The Aftermath of the Trial

As with Zimmerman’s ‘innocence,’ we’ll never know.

Three other things we’ll never know:

Why did Zimmerman ignore the dispatcher’s instructions?

Why did Zimmerman leave the safety of his own car only to place himself into a potentially dangerous situation?

And what compelled Zimmerman to pursue Martin at all, failing to allow the police to investigate?

Zimmerman not withstanding, citizens have the right to be racist. They have the right to believe all young black men are potential criminals, and they have the right to ‘take precautions’ predicated on that fear, hate, and ignorance. But they must also be prepared to suffer the consequences of their racism.

The Zimmerman trial is over, and the correct verdict rendered; there’s nothing more to discuss, as the trial is now part of Florida case law.

What does need to be discussed, however, is how to ensure citizens understand the law, what constitutes self-defense and what does not, and how to protect oneself in the context of this case law.

Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmerman.

Why do you blame him?

Why didn't Trayvon go in his house when he got to it and get his dad?

Why didn't Trayvon call 9-11?

Why did Trayvon double back and confront Zimmerman?

Why did Trayvon assault Zimmerman?

Likely because he was not doing anything wrong, and did not expect to get shot in the chest that night. Zimmerman went out of his way to include him self in Trayvon Martins life.

I'm baffled by this whole concept that Trayvon Martin did nothing wrong, Cuyler. He committed Assault & Battery on someone who's only transgression against him was to follow him at a distance while talking to the Police on the phone. Trayvon Martin got shot in the chest that night because he punched someone in the face, knocked them down and then sat on them and continued to beat them. How is that not "wrong"? How do you make that leap of logic?
As with Zimmerman’s ‘innocence,’ we’ll never know.

Three other things we’ll never know:

Why did Zimmerman ignore the dispatcher’s instructions?

Why did Zimmerman leave the safety of his own car only to place himself into a potentially dangerous situation?

And what compelled Zimmerman to pursue Martin at all, failing to allow the police to investigate?

Zimmerman not withstanding, citizens have the right to be racist. They have the right to believe all young black men are potential criminals, and they have the right to ‘take precautions’ predicated on that fear, hate, and ignorance. But they must also be prepared to suffer the consequences of their racism.

The Zimmerman trial is over, and the correct verdict rendered; there’s nothing more to discuss, as the trial is now part of Florida case law.

What does need to be discussed, however, is how to ensure citizens understand the law, what constitutes self-defense and what does not, and how to protect oneself in the context of this case law.

Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmerman.

Why do you blame him?

Why didn't Trayvon go in his house when he got to it and get his dad?

Why didn't Trayvon call 9-11?

Why did Trayvon double back and confront Zimmerman?

Why did Trayvon assault Zimmerman?

Likely because he was not doing anything wrong, and did not expect to get shot in the chest that night. Zimmerman went out of his way to include him self in Trayvon Martins life.

You take all the above steps when you are not doing anything wrong. Is there a point? Parents TEACH their children these things from an early age, at least RESPONSIBLE parents do.

Zimmerman MAY have gone out of his way to inject himself into Martins life. But the way he did WAS PERFECTLY LEGAL. Martin then injected himself into Zimmermans life in a way that was ILLEGAL.

It's not just me saying so, it is a jury.
The one tidbit I'm a bit fussy over is whether or not he's innocent. I don't believe that being found "not guilty" means you're absolutely innocent. There are plenty of people who were found guilty but then decades later found to have been completely innocent. Conversely, I'm sure there are those who really did do evil, murderous things but were found "not guilty" by the state whether due to weak/no evidence, being really good at deceit, etc. The state found GZ "not guilty," but my contention is that it's at least remotely possible that George really did do wrong but got away with it.
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And Zimmerman is the poster boy for this movement. Even after shootings (done right) the idea never gained steam, but now ? Who knows.

during the trial we heard over and over

how the ll female jury was going to "side" with martins mom

an emotional bond that would surely convict zimmerman

wonder how many of the jury placed their kids

under martins mma style ground and pound

i guess that would be the question i would ask

the jurors if i could ask a question

Had they been doing what Zimmermas was then they would have earned that ass whipping. Lesson learned, get on with your life.

You "earn" an ass whipping for caring about your neighborhood and the people that live there? I'm guessing that you're one of those people that doesn't "get involved"? That turns around and walks the other way when you hear screams for help? Kitty Genovese had people like you for neighbors.
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Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmerman.

Why do you blame him?

Why didn't Trayvon go in his house when he got to it and get his dad?

Why didn't Trayvon call 9-11?

Why did Trayvon double back and confront Zimmerman?

Why did Trayvon assault Zimmerman?

Likely because he was not doing anything wrong, and did not expect to get shot in the chest that night. Zimmerman went out of his way to include him self in Trayvon Martins life.

I'm baffled by this whole concept that Trayvon Martin did nothing wrong, Cuyler. He committed Assault & Battery on someone who's only transgression against him was to follow him at a distance while talking to the Police on the phone. Trayvon Martin got shot in the chest that night because he punched someone in the face, knocked them down and then sat on them and continued to beat them. How is that not "wrong"? How do you make that leap of logic?

Why are you baffled?

The left were counting on Zimmerman to be the poster boy for stricter gun control. When it turned out that a jury, even under pressure from the POTUS to convict him found him innocent, it drove them crazy. They are crazed beyond belief over this.

Understand, to the progressive liberal, the Individual has NO value except as a scape goat for their emotional beliefs. Zimmerman did not lay down at the alter of the masses, so he should be destroyed.

Oh, and by the way, the jury found him not guilty. Our justice system is based on the defendant being "Innocent until proven guilty" the jury said that Zimmerman remains innocent until PROVEN guilty. Guilty has never been PROVEN, therefore he is innocent and this group of thugs cannot change that fact. They are going after an innocent man to forward their political agenda.
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The one tidbit I'm a bit fussy over is whether or not he's innocent. I don't believe that being found "not guilty" means you're absolutely innocent. There are plenty of people who were found guilty but then decades later found to have been completely innocent. Conversely, I'm sure there are those who really did do evil, murderous things but were found "not guilty" by the state whether due to weak/no evidence, being really good at deceit, etc. The state found GZ "not guilty," but my contention is that it's at least remotely possible that George really did do wrong but got away with it.

Then you do not believe in the justice system.

A man is innocent until PROVEN guilty. Unless you are judged guilty, you ARE innocent.

There is no doubt, unless you do not believe in the basic concept that only a jury can take away your status as an innocent.
Zimmerman Zimmerman Zimmerman.

Why do you blame him?

Why didn't Trayvon go in his house when he got to it and get his dad?

Why didn't Trayvon call 9-11?

Why did Trayvon double back and confront Zimmerman?

Why did Trayvon assault Zimmerman?

Likely because he was not doing anything wrong, and did not expect to get shot in the chest that night. Zimmerman went out of his way to include him self in Trayvon Martins life.

I'm baffled by this whole concept that Trayvon Martin did nothing wrong, Cuyler. He committed Assault & Battery on someone who's only transgression against him was to follow him at a distance while talking to the Police on the phone. Trayvon Martin got shot in the chest that night because he punched someone in the face, knocked them down and then sat on them and continued to beat them. How is that not "wrong"? How do you make that leap of logic?

From now on keep your comments out here and not in PMs . I won't respond to any more. Anyway, had Zimmerman acted under the dictates of his neighborhood watch program and observed from the car Martin would not have felt the need to assault Zimmerman.
ive said it before. if this dead kid is white its just local new. and he was killed by a latino not a white as the retard liberal MSM wants you to believe. Zimmermans' attorney has filed suit against NBC for portraying him as racist. i do hope she takes those cocksuckers to the cleaners. a chapter 11 would deliver the message.
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I have paid very little attention to this case. As so often with American media circuses, it is deliberately designed to distract people's attention from more important matters. Unlike most Americans, I do not like being led by the nose and brainwashed.

Moreover, it seems clear to me that no rational person could have an informed opinion on the matter. We will never know what really happened in the crucial minute or two of this unfortunate event. I suspect there is enough blame to go around to both parties.

The more significant aspect of this affair is the American public's reaction to it.

A tedious and repugnant aspect of the American character is the tendency to jump to conclusions without adequate evidence. This tendency to humorless, belligerent self-importance makes a distressingly large proportion of the population determined to have an opinion on every subject -- no matter how ill-informed they may be.

One of the many delights of living outside the borders of the United States is meeting people who, when asked for their opinion on a matter, will actually say, "Oh, I don't know enough about the matter to have an intelligent opinion."

How seldom one meets such enlightened people in the USA, and how delightful it is when one does!!

NOTE: I have, on a number of occasions, had the unpleasant experience of being asked by a reporter for my opinion on some matter. Since, on principle, I am determined not to provide grist or profit to the lying, brainwashing media, I answer, "Oh, I don't know enough about the matter to have an intelligent opinion."

I highly recommend this tactic to leave a reporter utterly frustrated.

Let's examine this case through "the looking glass" as it were...

Let's pretend that Trayvon Martin is a 17 year old white kid, on his way home from visiting the 7/11 when George Zimmerman, the African-American Captain of the Neighborhood Watch group spots him. Let's also pretend that the gated community that our black George Zimmerman is driving through has been victimized by white teens breaking into houses. So when our black George sees this strange white teen, he calls the Police to report him as being suspicious. When the teen runs off our black George tries to keep him in sight so he can tell the Police where the boy is.

In the meantime our white teen is on the phone with his Cracker friend who he tells that he's being followed by a "creepy assed ******". He then leaves the safety of the condo he's staying at...walks back to confront our black George Zimmerman...punches him in the face, knocks him to the ground, mounts him and continues to beat him.

Now you tell me...would the main stream media take "black George Zimmerman" over the coals for shooting our "white Trayvon Martin"? Would there be nationwide protests if he was found not guilty of murder for protecting himself?

In my opinion, hell yeah. They would show the same innocent pictures of the little white kid and demonize the black guy in one way or another. I can almost guarantee you that people would have been calling for his head because he got out of the truck of followed that little white teen who was afraid for his life and only when he felt cornered by "the mean black guy" did he strike out in self defense.
This case defines were the country is now regarding racism.
it exists and the flames are being fanned by the likes of al sharpton & jesse jackson .
al sharpton should be preaching love & peace to a church congregation which is what his job discription ( reverand ) entails
jesse jackson should be spending more time consoling his son who is serving time in a prison
. having got that opinion of my chest now we can talk about racism and as it applies to this case .

some folks will find racism is anything and everything , a cop in wait looking for speeders pulls a car over and the driver is black he/her will play the race card as if the cop only has eyes for the color of the driver, who is going as a fast sped past his speed gun set up on his police cruiser .
a A/A refused employment over another who happens to be white will shout discrimination to0 whom ever will listen the fact the white has more qualifications will not be a factor in his /her wailing
in these examples and many others is race profiling present ??? yes could be in some absent in others .
in the zimmerman case there is no evidence of race profiling what so ever and his actions did not justify his being charged with murder 2 . ill explain below why i believe that .

zimmerman was i neighborhood watch captain , and as such his *duty* was to patrol the community which had in recent months a lot of petty larceny looking for suspicious activity by persons known or unknown (martin) was unknown to him it was dark and raining in the shadows he* zimmerman* sees a fiqure walking slowly along the grass verge of the complex so he informs the police during the questioning the remarks * these punks get away with it * or similar words to the dispatcher
>>punks << a slang word used to identify a *person up to no good * or a rock band when applied to a human it transends all races many so called punks are white and so are most punk bands .no racial profiling there
the dispatcher asked zimmerman about natio0nality and he answered he looks black FAIR answer to a FAIR question asked to help the police in there identifying of the person if he needed to be apprehended,
NOTE asked all the time in questioning the public on receiving a call for assistance
usually a block of questions
(1) male or female
(2 ) race
(3 ) height weight etc
again no racial profiling there just a nest of questions needed to open a investigation .

zimmerman approached martin and words where exchanged ( martin is reported to have said why are you following me) ? no evidence as to zimermans answer
after that its not clear what happened thats why he was found not quilty
we must use common sense and logic to assume what happened next but given some young folks attitude i have experianced martin proberly got upset about being approached by a *cracker *and questioned and instead of running straight home *as the phone calls to his girl friend suggests* he copped a attitude comfrounded zimmerman knocking him to the ground .
the rest we know

zimmerman did many things wrong .
first of all he should NEVER have carried a gun against the HOA rules and rather stupid .
second he proberly didnt identify himself and told martin why he was patroling the complex to *protect his martins * home as well as everybody elses .
thirdly not doing what the dispatcher advised him to do not at approach the suspect .
opening his mouth on television talk shows .

martin did some things wrong
(1) by not realizing this mans was doing a community service and respecting that fact
(2 ) by walking in the dark slowly looking around instead of walking quickly and directly to his home which was a few minutes away it was raining after all why linger ???
committed no crime by
following martin .
although foolish and ill advised carrying a gun.
getting out of the car .
many thing zimmerman could have been charged with the LAST being murder 2
infact the prosecution tried to bring in child abuse when they saw there case was going downhill .

we dont have a offence on the books here in the USA for stupidity if so zimmerman and half of the nation would be appearing in court
.no evidence of racial profiling was presented and the jury came in with the only verdict that was possible, self defence NOT GUILTY

nobody except the two who were there really knows what happened on that fatefull night
a young mans was killed
another has had his life changed forever
much public money had been spent
racial harmony has been put back a decade *thanks to al & jesse *
the country has been divided as never known before
the press should be proud of them selves for helping to achieve this divide .
those against the 2nd amendment have been given further false info to further their attack on it
while we have been unhealthily occupied by this story the govt has been free to deny and take away more of our freedoms

the AGOTUS has shown his commitment to a socialist country and disregard for the constitution

likewise the POTUS

Meanwhile blacks by the hundreds are being killed by others blacks in cities like
new york
los angeles
who speaks for them ??

where are you al sharpton ?

sorry i forgot your busy in florida
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during the trial we heard over and over

how the ll female jury was going to "side" with martins mom

an emotional bond that would surely convict zimmerman

wonder how many of the jury placed their kids

under martins mma style ground and pound

i guess that would be the question i would ask

the jurors if i could ask a question

Had they been doing what Zimmermas was then they would have earned that ass whipping. Lesson learned, get on with your life.

Indeed, you are on the ground having your head pounded onto a concrete sidewalk, you would just lay there and take it, knowing full well you had a gun that could save your life.

Yup, I think I get it now. The Travon Martin boosters are suicidal maniacs.

Is there seriously any question that, as a juror, asking yourself, what would you do, that this jury acted incorrectly?


I would not have been that situation, as I would simply have stayed in my car on the phone with 911.
Had they been doing what Zimmermas was then they would have earned that ass whipping. Lesson learned, get on with your life.

Indeed, you are on the ground having your head pounded onto a concrete sidewalk, you would just lay there and take it, knowing full well you had a gun that could save your life.

Yup, I think I get it now. The Travon Martin boosters are suicidal maniacs.

Is there seriously any question that, as a juror, asking yourself, what would you do, that this jury acted incorrectly?


I would not have been that situation, as I would simply have stayed in my car on the phone with 911.

Anyone could have found themselves in that situation. ANYONE!

You never know what you would do until you are in the situation.

You then have only two choices. Lay and take it, hoping for the best, that you survive, or, if armed, shoot the attacker.

This is not a difficult concept to understand. Why so many have a tough time with this is what should be debated, not Zimmerman.
Those against the verdict seem to forget that Martin attacked Zimmerman as Zimmerman was returning to his car. Zimmerman was not following Martin then - he had lost track of Martin.
Furthermore the "incident" on trial was the time period after the following had stopped and whether or not Zimmerman was a criminal for killing his attacker. As a matter of legal fact in this case Martin was the criminal. He attacked Zimmerman, committing the felony of assault and battery, which threatened the life of Zimmerman (at least in his mind). Zimmerman defended himself in the only way he could.
Zimmerman is innocent of the commission of any crime related to this incident.
"Poor" judgement, "what ifs" and our personal morals or lack thereof are not part of this case, nor should they be. A man was attacked by another who was in the process of committing a felony in that attack and he killed to defend his own life.
Is it regrettable? Yes - for both parties. It is regrettable that Martin didn't refrain from attacking. It is regrettable that Zimmerman had to defend himself using deadly force. It is regrettable that Martin's family lost their son, brother friend or what have you. It is regrettable that Zimmerman will have to live with taking that life for the rest of his.
It is stupid and nonsensical to judge the jury by their verdict. The verdict is out and recorded. Zimmerman is innocent of any criminal action by reason of the verdict - if nothing else.

What should come out of this case is that if you are attacked by surprise or design, and you are the one laying against the ground, taking a beating, do you have the right to defend yourself or not?
The answer is YES! even a dog or cat in that situation has a right to defend itself, so certainly a person does.
I don't understand why blacks don't want to have the legal right to defend themselves. I sure want them to have it.
I don't understand why blacks don't want to have the legal right to defend themselves. I sure want them to have it.

All the questions about Zimmerman, that he was asking for a beating reminds me of the rapist who's defense was that the women he raped was dressed in such a manner she was asking to be raped....

That was a loser as is all the Travon Martin defenses that Zimmerman was asking to be assaulted.

Do you think if the women in question had a gun and shot the rapist, the libs would be defending him?
Had they been doing what Zimmermas was then they would have earned that ass whipping. Lesson learned, get on with your life.

Indeed, you are on the ground having your head pounded onto a concrete sidewalk, you would just lay there and take it, knowing full well you had a gun that could save your life.

Yup, I think I get it now. The Travon Martin boosters are suicidal maniacs.

Is there seriously any question that, as a juror, asking yourself, what would you do, that this jury acted incorrectly?


I would not have been that situation, as I would simply have stayed in my car on the phone with 911.

Is that what life has come to ? Hiding in our homes and cars ?
The one tidbit I'm a bit fussy over is whether or not he's innocent. I don't believe that being found "not guilty" means you're absolutely innocent. There are plenty of people who were found guilty but then decades later found to have been completely innocent. Conversely, I'm sure there are those who really did do evil, murderous things but were found "not guilty" by the state whether due to weak/no evidence, being really good at deceit, etc. The state found GZ "not guilty," but my contention is that it's at least remotely possible that George really did do wrong but got away with it.

Depends on what you mean by "do wrong".

George is the first to admit that he's guilty of killing Trayvon - the fact of his action is not in question.

Did George do wrong according to the letter of the law? Apparently not.

Did Trayvon do wrong according to the letter of the law? We'll never have the documentation of a trial to tell one way.

Did either do wrong via sheer stupidity? In this Joe's average opinion, both are guilty, but stupidity ain't illegal, and that shouldn't change.

Did they do wrong according to the spirit of the law, as in live and let live in peace? My score-card on that one is George -3 and Trayvon -7.

Few things in this world are black and white. Which keeps things interesting, at least.

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