The ACLU Is Anything But American

And the first Amendment isn't just about government.

It prevents Congress from infringing on our basic freedoms to assemble, to redress grievances, and worship any way we choose. In other words it keeps government in check.

Is Congress not just about government too? :lol:

You can't take one word out of a sentence and isolate it from the rest of the sentence.

I didn't. I quoted your entire sentence liar. :eusa_liar:
Yes...let's stop an organization that fights for our First Amendment rights. I wonder why........:eusa_whistle:

The bad outweighs the good. That's why.

"The bad" of defending our 1st amendment rights? Truely?

The don't defend "OUR" 1st Amendment rights as a priority.

They defend illegal allien's rights over ours at times.

They defend pervert's rights over ours.

I guess you wouldn't understand.
The NRA is about the 2nd Amendment. The ACLU is about the 1st Amendment....why would there be a duplication of effort?

the ACLU is about CIVIL LIBERTIES.....hence their name.....owning guns is a Liberty,is it not?.....their site that i looked at said they do not defend the second BECAUSE they dont agree with parts of it or all of it..........from one of their sites......

"The ACLU interprets the Second Amendment as a collective right. Therefore, we disagree with the Supreme Court’s decision in D.C. v. Heller. While the decision is a significant and historic reinterpretation of the right to keep and bear arms, the decision leaves many important questions unanswered that will have to be resolved in future litigation, including what regulations are permissible, and which weapons are embraced by the Second Amendment right that the Court has now recognized."

I suppose you think Progressives are for progress as well. :lol::lol::lol:

While you are laughing, maybe you can source that quote....Harry seems to have forgotten to.
Totally incorrect. The Cross was put on Mt Soledad (public property) and DEDICATED on an Easter was ONLY after there were complaints that they morphed it into a war memorial.

a cross has been at that site since 1913.....this current one in question has been there since it appears i am not "totally incorrect".....

I live there and am well aware. And the entire smoke and mirrors deal about it being a "war memorial"....and the person who sued to have it removed was a veteran. Now...explain why a non-Christian veteran should have a cross (symbol of persecution of non-christians) on a memorial that includes non-christians?

Or better yet...why did the city lie about it being a war memorial when it wasn't initially.

SD SHOUT (San Diego Secular Humanist Outreach): News and Discussions: Mount Soledad Cross history, in outline
i dont give a shit if the guy was Santa Claus.....the fucking place has had a cross there for decades and this guy suddenly gets a hair up his ass and wants it removed......fuck him.....that cross is not impairing his quality of life.....when one person can dictate his "personal preference" to the majority of people who can care less about this thing being there....then maybe things have gone to far....
The bad outweighs the good. That's why.

"The bad" of defending our 1st amendment rights? Truely?

The don't defend "OUR" 1st Amendment rights as a priority.

They defend illegal allien's rights over ours at times.

List the cases where they do that.

They defend pervert's rights over ours.

List the cases where they do that.

I guess you wouldn't understand.

I understand that the First Amendment is for everyone in this Country, regardless. You, not so much.
a cross has been at that site since 1913.....this current one in question has been there since it appears i am not "totally incorrect".....

I live there and am well aware. And the entire smoke and mirrors deal about it being a "war memorial"....and the person who sued to have it removed was a veteran. Now...explain why a non-Christian veteran should have a cross (symbol of persecution of non-christians) on a memorial that includes non-christians?

Or better yet...why did the city lie about it being a war memorial when it wasn't initially.

SD SHOUT (San Diego Secular Humanist Outreach): News and Discussions: Mount Soledad Cross history, in outline
i dont give a shit if the guy was Santa Claus.....the fucking place has had a cross there for decades and this guy suddenly gets a hair up his ass and wants it removed......fuck him.....that cross is not impairing his quality of life.....when one person can dictate his "personal preference" to the majority of people who can care less about this thing being there....then maybe things have gone to far....

So, I see that with you it isn't about whether it was really a "war memorial" first or not. As a non-christian, he has a valid complaint that a PUBLICALLY paid for memorial uses a symbol for only one a valuable piece of PUBLIC land.

You just want your religion to run roughshod over everyone....that sounds very familiar over the last 1700 years.
"The bad" of defending our 1st amendment rights? Truely?

The don't defend "OUR" 1st Amendment rights as a priority.

They defend illegal allien's rights over ours at times.

List the cases where they do that.

They defend pervert's rights over ours.

List the cases where they do that.

I guess you wouldn't understand.

I understand that the First Amendment is for everyone in this Country, regardless. You, not so much.

Fuck you. Do your own homework.

Yes the 1st Amendment is for everyone...including me.

Too bad you can't handle that.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Now...tell us who BESIDES Congress is not allowed to makes laws respecting the things listed. Look forward to your reply.

Well, it's pretty clear the mudmissile is not mentally equipped to discuss such matters, so I'll take this one for you.

Multiple Supreme Court rulings and the 14th Amendment have established that no government agent or entity can infringe on our 1st Amendment rights, not just the US Congress. But still, it is in fact just about government. I mean clearly if it only applied to Congress then students would still be praying in public schools.
The don't defend "OUR" 1st Amendment rights as a priority.

They defend illegal allien's rights over ours at times.

List the cases where they do that.

List the cases where they do that.

I guess you wouldn't understand.

I understand that the First Amendment is for everyone in this Country, regardless. You, not so much.

Fuck you. Do your own homework.

Yes the 1st Amendment is for everyone...including me.

Too bad you can't handle that.

I knew you had nothing. It was just a matter of getting you to admit you just did.
they will refuse to see that the ACLU will defend ANYONE if their case involves defending the constitution.

who is they?.....and if what your saying is come they never seem to defend the 2nd Amendment?....could it be because they dont agree with it?....

You go to the NRA for the 2nd Amendment...the ACLU is for the 1st Amendment. I don't know why I have to keep repeating it.

hey Bo.....look at the what did TM just say there?......are you still with me?......she said "THEY will defend ANYONE if their case involves defending the constitution." not the 2nd part of the Constitution? she is wrong for saying what she is saying ...right? why dont you tell her that she is wrong for stating what she is saying...if time ...let her answer questions about the shit she posts....
who is they?.....and if what your saying is come they never seem to defend the 2nd Amendment?....could it be because they dont agree with it?....

You go to the NRA for the 2nd Amendment...the ACLU is for the 1st Amendment. I don't know why I have to keep repeating it.

hey Bo.....look at the what did TM just say there?......are you still with me?......she said "THEY will defend ANYONE if their case involves defending the constitution." not the 2nd part of the Constitution? she is wrong for saying what she is saying ...right? why dont you tell her that she is wrong for stating what she is saying...if time ...let her answer questions about the shit she posts....

Actually the ACLU is about the 1st...but let me ask you something. If you want a 2nd amendment defense...why would you NOT go to the organization that is all about it? Or.....maybe you want to start a thread complaining that the NRA doesn't defend us in 1st amendment cases. Is that what you want to do?

The American Civil Liberties Union was run for its first 30 years by an American named Roger Baldwin, who helped found it in 1920. This organization pursues a leftist agenda that includes censoring prayer and recognition of God in public institutions, such as public schools. Currently, Anthony Romero​ is the first openly gay CEO to run the organization. Declassified documents and letters link early ACLU leaders with Communist Party.

The ACLU challenges our laws and questions their constitutionality while causing millions in court costs and legal fees every year. Their favorite target is is God. They claim that the establishment clause in US Constitution requires censorship of religious expression. Many former ACLU members are in the Obama Administration's Department of Justice. This explains why the Veterans Administration is forcing the removal of religious services at burials in Texas.

The ACLU argued against a law restricting access to pornography at libraries.

The ACLU was silent in many cases you'd think they would be involved in including attacks against Joe the Plumber when he exposed Obama as a Socialist and against Carrie Prejean a contestant in the Miss USA pageant who was viciously attacked by a radical gay judge for not being pro-gay named Perez Hilton. Character assassinations from the left soon followed in both cases.

The ACLU has defended polygamists, and is the single biggest advocate for pornography and even defended the Man/Boy Love Association.

Under threat of being listed by the Dies committee as a Communist front in the wake of the Nazi-Soviet pact, the ACLU purged open members of the Communist Party from its board of directors in 1940. One member purged from the board was former Wobbly Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, a CPUSA member. Flynn went on to become national chairman of the Communist Party. Upon her death in Moscow in 1964, the Soviet Union gave her a state funeral in Red Square. In 1976, the ACLU posthumously "reinstated" her on its board of directors.

They are highly active in the war on terror, but on the other side. They have defended defendants in GITMO and are the driving force to bring enemy combatants to the United States for trial and give detainees the same rights as US citizens.

So, in your wildest in the hell can these assholes call themselves the American Civil Liberties Union????

And yet they defended Rush Limbaugh. The fact is the ACLU defends Civil Liberties, that you disagree with some of the cases they take on suggests more about you than about them. You are willing to suspend the rights of others because you disagree with them, at least that is what I've inferred from your post. The Bill of Rights exists to protect the rights of all of us, even those you may hate or fear.
List the cases where they do that.

List the cases where they do that.

I understand that the First Amendment is for everyone in this Country, regardless. You, not so much.

Fuck you. Do your own homework.

Yes the 1st Amendment is for everyone...including me.

Too bad you can't handle that.

I knew you had nothing. It was just a matter of getting you to admit you just did.

I've admitted nothing.

The homework assignment tactic only works on people that give a fuck what you think.

Since I don't I guess you're gonna have to go ahead and think what you want.

I posted links to it. I'm not gonna go through the trouble of reposting it.

I can also point out that others have posted what you asked as well....but you ignored I guess you're gonna have to be disappointed.
Fuck you. Do your own homework.

Yes the 1st Amendment is for everyone...including me.

Too bad you can't handle that.

I knew you had nothing. It was just a matter of getting you to admit you just did.

I've admitted nothing.

The homework assignment tactic only works on people that give a fuck what you think.

Since I don't I guess you're gonna have to go ahead and think what you want.

I posted links to it. I'm not gonna go through the trouble of reposting it.

You just conceded that you had nothing....but please continue to merely reinforces your failure to back up your words with evidence.

The American Civil Liberties Union was run for its first 30 years by an American named Roger Baldwin, who helped found it in 1920. This organization pursues a leftist agenda that includes censoring prayer and recognition of God in public institutions, such as public schools. Currently, Anthony Romero​ is the first openly gay CEO to run the organization. Declassified documents and letters link early ACLU leaders with Communist Party.

The ACLU challenges our laws and questions their constitutionality while causing millions in court costs and legal fees every year. Their favorite target is is God. They claim that the establishment clause in US Constitution requires censorship of religious expression. Many former ACLU members are in the Obama Administration's Department of Justice. This explains why the Veterans Administration is forcing the removal of religious services at burials in Texas.

The ACLU argued against a law restricting access to pornography at libraries.

The ACLU was silent in many cases you'd think they would be involved in including attacks against Joe the Plumber when he exposed Obama as a Socialist and against Carrie Prejean a contestant in the Miss USA pageant who was viciously attacked by a radical gay judge for not being pro-gay named Perez Hilton. Character assassinations from the left soon followed in both cases.

The ACLU has defended polygamists, and is the single biggest advocate for pornography and even defended the Man/Boy Love Association.

Under threat of being listed by the Dies committee as a Communist front in the wake of the Nazi-Soviet pact, the ACLU purged open members of the Communist Party from its board of directors in 1940. One member purged from the board was former Wobbly Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, a CPUSA member. Flynn went on to become national chairman of the Communist Party. Upon her death in Moscow in 1964, the Soviet Union gave her a state funeral in Red Square. In 1976, the ACLU posthumously "reinstated" her on its board of directors.

They are highly active in the war on terror, but on the other side. They have defended defendants in GITMO and are the driving force to bring enemy combatants to the United States for trial and give detainees the same rights as US citizens.

So, in your wildest in the hell can these assholes call themselves the American Civil Liberties Union????

And yet they defended Rush Limbaugh. The fact is the ACLU defends Civil Liberties, that you disagree with some of the cases they take on suggests more about you than about them. You are willing to suspend the rights of others because you disagree with them, at least that is what I've inferred from your post. The Bill of Rights exists to protect the rights of all of us, even those you may hate or fear.

You need to read on.

If mudmissile had any credibility to begin with, he shredded every last bit of it in this very thread. Amusing stuff. :thup:

The American Civil Liberties Union was run for its first 30 years by an American named Roger Baldwin, who helped found it in 1920. This organization pursues a leftist agenda that includes censoring prayer and recognition of God in public institutions, such as public schools. Currently, Anthony Romero​ is the first openly gay CEO to run the organization. Declassified documents and letters link early ACLU leaders with Communist Party.

The ACLU challenges our laws and questions their constitutionality while causing millions in court costs and legal fees every year. Their favorite target is is God. They claim that the establishment clause in US Constitution requires censorship of religious expression. Many former ACLU members are in the Obama Administration's Department of Justice. This explains why the Veterans Administration is forcing the removal of religious services at burials in Texas.

The ACLU argued against a law restricting access to pornography at libraries.

The ACLU was silent in many cases you'd think they would be involved in including attacks against Joe the Plumber when he exposed Obama as a Socialist and against Carrie Prejean a contestant in the Miss USA pageant who was viciously attacked by a radical gay judge for not being pro-gay named Perez Hilton. Character assassinations from the left soon followed in both cases.

The ACLU has defended polygamists, and is the single biggest advocate for pornography and even defended the Man/Boy Love Association.

Under threat of being listed by the Dies committee as a Communist front in the wake of the Nazi-Soviet pact, the ACLU purged open members of the Communist Party from its board of directors in 1940. One member purged from the board was former Wobbly Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, a CPUSA member. Flynn went on to become national chairman of the Communist Party. Upon her death in Moscow in 1964, the Soviet Union gave her a state funeral in Red Square. In 1976, the ACLU posthumously "reinstated" her on its board of directors.

They are highly active in the war on terror, but on the other side. They have defended defendants in GITMO and are the driving force to bring enemy combatants to the United States for trial and give detainees the same rights as US citizens.

So, in your wildest in the hell can these assholes call themselves the American Civil Liberties Union????

And yet they defended Rush Limbaugh. The fact is the ACLU defends Civil Liberties, that you disagree with some of the cases they take on suggests more about you than about them. You are willing to suspend the rights of others because you disagree with them, at least that is what I've inferred from your post. The Bill of Rights exists to protect the rights of all of us, even those you may hate or fear.

This is what mudwhistle wants. Besides the fact that he doesn't know that the 1st amendment protects us from the Government only. Besides the fact that he says that the ACLU protects illegals and perverts OVER our rights. Besides the fact that he parrots what someone else says about the ACLU and the 2nd amendment with no evidence.
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I knew you had nothing. It was just a matter of getting you to admit you just did.

I've admitted nothing.

The homework assignment tactic only works on people that give a fuck what you think.

Since I don't I guess you're gonna have to go ahead and think what you want.

I posted links to it. I'm not gonna go through the trouble of reposting it.

You just conceded that you had nothing....but please continue to merely reinforces your failure to back up your words with evidence.

Asked and answered.

Fuck off.

Try going back and reading the whole thread. Do that and I'll maybe consider your request......maybe.

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