The alligators are unhappy about draining the swamp


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
That is the explanation for the nonsense about subverting the electoral college.
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Fun theory: There is a not-going-to-happen scenario where Merrick Garland picks the next president.

1 Electoral College picks Hillary
2 House defies Const., selects Trump
3 Hillary sues
4 She wins by 1 (Garland) in DC Circuit
5 SCOTUS 4-4
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back in 1996, when Ron Paul was runnin for Congress, Rand Paul attended a national medical meeting to see if he can find support for him with the medical lobbyists. he approached a lobbyist with the idea, she answered: "We support folks in power who can help us. like folks who are incumbents and committee chairment."

"that's exactly why we're in this mess with trillion-dollar debts" Rand responded.

Rand proceeded to bring up Dan Rostenkowski.

"Rostenkowski has always voted with us" she said coolly.


'Kowski, who went to federal prison for corruption, always voted for higher fees for physicians, but also voted for every single deficit spending package he came across. SPECIAL INTERESTS: SATISFIED. THE NATION'S INTEREST: IGNORED.

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"Someone incorrectly stated that the phrase "DRAIN THE SWAMP" was no longer being used by me. Actually, we will always be trying to DTS." - Trump
i can't believe no one cares about draining the swamp. something's wrong...
let me explain for all you tiny brains...

"Drain The Swamp" is a Trump catchphrase which means he's gonna end the corruption in Washington!
Duke Cunningham
William Dollar Bill Jefferson
Robert Nay
Jim Traficant
Austin Murphy
Crooked Hillary Clinton

you don't have to be a criminologist to figure out that term limits would eliminate much of the oppurtunity for elected officials to use their position to commit a crime!
President Trump will impose term limits and will make folks read the bills before they vote on 'em.

75 percent of folks support term limits. The grassroots group US Term Limits has been fightin this battle for 30 years. they say that term limits have been placed on 15 state legislatures, and the 10 largest cities in America have adopted term limits for their city council and mayoral positions. 37 states place term limits on their constitutional officers. many states even passed terms limits on their US Senators and Congressmen, but the Supreme Court struck it down.

you think some old barnacled congressman who's been around since the Hoover administration is gonna vote for a bill that removes them from office?! No, we need Trump to lead A CONVENTION OF STATES TO PASS A CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT to enact term limits.

as for readin the bills. Senators once recieved a 600-page highway bill two hours before the vote. no more, folks, no more...DRAIN! THE! SWAMP!
More than a third of Trump's meetings since he was elected have been with major donors
In Trump's America, Republican politicians must live in constant fear of negative feedback from Republican voters. Nightmarish, inhumane!


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