The Alawite Regime Agents In Public Cages!


VIP Member
Sep 30, 2009
The opposition army has decided upon calls from citizens to put alawite regime criminals prisoners in public cages in the streets and public area near Damascus in order to avoid the regime and Russia airstrike on the cities and civilians.

Good strategy.



The regime will not bomb a zone with alawite agents in the city.
And, some think that minorities will survive if the terrorists win. Thank goodness the Russians are bombing the crap out of the Islamists.
And, some think that minorities will survive if the terrorists win. Thank goodness the Russians are bombing the crap out of the Islamists.

^^^^^^ the above is an endorsement of Arabian Nazism-----the filth of NAZISM-----
the claim of the Baathist pigs and dogs should be checked against the opinions of chistians who lived under the filth and stink of baathism-----copts in Egypt who survived Nasser and chaldeans from Iraq who survived BAATHIST PIG saddam Hussein Al husseini ----the grand mufti of baby throat slitting was also a "Baathist"
And, some think that minorities will survive if the terrorists win. Thank goodness the Russians are bombing the crap out of the Islamists.

^^^^^^ the above is an endorsement of Arabian Nazism-----the filth of NAZISM-----
the claim of the Baathist pigs and dogs should be checked against the opinions of chistians who lived under the filth and stink of baathism-----copts in Egypt who survived Nasser and chaldeans from Iraq who survived BAATHIST PIG saddam Hussein Al husseini ----the grand mufti of baby throat slitting was also a "Baathist"

And the palestinians expelled by zionazis from their land?
And, some think that minorities will survive if the terrorists win. Thank goodness the Russians are bombing the crap out of the Islamists.

^^^^^^ the above is an endorsement of Arabian Nazism-----the filth of NAZISM-----
the claim of the Baathist pigs and dogs should be checked against the opinions of chistians who lived under the filth and stink of baathism-----copts in Egypt who survived Nasser and chaldeans from Iraq who survived BAATHIST PIG saddam Hussein Al husseini ----the grand mufti of baby throat slitting was also a "Baathist"

And the palestinians expelled by zionazis from their land?

you are comparing peanuts to elephants-------your fellow islamo Nazis
committed genocide back then and STILL COUNTING-------very few
of the people who decided to call themselves "Palestinians" circa 1970
"fled" anything------they, simply JOINED their fellows for what they hoped
would be a swim in jewish blood
The peace will return in the region if the Nazi khazars will return to their homes in Europe and Russia.
The peace will return in the region if the Nazi khazars will return to their homes in Europe and Russia.

People in the Western world will breathe a sigh of relief when extremist Sunni Muslims pack up their bags and go back to the countries from which they originated and where they truly belong. Does anyone actually think that Freeman, an immigrant from some third world country, was taught in his madrassa about the "Khazars?" Of course not, but those NeoNazi/Islamorfascist hate sites sure come in handy for Muslims like he is.

Say,I wonder if Freeman would be all for the idea if his fellow Muslims give back the land of the Chaldens, the Assyrians, the Persians, etc. After all, these were the people who were there way before Islam popped up and now these people can't even practice their religion in peace. Freeman, years ago I went to see the exhibit of the Icons of the Holy Land. The most common comment among the viewers was "I don't see any Arabs in these Icons." Naturally they didn't since your people hadn't invaded yet.

History of Jihad against the Egyptian Coptic Christians (640)
And, some think that minorities will survive if the terrorists win. Thank goodness the Russians are bombing the crap out of the Islamists.

^^^^^^ the above is an endorsement of Arabian Nazism-----the filth of NAZISM-----
the claim of the Baathist pigs and dogs should be checked against the opinions of chistians who lived under the filth and stink of baathism-----copts in Egypt who survived Nasser and chaldeans from Iraq who survived BAATHIST PIG saddam Hussein Al husseini ----the grand mufti of baby throat slitting was also a "Baathist"

And the palestinians expelled by zionazis from their land?

Freeman forgets to tell us that his Nazi-like Sunni brethren told these Arabs to leave so that they wouldn't be in the way when they wiped out the Jews. Then these Arabs could come back and take the assets of the Jews. Can he tell us why after all these years, his Sunni brethren couldn't have settled these Arabs in their lands? After all, there were millions of displaced persons after World War II that were taken in by other countries. Did his brethren really have to use these particular Arabs as pawns in their fight against their perceived enemy, the Jews?

Wasn't Freeman allowed into a Western country, so why couldn't these Arabs have been absorbed into the population of the other Arab countries. After all, the Arab world is a huge place so surely each country could have taken in some displaced Arabs
And, some think that minorities will survive if the terrorists win. Thank goodness the Russians are bombing the crap out of the Islamists.

^^^^^^ the above is an endorsement of Arabian Nazism-----the filth of NAZISM-----
the claim of the Baathist pigs and dogs should be checked against the opinions of chistians who lived under the filth and stink of baathism-----copts in Egypt who survived Nasser and chaldeans from Iraq who survived BAATHIST PIG saddam Hussein Al husseini ----the grand mufti of baby throat slitting was also a "Baathist"

And the palestinians expelled by zionazis from their land?

Freeman forgets to tell us that his Nazi-like Sunni brethren told these Arabs to leave so that they wouldn't be in the way when they wiped out the Jews. Then these Arabs could come back and take the assets of the Jews. Can he tell us why after all these years, his Sunni brethren couldn't have settled these Arabs in their lands? After all, there were millions of displaced persons after World War II that were taken in by other countries. Did his brethren really have to use these particular Arabs as pawns in their fight against their perceived enemy, the Jews?

Wasn't Freeman allowed into a Western country, so why couldn't these Arabs have been absorbed into the population of the other Arab countries. After all, the Arab world is a huge place so surely each country could have taken in some displaced Arabs

arabs are not jews . sally Jews are accustomed to having distant relatives---or just other jews who have ESCAPED, lining the walls of their abodes-----or devising
ways to rescue them. <<<< that is the jewish reaction to war and unrest and persecution in general. For muslims the reaction is "send the kids into the streets and tell them to stick knives into people at random" You have reminded
me of stuff I heard as a child-----my grandmother had something like seven sisters ---and the whole family lived in a tiny apartment without hot water and no indoor
plumbing ----early 1900s. She recalled waking up to find a dozen people here and there including in her own bed. That was my maternal grandmother----my paternal grandmother faced the same thing----in London----in fact she married one of the refugees. My husband's family got out of ----you know where--- 1930s---approximately 1940--------because a cousin paid the baksheesh (bribes)-----the
cousin was a kid himself who managed to escape. You may have similar family
chat. Now I remember----my maternal grandmother also married a refugee----
but I am not sure if he ever slept on the floor of her mother's "apartment"
"REFUGEE" is what jews do------like it's a normal, nothing much, thing. Just
a normal part of life.
And, some think that minorities will survive if the terrorists win. Thank goodness the Russians are bombing the crap out of the Islamists.

^^^^^^ the above is an endorsement of Arabian Nazism-----the filth of NAZISM-----
the claim of the Baathist pigs and dogs should be checked against the opinions of chistians who lived under the filth and stink of baathism-----copts in Egypt who survived Nasser and chaldeans from Iraq who survived BAATHIST PIG saddam Hussein Al husseini ----the grand mufti of baby throat slitting was also a "Baathist"

And the palestinians expelled by zionazis from their land?

Freeman forgets to tell us that his Nazi-like Sunni brethren told these Arabs to leave so that they wouldn't be in the way when they wiped out the Jews. Then these Arabs could come back and take the assets of the Jews. Can he tell us why after all these years, his Sunni brethren couldn't have settled these Arabs in their lands? After all, there were millions of displaced persons after World War II that were taken in by other countries. Did his brethren really have to use these particular Arabs as pawns in their fight against their perceived enemy, the Jews?

Wasn't Freeman allowed into a Western country, so why couldn't these Arabs have been absorbed into the population of the other Arab countries. After all, the Arab world is a huge place so surely each country could have taken in some displaced Arabs
You the idiot, do you call to expel the muslims from Europe as zionazis expelled christians since 60 years ago?

Morocco has received french refugees and jewish refugees.

[QUOTE="Freeman, post: 12730443,
You the idiot, do you call to expel the muslims from Europe as zionazis expelled christians since 60 years ago?

Morocco has received french refugees and jewish refugees.


your link does not work for me -----brainfree. "zionazis" expelled
Christians from Europe over the past 60 years?
[QUOTE="Freeman, post: 12730443,
You the idiot, do you call to expel the muslims from Europe as zionazis expelled christians since 60 years ago?

Morocco has received french refugees and jewish refugees.


your link does not work for me -----brainfree. "zionazis" expelled
Christians from Europe over the past 60 years?[/QUOTE]

Why doesn't Freeman, the radical Sunni Muslim, tell us what Morocco thinks of the Jews now. Does he think that Morocco would take in Jewish refugees at the present time? Has anyone seen Morocco offer to take in Christian refugees from Iraq and Syria so that they aren't murdered by Freeman's brethren? I wonder why Freeman is so silent about telling us what backward Muslim country he left to come to the West. Boy, was he one lucky guy being allowed in wen there are so many other more deserving Muslims who could have taken his place.
And, some think that minorities will survive if the terrorists win. Thank goodness the Russians are bombing the crap out of the Islamists.

^^^^^^ the above is an endorsement of Arabian Nazism-----the filth of NAZISM-----
the claim of the Baathist pigs and dogs should be checked against the opinions of chistians who lived under the filth and stink of baathism-----copts in Egypt who survived Nasser and chaldeans from Iraq who survived BAATHIST PIG saddam Hussein Al husseini ----the grand mufti of baby throat slitting was also a "Baathist"

And the palestinians expelled by zionazis from their land?

Freeman forgets to tell us that his Nazi-like Sunni brethren told these Arabs to leave so that they wouldn't be in the way when they wiped out the Jews. Then these Arabs could come back and take the assets of the Jews. Can he tell us why after all these years, his Sunni brethren couldn't have settled these Arabs in their lands? After all, there were millions of displaced persons after World War II that were taken in by other countries. Did his brethren really have to use these particular Arabs as pawns in their fight against their perceived enemy, the Jews?

Wasn't Freeman allowed into a Western country, so why couldn't these Arabs have been absorbed into the population of the other Arab countries. After all, the Arab world is a huge place so surely each country could have taken in some displaced Arabs

arabs are not jews . sally Jews are accustomed to having distant relatives---or just other jews who have ESCAPED, lining the walls of their abodes-----or devising
ways to rescue them. <<<< that is the jewish reaction to war and unrest and persecution in general. For muslims the reaction is "send the kids into the streets and tell them to stick knives into people at random" You have reminded
me of stuff I heard as a child-----my grandmother had something like seven sisters ---and the whole family lived in a tiny apartment without hot water and no indoor
plumbing ----early 1900s. She recalled waking up to find a dozen people here and there including in her own bed. That was my maternal grandmother----my paternal grandmother faced the same thing----in London----in fact she married one of the refugees. My husband's family got out of ----you know where--- 1930s---approximately 1940--------because a cousin paid the baksheesh (bribes)-----the
cousin was a kid himself who managed to escape. You may have similar family
chat. Now I remember----my maternal grandmother also married a refugee----
but I am not sure if he ever slept on the floor of her mother's "apartment"
"REFUGEE" is what jews do------like it's a normal, nothing much, thing. Just
a normal part of life.

Sounds like the tenements of the Lower East Side. Reminds me of the ex mayor of New York, Ed Koch, saying that once a week an old tin tub would be pulled out, put in the middle of the kitchen, and hot water would be poured in for baths. Actually the only ones that I am aware of who were brought over by their relatives was a Jewish boy across the street who witnessed his parents shot down in the streets of Paris by the Nazis, a Jewish girl whose parents were killed by the Nazis in Belgium, and a couple of Catholic sisters, Ilya and Maria, who were brought over from Italy. I am sure that in those days after World War II you saw a lot of people of European origin willing to vouch for their displaced relatives to have them come over here to live. No doubt these days you will see the Syrian Christians living here willing to vouch for their relatives. I doubt that Freeman, the radical Sunni Muslim, will vouch for any other Muslim. He is too busy dissing the "Zionists."

Several years ago I was working as a real estate agent. Since there are many Iranians here in the San Fernando Valley, I had the opportunity to speak to many of them when they invited me into their homes for refreshments (they are very hospitable). What I found very sad is that many of the women, both Muslim and Jewish, came out of Iran with their children while the fathers continued to run their businesses in Iran and send money to them here. I can't remember all of the businesses, but one was upholstery and one printing. The only time I saw one of the fathers here is when he left Iran because he was suffering from cancer.

I remember one Muslim couple I sold a house to, and her father who was a widower was still in Iran running the business. He was the one who gave her the down payment for the house. She told me that she told her father to learn English so that he could find a girlfriend here. I told her to tell her father that really wasn't necessary since a few kisses on the neck and love is international. I met her father once, and he was a dead ringer for Omar Sharif.
[QUOTE="Freeman, post: 12730443,
You the idiot, do you call to expel the muslims from Europe as zionazis expelled christians since 60 years ago?

Morocco has received french refugees and jewish refugees.

your link does not work for me -----brainfree. "zionazis" expelled
Christians from Europe over the past 60 years?[/QUOTE]

Why doesn't Freeman, the radical Sunni Muslim, tell us what Morocco thinks of the Jews now. Does he think that Morocco would take in Jewish refugees at the present time? Has anyone seen Morocco offer to take in Christian refugees from Iraq and Syria so that they aren't murdered by Freeman's brethren? I wonder why Freeman is so silent about telling us what backward Muslim country he left to come to the West. Boy, was he one lucky guy being allowed in wen there are so many other more deserving Muslims who could have taken his place.[/QUOTE]

morocco MIGHT take French Moroccan jews ------for publicity effect. If any Moroccan jews would want to go back there------the "king" would be DELIGHTED.
His father was kinda attached to jews. I was told by one of people who fled
morocco that the current king is nothing like dear old dad------he is weak and
CONTROLED by the mullahs
[QUOTE="Freeman, post: 12730443,
You the idiot, do you call to expel the muslims from Europe as zionazis expelled christians since 60 years ago?

Morocco has received french refugees and jewish refugees.

your link does not work for me -----brainfree. "zionazis" expelled
Christians from Europe over the past 60 years?

Why doesn't Freeman, the radical Sunni Muslim, tell us what Morocco thinks of the Jews now. Does he think that Morocco would take in Jewish refugees at the present time? Has anyone seen Morocco offer to take in Christian refugees from Iraq and Syria so that they aren't murdered by Freeman's brethren? I wonder why Freeman is so silent about telling us what backward Muslim country he left to come to the West. Boy, was he one lucky guy being allowed in wen there are so many other more deserving Muslims who could have taken his place.[/QUOTE]

morocco MIGHT take French Moroccan jews ------for publicity effect. If any Moroccan jews would want to go back there------the "king" would be DELIGHTED.
His father was kinda attached to jews. I was told by one of people who fled
morocco that the current king is nothing like dear old dad------he is weak and
CONTROLED by the mullahs[/QUOTE]

Wasn't it the old king who said, "I miss my Jews?"
[QUOTE="Freeman, post: 12730443,
You the idiot, do you call to expel the muslims from Europe as zionazis expelled christians since 60 years ago?

Morocco has received french refugees and jewish refugees.

your link does not work for me -----brainfree. "zionazis" expelled
Christians from Europe over the past 60 years?

Why doesn't Freeman, the radical Sunni Muslim, tell us what Morocco thinks of the Jews now. Does he think that Morocco would take in Jewish refugees at the present time? Has anyone seen Morocco offer to take in Christian refugees from Iraq and Syria so that they aren't murdered by Freeman's brethren? I wonder why Freeman is so silent about telling us what backward Muslim country he left to come to the West. Boy, was he one lucky guy being allowed in wen there are so many other more deserving Muslims who could have taken his place.

morocco MIGHT take French Moroccan jews ------for publicity effect. If any Moroccan jews would want to go back there------the "king" would be DELIGHTED.
His father was kinda attached to jews. I was told by one of people who fled
morocco that the current king is nothing like dear old dad------he is weak and
CONTROLED by the mullahs[/QUOTE]

Wasn't it the old king who said, "I miss my Jews?"[/QUOTE]

it would be consistent with the guy he was

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