The abuse of Greta

Well. I think we all know how child stars end up in the long run. Used, abused and psychologically damaged. This kid has absolutely no idea what crowd she's running with now. None.

It is kind of funny how the globalists trotted her out as a mirror image of the Nazi propaganda chidrens. Buncha sick weirdos if you ask me.
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So we should wait until she walks into a restaurant and shame her there or do you feel the world should base policies on how kids feel?
Anyone should be able the criticize an American President without facing demonizing and unfair disparaging just for having an opinion and speaking out. Trump and his supporters show an immaturity, lack of integrity and mean spirit that vandalizes and disrespects freedom of speech.
That is the way fascists work.

So that explains why when I disagreed with Obama or Hillary, I was labeled a sexist, afraid of strong women and a racist. I was demonized, called names and on and on. Thanks for clearing that up.

No, it doesn't. Because much of what those like you called yourselves disagreeing with Obama about, you agreed with other presidents doing it. Your dumb fuck claim of being called a racist because you disagree with somebody is bunk. There is a difference between an honest disagreement than racism and if you were a person of color who has actually experienced racism, you'd know the difference.

Bullshit twink. Nobody is "racist" just because you say they are.

They are when I show proof they are. Because you saying a person is not racist is expected. You see son, no one white has ever admitted to being a racist. Scum like you put racist in quotes when racism was legally sanctioned. So STFU.
Our bully and punk of a President and his staff is having a globally watched argument and attack on a 16-year-old little girl. His supporters here on USMB see and feel no shame.

She's the indoctrinated one. Oh yeah and hypocrites. She has not a clue of whats happening to our solar system.
She is a 16-year-old kid voicing an opinion and people like you, who attack a kid for voicing an opinion are punks and cowards. The kid got on a small sailboat and sailed across the Atlantic Ocean, solo. She showed more bravery and character than Donald punk or you will ever come close to.

Sure and her crew jumped on an airliner back across the ocean. Attack, no just stating the ignorance and indoctrination. Shes a kid that doesnt have a clue. Thats all.

I don't think she did that. It's a shame that you are dumber than a 16 year old.

Quit thinking. You're wrong:
Doh! Climate Messiah Greta Thunberg’s Plastic Boat Trip Will Require Four Transatlantic Flights

You quit thinking while watching the hottest year in recorded history and increasing weather events over the last 10 years.
We here in the USA were doing our part by reducing emissions below Copenhagen & Paris Agreements until Trump backed out & FORCED US to stop making more efficient vehicles.

A little girl? So she is 8? Funny the wording you use to slant a point of view. She is a teenager, as far as I have read, she has told her opinion. not sure she has put any facts out there, she just seems upset all the time. Not sure how you debate an emotional teenager.
with no ability to understand the subject. I will merely ask that she present her data that proves her rant. that's all. I highly doubt, in fact, I would bet my entire salary that she has zip!!! she may have someone else's material, but her basic understanding isn't based on one fking thing she has investigated.

So far in what I have read and heard she has more emotion than facts. Some on the left claim she is an expert, not sure why, however she is not an expert. She is a kid that has strong opinions and has made climate change her first priority. She uses emotion very well to stir up other kids. Not much science to refute. Hard to argue with emotional people, facts become irrelevant.

I don't think any body has called her an expert. The facts however support her opinion. That's why every nation on earth but us agreed to the Paris Accords. If no evidence of climate change existed this would not be the case.

Climate change has been occurring since before man existed and will continue on.
Pap you don't believe in science either ? Like Trump? Icebergs melting higher highs etc etc means nothing?

It means we are getting warmer. You don't believe the world heats and cools in cycles? It has been going on for 1000's of years. There is an old fishing village in Greenland or Iceland that was discovered many years ago, it was found because the ice has been receding. So it means at one time the village was there during a warming trend, then disappeared during a cooling trend and now has reappeared with the warming trend.
Anyone should be able the criticize an American President without facing demonizing and unfair disparaging just for having an opinion and speaking out. Trump and his supporters show an immaturity, lack of integrity and mean spirit that vandalizes and disrespects freedom of speech.
That is the way fascists work.

So that explains why when I disagreed with Obama or Hillary, I was labeled a sexist, afraid of strong women and a racist. I was demonized, called names and on and on. Thanks for clearing that up.

No, it doesn't. Because much of what those like you called yourselves disagreeing with Obama about, you agreed with other presidents doing it. Your dumb fuck claim of being called a racist because you disagree with somebody is bunk. There is a difference between an honest disagreement than racism and if you were a person of color who has actually experienced racism, you'd know the difference.

Bullshit twink. Nobody is "racist" just because you say they are.

They are when I show proof they are. Because you saying a person is not racist is expected. You see son, no one white has ever admitted to being a racist. Scum like you put racist in quotes when racism was legally sanctioned. So STFU.

Sorry, nobody cares when you deem them racist , you give yourself way too much credit. Your opinion only matters to you. Just a question, do you have the ability to make me STFU? You have no "proof" of anything child.
Sigh...this poor, lost soul is fighting in the wrong war.

The BIGGEST problem facing our planet is garbage
The GREATEST factor being plastic then electronics
What needs to be URGENTLY addressed is recycling

More than 6 BILLION metric tons of plastic waste
is discarded annually...only 9% gets recycled

91% of over 6 BILLION metric tons of plastic remains
Which can remain for 500 years before it decomposes

It is estimated that more than 165 million tons of plastic
is floating in our oceans and an average 8.8 tons
are now entering the oceans every year

And, please, don’t get me started on microplastic

Buttons on her shirt- plastic
Shirt and leggings- made with plastic, nylon
Hair bands to secure her braid- made with plastic, nylon, rubber
Foam covering on microphones- made with plastic
Chairs- made with plastic
Blue backdrop- made with plastic, nylon
If the microphone arm and hinges
aren’t made from metal, you know it’s plastic


Look at the indian guy behind her and her bottle covering


Coat, gloves, hat, 2 hair bands


Umbrella, insulated gloves, rain coat, hat, scarf, backpack
the mat rolled up she’s carrying on her back- made with plastic

Nylon, rubber, plastic, metals, glass, styrofoam
have the slowest decomposition rates

She is definitely not part of the solution
she is part of the problem
So should she just live in the forest and make her own clothes?
Ask her why she doesn’t
Republicans whine about socialism but they still benefit from Medicare, Medicaid, and social security.
I’ve been paying into medicaid and ss for 36 years,
I’ve got 13 years to go and probably won’t see shit
That’s not Socialism

Socialism are the slugs and illegals getting medicare
that I’ve been helping to pay for 36 years

What does your response have to do with the thread
Um no that very much is socialism whether you like it or not. It’s not like the actual definition reflects it only being about illegals and slugs.

That is not socialism.

Socialism is not about public services paid for through taxes and distributed by government it is about government seizure and ownsership of the means of production.
She's the indoctrinated one. Oh yeah and hypocrites. She has not a clue of whats happening to our solar system.
She is a 16-year-old kid voicing an opinion and people like you, who attack a kid for voicing an opinion are punks and cowards. The kid got on a small sailboat and sailed across the Atlantic Ocean, solo. She showed more bravery and character than Donald punk or you will ever come close to.

Sure and her crew jumped on an airliner back across the ocean. Attack, no just stating the ignorance and indoctrination. Shes a kid that doesnt have a clue. Thats all.

I don't think she did that. It's a shame that you are dumber than a 16 year old.

Quit thinking. You're wrong:
Doh! Climate Messiah Greta Thunberg’s Plastic Boat Trip Will Require Four Transatlantic Flights

You quit thinking while watching the hottest year in recorded history and increasing weather events over the last 10 years.

I never said the climate isnt changing. It is but we're not the ones causing it. To think we can alter the climate on a planet is pure arrogance.
She is a 16-year-old kid voicing an opinion and people like you, who attack a kid for voicing an opinion are punks and cowards. The kid got on a small sailboat and sailed across the Atlantic Ocean, solo. She showed more bravery and character than Donald punk or you will ever come close to.

Sure and her crew jumped on an airliner back across the ocean. Attack, no just stating the ignorance and indoctrination. Shes a kid that doesnt have a clue. Thats all.

I don't think she did that. It's a shame that you are dumber than a 16 year old.

Quit thinking. You're wrong:
Doh! Climate Messiah Greta Thunberg’s Plastic Boat Trip Will Require Four Transatlantic Flights

You quit thinking while watching the hottest year in recorded history and increasing weather events over the last 10 years.

I never said the climate isnt changing. It is but we're not the ones causing it.

Personally I think IM's hot air has more to with it than anything else.
Anyone should be able the criticize an American President without facing demonizing and unfair disparaging just for having an opinion and speaking out. Trump and his supporters show an immaturity, lack of integrity and mean spirit that vandalizes and disrespects freedom of speech.
That is the way fascists work.

So that explains why when I disagreed with Obama or Hillary, I was labeled a sexist, afraid of strong women and a racist. I was demonized, called names and on and on. Thanks for clearing that up.

No, it doesn't. Because much of what those like you called yourselves disagreeing with Obama about, you agreed with other presidents doing it. Your dumb fuck claim of being called a racist because you disagree with somebody is bunk. There is a difference between an honest disagreement than racism and if you were a person of color who has actually experienced racism, you'd know the difference.

Bullshit twink. Nobody is "racist" just because you say they are.

They are when I show proof they are. Because you saying a person is not racist is expected. You see son, no one white has ever admitted to being a racist. Scum like you put racist in quotes when racism was legally sanctioned. So STFU.
You have never shown proof that they are.'

You posted a bald faced lie about a racist and offered no proof despite massive proof gto the contrary.

You are also out of touch with reality, racists of any color routinely do admit they are racist.
Anyone should be able the criticize an American President without facing demonizing and unfair disparaging just for having an opinion and speaking out. Trump and his supporters show an immaturity, lack of integrity and mean spirit that vandalizes and disrespects freedom of speech.
That is the way fascists work.

So that explains why when I disagreed with Obama or Hillary, I was labeled a sexist, afraid of strong women and a racist. I was demonized, called names and on and on. Thanks for clearing that up.

No, it doesn't. Because much of what those like you called yourselves disagreeing with Obama about, you agreed with other presidents doing it. Your dumb fuck claim of being called a racist because you disagree with somebody is bunk. There is a difference between an honest disagreement than racism and if you were a person of color who has actually experienced racism, you'd know the difference.

So prove, I am racist. Prove that I disagreed with Obama on his ideas just based on his skin color. You make accusation with absolutely no proof. I disagree with Democrats in general, I believe in conservative economics, I disapprove of adding to the debt, Obama added to it and I disagreed with him, I also disagreed with both Bush and Obama on their idea of "to big to fail". I disagree with Trump adding to the debt, he campaigned on shrinking the debt and has let us down. I disagreed with healthcare that Obama purposed as it shifted the burden to the middle class. I disagreed with John McCain on his campaign finance reform as I knew that it would lead to bi problems down the road and it did, it was the cause of the Citizens United decision. I voted for Alan Keyes in the primaries in the 2000's as I felt he was a real conservative.

So prove your stupid point or STFU about it because I'll continue to call you out on you lie.

You LIE!!! - Trump campaigned to increase deficit & debt so you voted for him. Clinton eliminated deficits & created a surplus & campaigned to do it again, so you voted against both Clinton's. Obama slashed Bush's massive deficit every year while fighting Bush's depression. Trump increased deficit & debt during a good economy instead of paying it down & you worship him!!!

You LIE!
Updated - Trump cheers budget that adds to deficit, busts promises

I didn't vote for Trump, nor did I vote for Clinton, why vote for liars? They both couldn't tell the truth if their lives depended on it. Clinton added 1.4 trillion to the debt. Bush added more, Obama added more. I am against adding to the debt, so again you lie.

Your whole post is several lies and then you bitch about Trump? LOL! You lie just like Trump has, you are no better than he.
She is a 16-year-old kid voicing an opinion and people like you, who attack a kid for voicing an opinion are punks and cowards. The kid got on a small sailboat and sailed across the Atlantic Ocean, solo. She showed more bravery and character than Donald punk or you will ever come close to.

Sure and her crew jumped on an airliner back across the ocean. Attack, no just stating the ignorance and indoctrination. Shes a kid that doesnt have a clue. Thats all.

I don't think she did that. It's a shame that you are dumber than a 16 year old.

Quit thinking. You're wrong:
Doh! Climate Messiah Greta Thunberg’s Plastic Boat Trip Will Require Four Transatlantic Flights

You quit thinking while watching the hottest year in recorded history and increasing weather events over the last 10 years.

I never said the climate isnt changing. It is but we're not the ones causing it. To think we can alter the climate on a planet is pure arrogance.

100% correct......God is in control of the Earth's climate period.
Our bully and punk of a President and his staff is having a globally watched argument and attack on a 16-year-old little girl. His supporters here on USMB see and feel no shame.

She's the indoctrinated one. Oh yeah and hypocrites. She has not a clue of whats happening to our solar system.
She is a 16-year-old kid voicing an opinion and people like you, who attack a kid for voicing an opinion are punks and cowards. The kid got on a small sailboat and sailed across the Atlantic Ocean, solo. She showed more bravery and character than Donald punk or you will ever come close to.

So you felt the same when the press went after the kids wearing MAGA hats?
Sure and her crew jumped on an airliner back across the ocean. Attack, no just stating the ignorance and indoctrination. Shes a kid that doesnt have a clue. Thats all.

I don't think she did that. It's a shame that you are dumber than a 16 year old.

Quit thinking. You're wrong:
Doh! Climate Messiah Greta Thunberg’s Plastic Boat Trip Will Require Four Transatlantic Flights

You quit thinking while watching the hottest year in recorded history and increasing weather events over the last 10 years.

I never said the climate isnt changing. It is but we're not the ones causing it. To think we can alter the climate on a planet is pure arrogance.

100% correct......God is in control of the Earth's climate period.
God created us to be stewards of this planet. Current climate change is due to us, it is just not some natural thing.
Anyone should be able the criticize an American President without facing demonizing and unfair disparaging just for having an opinion and speaking out. Trump and his supporters show an immaturity, lack of integrity and mean spirit that vandalizes and disrespects freedom of speech.
That is the way fascists work.

So that explains why when I disagreed with Obama or Hillary, I was labeled a sexist, afraid of strong women and a racist. I was demonized, called names and on and on. Thanks for clearing that up.

No, it doesn't. Because much of what those like you called yourselves disagreeing with Obama about, you agreed with other presidents doing it. Your dumb fuck claim of being called a racist because you disagree with somebody is bunk. There is a difference between an honest disagreement than racism and if you were a person of color who has actually experienced racism, you'd know the difference.

Bullshit twink. Nobody is "racist" just because you say they are.

They are when I show proof they are. Because you saying a person is not racist is expected. You see son, no one white has ever admitted to being a racist. Scum like you put racist in quotes when racism was legally sanctioned. So STFU.

Then where is your proof that I am a racist, so far you have come up empty.
Sure and her crew jumped on an airliner back across the ocean. Attack, no just stating the ignorance and indoctrination. Shes a kid that doesnt have a clue. Thats all.

I don't think she did that. It's a shame that you are dumber than a 16 year old.

Quit thinking. You're wrong:
Doh! Climate Messiah Greta Thunberg’s Plastic Boat Trip Will Require Four Transatlantic Flights

You quit thinking while watching the hottest year in recorded history and increasing weather events over the last 10 years.

I never said the climate isnt changing. It is but we're not the ones causing it. To think we can alter the climate on a planet is pure arrogance.

100% correct......God is in control of the Earth's climate period.
Prove it.
What I can’t believe is the hostility directed at this young woman from conservatives

If you disagree with her on climate change, show where she is wrong.
But the conservative hate and smear campaign is going full throttle attacking both the 16 year old and her parents a hypocrite.
This little twit has a meltdown and insults the intelligence of most of America yet we can't point it out?

Then compare this raving loony to a Covington student who was bushwacked by you Motherfuckers for just standing his ground.....and absorbed numerous death threats from the rich and the famous on the left.

Yet you think SHE'S the one being mistreated.

What a Duschebag...

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