The abuse of Greta

We live in a time when anyone who criticizes our Emperor will be demonized and attacked unmercifully, even a teenage girl who sailed across the Atlantic Ocean solo and represents the feelings of millions of kids her age.

So we should wait until she walks into a restaurant and shame her there or do you feel the world should base policies on how kids feel?
Anyone should be able the criticize an American President without facing demonizing and unfair disparaging just for having an opinion and speaking out. Trump and his supporters show an immaturity, lack of integrity and mean spirit that vandalizes and disrespects freedom of speech.
That is the way fascists work.

So that explains why when I disagreed with Obama or Hillary, I was labeled a sexist, afraid of strong women and a racist. I was demonized, called names and on and on. Thanks for clearing that up.

No, it doesn't. Because much of what those like you called yourselves disagreeing with Obama about, you agreed with other presidents doing it. Your dumb fuck claim of being called a racist because you disagree with somebody is bunk. There is a difference between an honest disagreement than racism and if you were a person of color who has actually experienced racism, you'd know the difference.

So prove, I am racist. Prove that I disagreed with Obama on his ideas just based on his skin color. You make accusation with absolutely no proof. I disagree with Democrats in general, I believe in conservative economics, I disapprove of adding to the debt, Obama added to it and I disagreed with him, I also disagreed with both Bush and Obama on their idea of "to big to fail". I dis agree with Trump adding to the debt, he campaigned on shrinking the debt and has let us down. I disagreed with healthcare that Obama purposed as it shifted the burden to the middle class. I disagreed with John McCain on his campaign finance reform as I knew that it would lead to bi problems down the road and it did, it was the cause of the Citizens United decision. I voted for Alan Keyes in the primaries in the 2000's as I felt he was a real conservative.

So prove your stupid point or STFU about it because I'll continue to call you out on you lie.
Townhall ^ | 09/24/2019

The entire American left -- the mainstream media, the environmentalist movement and Democratic politicians in particular -- are celebrating the involvement of teenagers and even younger children in protesting the world's "inaction" with regard to global warming.

And not just the American left, of course. The left throughout the world is celebrating. A 16-year-old Swedish girl whose contempt for adults is breathtaking is an international hero. Congressional Democrats invited her to testify in Congress, and the United Nations has likewise invited her.

The mayor and city council of New York City further politicized their city's public schools by allowing students to skip school to actively participate in a global warming protest.

The message of young climate change activists is: "You adults aren't doing your job. As a result, we have no future." As a sympathetic reporter -- are there any non-sympathetic reporters? -- for the Los Angeles Times put it, "(T)eens are still waiting for a sign that their elders get it."

The Times' coverage is typical. It reported: "Underneath the activism lies a simple truth: Young people are incredibly scared about climate change. They see it as a profound injustice and an existential threat to their generation and those that will follow. ...

"'They do worry, and they worry kind of a lot,' said Maria Ojala, an environmental psychologist at Orebro University in Sweden. ...

"Arielle Martinez Cohen" -- an 18-year-old Los Angeles activist with the youth climate group Zero Hour -- "remembers reading a report from an Australian think tank that warned the human species could face extinction by 2050 if society doesn't get its act together.

"'I almost imagine, like, an apocalypse-type thing happening,' Arielle said.

"Many young people say they can't fathom bringing kids of their own into the world. ...

"'It's not ethical. It's literally a burning house,' Lana said.

"'That's something that's not realistic,' agreed her twin sister, Yena.

"And how can they even think about college or contemplate their careers when faced with so much uncertainty?

"'It's something I feel every single day,' Yena said. 'I work really hard at school and I do all these things, and I'm like, "What am I working for? Do I have a future?"'"

It is critical to remember that hysterias -- such as Russian collusion with the Trump campaign, "endemic and systemic racism in America," the heterosexual AIDS "crisis" in America and the "rape culture" on American college campuses -- are to the left what oxygen is to biological life. No oxygen, no life; no hysteria, no left.

Apparently, however, the left-wing hysteria about global warming leading to the virtual extinction of life on Earth has not moved enough adults. Many adults who do not deny that the Earth is getting warmer -- such as Danish writer and environmentalist thinker Bjorn Lomborg -- do deny that the threat is "existential" and do believe that the left's solutions, such as the Green New Deal, will damage the world far more than will carbon emissions. Proof that the left is hysterical is its unwillingness to promote nuclear power -- a completely clean, non-fossil fuel-based source of power.

It provides France with 70 percent of its energy. Anyone who really believes life on Earth is endangered would grasp at the nuclear power lifeboat. That they do not proves what many of us have believed from the beginning: The "existential threat" scenario is another left-wing falsehood used to whip up hysteria that will lead to the left's control of the economy and society.

And that takes us back to the children: If you can't sell your hysteria to adults, try kids. And that is what the left has done. After all, no one is as malleable or as easily indoctrinated as children.

Consider this: If the left didn't tell them the world is going to end, they wouldn't worry about it. They'd be enjoying their young lives, maybe even learning to appreciate that they live in the freest country at the most prosperous time in human history. Instead, thanks to leftists (who are children in adult bodies), they live in their grip of "existential eco-anxiety."

This is but one more way in which the left abuses children (along with telling them they are neither boys nor girls but whatever they later choose to be; teaching them contempt for their country; and depriving them of the greatest source of morality, meaning, community and happiness -- any of the Judeo-Christian religions).

It's depressing, and it's frightening.

The scariest movies are those featuring brainwashed children. This horror show is happening in real life.



We live in a time when anyone who criticizes our Emperor will be demonized and attacked unmercifully, even a teenage girl who sailed across the Atlantic Ocean solo and represents the feelings of millions of kids her age.

So we should wait until she walks into a restaurant and shame her there or do you feel the world should base policies on how kids feel?
Anyone should be able the criticize an American President without facing demonizing and unfair disparaging just for having an opinion and speaking out. Trump and his supporters show an immaturity, lack of integrity and mean spirit that vandalizes and disrespects freedom of speech.
That is the way fascists work.

So that explains why when I disagreed with Obama or Hillary, I was labeled a sexist, afraid of strong women and a racist. I was demonized, called names and on and on. Thanks for clearing that up.

No, it doesn't. Because much of what those like you called yourselves disagreeing with Obama about, you agreed with other presidents doing it. Your dumb fuck claim of being called a racist because you disagree with somebody is bunk. There is a difference between an honest disagreement than racism and if you were a person of color who has actually experienced racism, you'd know the difference.

Disagreeing with Obama yet agreed with other presidents...ya mean like you loons are doing now? As far as racist, you fricken idiots use that for everything, losing an're a racist. I could say you idiots are transparent, but you're not, you're just too damn predictable.
Anyone should be able the criticize an American President without facing demonizing and unfair disparaging just for having an opinion and speaking out. Trump and his supporters show an immaturity, lack of integrity and mean spirit that vandalizes and disrespects freedom of speech.
That is the way fascists work.

So that explains why when I disagreed with Obama or Hillary, I was labeled a sexist, afraid of strong women and a racist. I was demonized, called names and on and on. Thanks for clearing that up.

No, it doesn't. Because much of what those like you called yourselves disagreeing with Obama about, you agreed with other presidents doing it. Your dumb fuck claim of being called a racist because you disagree with somebody is bunk. There is a difference between an honest disagreement than racism and if you were a person of color who has actually experienced racism, you'd know the difference.

Still don't mean it was racist. Calling out "racist" is the new way of saying "I surrender". It's what the mentally weak do when they veal they are beat and they need a grown up to step in.

When you turn to a person of color and live a few years, I'll recognize your opinion on what's racist.

Yep, I'm shocked....only your opinion matters, and your opinion sucks.
Yes. She does. Attack them.

Speaks volumes that you have to resort to personal attacks instead.

Maybe that is all you have to refute a 16 yr old girl :dunno:

I haven’t listened to what she has said, I have read a little not sure I agree with her.

As far as personal attacks? I’ve been on this board and read the news and the left and their attack should also speak volumes. I guess it depends on your bias. Your other comment about armchair warriors? The left is also filled with those. So in the end, the two sides are equal. It see,s you go after one side and not the other.
We are talking RW attacks on a little girl. Vicious smears against her and her parents. The far right are calling her a little Nazi girl

Why don’t Conservatives just point out where she is wrong?
Because they can’t
We live in a time when anyone who criticizes our Emperor will be demonized and attacked unmercifully, even a teenage girl who sailed across the Atlantic Ocean solo and represents the feelings of millions of kids her age.

So we should wait until she walks into a restaurant and shame her there or do you feel the world should base policies on how kids feel?
Anyone should be able the criticize an American President without facing demonizing and unfair disparaging just for having an opinion and speaking out. Trump and his supporters show an immaturity, lack of integrity and mean spirit that vandalizes and disrespects freedom of speech.

Anyone can say anything they want. It works both ways.

You have the right to say something stupid. I have the right to call you an idiot concerning it.

THAT is free speech.
Here are the fifty failed climate predictions so far. Yes, climate predictions are 0-50. But the 16 year old girl with mental problems is going to nail it. And all it will cost you is... everything. All of your money. Your heating, cooling, cars, trucks, meat and fish, and most important your freedom. You can’t have that and a government running your life at the same time so obviously freedom of choice isn’t an option. But fret not. None of this will apply to our precious government leaders.

50 years of failed doomsday, eco-pocalyptic predictions; the so-called 'experts' are 0-50 - AEI
Are we allowed to review the climate change predictions from conservatives?

Predictions that call it a myth
Predictions that deny it is happening at all
Predictions that say man is incapable of impacting climate

While the timing of some environmentalist predictions may be wrong, the predictions of Conservative deniers are completely incorrect

Yep, no doubt 10,000 years from now the world will be different...dumbass.
How profound
Yes. She does. Attack them.

Speaks volumes that you have to resort to personal attacks instead.

Maybe that is all you have to refute a 16 yr old girl :dunno:

I haven’t listened to what she has said, I have read a little not sure I agree with her.

As far as personal attacks? I’ve been on this board and read the news and the left and their attack should also speak volumes. I guess it depends on your bias. Your other comment about armchair warriors? The left is also filled with those. So in the end, the two sides are equal. It see,s you go after one side and not the other.
We are talking RW attacks on a little girl. Vicious smears against her and her parents. The far right are calling her a little Nazi girl

Why don’t Conservatives just point out where she is wrong?
Because they can’t

A little girl? So she is 8? Funny the wording you use to slant a point of view. She is a teenager, as far as I have read, she has told her opinion. not sure she has put any facts out there, she just seems upset all the time. Not sure how you debate an emotional teenager.
with no ability to understand the subject. I will merely ask that she present her data that proves her rant. that's all. I highly doubt, in fact, I would bet my entire salary that she has zip!!! she may have someone else's material, but her basic understanding isn't based on one fking thing she has investigated.

So far in what I have read and heard she has more emotion than facts. Some on the left claim she is an expert, not sure why, however she is not an expert. She is a kid that has strong opinions and has made climate change her first priority. She uses emotion very well to stir up other kids. Not much science to refute. Hard to argue with emotional people, facts become irrelevant.

She is a hand-puppet. She says what she is manipulated to say.
her opinion.

Her opinion is FUCKING IRRELEVANT. She is a CHILD. She has EXACTLY ZERO life or educational experiences that would define her position. Her position is that of those who imposed it on her. Add to that her mental issues and what we have is a JOKE.
A teenage girl.
Raging hormones
Barely out of puberty
Reported emotional issues.
Reported mental issues.


Wtf is wrong with you people?
Like to help you son but you are too young to vote
Ain’t no cure for the Summertime Blues

Typical conservative saying the opinions of those too young to vote do not matter
Here are the fifty failed climate predictions so far. Yes, climate predictions are 0-50. But the 16 year old girl with mental problems is going to nail it. And all it will cost you is... everything. All of your money. Your heating, cooling, cars, trucks, meat and fish, and most important your freedom. You can’t have that and a government running your life at the same time so obviously freedom of choice isn’t an option. But fret not. None of this will apply to our precious government leaders.

50 years of failed doomsday, eco-pocalyptic predictions; the so-called 'experts' are 0-50 - AEI
Are we allowed to review the climate change predictions from conservatives?

Predictions that call it a myth
Predictions that deny it is happening at all
Predictions that say man is incapable of impacting climate

While the timing of some environmentalist predictions may be wrong, the predictions of Conservative deniers are completely incorrect

Yep, no doubt 10,000 years from now the world will be different...dumbass.
How profound

We live in a time when anyone who criticizes our Emperor will be demonized and attacked unmercifully, even a teenage girl who sailed across the Atlantic Ocean solo and represents the feelings of millions of kids her age.

So we should wait until she walks into a restaurant and shame her there or do you feel the world should base policies on how kids feel?
Anyone should be able the criticize an American President without facing demonizing and unfair disparaging just for having an opinion and speaking out. Trump and his supporters show an immaturity, lack of integrity and mean spirit that vandalizes and disrespects freedom of speech.
That is the way fascists work.

So that explains why when I disagreed with Obama or Hillary, I was labeled a sexist, afraid of strong women and a racist. I was demonized, called names and on and on. Thanks for clearing that up.

No, it doesn't. Because much of what those like you called yourselves disagreeing with Obama about, you agreed with other presidents doing it. Your dumb fuck claim of being called a racist because you disagree with somebody is bunk. There is a difference between an honest disagreement than racism and if you were a person of color who has actually experienced racism, you'd know the difference.

Bullshit twink. Nobody is "racist" just because you say they are.
We here in the USA were doing our part by reducing emissions below Copenhagen & Paris Agreements until Trump backed out & FORCED US to stop making more efficient vehicles.

her opinion.

Her opinion is FUCKING IRRELEVANT. She is a CHILD. She has EXACTLY ZERO life or educational experiences that would define her position. Her position is that of those who imposed it on her. Add to that her mental issues and what we have is a JOKE.
A teenage girl.
Raging hormones
Barely out of puberty
Reported emotional issues.
Reported mental issues.


Wtf is wrong with you people?
Like to help you son but you are too young to vote
Ain’t no cure for the Summertime Blues

Typical conservative saying the opinions of those too young to vote do not matter

They don't.
The difference? The movement she is employed to forward, with its history of constantly flipping its fiction when it fails, and its lack of facts, logic, common sense and yes, "scientific consensus".

You believe Mother Gaia will destroy us in eight years? Really?

I do not think that climate change will destroy us at all. That does not change that you are no better informed than her.

Where do you get your information on climate change? Have you ever read any actual scientific literature on the topic? Have you ever looked at the data for yourself and not just taken the word of your party and the right wing press?
They like their leader Trump don't believe in science

Give us some science, ed. In your own words.
How many less birds are there now than 10 years ago??? How many billion ?? Any idea why??
The difference? The movement she is employed to forward, with its history of constantly flipping its fiction when it fails, and its lack of facts, logic, common sense and yes, "scientific consensus".

You believe Mother Gaia will destroy us in eight years? Really?

I do not think that climate change will destroy us at all. That does not change that you are no better informed than her.

Where do you get your information on climate change? Have you ever read any actual scientific literature on the topic? Have you ever looked at the data for yourself and not just taken the word of your party and the right wing press?
They like their leader Trump don't believe in science

Give us some science, ed. In your own words.
How many less birds are there now than 10 years ago??? How many billion ?? Any idea why??

3.7 billion birds

Cats that live in the wild or indoor pets allowed to roam outdoors kill from 1.4 billion to as many as 3.7 billion birds in the continental U.S. each year, says a new study that escalates a decades-old debate over the feline threat to native animals.Jan 29, 2013
Just read up on it You are right
I haven’t listened to what she has said, I have read a little not sure I agree with her.

As far as personal attacks? I’ve been on this board and read the news and the left and their attack should also speak volumes. I guess it depends on your bias. Your other comment about armchair warriors? The left is also filled with those. So in the end, the two sides are equal. It see,s you go after one side and not the other.
We are talking RW attacks on a little girl. Vicious smears against her and her parents. The far right are calling her a little Nazi girl

Why don’t Conservatives just point out where she is wrong?
Because they can’t

A little girl? So she is 8? Funny the wording you use to slant a point of view. She is a teenager, as far as I have read, she has told her opinion. not sure she has put any facts out there, she just seems upset all the time. Not sure how you debate an emotional teenager.
with no ability to understand the subject. I will merely ask that she present her data that proves her rant. that's all. I highly doubt, in fact, I would bet my entire salary that she has zip!!! she may have someone else's material, but her basic understanding isn't based on one fking thing she has investigated.

So far in what I have read and heard she has more emotion than facts. Some on the left claim she is an expert, not sure why, however she is not an expert. She is a kid that has strong opinions and has made climate change her first priority. She uses emotion very well to stir up other kids. Not much science to refute. Hard to argue with emotional people, facts become irrelevant.

I don't think any body has called her an expert. The facts however support her opinion. That's why every nation on earth but us agreed to the Paris Accords. If no evidence of climate change existed this would not be the case.

Climate change has been occurring since before man existed and will continue on.
We here in the USA were doing our part by reducing emissions below Copenhagen & Paris Agreements until Trump backed out & FORCED US to stop making more efficient vehicles.

so they stopped making the same vehicles? how? do you know how an assembly line works or the material that is purchased? you probably believe yourself, right? I'm laughing at you. name one car that was modified?
So we should wait until she walks into a restaurant and shame her there or do you feel the world should base policies on how kids feel?
Anyone should be able the criticize an American President without facing demonizing and unfair disparaging just for having an opinion and speaking out. Trump and his supporters show an immaturity, lack of integrity and mean spirit that vandalizes and disrespects freedom of speech.
That is the way fascists work.

So that explains why when I disagreed with Obama or Hillary, I was labeled a sexist, afraid of strong women and a racist. I was demonized, called names and on and on. Thanks for clearing that up.

No, it doesn't. Because much of what those like you called yourselves disagreeing with Obama about, you agreed with other presidents doing it. Your dumb fuck claim of being called a racist because you disagree with somebody is bunk. There is a difference between an honest disagreement than racism and if you were a person of color who has actually experienced racism, you'd know the difference.

Bullshit twink. Nobody is "racist" just because you say they are.
but he actually is.
Anyone should be able the criticize an American President without facing demonizing and unfair disparaging just for having an opinion and speaking out. Trump and his supporters show an immaturity, lack of integrity and mean spirit that vandalizes and disrespects freedom of speech.
That is the way fascists work.

So that explains why when I disagreed with Obama or Hillary, I was labeled a sexist, afraid of strong women and a racist. I was demonized, called names and on and on. Thanks for clearing that up.

No, it doesn't. Because much of what those like you called yourselves disagreeing with Obama about, you agreed with other presidents doing it. Your dumb fuck claim of being called a racist because you disagree with somebody is bunk. There is a difference between an honest disagreement than racism and if you were a person of color who has actually experienced racism, you'd know the difference.

Bullshit twink. Nobody is "racist" just because you say they are.
but he actually is.

IM cries wolf every day he is here, what he thinks is immaterial.
What I can’t believe is the hostility directed at this young woman from conservatives

If you disagree with her on climate change, show where she is wrong.
But the conservative hate and smear campaign is going full throttle attacking both the 16 year old and her parents

After finally reading the link, from an outsider looking in, it really appears she has major mental issues and has been way to much indoctrinated... she sounds like a hitler youth.
The difference? The movement she is employed to forward, with its history of constantly flipping its fiction when it fails, and its lack of facts, logic, common sense and yes, "scientific consensus".

You believe Mother Gaia will destroy us in eight years? Really?

I do not think that climate change will destroy us at all. That does not change that you are no better informed than her.

Where do you get your information on climate change? Have you ever read any actual scientific literature on the topic? Have you ever looked at the data for yourself and not just taken the word of your party and the right wing press?

Is anyone saying it will "destroy us all"? I don't think even the most extreme models has climate change completely wiping out humanity...

"We are in the beginning of a mass extinction ..."
- Greta Thunberg, reading from a prepared script
She is correct

We are already noticing it with billions of birds. As climate changes, habitat changes will wipe out all kinds of creatures from microbes to sophisticated creatures.

We may be among the last affected, but our way of life will be
Bird counts are very important as a bell weather concerning the environment.


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