The abuse of Greta

What I can’t believe is the hostility directed at this young woman from conservatives

If you disagree with her on climate change, show where she is wrong.
But the conservative hate and smear campaign is going full throttle attacking both the 16 year old and her parents
I find the hostility directed at this young woman from conservatives to be both believable and unsurprising.
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Nicholas Sandmann wasn't promoting anything, but the left viciously attacked him.
Nicholas Sandmann wasn't promoting anything, but the left viciously attacked him.
Agree. He was just a kid, attacked all out of proportion for what he did. Should never have been attacked that way. Those people are just like you, attacking those kids.

He didn't DO anything. Except stand there, in silence. So yeah I'd say the reaction was blown just a bit out of proportion. Understatement.

I guarantee you that Greta will never face even a fraction of the visceral hate that Sandmann got.

The video shows a lot more than that.
No it does not.

The entire video shows him standing and smiling and NOTHING else.

Lefties just imagine loads of context to his grin when to normal people it was just a patient if somewhat confused smile. It's because of the hat.

Oh, and the white skin. Can't forget that.
Yes. Kind of like you do with Greta...or Emma Gonzalez...
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She has more guts than you lot of armchair warriors.

If I could think of an instance where a kid was used to promote a conservative agenda I'm sure I would easily find lefties talking shit about him or her online.
Nicholas Sandmann wasn't promoting anything, but the left viciously attacked him.
She has more guts than you lot of armchair warriors.

If I could think of an instance where a kid was used to promote a conservative agenda I'm sure I would easily find lefties talking shit about him or her online.
Nicholas Sandmann wasn't promoting anything, but the left viciously attacked him.
Agree. He was just a kid, attacked all out of proportion for what he did. Should never have been attacked that way. Those people are just like you, attacking those kids.

He didn't DO anything. Except stand there, in silence. So yeah I'd say the reaction was blown just a bit out of proportion. Understatement.

I guarantee you that Greta will never face even a fraction of the visceral hate that Sandmann got.

Oh...I wonder. Emma Gonzalez certainly did.

I don't know anything about Emma. Likely she got a fair bit of hate but that's to be expected when you put yourself out there in the spotlight and obnoxiously demand that everyone do what you tell them to do.
What I can’t believe is the hostility directed at this young woman from conservatives

If you disagree with her on climate change, show where she is wrong.
But the conservative hate and smear campaign is going full throttle attacking both the 16 year old and her parents
It's not about that.

It is about the fact that elites are using a child.

When she is criticized, she gets emotional and acts like no one has the right to criticize her position or even debate. It is awful that they put a child in an adult setting for propaganda purposes.

But, I think you know this already.

Suffering Children as Propaganda and the Jimmy Kimmel Story
Suffering Children as Propaganda and the Jimmy Kimmel Story — Michael McCaffrey

No it does not.

The entire video shows him standing and smiling and NOTHING else.

it's a condescending, rude, brattish smile taking the piss out of an old man. Anybody can see that. You can justify his actions as much as you want, but that little shit deserved a kick up the arse. Nothing more. Just a nice kick up the arse. If that was my kid he'd be grounded at the very least for being disrespectful.

An old fraud and lair who deliberately sought confrontaion.

Standiung and smiling is a passive thing to do .

You sir are POS

HE did nothign disrespectful or racist.

Everyone sees your narrative is a lie and yuou know it is as well
Agree. He was just a kid, attacked all out of proportion for what he did. Should never have been attacked that way. Those people are just like you, attacking those kids.

He didn't DO anything. Except stand there, in silence. So yeah I'd say the reaction was blown just a bit out of proportion. Understatement.

I guarantee you that Greta will never face even a fraction of the visceral hate that Sandmann got.

The video shows a lot more than that.
No it does not.

The entire video shows him standing and smiling and NOTHING else.

Lefties just imagine loads of context to his grin when to normal people it was just a patient if somewhat confused smile. It's because of the hat.

Oh, and the white skin. Can't forget that.
Yes. Kind of like you do with Greta...or Emma Gonzalez...

I've kept my snarky thoughts about Greta to myself thank you very much.
First of all her parents and the glowbull warming cult should be prosecuted for ruining this ignorant pawn of a child’s life.

Second are we still thinking this 16 year old drop out with unhinged fantasies of global destruction and emotional problems is our go to for economic and energy policy?

GRETA SNAPS: ‘We Are In The Beginning Of A Mass Extinction,’ ‘How Dare You!’
That conservatives refuse to acknowledge the fact of climate change is not justification to attack this young woman and propagate ridiculous lies about her being ‘abused.’
If I could think of an instance where a kid was used to promote a conservative agenda I'm sure I would easily find lefties talking shit about him or her online.
Nicholas Sandmann wasn't promoting anything, but the left viciously attacked him.
If I could think of an instance where a kid was used to promote a conservative agenda I'm sure I would easily find lefties talking shit about him or her online.
Nicholas Sandmann wasn't promoting anything, but the left viciously attacked him.
Agree. He was just a kid, attacked all out of proportion for what he did. Should never have been attacked that way. Those people are just like you, attacking those kids.

He didn't DO anything. Except stand there, in silence. So yeah I'd say the reaction was blown just a bit out of proportion. Understatement.

I guarantee you that Greta will never face even a fraction of the visceral hate that Sandmann got.

Oh...I wonder. Emma Gonzalez certainly did.

I don't know anything about Emma. Likely she got a fair bit of hate but that's to be expected when you put yourself out there in the spotlight and obnoxiously demand that everyone do what you tell them to do.
Uh huh. So if they stand up for something they deserve death threats and character shredding, but only if they are leftists.
First of all her parents and the glowbull warming cult should be prosecuted for ruining this ignorant pawn of a child’s life.

Second are we still thinking this 16 year old drop out with unhinged fantasies of global destruction and emotional problems is our go to for economic and energy policy?

GRETA SNAPS: ‘We Are In The Beginning Of A Mass Extinction,’ ‘How Dare You!’
That conservatives refuse to acknowledge the fact of climate change is not justification to attack this young woman and propagate ridiculous lies about her being ‘abused.’


The fact that she seeks public attention to spread alarmist lies about climate change justifies it.
Nicholas Sandmann wasn't promoting anything, but the left viciously attacked him.
Nicholas Sandmann wasn't promoting anything, but the left viciously attacked him.
Agree. He was just a kid, attacked all out of proportion for what he did. Should never have been attacked that way. Those people are just like you, attacking those kids.

He didn't DO anything. Except stand there, in silence. So yeah I'd say the reaction was blown just a bit out of proportion. Understatement.

I guarantee you that Greta will never face even a fraction of the visceral hate that Sandmann got.

Oh...I wonder. Emma Gonzalez certainly did.

I don't know anything about Emma. Likely she got a fair bit of hate but that's to be expected when you put yourself out there in the spotlight and obnoxiously demand that everyone do what you tell them to do.
Uh huh. So if they stand up for something they deserve death threats and character shredding, but only if they are leftists.

I didnt say that. There's all kinds of people in this world and im sure even the most wholesome and inoffensive celebrities sometimes get threatening messages or trollish comments posted about them. Greta's handlers know this all too well and so do you. So don't pretend that she's somehow off limits and that any criticism of her proves all conservatives are bad, bad dudes.
Yet another climate denier thread. God, you guys are morons. Seriously. Still believe you should have an IQ test before you are allowed to vote. The US would turn into a one-party state pretty quickly. No more Deplorables.
Most conservatives have this idiotic, wrongheaded notion that to address the fact of climate change will result in a catastrophic world-wide depression, an unemployment rate of 50 percent, everyone being forced to abandon their cars and trucks, the outlawing of air conditioning, and everyone forced to live in multi-family dwellings.

The right’s demagoguery is as pathetic as it is dishonest.
Yet another climate denier thread. God, you guys are morons. Seriously. Still believe you should have an IQ test before you are allowed to vote. The US would turn into a one-party state pretty quickly. No more Deplorables.
Most conservatives have this idiotic, wrongheaded notion that to address the fact of climate change will result in a catastrophic world-wide depression, an unemployment rate of 50 percent, everyone being forced to abandon their cars and trucks, the outlawing of air conditioning, and everyone forced to live in multi-family dwellings.

The right’s demagoguery is as pathetic as it is dishonest.
What's "idiotic" or "wrongheaded" about it? What do you throwing many trillions of dollars down a hole will do?
That conservatives refuse to acknowledge the fact of climate change is not justification to attack this young woman and propagate ridiculous lies about her being ‘abused.’
What an Ignorant rant...

She placed herself in the light... Her parents put her in the light.... She has no clue about the science or what it can and can not do. She is an IGNORANT CHILD being abused by her parents and those who are using her to spout lies about our climate.

Your feigned outrage is sickening....

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