The Almost Identical Twins: Trump/Christie & Vital Foreign Policy


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
Look, Obama is no saint and I'm no fan of his by any stretch, but his "Strategic Patience" in the ME is not a blunder. It is by design and thank goodness for that.

The Chinese, Russians, Iranians and N. Koreans have been forming a coordinated bloc for decades now to bring the US to her knees. Bleeding our Treasury and fracturing our economy has been the thousand paper cuts. The final blow has been precalculated by carefully timed instigating. Obama's deepest advisers know this. Which is why they've held back. And properly so.

Any country whose economy is as badly papercut as ours, who bites obvious baiting and enters into a ground war (or air which will inevitably lead to ground) is INSANE. This is the reason why I wanted Christie at the helm. He's smart enough and wily enough to recognize the game of obvious stink bait. And I'd wager he's smart enough to figure out a strategic plan to deal with the ME "baiting ground" (as I like to call it) without draining the last blood out of this staggering bull..

If Trump were at the Helm, his bombastic personality would spell our immediate doom. There is not one whit of a doubt in my mind about this.

We can't equate "not going to war again" in the ME with "just like Obama". That is very dangerous political spin. Because even the general cited in the thread that inspired this one: Strategic Patience...the failed legacy of BHO. knows deep down that we are being baited.

We used to be a real flesh and blood tiger, but now we are a paper tiger made that way by China's contribution to "the plan".. ie: the nearly complete assimilation of our economy. We are beholden to them, in case anyone reading has forgotten our debt. Well, them and Saudi Arabia...who has been ...well... better late than never to realize a horrendous miscalculation..

And speaking of horrendous miscacluations...the Christie campaign suspension isn't merely an "oh well, maybe next time". This is THE time for a Christie administration. Because when it comes to all of the above and all the pro-war puppets who aren't Christie (Rube-io, Canadian Cruz-Control, & W-2), Christie coming from mafia-thick New Jersey and keeping a cool head while juggling that lot...and essentially performing as co-mayor of New York City and all its complexities to boot...would surely have been the best guy. Kasich running by comparison a sleepy Ohio does not mean he can jump from that into the daily cauldron of handling an escalating ME baiting ground.

Christie was the man. I won't tire of saying that. Mark my words. He is the only one who can sniff out bullshit from 6,000 miles away. This election isn't "business as usual" as the Rove machine is lulling everyone into believing. This election is make or break. And there was only one candidate running among them all who could've "made" the necessary repairs. And the Rove machine skillfully nudged out that independent thinker to everyone's demise.

I keep waiting for the time when Cheney & his surrogates stop damaging our country beyond repair for their own personal gain. I fear I will never see it.
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From: War threat growing with Iran, Russia, North Korea: National Military Strategy

The report specifically talks about threats from North Korea, Iran, Russia and China, which has continued aggressive land grabs in the South China Sea that violate international law.

“None of these nations are believed to be seeking direct military conflict with the United States or our allies. Nonetheless, they each pose serious security concerns which the international community is working to collectively address by way of common policies, shared messages and coordinated action.

Future conflicts for the U.S. military will likely be lengthier and will have to be fought with diminished resources, Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, wrote in a foreword to the report.

We are more likely to face prolonged campaigns than conflicts that are resolved quickly,” Gen. Dempsey wrote. “Control of escalation is becoming more difficult and more important and that as a hedge against unpredictability with reduced resources, we may have to adjust our global posture.


That is exactly what Obama has done. Also, it is exactly what any of our next presidents MUST do until our economy recovers. The only problem is that some 'advisers' on the right (let's face it, if Hillary wins she'll be following them too) don't have a firm grip or are in complete denial of how bad our economy really is, to make the extremely intelligent decisions VITAL to our integrity as a continuing nation.

The threats are real. The bloc is real. It's time we get real and elect a man who can really weave in and out of the snarl and save us in the nick of time.
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Just wow, is all I'm gonna say, other than I am no fan of Trump or Christi, really, but this, just wow.
Just wow, is all I'm gonna say, other than I am no fan of Trump or Christi, really, but this, just wow.
I know. The general's words really echo the "wow" factor...I didn't create the situation, I'm just describing it.

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