The abuse of Greta

So because shes a kid being used by the left as a pawn, she's off limits and gets a free mic without anyone DARE questioning her motives and methods?

Have you even looked at her history, Nimrod?
She doesn't need much encouragement. The fact you think she is a 'pawn' speaks volumes about you. None of it good. Gee, a 16 year old giving it to morons. I know it's hard to get bitch slapped by a 16 year old, but if you insist on being a dumbfuck....

History? How much history does she have? Shes a clueless ignorant child being used by the left as a pawn that they can then attack anyone who dare go after her as someone who dares to attack a child.

Reminds me of a hostage taker who throws a child in front of them in order to not be shot by the cops.
What I can’t believe is the hostility directed at this young woman from conservatives

If you disagree with her on climate change, show where she is wrong.
But the conservative hate and smear campaign is going full throttle attacking both the 16 year old and her parents
What I can’t believe is the hostility directed at this young woman from conservatives

If you disagree with her on climate change, show where she is wrong.
But the conservative hate and smear campaign is going full throttle attacking both the 16 year old and her parents

Okay, that was stupid and disengenuous .... just cling to your failed science, and your pathetic attempt to remain pertinent in the real world.
Talk about white privilege.

Little Veruca Salt is the daughter of a Nobel prize winner and an opera star. She's a spoiled rotten, mentally ill fruitcake, which is the ultimate culmination of the racist left and their eugenics programs.

She says the plight of the earth caused her to develop depression, elective mutism, and autism.

And this pet of Obama's...does it creep anybody else out that she looks like she's 12? She's 16. But the left likes to hide behind babies.
Nicholas Sandmann wasn't promoting anything, but the left viciously attacked him.
Nicholas Sandmann wasn't promoting anything, but the left viciously attacked him.
Agree. He was just a kid, attacked all out of proportion for what he did. Should never have been attacked that way. Those people are just like you, attacking those kids.

He didn't DO anything. Except stand there, in silence. So yeah I'd say the reaction was blown just a bit out of proportion. Understatement.

I guarantee you that Greta will never face even a fraction of the visceral hate that Sandmann got.

The video shows a lot more than that.
No it does not.

The entire video shows him standing and smiling and NOTHING else.

Lefties just imagine loads of context to his grin when to normal people it was just a patient if somewhat confused smile. It's because of the hat.

Oh, and the white skin. Can't forget that.

If this kid had been from DC or NYC, I wouldn't think twice. But he lives in Covington, Ky, goes to a high school where students wear black face at basketball games against all black teams and the state is known for racism. I have relatives who live in that area. Sandman and those white kids in that group have racist issues.


“You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words,” the 16-year-old told the United Nations gathering.

Greta Thunberg Addresses World Leaders At UN Climate Summit

What a wonderful young lady. We should all be proud.
Nicholas Sandmann wasn't promoting anything, but the left viciously attacked him.

Yeah these fucking leftists have a lot of goddamn nerve lecturing everyone else on how we should treat Greta when they went around wishing death on Nick Sandmann for nothing.
Nobody wished death on Sandman for his racist stunt.
He and his family got death threats. He was just a kid, probably acting a little stupidly like many teens, and it was blown all out of proportion. It should never have been news and while the left vilified him the right made him their cause célèbre.

I have relatives that live in the area Sandman is from. This situation was not as innocent or accidental as people think.
Nicholas Sandmann wasn't promoting anything, but the left viciously attacked him.

Yeah these fucking leftists have a lot of goddamn nerve lecturing everyone else on how we should treat Greta when they went around wishing death on Nick Sandmann for nothing.
Nobody wished death on Sandman for his racist stunt.
He and his family got death threats. He was just a kid, probably acting a little stupidly like many teens, and it was blown all out of proportion. It should never have been news and while the left vilified him the right made him their cause célèbre.

I have relatives that live in the area Sandman is from. This situation was not as innocent or accidental as people think.

So do I and it proves nothing.

Those boys were innocent of any wrong doing and were maliciously smeared.

It proves a lot. And you being white and from that area proves my point.
This young woman is a hero.


“You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words,” the 16-year-old told the United Nations gathering.

Greta Thunberg Addresses World Leaders At UN Climate Summit

What a wonderful young lady. We should all be proud.


there is your Greta without the mask....sad I know....are you going to cry? lol


Is that Willie Nelson?

haaaaaaaa yes willie in drag! LOL
First of all her parents and the glowbull warming cult should be prosecuted for ruining this ignorant pawn of a child’s life.

Second are we still thinking this 16 year old drop out with unhinged fantasies of global destruction and emotional problems is our go to for economic and energy policy?

GRETA SNAPS: ‘We Are In The Beginning Of A Mass Extinction,’ ‘How Dare You!’
This is typical of most conservatives: to attack and attempt to demonize those whom they fear – in this case conservatives fear the facts and truth of climate change

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