The Alt Right Is A Terrorist Organization

The "alt-right" is not organized enough to be a terror organization.

It is an aggressive cluster of ideologies though.

The Alt-Right is a terrorist group. It has been ever since it was first called The Confederacy or the KKK.

They hide behind religious and political clerics and hate fueling public personalities while promoting loosely affiliated lone wolf terrorists to do their dirty work in Western countries via online social media.

Events in London and Paris were met with a full-out manhunt for anyone associated with ISIS or other Islamic terrorist groups. The same should be done here with the Alt-Right.

Unless we confront terrorists in all of their disguises, the good people in our societies will continue to be their targets... and their victims.

They promise us they’ll kill us on Twitter. And then they do it. Over and over and over. And each time they rebrand or change their name, and we pretend like they aren't all part of the same terrorist worldview. Al Qaeda, ISIS... Neonazi, Alt-Right.

They use the Islamic rebranding playbook and we do nothing.

Our next president must end the legal membership in Neonazi and Alt-Right groups in America, just as we've criminalized Al Qaeda and ISIS membership. Replace every low level drug offender in our prisons with their die hard members.

Free speech doesn't protect Islamic terrorists.

Nor should it protect America’s Neonazi Alt-Right.

They are terrorists. One attack is a lone wolf. Two attacks is concerning. But the Alt-Right hits us far more often than ISIS ever will. It never ends.

The Alt-Right is a criminal terrorist group that’s infiltrated our government, just like terrorist groups infiltrate governments in the Middle East. Exactly the same.

Their brand of evil must be criminalized in exactly the same way we've criminalized Islamic terrorist groups.

Because they're two sides of the same Antisemitic, anti modern Western values coin. And they’ll never stop keeping their promises to kill as many of us as they can.

The Alt-Right Is A Terrorist Organization

This has been a reality of our politics for a long time. The division that exists in this country have arisen from the most prominent voices that can afford to have their message heard. That would be the wealthy owners of media companies that those voices spew their poison from the radio and tv every day. They are just as guilty as those who carry out the acts they incite.

Just what the hell is the "Alt Right"? Any group that disagrees with the Lefturd agenda?

The Alt-Right is a terrorist group. It has been ever since it was first called The Confederacy or the KKK.

They hide behind religious and political clerics and hate fueling public personalities while promoting loosely affiliated lone wolf terrorists to do their dirty work in Western countries via online social media.

Events in London and Paris were met with a full-out manhunt for anyone associated with ISIS or other Islamic terrorist groups. The same should be done here with the Alt-Right.

Unless we confront terrorists in all of their disguises, the good people in our societies will continue to be their targets... and their victims.

They promise us they’ll kill us on Twitter. And then they do it. Over and over and over. And each time they rebrand or change their name, and we pretend like they aren't all part of the same terrorist worldview. Al Qaeda, ISIS... Neonazi, Alt-Right.

They use the Islamic rebranding playbook and we do nothing.

Our next president must end the legal membership in Neonazi and Alt-Right groups in America, just as we've criminalized Al Qaeda and ISIS membership. Replace every low level drug offender in our prisons with their die hard members.

Free speech doesn't protect Islamic terrorists.

Nor should it protect America’s Neonazi Alt-Right.

They are terrorists. One attack is a lone wolf. Two attacks is concerning. But the Alt-Right hits us far more often than ISIS ever will. It never ends.

The Alt-Right is a criminal terrorist group that’s infiltrated our government, just like terrorist groups infiltrate governments in the Middle East. Exactly the same.

Their brand of evil must be criminalized in exactly the same way we've criminalized Islamic terrorist groups.

Because they're two sides of the same Antisemitic, anti modern Western values coin. And they’ll never stop keeping their promises to kill as many of us as they can.

The Alt-Right Is A Terrorist Organization

This has been a reality of our politics for a long time. The division that exists in this country have arisen from the most prominent voices that can afford to have their message heard. That would be the wealthy owners of media companies that those voices spew their poison from the radio and tv every day. They are just as guilty as those who carry out the acts they incite.

Just what the hell is the "Alt Right"? Any group that disagrees with the Lefturd agenda?

The alt right is the group whose beliefs you sympathize with.
Joel VanGheluwe, driver in Challenger, accidentally hit the wrong crowd. He is an anti Trump activist.

So who are the terrorists now Moon Bat?
your Alt-Right terrorist sources lied to you yet again!
James Alex Fields Jr., a Republican, was the driver.
A conservative and a republican are two different things. Jackass

Ah, so you agree with me and others that when people try to label conservative Democrats of the past as being no different than liberal Democrats of the present,

they are full of shit.
Joel VanGheluwe, driver in Challenger, accidentally hit the wrong crowd. He is an anti Trump activist.

So who are the terrorists now Moon Bat?
your Alt-Right terrorist sources lied to you yet again!
James Alex Fields Jr., a Republican, was the driver.
A conservative and a republican are two different things. Jackass

Ah, so you agree with me and others that when people try to label conservative Democrats of the past as being no different than liberal Democrats of the present,

they are full of shit.

No, not at all. Obama enabled racist BLM only to have them go out and murder (12) police officers in Dallas

Its impossible to be a conservative and career politician at the same time... fact

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