind to help find where it lives in the body.
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How is allowing someone to die naturally the same thing as killing them to you?
Inaccurate analogy:
How is removing a breathing machine from or not feeding a comatose person different from an abortion?

For one if the feeding tube is removed or (like in my wife's case) the respirator is removed and the patient continues to live, we don't drill a fucking hole in their head and drag them out of their caregivers room one limb at a time to hasten their death.
OK but if the comatose patient dies is it murder?

It is if the intent was to kill them. Yes.
Interesting conservative/liberal inversion. I don't want the government getting involved, I'd prefer to let these difficult decisions be left to the people who are closest.

I have faced decisions like that more than once. There are rules and guidelines to protect the patients, the Drs., the hospitals and the surviving family members and while I generally like less government, I can not deny that it has a legitimate role to play in the protections of all the parties involved in a decision involving life and death.
There's no proof that the soul has entered into the body until after birth, since NOBODY remembers being in a womb, or being born. Up until consciousness enters the body, it's nothing more than an empty vessel. IMHO.

You can fucking prove that a SOUL enters a body at birth? Where? How? Share the fucking proof!
No I don’t think they’re morally equivalent. The zygote hasn’t achieved anything even close to consciousness, and doesn’t yet even possess the cells necessary for consciousness. If I could come up with a metaphor, it’s that the zygote is but an empty vessel.

What is human life without consciousness? "I think therefore I am." Why can consciousness (mental state) have such an extreme impact on one’s rights in our society? Someone can lose their liberty, agency, or even life as a result of different “brain” “states”. Consciousness matters.
My metaphor is that the zygote contains the blueprint for a human being. It has the information needed to build a human but is not itself human. A blueprint of a house likewise has all the information needed to build the house but is not itself anything you could live in.

No the blueprint is DNA. And the DNA is housed inside of life. Without life to support, house, and replicate DNA, DNA (the blueprint) is inert.

What you’re saying is like because a caterpillar isn’t yet a butterfly it isn’t life, and has less of a right to live than the butterfly. Caterpillars want to live to, just like fetuses want to live. They don’t go offing themselves because they feel like their future is bleak. They fight and fight to all life.

Also a women would never know she’s pregnant during the zygote stage, stop trying to minimize. The zygote stage is 4 freaking days. A women might barley know she’s pregnant at the tail end of the embryonic stage.
A caterpillar is much more than a fertilized egg. A fertilized egg 'wants' nothing. It has no brain or nervous system and no senses. It is little more than an inert blueprint. A caterpillar is what is what is built from its DNA blueprint.

Women have the "morning after pill" available so it is an issue since I bet plenty of people here would like to see it banned.
A fertilized egg is just the first stage, it’s still a separate living entity...just in its early stages. If a bird doesn’t incubate their eggs, or an ant, or whatever, it dies. And we’re not talking about “just a fertilized egg” here, nor am I talking about the morning after pill. A women would never know she was pregnant with a zygote as you seem to claim.

And I used caterpillar as an example to show a different stage of life. It doesn’t make it non life. It’s still life, and human life. Life maybe that you can’t/don’t want to personify with. But it’s still life
"A fertilized egg is just the first stage, it’s still a separate living entity...just in its early stages."

True enough but does its rights supersede the mothers? If you're in my house, however you got there, legally I have the right to ask you to leave. We both have rights but, as a home owner, mine trump yours.

According to the Constitution, nobodys rights are to be seen as superseding the rights of any others.

True or false?
Yes because you can’t kill someone on a whim. In this scenario, 99% of the time you’d be doing something to invite a person (with no ill intent) to your house, and if you then asked them to “leave”, and your method of removal would be to kill them, scrape them up with a shovel, and put them in the trash on the side of the road. Well that’s not very legal is it? If you did something with the chance of luring someone into your house, then you killed them, well that would be called murder.
If I insisted they leave during a blizzard and they died of exposure I don't think that is murder.

Not a very good analogy but my point is that if a mother's rights conflict with the rights of a single cell/fertilized egg, I'll side with the human being that can think and feel.
No it isn’t, because for that to work, you’d still have to kill them. And even if that wasn’t the case, you’d be throwing them outside, knowing 100% they’d die. So add some hungry bears outside of the door, waiting to devour whoever walks out. And even without the hungry bears, that would definitely make you a bad person, and there would definitely be some manslaughter charges.

And your personal rights, including privacy, do not extend to using them to infringing on others rights, especially life (the very first right mentioned). You have a right to own a gun, but that right doesn’t mean you can use it to rob or kill someone. If you use it in defense of someone with INTENT to infringe on your rights that’s different. You have a right to free speech, but that’s doesn’t extend to convincing a kid that a cup of bleach is really apple juice. Or using speech to commit fraud and steal from people. I have a right to privacy, but I can’t steal someone’s stuff in front of them, and when the cops come not agree to a search, since there is plenty probably cause there.

Women do have a right to choose, but they need to understand that choice starts when they decide to participate in the act of reproduction. Surprise surprise, there’s a you’ll get pregnant.
There's no proof that the soul has entered into the body until after birth, since NOBODY remembers being in a womb, or being born. Up until consciousness enters the body, it's nothing more than an empty vessel. IMHO.

You can fucking prove that a SOUL enters a body at birth? Where? How? Share the fucking proof!
NOBODY remembers being in the womb or being born. Meaning it's likely that our soul chooses not to sit around for 9 months in a bag of fluid. It's just as plausible as any other explanation. And you can't prove that consciousness enters the fetus before it's born. Go ahead and try, we'll wait.
Women do have a right to choose, but they need to understand that choice starts when they decide to participate in the act of reproduction. Surprise surprise, there’s a you’ll get pregnant.
What about cases where the woman does not get a choice? For example, in cases of rape or if a contraceptive pill or device fails to work.
There's no proof that the soul has entered into the body until after birth, since NOBODY remembers being in a womb, or being born. Up until consciousness enters the body, it's nothing more than an empty vessel. IMHO.

You can fucking prove that a SOUL enters a body at birth? Where? How? Share the fucking proof!
NOBODY remembers being in the womb or being born. Meaning it's likely that our soul chooses not to sit around for 9 months in a bag of fluid. It's just as plausible as any other explanation. And you can't prove that consciousness enters the fetus before it's born. Go ahead and try, we'll wait.

Just share your proof of even one soul of any fucking age. I want to see it.
According to the Constitution, nobodys rights are to be seen as superseding the rights of any others.

True or false?
False. Every Constitutional right has limits. My right to life supersedes your right to yell fire in a theater.

That is not an example of one persons or a group of persons rights superseding the rights of others. We all have an equal right to free speech, just as we are all (supposed to) have an equal right our lives and Constitutional protections. None of us have the right to infringe upon the rights of others (according to the Constitution) with the way we exercise any of our rights.
None of us have the right to infringe upon the rights of others (according to the Constitution) with the way we exercise any of our rights.
You mean like how the rights of a baby infringes on the right of a mother to not be forced to carry it?
There's no proof that the soul has entered into the body until after birth, since NOBODY remembers being in a womb, or being born. Up until consciousness enters the body, it's nothing more than an empty vessel. IMHO.

You can fucking prove that a SOUL enters a body at birth? Where? How? Share the fucking proof!
NOBODY remembers being in the womb or being born. Meaning it's likely that our soul chooses not to sit around for 9 months in a bag of fluid. It's just as plausible as any other explanation. And you can't prove that consciousness enters the fetus before it's born. Go ahead and try, we'll wait.

Just share your proof of even one soul of any fucking age. I want to see it.
So you oppose abortion AND don't think that humans have a soul? Wow, that's an odd combination. Why?
There's no proof that the soul has entered into the body until after birth, since NOBODY remembers being in a womb, or being born. Up until consciousness enters the body, it's nothing more than an empty vessel. IMHO.

You can fucking prove that a SOUL enters a body at birth? Where? How? Share the fucking proof!
NOBODY remembers being in the womb or being born. Meaning it's likely that our soul chooses not to sit around for 9 months in a bag of fluid. It's just as plausible as any other explanation. And you can't prove that consciousness enters the fetus before it's born. Go ahead and try, we'll wait.

Just share your proof of even one soul of any fucking age. I want to see it.
So you oppose abortion AND don't think that humans have a soul? Wow, that's an odd combination. Why?

One thing at a time. Do you have proof that a soul enters a childs body at birth? Or not?

You made the claim.
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None of us have the right to infringe upon the rights of others (according to the Constitution) with the way we exercise any of our rights.
You mean like how the rights of a baby infringes on the right of a mother to not be forced to carry it?

The claim that a child in the womb is violating the MOTHERS rights is negated by the fact that unless the mother was raped. . . . She compromised her own rights by voluntarily putting the child there, herself.
There's no proof that the soul has entered into the body until after birth, since NOBODY remembers being in a womb, or being born. Up until consciousness enters the body, it's nothing more than an empty vessel. IMHO.

You can fucking prove that a SOUL enters a body at birth? Where? How? Share the fucking proof!
NOBODY remembers being in the womb or being born. Meaning it's likely that our soul chooses not to sit around for 9 months in a bag of fluid. It's just as plausible as any other explanation. And you can't prove that consciousness enters the fetus before it's born. Go ahead and try, we'll wait.

Just share your proof of even one soul of any fucking age. I want to see it.
So you oppose abortion AND don't think that humans have a soul? Wow, that's an odd combination. Why?

One thing at a time. Do you have proof that a soul enters a childs body at birth? Or not?

You made the claim.
No scientific proof, just the fact that nobody remembers being in the womb, so consciousness doesn’t start there.
Women do have a right to choose, but they need to understand that choice starts when they decide to participate in the act of reproduction. Surprise surprise, there’s a you’ll get pregnant.
What about cases where the woman does not get a choice? For example, in cases of rape or if a contraceptive pill or device fails to work.
It’s debatable then, but it’s also fractions of a percent. I mean if you got raped, it’d probably seem wise to get the morning after pill. And if your BC failed, sue the company as long as you can prove it.

But what about the other 99%
You can fucking prove that a SOUL enters a body at birth? Where? How? Share the fucking proof!
NOBODY remembers being in the womb or being born. Meaning it's likely that our soul chooses not to sit around for 9 months in a bag of fluid. It's just as plausible as any other explanation. And you can't prove that consciousness enters the fetus before it's born. Go ahead and try, we'll wait.

Just share your proof of even one soul of any fucking age. I want to see it.
So you oppose abortion AND don't think that humans have a soul? Wow, that's an odd combination. Why?

One thing at a time. Do you have proof that a soul enters a childs body at birth? Or not?

You made the claim.
No scientific proof, just the fact that nobody remembers being in the womb, so consciousness doesn’t start there.
You also don’t really remember the first couple years of life. So no soul up until then?
You can fucking prove that a SOUL enters a body at birth? Where? How? Share the fucking proof!
NOBODY remembers being in the womb or being born. Meaning it's likely that our soul chooses not to sit around for 9 months in a bag of fluid. It's just as plausible as any other explanation. And you can't prove that consciousness enters the fetus before it's born. Go ahead and try, we'll wait.

Just share your proof of even one soul of any fucking age. I want to see it.
So you oppose abortion AND don't think that humans have a soul? Wow, that's an odd combination. Why?

One thing at a time. Do you have proof that a soul enters a childs body at birth? Or not?

You made the claim.
No scientific proof, just the fact that nobody remembers being in the womb, so consciousness doesn’t start there.

What were your thoughts three weeks after you were born? What language were you using at the time?

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