The Aftermath of the Trial

Frosty questions, but the one that's going to make us look the coldest in the history books is "How many stupid deaths could have been prevented by reasonable gun laws?"

The answer is - NONE. Gun laws ( meaning gun restriction) CAUSE more deaths than they prevent.
See death and crime statistics in Chicago.

That would depend on the definition of reasonable now, wouldn't it?
I refuse to weigh in or the guilt or innocence of either the perp or the victim.

I have no respect for those of you who do, either.

NONE of us are in a position to know any more than has been reported by the media.

I refuse to second guess the JURY.

I think what happened was tragic for all concerned, but obviously most tragic for the victim and his family.

I find those of you who are seeking to make this case a lauching pad for you to express your racist or anti-racist attitudes disgusting.

Not one of us is qualified to weight in on this case.

Not one[/I] of yus has ever written a thing worth reading about this case either.

All we can do is express our POVs through the lense of our own prejudices.
But, George Zimmerman is a racist! he?

The facts in the case state otherwise. It was shown that he tutored young blacks. Also, he is Peruvian and not a white person. It's a far stretch to any reasonable person to make a conclusion like this. This is MEDIA and POLITICAL HYPE. Brought on by the Media wanting High Ratings and individuals like Sharpton, Jackson, and even Obama. Dirty Laundry sells in this country and so they push these style cases to the point that THEY ARE THE PROBLEM

George Zimmerman is innocent.

Yes and unknown. The Facts of the case to me push to a Classic Self Defense justification. The Facts back up the Defense and not the Prosecution. Zimmerman had a broken nose, and cuts on the back of his head. The Defense had an Eye Witness which backs up this claim. The Medical on Zimmerman showed the same. The Prosecution had nothing but trumped up theories and didn't have the Facts to back up these theories. They even pushed for Second Degree Murder without Jack to back it up. I believe this was pushed into trial because of Political and Social Pressures on this case. The only thing that they should have charged Zimmerman with at all was Manslaughter. And even this side of the argument is Slim at best.

Unknown. What I don't know is what took place in that last minute or so. What words were said before the fight. So I can't leave out the possibility that Zimmerman may have said some things that caused the fight. I simply don't know, and Dead men don't talk. So I can only assume this portion of this case, and go with what I do know.

Which is exactly why I agree with the verdict.

It's open season on black boys and men.

A Ridiculous statement brought out by those who benefit on pushing Racial tensions in this country. They do it for their minute of fame, and the money they make off cases like this. They hype up cases like this, CAUSE HATE AND DISCONTENT, and then later CALL FOR PEACE even though they are the ones who PUSHED THE ISSUE.

They are Hypocrits, and this includes the President and Holder. The POTUS had no business making the statement about Martin could be his son. Then they call for Peace. They are the Problem and push to the point of WANTING RACISM.

Why all of the gloating and jubilation?

There is no call for jubilation. A young man was killed and that family will be hurting for a long time over this. Martin was shot only going to get a drink and skittles. Any parent of any color would be ticked about this. If that were my son I'd be ticked about it. Which is why this situation is so tragic.

To this point, I'd have to say that Martin should have been able to keep his cool and not push a confrontation. As I said before I don't know that final minute or so, but it appears from the testimony that he more than likely pushed the final confrontation.

The true villains in this story.

The Media, the Sharptons, Jacksons, and the Obamas. Pushing for a Racial issue that basically forced a trial via Political pressure when there was never enough evidence to convict on anything. They are the true villains of RACE PROBLEMS HERE IN AMERICA.

George Zimmerman made no mistakes.

Doubtful. He obviously followed instead of hanging back. While he has a right to do so in a free country, he could have hung back from the get go and maybe none of this would have happened. He could have also had a taser along with a weapon. Possible tazing instead of killing Martin. Even pepper spray. It would have given him a different option.

Trayvon Martin was just an unarmed black kid with Skittles. Really?

No, the media and those hyping this case were calling him a CHILD. 17 is a young MAN and NOT CHILD. Secondly, the case shows via testimony that his last phone call shows an ANGRY YOUNG MAN who has been fed this RACIST BS and called Zimmerman a Cracker. The Sharptons and Jacksons of this world have FED A HATE into young blacks like this and in cases like this it led to violence and Death.

He was just a punk.

Unknown. I don't know him. He could have been a nice kid, but the evidence to me shows a young ANGRY BLACK MAN. The rest is completely unknown to me.

The jury was racist.

Media hype. They made the right call in this case. The Prosecution helped get this jury in selections. Best guess is that they thought women would be more sympothetic to their case.

Who doesn't like mocking this thug?

I don't, but the Media does because of Ratings.

George Zimmerman did nothing but tell the truth.


We have to get rid of the Stand Your Ground law.

Disagree. We should have the right to our own defense. It is a good law and has saved innocent people many times. The Anti Gun Lobby wants everyone to get rid of all guns, and push for it again every time anything like this comes up.

Black people are just violent and stupid.

An assumption that blankets the whole race which is stupid. It again pushes more Race Problems into this country.


Limited in this case, but for the same reasons stated above. The people pushing for Racial Hate cause Retaliation, and then come out as a bunch of Stupid A.........s when they call for Peace.

A call for peace.

A call for peace from those who aren't politically motivated is a welcome sight. To those already mentioned it is BS. As their very words had ALREADY PUSHED VIOLENCE.

They are the Problem, NOT THE SOLUTION. When they shut up maybe Racial BS can end, but not until they shut their Traps up.

If Martin would have been White, would this case have ever been in the Media?
If Zimmerman would have been Black, would this case have ever been in the Media?
If Martin had have killed Zimmerman, would this case have ever been in the Media?

I believe NO. Which is why the Media and the Jacksons CAUSE RACIAL ISSUES IN THIS COUNTRY.
I refuse to weigh in or the guilt or innocence of either the perp or the victim.

I have no respect for those of you who do, either.

NONE of us are in a position to know any more than has been reported by the media.

I refuse to second guess the JURY.

I think what happened was tragic for all concerned, but obviously most tragic for the victim and his family.

I find those of you who are seeking to make this case a lauching pad for you to express your racist or anti-racist attitudes disgusting.

Not one of us is qualified to weight in on this case.

Not one[/I] of yus has ever written a thing worth reading about this case either.

All we can do is express our POVs through the lense of our own prejudices.


Which is the purpose of posting on a forum. To discuss issues of the day based on what we believe and see as our POVs.

So you don't respect us.................LOL

See my complaint department in the basement section of the 4th portolet to the right. I'll be sure to get back to you.
presumed innocent

Zimmerman was presumed innocent before the trial he was found not guilty during the trial

so his innocence remains

George Zimmerman is a racist!

where is the evidence to make that claim

it certainly was not presented in court

he certainly was not accused of that in court

the fbi did an extensive search into Georges past

interviewing around 40 people

they found the opposite to be true

It's open season on black boys and men

by black boys and men

it is about time they figure out a new way to raise the children

in some ways Tracy Martin should be considered a hero

at least Trayvon knew who his father was which isnt the case for

many boys these days

in 2010 Trayvon rock solid support was pulled out from

underneath him and he went down hill quickly

his story is a sad one

Why all of the gloating and jubilation?

who is gloating no one that i have seen

however the system worked

and a tragedy was not turned into a travesty

the mob does not rule

and we still live in an age

where it takes more then

"could have " " maybe" "we think so"

to get a conviction

The true villains in this story

there are a lot of them and it could have its own thread

George Zimmerman made no mistakes

George didnt do anything illegal by getting out of his truck

we could back up the events of that day for both persons

that may have changed to encounter that night

but that is pointless

He was just a punk

looking into his lifestyle before the shooting

he certainly was a wannabe thug

We have to get rid of the Stand Your Ground law.

that is a state issue not one for holder or obama to decide
Removing the stand your ground laws places the burden on the victims and off the criminal.

Really bad idea.

you see

obama and holder of the opinion

that the victim is the criminal and the criminal is the victim
Frosty questions, but the one that's going to make us look the coldest in the history books is "How many stupid deaths could have been prevented by reasonable gun laws?"

The answer is - NONE. Gun laws ( meaning gun restriction) CAUSE more deaths than they prevent.
See death and crime statistics in Chicago.

That would depend on the definition of reasonable now, wouldn't it?

It's hard to just sit down and respond to all of these opinions in one extra long response post. I will address just a few.

This case was not a case that turned on the guilt or innocence of anyone. We know George Zimmerman fired the fatal shot. He admitted it. This case was one that decided whether or not firing that fatal shot was justified. The jury's verdict was that the act was justified.

The reason why this case can't be compared to the OJ case is because the OJ case did involve questions of guilt or innocence. OJ denied being the killer. He said he didn't do it, someone else did it. The prosecution could never prove that he committed the acts that led to death beyond a reasonable doubt and there was no issue of whether or not the acts were justified. The doubt was that it was as reasonable to conclude that someone else killed Goldman and Brown, as it was reasonable to conclude that OJ did it. With that kind of evidence, the jury has no choice but to acquit. Just like in the Zimmerman case, once they concluded that Zimmerman was being beaten and felt that he would be beaten to death, the jury had no choice but to acquit.

Trayvon Martin was a thug in training. This is not important except in one respect. Was being a young thug, just trying his wings, the kind of person who would have a propensity to attack others? The jury, upon the testimony of Rachel Jeantel that Martin probably threw the first punch, concluded that he was.

There is a sickness in the black community that encourages the belief that there is some sort of right to commit crimes. The attacks and vandalism now being played out did not start with Trayvon Martin. It has been going on for years. Long, long before the names Martin or Zimmerman were ever heard. It's an excuse now. "Bash for Trayvon". It justifies what they wanted to do and were going to do anyway.

If the sensible black people do not take charge and get a handle on the kind of violence coming from this part of the nation, there is no hope for them. None at all. The brush of violence is so broad that it will absolutely paint each and every black person that walks the streets.

It is against the law to shoot people for being thugs. No crime was being committed when GZ was following him. So for all intents and purposes TM was just a guy being followed by another guy. Its as cowardly and lazy to go on about TM being a " thug in training" as it is to constantly inject race. And the Zimmerman groupies are so happy, and never consider that CCW rights as well as stand your ground laws are in danger and those who want them repealed have their poster boy in GZ.

Who shot Trayvon for being a thug? He was shot because he committed a violent act. Felonious assault.

Oh, and there aren't any Zimmerman groupies, only Trayvon Groupies. You don't see us wearing Zimmerman T-shirts.

That he was a "thug in training" is second only to "he was beating him up" as justification for this shooting. As for the groupies, ya, Zimmerman has just a few compared to TM. Matter of fact, as.far as I have seen the NRA and GOA have not overtly come out in support of GZ. None lobbied or raised funds for his defense. As far as blacks and crime mentioned above, no crime was being committed, only assumed. As for his "Felonious assault" TM only did what I or any other man would have done. You guys confuse this as a victory for gun rights, and self defense, but really you are cheering on yet another case that will be evidence that's used to repeal this law and laws like it. In reality, you all know GZ is not the angelic figure who helps old ladies across the street, and throwing his hankie over mud puddles. At best, he was a plodding moron wannabe cop, who had he just stayed on his car, and done it as his community watch organizer trained him to do it none of this would have happened. So yeah, you guys are as bad as Sharpton, holder, Jackson, and the President.
Removing the stand your ground laws places the burden on the victims and off the criminal.

Really bad idea.

And Zimmerman is the poster boy for this movement. Even after shootings (done right) the idea never gained steam, but now ? Who knows.
But, George Zimmerman is a racist! he?

As with Zimmerman’s ‘innocence,’ we’ll never know.

Three other things we’ll never know:

Why did Zimmerman ignore the dispatcher’s instructions?

Why did Zimmerman leave the safety of his own car only to place himself into a potentially dangerous situation?

And what compelled Zimmerman to pursue Martin at all, failing to allow the police to investigate?

Zimmerman not withstanding, citizens have the right to be racist. They have the right to believe all young black men are potential criminals, and they have the right to ‘take precautions’ predicated on that fear, hate, and ignorance. But they must also be prepared to suffer the consequences of their racism.

The Zimmerman trial is over, and the correct verdict rendered; there’s nothing more to discuss, as the trial is now part of Florida case law.

What does need to be discussed, however, is how to ensure citizens understand the law, what constitutes self-defense and what does not, and how to protect oneself in the context of this case law.

Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmerman.

Why do you blame him?

Why didn't Trayvon go in his house when he got to it and get his dad?

Why didn't Trayvon call 9-11?

Why did Trayvon double back and confront Zimmerman?

Why did Trayvon assault Zimmerman?
Removing the stand your ground laws places the burden on the victims and off the criminal.

Really bad idea.

And Zimmerman is the poster boy for this movement. Even after shootings (done right) the idea never gained steam, but now ? Who knows.

during the trial we heard over and over

how the ll female jury was going to "side" with martins mom

an emotional bond that would surely convict zimmerman

wonder how many of the jury placed their kids

under martins mma style ground and pound

i guess that would be the question i would ask

the jurors if i could ask a question
But, George Zimmerman is a racist! he?

As with Zimmerman’s ‘innocence,’ we’ll never know.

Three other things we’ll never know:

Why did Zimmerman ignore the dispatcher’s instructions?

Why did Zimmerman leave the safety of his own car only to place himself into a potentially dangerous situation?

And what compelled Zimmerman to pursue Martin at all, failing to allow the police to investigate?

Zimmerman not withstanding, citizens have the right to be racist. They have the right to believe all young black men are potential criminals, and they have the right to ‘take precautions’ predicated on that fear, hate, and ignorance. But they must also be prepared to suffer the consequences of their racism.

The Zimmerman trial is over, and the correct verdict rendered; there’s nothing more to discuss, as the trial is now part of Florida case law.

What does need to be discussed, however, is how to ensure citizens understand the law, what constitutes self-defense and what does not, and how to protect oneself in the context of this case law.

Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmerman.

Why do you blame him?

Why didn't Trayvon go in his house when he got to it and get his dad?

Why didn't Trayvon call 9-11?

Why did Trayvon double back and confront Zimmerman?

Why did Trayvon assault Zimmerman?

Likely because he was not doing anything wrong, and did not expect to get shot in the chest that night. Zimmerman went out of his way to include him self in Trayvon Martins life.
Removing the stand your ground laws places the burden on the victims and off the criminal.

Really bad idea.

And Zimmerman is the poster boy for this movement. Even after shootings (done right) the idea never gained steam, but now ? Who knows.

during the trial we heard over and over

how the ll female jury was going to "side" with martins mom

an emotional bond that would surely convict zimmerman

wonder how many of the jury placed their kids

under martins mma style ground and pound

i guess that would be the question i would ask

the jurors if i could ask a question

Had they been doing what Zimmermas was then they would have earned that ass whipping. Lesson learned, get on with your life.
[/That he was a "thug in training" is second only to "he was beating him up" as justification for this shooting. As for the groupies, ya, Zimmerman has just a few compared to TM. Matter of fact, as.far as I have seen the NRA and GOA have not overtly come out in support of GZ. None lobbied or raised funds for his defense. As far as blacks and crime mentioned above, no crime was being committed, only assumed. As for his "Felonious assault" TM only did what I or any other man would have done. You guys confuse this as a victory for gun rights, and self defense, but really you are cheering on yet another case that will be evidence that's used to repeal this law and laws like it. In reality, you all know GZ is not the angelic figure who helps old ladies across the street, and throwing his hankie over mud puddles. At best, he was a plodding moron wannabe cop, who had he just stayed on his car, and done it as his community watch organizer trained him to do it none of this would have happened. So yeah, you guys are as bad as Sharpton, holder, Jackson, and the President.QUOTE]

Community Watches do what? WATCH............

Watch for suspicious individuals or situations and report them to the police to try and cut down on crime.

They are generally only formed in areas were Crime has become a problem. Back in the day, we had Neighborhood watches that did the same Dang thing. People volunteered to try and stop the crime and volunteered to help out.

This is what I believe happened here. A local tired of the crimes in the area hoping to make a difference and make this area a better place to live. If he had MALICIOUS intent he would have never even called the police about it.

While I'd be ticked if followed I wouldn't turn around and start POUNDING A PERSON'S HEAD INTO THE GROUND because he was watching me and following me. Martin could have hung up the phone and called the police as Zimmerman did, but my gut instinct is he turned around and went back to start a fight and did, ending in his death. Had he just punched Zimmerman and not started pounding his head into the pavement, he'd probably still be alive today. Because quite frankly, I don't think Zimmerman would have pulled a gun and killed him if his head wasn't being pounded into the pavement.

This is a bad deal. A young man is dead, but you are portraying Zimmerman as thinking he's Charles Bronson or something is just plain Stupid.
Well done indeed..

I have much to say ....but no time right now.

Excellent closing....

But consider this...

Obie, Holder.......are Anarchists......dedicated to the themes of Alinsky and Cloward/Piven..

The current poltical confligration is a perfect vehicle for that end...

And Zimmerman is the poster boy for this movement. Even after shootings (done right) the idea never gained steam, but now ? Who knows.

during the trial we heard over and over

how the ll female jury was going to "side" with martins mom

an emotional bond that would surely convict zimmerman

wonder how many of the jury placed their kids

under martins mma style ground and pound

i guess that would be the question i would ask

the jurors if i could ask a question

Had they been doing what Zimmermas was then they would have earned that ass whipping. Lesson learned, get on with your life.

Indeed, you are on the ground having your head pounded onto a concrete sidewalk, you would just lay there and take it, knowing full well you had a gun that could save your life.

Yup, I think I get it now. The Travon Martin boosters are suicidal maniacs.

Is there seriously any question that, as a juror, asking yourself, what would you do, that this jury acted incorrectly?

When I get my NRA magazine each month, the first thing I read is the page of true stories where lives are saved by having a gun. I have been a card carrying member of the NRA for many years, and I trust their statistics and research. Common sense says that responsible citizens that are armed save lives.

Of course, rare accidents with guns happen, but the good far outweighs the bad regarding gun ownership.

Key word.
In this case, Zimmerman is innocent. The reason is that the jury ruled self-defense, which is not a crime. The initial police report showed that his wounds were consistent with what Zimmerman told police after the fact, which showed that he was not the aggressor.

Also, the state's prime witness reversed her lying court testimony of "Trayvon cried for help and the other guy was on top" to "Trayvon whooped cracka's ass." during her first post trial interview. This female lying is not uncommon in cases in which Al Sharpton inures witnesses repeatedly into the process of decimating a white person for living. He has come to the conclusion that if one is black, one is right, to hell with what the law says. And he somehow surrounds himself with the meconium of purile black persons who are urged to commit perjury against white people. He's full of rancor and hate.

Cases in which Sharpton involved himself: (1) Twanna Brawley lies about unknown white assailants (2) Chrystal Magnum lie about rape (Duke Lacrosse Team)

Black citizens have maggots like Sharpton fooling them, and that's why they get loser syndrome every time Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton step up to the plate. These men have made themselves disreputable over and over and over. When they take over with their smear campaigns and make everyone indignant, they take a lot of money home with them and live like kings. The nation needs to reconsider perjury laws and enforce them, and quit falling for blackmail threats of incitation of pandemic mob violence. It's time to call bluff and duke it out.

The black community will not heal itself if it gets a constant supply of federal support for bad behaviors.

I find that pretty ignorant and insulting; what percentage of the "Black community" do you think follows the likes of Sharpton and Jackson? Do you think that Black people can also be individuals who are capable of thinking for themselves?

What percentage of "the Black community" is receiving federal support? Is federal support solely for Black people?
I find that pretty ignorant and insulting;

Not following you down OffTopic Lane. :offtopic:

I edited my post. For the record; I didn't state that I find you ignorant or insulting.

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