The African Origins of Civilization. By Cheikh Anta Diop. A great Book.

This is a great book to read. It opened my eyes to the fact that many white archeologist were just plain racists throughout all of history. And many of the history books were written by racists historians. Read it. The African Origins of Civilization. By Cheikh Anta Diop.
Doubtless, this Cheikh Anta Diop is a racist historian. His futile attempt to associate a Mediterranean culture with that of sub-Saharan Africa has largely been ridiculed.
This is a great book to read. It opened my eyes to the fact that many white archeologist were just plain racists throughout all of history. And many of the history books were written by racists historians. Read it. The African Origins of Civilization. By Cheikh Anta Diop.
Yep. I have read some of his writings. What is called Africa is actually correctly named Alkebulan.
Doubtless, this Cheikh Anta Diop is a racist historian. His futile attempt to associate a Mediterranean culture with that of sub-Saharan Africa has largely been ridiculed.
I would disagree with your statement. As I stated, many archeologist that went into Egypt, just refused to accept the fact that a black race of people designed and built the Pyramids, and created Egyptian culture and society. And the fact that Egypt was subjected to many continuous waves of outside invaders, races from non black races, the Persians, Assyrians, Greeks, Romans, French, British, Arabs. The list goes on, and on. And as I stated, many of these European archeologists were just plain white racists, along with many historians, who were just racists to the core. These are people who just tried to white wash Egyptian history down through the ages. It still goes on to this day.!!?? Oh , they must have had help from space aliens, to build those Pyramids.??!!Please give me a break.!!?How could a black race build these structures??!! Just pure white racism, I tell you.!!??Plain and simple. White people still think like that today.!!?? in 2024.!!?? Trust me. its a fact.
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I would disagree with your statement. As I stated, many archeologist that went into Egypt, just refused to accept the fact that a black race of people designed and built the Pyramids, and created Egyptian culture and society. And the fact that Egypt was subjected to many continuous waves of outside invaders, races from non black races, the Persians, Assyrians, Greeks, Romans, French, British, Arabs. The list goes on, and on. And as I stated, many of these European archeologists were just plain white racists, along with many historians, who were just racists to the core. These are people who just tried to white wash Egyptian history down through the ages. It still goes on to this day.!!?? Oh , they must have had help from space aliens, to build those Pyramids.??!!Please give me a break.!!?How could a black race build these structures??!! Just pure white racism, I tell you.!!??Plain and simple. White people still think like that today.!!?? in 2024.!!?? Trust me. its a fact.
The only problem was that Egyptians, while darker than those to their north, were by no means black. Blacks were an insignificant part of the Mediterranean coastal regions.
Doubtless, this Cheikh Anta Diop is a racist historian. His futile attempt to associate a Mediterranean culture with that of sub-Saharan Africa has largely been ridiculed.
Egypt is in Africa. The term sub saharan is a white racist term.

The term spread as a replacement for racially-tinged phrases ‘Tropical Africa’ and ‘Black Africa’ that were used until around the 1950s, says Columbia University anthropologist Brian Larkin.

The dividing line itself also has some troubling origins in what Larkin calls “racist” colonial theories that thought northern Africa more culturally developed.

“It divides Africa according to white ideas of race, making North Africans white enough to be considered for their glories, but not really white enough,” Tatenda Chinondidyachii Mashanda, a politics and international affairs scholar at Wake Forest University, wrote earlier this year for The African Exponent. “[It] is a way of saying ‘Black Africa’ and talking about black Africans without sounding overtly racist.”

Dr. Diop was an African historian. He should know the history of Africa better than white anthropologists. This dumb right wing ploy of calling blacks racists because they disprove disinformation from whites needs to stop.
Egypt is in Africa. The term sub saharan is a white racist term.

The term spread as a replacement for racially-tinged phrases ‘Tropical Africa’ and ‘Black Africa’ that were used until around the 1950s, says Columbia University anthropologist Brian Larkin.

The dividing line itself also has some troubling origins in what Larkin calls “racist” colonial theories that thought northern Africa more culturally developed.

“It divides Africa according to white ideas of race, making North Africans white enough to be considered for their glories, but not really white enough,” Tatenda Chinondidyachii Mashanda, a politics and international affairs scholar at Wake Forest University, wrote earlier this year for The African Exponent. “[It] is a way of saying ‘Black Africa’ and talking about black Africans without sounding overtly racist.”

The Sahara forms clear geographic divide between parts of the second largest continent. Sparsely populated and very difficult to transverse limited contact and certainly migration between the Mediterranean and sub-Saharan regions of Africa. The Nile formed one conduit and the Arab slave trade another, but neither made the civilizations of the north black.
This is a great book to read. It opened my eyes to the fact that many white archeologist were just plain racists throughout all of history. And many of the history books were written by racists historians. Read it. The African Origins of Civilization. By Cheikh Anta Diop.
When are the mods going to enforce the rules about creating a topic?
I would disagree with your statement. As I stated, many archeologist that went into Egypt, just refused to accept the fact that a black race of people designed and built the Pyramids, and created Egyptian culture and society. And the fact that Egypt was subjected to many continuous waves of outside invaders, races from non black races, the Persians, Assyrians, Greeks, Romans, French, British, Arabs. The list goes on, and on. And as I stated, many of these European archeologists were just plain white racists, along with many historians, who were just racists to the core. These are people who just tried to white wash Egyptian history down through the ages. It still goes on to this day.!!?? Oh , they must have had help from space aliens, to build those Pyramids.??!!Please give me a break.!!?How could a black race build these structures??!! Just pure white racism, I tell you.!!??Plain and simple. White people still think like that today.!!?? in 2024.!!?? Trust me. its a fact.
That's because they didn't. The Nubians took over ruling Egypt long after the pyramids were built.
It proves the desperation of some to appropriate the accomplishments of others to compensate for the abject lack of their own.
Black Africa is far behind advanced societies in the West and even China and Japan

Globalists are desperately trying to improve the reputation of failed cultures in black Africa
No friggin way black people built the pyramids
But blacks did. This is the problem with white racism. It's a mental disorder. Basically it's psychosis.

“Racism has distorted reality for many whites. Teachings about history, the world, the pursuits of thought, expressions of culture, and personal relationships have for most whites been both limited and false.” -Horace Seldon
Africa? ... Is this not the country where the Vandals lived before they founded (V)Andalusia? Nice guys this Africans.

I would disagree with your statement. As I stated, many archeologist that went into Egypt, just refused to accept the fact that a black race of people designed and built the Pyramids, and created Egyptian culture and society. And the fact that Egypt was subjected to many continuous waves of outside invaders, races from non black races, the Persians, Assyrians, Greeks, Romans, French, British, Arabs. The list goes on, and on. And as I stated, many of these European archeologists were just plain white racists, along with many historians, who were just racists to the core. These are people who just tried to white wash Egyptian history down through the ages.

Are you able to give me a concrete example what you call "whitewashed" in this context? The ancient world of the Greeks had been Egypt. Our ancient world is Greek. I often say: "We are all Greeks" (independent from biology). And Babylon is still today a most important base of all European cultures. Or has your day not 24 hours and has your circle not 360°?

It still goes on to this day.!!?? Oh , they must have had help from space aliens, to build those Pyramids.??!!Please give me a break.!!?How could a black race build these structures??!! Just pure white racism, I tell you.!!??Plain and simple. White people still think like that today.!!?? in 2024.!!?? Trust me. its a fact.

Why should anyone "trust" (=believe) in facts? Facts are reality. We are all Greeks - that's why we are curious and like to know everything with scientific methods - and not with weird stories about not existing aliens.

Du wurdest mit Potenzial geboren. Du wurdest mit Güte und Vertrauen geboren. Du wurdest mit Idealen und Träumen geboren. Du wurdest mit Größe geboren. Du wurdest mit Flügeln geboren. Du bist nicht zum Krabbeln bestimmt, also lass es. Du hast Flügel. Lerne, sie zu benutzen und zu fliegen.
Dshalal ad-Din Rumi
You were born with potential. You were born with kindness and trust. You were born with ideals and dreams. You were born with greatness. You were born with wings. You were not meant to crawl, so don't. You have wings. Learn to use them and fly.

... unless you are of crawling age - then learn to crawl first. (What's by the way also a lot of fun!)


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People with dark skin and afro hair did not "build" the pyramids or create the the ancient Egyptian culture. Very late in that culture some did migrate up the Nile from modern day Sudan. As it relates to black Americans remember your ancestors came from W. Africa, modern day Nigeria, Ghana, Cameroon, etc., which is 2,500 miles away from Cairo.
The builders and designers of the Pyramids were Black people. Not white Europeans, as they try to brainwash the entire world with many Hollywood movies that depict Egyptians as being white. They were Black African people. Egypt is in Africa, not Europe.! Its part of the African continent.!!

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