The abuse of Greta

I haven’t listened to what she has said, I have read a little not sure I agree with her.

As far as personal attacks? I’ve been on this board and read the news and the left and their attack should also speak volumes. I guess it depends on your bias. Your other comment about armchair warriors? The left is also filled with those. So in the end, the two sides are equal. It see,s you go after one side and not the other.
We are talking RW attacks on a little girl. Vicious smears against her and her parents. The far right are calling her a little Nazi girl

Why don’t Conservatives just point out where she is wrong?
Because they can’t
We live in a time when anyone who criticizes our Emperor will be demonized and attacked unmercifully, even a teenage girl who sailed across the Atlantic Ocean solo and represents the feelings of millions of kids her age.

So we should wait until she walks into a restaurant and shame her there or do you feel the world should base policies on how kids feel?
Anyone should be able the criticize an American President without facing demonizing and unfair disparaging just for having an opinion and speaking out. Trump and his supporters show an immaturity, lack of integrity and mean spirit that vandalizes and disrespects freedom of speech.
That is the way fascists work.

So that explains why when I disagreed with Obama or Hillary, I was labeled a sexist, afraid of strong women and a racist. I was demonized, called names and on and on. Thanks for clearing that up.
Here are the fifty failed climate predictions so far. Yes, climate predictions are 0-50. But the 16 year old girl with mental problems is going to nail it. And all it will cost you is... everything. All of your money. Your heating, cooling, cars, trucks, meat and fish, and most important your freedom. You can’t have that and a government running your life at the same time so obviously freedom of choice isn’t an option. But fret not. None of this will apply to our precious government leaders.

50 years of failed doomsday, eco-pocalyptic predictions; the so-called 'experts' are 0-50 - AEI
Are we allowed to review the climate change predictions from conservatives?

Predictions that call it a myth
Predictions that deny it is happening at all
Predictions that say man is incapable of impacting climate

While the timing of some environmentalist predictions may be wrong, the predictions of Conservative deniers are completely incorrect
Your predictions have never been right. And never will be.

What predictions of ours are going to be wrong when you’re yet to get one correct?
We are talking RW attacks on a little girl. Vicious smears against her and her parents. The far right are calling her a little Nazi girl

Why don’t Conservatives just point out where she is wrong?
Because they can’t
We live in a time when anyone who criticizes our Emperor will be demonized and attacked unmercifully, even a teenage girl who sailed across the Atlantic Ocean solo and represents the feelings of millions of kids her age.

So we should wait until she walks into a restaurant and shame her there or do you feel the world should base policies on how kids feel?
Anyone should be able the criticize an American President without facing demonizing and unfair disparaging just for having an opinion and speaking out. Trump and his supporters show an immaturity, lack of integrity and mean spirit that vandalizes and disrespects freedom of speech.
That is the way fascists work.

So that explains why when I disagreed with Obama or Hillary, I was labeled a sexist, afraid of strong women and a racist. I was demonized, called names and on and on. Thanks for clearing that up.
And now you’re a child abuser fornot nodding and going along with the pig tailed hysterical girl.
Here are the fifty failed climate predictions so far. Yes, climate predictions are 0-50. But the 16 year old girl with mental problems is going to nail it. And all it will cost you is... everything. All of your money. Your heating, cooling, cars, trucks, meat and fish, and most important your freedom. You can’t have that and a government running your life at the same time so obviously freedom of choice isn’t an option. But fret not. None of this will apply to our precious government leaders.

50 years of failed doomsday, eco-pocalyptic predictions; the so-called 'experts' are 0-50 - AEI

More than 50 studies show us we are facing dangerous climate change.

AEI is the most prominent think tank associated with American neoconservatism, in both the domestic and international policy arenas.

American Enterprise Institute - Wikipedia

A link from neocons about science. A joke.
50 failures. Fifty, fiddy, five-o, ofer fifty.

Piss off.
You're living in what you say isn't happening dumb ass.
Yet another climate denier thread. God, you guys are morons. Seriously. Still believe you should have an IQ test before you are allowed to vote. The US would turn into a one-party state pretty quickly. No more Deplorables.

Don't worry they gaslighting a 16 year old... They can't even beat her on the facts... so dirty tactics have to be used...
Science and the facts have defeated her

No one is using dirty tactics

She was selected and used as a mouth piece making her open to any criticism

You do not get to hide behind kids boy

Please give a Scientist today who is knowledgeable in the field of climatology and hasn't been discredited by there own work... Even give us a good peer reviewed paper...

Please show us your facts...

The burden is not on me.

It is on anyone who claims science supports her. It does not.

I am not referring to climate change in general. I am specifically referring to her exact and specific doom and gloom assertions which are NOT supported by any evidence or valid science. If you can prove otherwise go ahead and good luck
She doesn't have any ideas. She is Talking Tina. Pull the string.
Yes. She does. Attack them.

Speaks volumes that you have to resort to personal attacks instead.

Maybe that is all you have to refute a 16 yr old girl :dunno:

I haven’t listened to what she has said, I have read a little not sure I agree with her.

As far as personal attacks? I’ve been on this board and read the news and the left and their attack should also speak volumes. I guess it depends on your bias. Your other comment about armchair warriors? The left is also filled with those. So in the end, the two sides are equal. It see,s you go after one side and not the other.
We are talking RW attacks on a little girl. Vicious smears against her and her parents. The far right are calling her a little Nazi girl

Why don’t Conservatives just point out where she is wrong?
Because they can’t

A little girl? So she is 8? Funny the wording you use to slant a point of view. She is a teenager, as far as I have read, she has told her opinion. not sure she has put any facts out there, she just seems upset all the time. Not sure how you debate an emotional teenager.

Conservatives are running the playbook they used against Parkland Students

Rather than show compassion for students who had just seen dozens of their classmates killed, they mocked them, created false stories about them, called them lesbians and geeks

They are doing the same thing to Greta. A teen who has a strong emotional passion about the environment. Rather than refute her facts, they call her a Nazi, mock her looks, attack her parents

As if the left doesn't run the same playbook? The kids getting ripped by the media for wearing a hat? A few years back there was a conservative teenager that was taking to task liberal beliefs and they went after him. It's all the same. I am against it all, we should all be free to voice our opinions, we don't need to use personal attacks. The fact you claim only one side does it is plain funny. It's your bias, your love for Democrats and your two party system that keeps us all binary and not thinking outside the box. Thanks for your continued support for the government that we have today.
Here are the fifty failed climate predictions so far. Yes, climate predictions are 0-50. But the 16 year old girl with mental problems is going to nail it. And all it will cost you is... everything. All of your money. Your heating, cooling, cars, trucks, meat and fish, and most important your freedom. You can’t have that and a government running your life at the same time so obviously freedom of choice isn’t an option. But fret not. None of this will apply to our precious government leaders.

50 years of failed doomsday, eco-pocalyptic predictions; the so-called 'experts' are 0-50 - AEI

More than 50 studies show us we are facing dangerous climate change.

AEI is the most prominent think tank associated with American neoconservatism, in both the domestic and international policy arenas.

American Enterprise Institute - Wikipedia

A link from neocons about science. A joke.
None of those studies prove or provide evidence or support the ludicrous claim from this kid or you.

You are a proven liar and a cowasrd and a racist fool
Here are the fifty failed climate predictions so far. Yes, climate predictions are 0-50. But the 16 year old girl with mental problems is going to nail it. And all it will cost you is... everything. All of your money. Your heating, cooling, cars, trucks, meat and fish, and most important your freedom. You can’t have that and a government running your life at the same time so obviously freedom of choice isn’t an option. But fret not. None of this will apply to our precious government leaders.

50 years of failed doomsday, eco-pocalyptic predictions; the so-called 'experts' are 0-50 - AEI

More than 50 studies show us we are facing dangerous climate change.

AEI is the most prominent think tank associated with American neoconservatism, in both the domestic and international policy arenas.

American Enterprise Institute - Wikipedia

A link from neocons about science. A joke.
50 failures. Fifty, fiddy, five-o, ofer fifty.

Piss off.
You're living in what you say isn't happening dumb ass.
Not an argument or even accurate.

Typical from a proven racist liar
Here are the fifty failed climate predictions so far. Yes, climate predictions are 0-50. But the 16 year old girl with mental problems is going to nail it. And all it will cost you is... everything. All of your money. Your heating, cooling, cars, trucks, meat and fish, and most important your freedom. You can’t have that and a government running your life at the same time so obviously freedom of choice isn’t an option. But fret not. None of this will apply to our precious government leaders.

50 years of failed doomsday, eco-pocalyptic predictions; the so-called 'experts' are 0-50 - AEI

More than 50 studies show us we are facing dangerous climate change.

AEI is the most prominent think tank associated with American neoconservatism, in both the domestic and international policy arenas.

American Enterprise Institute - Wikipedia

A link from neocons about science. A joke.
50 failures. Fifty, fiddy, five-o, ofer fifty.

Piss off.
You're living in what you say isn't happening dumb ass.
It’s a typical late summer day. Just like all of the ones in the years before and just like the ones to come.

Of course I’m living in what’s happening.
She doesn't have any ideas. She is Talking Tina. Pull the string.
Yes. She does. Attack them.

Speaks volumes that you have to resort to personal attacks instead.

Maybe that is all you have to refute a 16 yr old girl :dunno:

I haven’t listened to what she has said, I have read a little not sure I agree with her.

As far as personal attacks? I’ve been on this board and read the news and the left and their attack should also speak volumes. I guess it depends on your bias. Your other comment about armchair warriors? The left is also filled with those. So in the end, the two sides are equal. It see,s you go after one side and not the other.
We are talking RW attacks on a little girl. Vicious smears against her and her parents. The far right are calling her a little Nazi girl

Why don’t Conservatives just point out where she is wrong?
Because they can’t

A little girl? So she is 8? Funny the wording you use to slant a point of view. She is a teenager, as far as I have read, she has told her opinion. not sure she has put any facts out there, she just seems upset all the time. Not sure how you debate an emotional teenager.
with no ability to understand the subject. I will merely ask that she present her data that proves her rant. that's all. I highly doubt, in fact, I would bet my entire salary that she has zip!!! she may have someone else's material, but her basic understanding isn't based on one fking thing she has investigated.

So far in what I have read and heard she has more emotion than facts. Some on the left claim she is an expert, not sure why, however she is not an expert. She is a kid that has strong opinions and has made climate change her first priority. She uses emotion very well to stir up other kids. Not much science to refute. Hard to argue with emotional people, facts become irrelevant.
We are talking RW attacks on a little girl. Vicious smears against her and her parents. The far right are calling her a little Nazi girl

Why don’t Conservatives just point out where she is wrong?
Because they can’t
We live in a time when anyone who criticizes our Emperor will be demonized and attacked unmercifully, even a teenage girl who sailed across the Atlantic Ocean solo and represents the feelings of millions of kids her age.

So we should wait until she walks into a restaurant and shame her there or do you feel the world should base policies on how kids feel?
Anyone should be able the criticize an American President without facing demonizing and unfair disparaging just for having an opinion and speaking out. Trump and his supporters show an immaturity, lack of integrity and mean spirit that vandalizes and disrespects freedom of speech.
That is the way fascists work.

So that explains why when I disagreed with Obama or Hillary, I was labeled a sexist, afraid of strong women and a racist. I was demonized, called names and on and on. Thanks for clearing that up.

No, it doesn't. Because much of what those like you called yourselves disagreeing with Obama about, you agreed with other presidents doing it. Your dumb fuck claim of being called a racist because you disagree with somebody is bunk. There is a difference between an honest disagreement than racism and if you were a person of color who has actually experienced racism, you'd know the difference.
Here are the fifty failed climate predictions so far. Yes, climate predictions are 0-50. But the 16 year old girl with mental problems is going to nail it. And all it will cost you is... everything. All of your money. Your heating, cooling, cars, trucks, meat and fish, and most important your freedom. You can’t have that and a government running your life at the same time so obviously freedom of choice isn’t an option. But fret not. None of this will apply to our precious government leaders.

50 years of failed doomsday, eco-pocalyptic predictions; the so-called 'experts' are 0-50 - AEI

More than 50 studies show us we are facing dangerous climate change.

AEI is the most prominent think tank associated with American neoconservatism, in both the domestic and international policy arenas.

American Enterprise Institute - Wikipedia

A link from neocons about science. A joke.
50 failures. Fifty, fiddy, five-o, ofer fifty.

Piss off.
You're living in what you say isn't happening dumb ass.
It’s a typical late summer day. Just like all of the ones in the years before and just like the ones to come.

Of course I’m living in what’s happening.

I like Greta's Ted talk last year where she says everything to her is black or white. She can't understand political social games. If climate change is really an existential threat, then we can't carry on as before, but must stop emissions. Either we go on as a civilization, or we don't.
We live in a time when anyone who criticizes our Emperor will be demonized and attacked unmercifully, even a teenage girl who sailed across the Atlantic Ocean solo and represents the feelings of millions of kids her age.

So we should wait until she walks into a restaurant and shame her there or do you feel the world should base policies on how kids feel?
Anyone should be able the criticize an American President without facing demonizing and unfair disparaging just for having an opinion and speaking out. Trump and his supporters show an immaturity, lack of integrity and mean spirit that vandalizes and disrespects freedom of speech.
That is the way fascists work.

So that explains why when I disagreed with Obama or Hillary, I was labeled a sexist, afraid of strong women and a racist. I was demonized, called names and on and on. Thanks for clearing that up.

No, it doesn't. Because much of what those like you called yourselves disagreeing with Obama about, you agreed with other presidents doing it. Your dumb fuck claim of being called a racist because you disagree with somebody is bunk. There is a difference between an honest disagreement than racism and if you were a person of color who has actually experienced racism, you'd know the difference.

Still don't mean it was racist. Calling out "racist" is the new way of saying "I surrender". It's what the mentally weak do when they veal they are beat and they need a grown up to step in.
Yes. She does. Attack them.

Speaks volumes that you have to resort to personal attacks instead.

Maybe that is all you have to refute a 16 yr old girl :dunno:

I haven’t listened to what she has said, I have read a little not sure I agree with her.

As far as personal attacks? I’ve been on this board and read the news and the left and their attack should also speak volumes. I guess it depends on your bias. Your other comment about armchair warriors? The left is also filled with those. So in the end, the two sides are equal. It see,s you go after one side and not the other.
We are talking RW attacks on a little girl. Vicious smears against her and her parents. The far right are calling her a little Nazi girl

Why don’t Conservatives just point out where she is wrong?
Because they can’t

A little girl? So she is 8? Funny the wording you use to slant a point of view. She is a teenager, as far as I have read, she has told her opinion. not sure she has put any facts out there, she just seems upset all the time. Not sure how you debate an emotional teenager.
with no ability to understand the subject. I will merely ask that she present her data that proves her rant. that's all. I highly doubt, in fact, I would bet my entire salary that she has zip!!! she may have someone else's material, but her basic understanding isn't based on one fking thing she has investigated.

So far in what I have read and heard she has more emotion than facts. Some on the left claim she is an expert, not sure why, however she is not an expert. She is a kid that has strong opinions and has made climate change her first priority. She uses emotion very well to stir up other kids. Not much science to refute. Hard to argue with emotional people, facts become irrelevant.

I don't think any body has called her an expert. The facts however support her opinion. That's why every nation on earth but us agreed to the Paris Accords. If no evidence of climate change existed this would not be the case.
So we should wait until she walks into a restaurant and shame her there or do you feel the world should base policies on how kids feel?
Anyone should be able the criticize an American President without facing demonizing and unfair disparaging just for having an opinion and speaking out. Trump and his supporters show an immaturity, lack of integrity and mean spirit that vandalizes and disrespects freedom of speech.
That is the way fascists work.

So that explains why when I disagreed with Obama or Hillary, I was labeled a sexist, afraid of strong women and a racist. I was demonized, called names and on and on. Thanks for clearing that up.

No, it doesn't. Because much of what those like you called yourselves disagreeing with Obama about, you agreed with other presidents doing it. Your dumb fuck claim of being called a racist because you disagree with somebody is bunk. There is a difference between an honest disagreement than racism and if you were a person of color who has actually experienced racism, you'd know the difference.

Still don't mean it was racist. Calling out "racist" is the new way of saying "I surrender". It's what the mentally weak do when they veal they are beat and they need a grown up to step in.

When you turn to a person of color and live a few years, I'll recognize your opinion on what's racist.
her opinion.

Her opinion is FUCKING IRRELEVANT. She is a CHILD. She has EXACTLY ZERO life or educational experiences that would define her position. Her position is that of those who imposed it on her. Add to that her mental issues and what we have is a JOKE.
A teenage girl.
Raging hormones
Barely out of puberty
Reported emotional issues.
Reported mental issues.


Wtf is wrong with you people?

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