The American Military occupation of Germany

"goat herding nobodies"........? a city in Iran...

Yeah, and?

You really think the political power structure in Iran wants to blow it all by setting off a nuke or letting someone else do so?


whoops i accidentally repped you...

didn't Hitler 'blow it all' in Europe.....?

we are dealing with ideologue fananics....

That chump isn't even in power anymore.

Good grief.
Damn, when did this became a discussion about Iran?

When the Neo-Cohens, oops I mean Neo-Cons hijacked it. They have the same tribal hatred for the Germans they do for the Iranians. Anyone that challenges the power of the Tribe must be taken out.
Damn, when did this became a discussion about Iran?
Because it seems the neoconservatives are trying to equate getting the American military out of Europe with appeasing of Hitler, which these days leads to the stale narrative about Iran being the next coming of Nazi Germany.

Can't rationalize a global military hegemony without big scary monsters, you know?
Yeah, and?

You really think the political power structure in Iran wants to blow it all by setting off a nuke or letting someone else do so?


whoops i accidentally repped you...

didn't Hitler 'blow it all' in Europe.....?

we are dealing with ideologue fananics....

That chump isn't even in power anymore.

Good grief.

but he's got the best 'Hitler look'......the others are no different ideologically....
whoops i accidentally repped you...

didn't Hitler 'blow it all' in Europe.....?

we are dealing with ideologue fananics....

That chump isn't even in power anymore.

Good grief.

but he's got the best 'Hitler look'......the others are no different ideologically....
There ya go. All you have is a big scary picture and a big scary narrative.

It's getting harder and harder to tell you apart from the global warming and ant-gun nuts by the minute.
That chump isn't even in power anymore.

Good grief.

but he's got the best 'Hitler look'......the others are no different ideologically....
There ya go. All you have is a big scary picture and a big scary narrative.

It's getting harder and harder to tell you apart from the global warming and ant-gun nuts by the minute.

don't understand how that translates into being anti-gun....

but it's getting harder to tell you apart from the neo-peaceniks....
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Iran poses no threat except to U.S. hegemony. I've said this so many times but the average American cow doesn't have an understanding of foreign policy and how that neocon driven foreign policy to contain Iran self-destructed under the Obama administration with some help from Mr Ketchup. Barry was being driven hard by the forces that be to bomb Iran and ignite WWIII. The reason for this is well documented by various foreign policy think tanks and writers and it is simply about controlling the mineral wealth in central Asia as to prevent Russia and China from threatening U.S imperialism. That's all it is. You can't do that without blowing Iran off the map which is why this despicable country arms terrorist to take over Syria. Which is why they faked a gas attack and ran like children when their disgusting little ploy self-destructed in the hands of inept bunglers like the Persian bitch Valerie Jarret and Mr. Ketchup.

So the direction we're heading now tends to support my evaluation that Obama is dedicated to domestic collectivism, thwarting China on the pivot, while leaving Central Asia to Putin and his friends. Russia couldn't be happier and Israel and the terrorist dogs they now ally themselves with in Saudi couldn't be more pissed. If you want to rape a nation then I will personally endorse the wholesale destruction of Saudi Arabia, and the military confiscation of it's wealth because they are the REAL enemies.
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so far I see some people who are by no means leftists name the other ones totally not in that camp as well "neo-cons".

with the latter term meaning the establishment big spending republicans, which have nothing to do with conservatism :D

I am all for getting out from Germany and Europe, but for totally different reason - if those damned Europeans who badmouth us all the time think they are so proggggggresssssive - let them defend from Putin's plans by themselves.
They can spend their tax money on their defense, we can find the use for our tax dollars spent on THEIR defense ourselves.
Well, just remember that some of the same warmongers in the Bush admin also consult the OA. They are very powerful and I'm relatively certain they are extremely pissed off to the degree the CIA was at Kennedy after the Bay of Pigs and we know how well that turned out for JFK, LOL.
You can not equate the situation in the 60s and until the USSR collapsed with what it is now.
Our European "allies" WERE allies then and are not nowadays.

On the Middle East and Central Asia I have a mixed impression and I do not think we are well informed.
But I am happy the war on Syria did not happen :D YET
Iran poses no threat except to U.S. hegemony. I've said this so many times but the average American cow doesn't have an understanding of foreign policy and how that neocon driven foreign policy to contain Iran self-destructed under the Obama administration with some help from Mr Ketchup. Barry was being driven hard by the forces that be to bomb Iran and ignite WWIII. The reason for this is well documented by various foreign policy think tanks and writers and it is simply about controlling the mineral wealth in central Asia as to prevent Russia and China from threatening U.S imperialism. That's all it is. You can't do that without blowing Iran off the map which is why this despicable country arms terrorist to take over Syria. Which is why they faked a gas attack and ran like children when their disgusting little ploy self-destructed in the hands of inept bunglers like the Persian bitch Valerie Jarret and Mr. Ketchup.

So the direction we're heading now tends to support my evaluation that Obama is dedicated to domestic collectivism, thwarting China on the pivot, while leaving Central Asia to Putin and his friends. Russia couldn't be happier and Israel and the terrorist dogs they now ally themselves with in Saudi couldn't be more pissed. If you want to rape a nation then I will personally endorse the wholesale destruction of Saudi Arabia, and the military confiscation of it's wealth because they are the REAL enemies.

under Obama U.S. hegemony there will become a thing of the past....with him this negotiation is just one big fan dance to cover the fact that he has failed and we are leaving the Middle East....oil is the only thing we need and less by the day...

Obama doesn't give a rip about Israel either so he's leaving them in the dust too......Israel will have to take care of herself and will probably align with the Sunnis in the age-old battle with the Shia....

there are going to be tons of people exiting the middle east and heading for Europe.....which will be swallowed by their new totalitarian then we'll be gone from there too...
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I don't care about Israel either insofar as they aren't mercilessly attacked by thugs. I would, no doubt, support their aid in most circumstances if they were unjustly attacked. Not a big supporter of their policies but they serve a purpose and Obama has really burned his bridges where they are concerned. Probably not the best idea I've ever heard lately. Probably not a good Idea to send Valerie Jarret to the ME to negotiate secret deals. That commie Iranian bitch wears the pants in that administration and she is one evil, vindictive whore.
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The occupation has lasted for nearly 60 years.

Depends on the definition of occupation one chooses to use. Any anyhow, you could say we protected them from Soviet enslavement and occupation such as that which occured in East Germany.

We also gave the Soviets the land lease deal to defeat the Germans, thus giving them the ability to occupy East Germany. You could also say that.

Also, it is important to remember that without Soviet opposition during WWII, the Germans and Japanese would surely have defeated the Allied Forces.
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No. Allied victory in WW2 was assured the moment the US was involved. It may have taken reducing a chunk of Germany to radioactive glass, but it WOULD have happened.

Japan was doomed from day one. They had NO chance.
No. Allied victory in WW2 was assured the moment the US was involved. It may have taken reducing a chunk of Germany to radioactive glass, but it WOULD have happened.

Japan was doomed from day one. They had NO chance.

It's all speculation, but if the Soviets had not fought and worn down the German Army in Arctic conditions, the Nazis would have had infinitely more resources and personnel available to them. There are many ways we could have lost the war. Germany had leveled and devastated most of Great Britain and could have been poised to do that just about anywhere in Europe if not for the superhuman effort by the Soviets.
...right up to the point a B-29 Superfortress (or B-32 Dominator) drops Little Boy on Berlin.

Perhaps, but Germany lost between 3,000 and 6,000 fighter aircraft on the Eastern Front. It is estimated by some that as many as 50% were combat loses and 50% accidents, damage, worn out parts and battle damage of the type that they were able to return and placed on the repair list. In any case, 3,000 fighter aircraft would have had a significant effect on the allied air war on the Western Front. Significant enough to had greatly effected the invasion date, or D-Day, to say nothing of reducing the odds of a successful strike on Berlin with a nuke. Add to this the huge number of German bombers lost on the Eastern Front and what would have been the outcome if those aircraft were added to the Western Front for the bombing of England and one must speculate how that would have hindered the preparation for D-Day.
This delay could have given the Germans the time they needed to finish their own development of a nuke.
It is not unreasonable to speculate that if the Germans had used their resources in the west against England instead of in the east to defeat the Soviets, England would have been defeated and D-Day would have never occured. Germany would have used England as a launching base for the invasion of Greenland and put them in stiking distance of American cities in the Northeast such as Boston and New York.

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