The American Military occupation of Germany

Occupation, Germans should be thankful a country called Germany even exist. Could of, maybe should have been busted into a dozen little countries with a 100 years of foriegn oversite and control. Occupation for a short duration was more than they deserved.

More bullshit.

Gee, I do not recall Adolf threatening the USA.


Nazis offered peace with the Allies in 1941… but only if they were allowed to invade Russia


The Nazis offered peace to the world in 1938. They even signed a treaty to make sure there was peace. It was called the Munich Agreement. Maybe you learned how it was signed by John Kerry, Oops, I mean Neville Chamberlain and brought "peace in our time".
France and England declared War on Germany.
have we militarily intervened with Iran.....?

How do you think that the Shah stayed propped up for all the years he did?

and then came along Jimmie Cawtah......:rolleyes:
Jimmah Abdullah Carter?
We did, indeed, occupy Germany, in toto and officially and nominally, until 1955.

We did, indeed, occupy Germany, in large part, and de facto, from 1955 to the 1965-1966 timeframe, as we got the Germans re-started on the road to achieving a credible military once again.

We did, indeed, occupy Germany, as a large military presence on the soil of an ally, from 1965-1966 to the 1994-1995 timeframe, as a credible counterweight to the Soviet threat, and at the continued desire and request of most of our friends.

We began withdrawing from Germany in the 1994-1995 timeframe, so that by the 2004-2005 timeframe, we had a very minimal presence there (45-50,000, total, from all branches of the US Armed Forces), compared to the quarter-million or half-million of bygone years; with far more bases closed-up than still open; more like a supplement and time-buying force to supplement the German's own military strength.

We have very few bases left there by now - having sadly laid-off, for good, hundreds of thousands of local Germans providing long-term support for those US bases - and, still have no more than about 45,000 on German soil, from all branches.

We came - we conquered - we occupied - we fed - we clothed - we helped - we rebuilt - we made friends - we protected - we closed-up shop and left for home - we kept a few thousand folk on hand, in support, and in friendship.

Very few conquerors throughout history have ever conquered, occupied, rebuilt, made friends, protected, then left under their own power.

We did.

We did what was required of us by circumstances and our own interests and those of a free Europe at the time we did them; no point in second-guessing ourselves; nor allowing ourselves to be overly put-out by latter-day Revisionists amongst the Europeans.

Had we not been there in-strength for 50+ years after WWII, all of Europe would be Soviet territory; there would be no European Union; nor independent constituent member states, and there sure-as-hell would not be a gaggle of Free Thinker pissants playing tag with the needs and demands of yesterday, in a slovenly attempt to revise history and paint us as some kind of Bad Guys in this context.

The Free Germany of today was born and grew to maturity under the American Shield, which we held over their heads both out of self-interest and out of a genuine desire to protect them and to help them on their way to rejoining the community of nations as decent folk.

Bad-Guy Occupiers?

Pfffffttt !!!!
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A German U-Boat captured and sank the SS Robin Moore after setting it's crew adrift on May 25, 1941. The SS City of Flint had been captured by a U-Boat on Oct. 9, 1939. German's were harrassing and preventing the USA from free trade on the open seas.
A German U-Boat captured and sank the SS Robin Moore after setting it's crew adrift on May 25, 1941. The SS City of Flint had been captured by a U-Boat on Oct. 9, 1939. German's were harrassing and preventing the USA from free trade on the open seas.

I have heard stories from WW2 vets when I was younger, and from older friends I have whose fathers were in World War Two. While they all supported fighting the Japanese(though many of them thought we should have never sanctioned them in the first place), most of them thought the European Theatre was Roosevelt's war for Jews, and didn't concern the US.
A German U-Boat captured and sank the SS Robin Moore after setting it's crew adrift on May 25, 1941. The SS City of Flint had been captured by a U-Boat on Oct. 9, 1939. German's were harrassing and preventing the USA from free trade on the open seas.

I have heard stories from WW2 vets when I was younger, and from older friends I have whose fathers were in World War Two. While they all supported fighting the Japanese(though many of them thought we should have never sanctioned them in the first place), most of them thought the European Theatre was Roosevelt's war for Jews, and didn't concern the US.

another disgruntled "Europa-ean" who hates America.....and can't pound on Boooosh anymore.....:eusa_boohoo:
A German U-Boat captured and sank the SS Robin Moore after setting it's crew adrift on May 25, 1941. The SS City of Flint had been captured by a U-Boat on Oct. 9, 1939. German's were harrassing and preventing the USA from free trade on the open seas.

I have heard stories from WW2 vets when I was younger, and from older friends I have whose fathers were in World War Two. While they all supported fighting the Japanese(though many of them thought we should have never sanctioned them in the first place), most of them thought the European Theatre was Roosevelt's war for Jews, and didn't concern the US.

another disgruntled "Europa-ean" who hates America.....and can't pound on Boooosh anymore.....:eusa_boohoo:
I am referring to American veterans. Support for World War Two and FDR wasn't as high in the US as the history books lead one to believe.
Occupation, Germans should be thankful a country called Germany even exist. Could of, maybe should have been busted into a dozen little countries with a 100 years of foriegn oversite and control. Occupation for a short duration was more than they deserved.

More bullshit.

Gee, I do not recall Adolf threatening the USA.


Nazis offered peace with the Allies in 1941… but only if they were allowed to invade Russia

The Nazis offered peace to the world in 1938. They even signed a treaty to make sure there was peace. It was called the Munich Agreement. Maybe you learned how it was signed by John Kerry, Oops, I mean Neville Chamberlain and brought "peace in our time".

I have heard stories from WW2 vets when I was younger, and from older friends I have whose fathers were in World War Two. While they all supported fighting the Japanese(though many of them thought we should have never sanctioned them in the first place), most of them thought the European Theatre was Roosevelt's war for Jews, and didn't concern the US.

another disgruntled "Europa-ean" who hates America.....and can't pound on Boooosh anymore.....:eusa_boohoo:
I am referring to American veterans. Support for World War Two and FDR wasn't as high in the US as the history books lead one to believe.

i'm referring to the general gist of what you've been saying.....some of what you say is true but you come across pretty anti-American...what country are you from...?
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another disgruntled "Europa-ean" who hates America.....and can't pound on Boooosh anymore.....:eusa_boohoo:
I am referring to American veterans. Support for World War Two and FDR wasn't as high in the US as the history books lead one to believe.

i'm referring to the general gist of what you've been saying.....some of what you say is true but you come across pretty anti-American...what country are you from...?

The US.
another disgruntled "Europa-ean" who hates America.....and can't pound on Boooosh anymore.....:eusa_boohoo:
I am referring to American veterans. Support for World War Two and FDR wasn't as high in the US as the history books lead one to believe.

i'm referring to the general gist of what you've been saying.....some of what you say is true but you come across pretty anti-American...what country are you from...?

Isolationism was at it's height leading up to WWII. We had a strong American Nazi party and lots of pro German supporters. Not sure what history books you have read, but one would hope they included these facts. FDR and the military knew what was coming. War with Germany was inevitable. The idea that the war in Europe could be avoided was ridiculous. Those today who think it could have been avoided are just as ridiculous.

While we knew Jews were being mistreated, deported, and had suspicions, we did not know about death camps. They didn't exist at the start of the war. Plans for the Final Solution didn't come about until after the war had begun. They didn't start to operate until 1942. America's involvment in WWII had nothing to do with Jews. It had everything to do with Germany's ambition to be the worlds economic and military superpower.
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very must be a product of our liberal schools where textbooks are being rewritten to portray the US as evil and oppressive....

I went to private Catholic schools. Not really liberal at all on the whole at all. I didn't form my traditionalist beliefs until college, and it had nothing to do with the school I happened to be at. If you think I am a liberal you are a fool.

very must be a product of our liberal schools where textbooks are being rewritten to portray the US as evil and oppressive....

I went to private Catholic schools. Not really liberal at all on the whole at all. I didn't form my traditionalist beliefs until college, and it had nothing to do with the school I happened to be at. If you think I am a liberal you are a fool.

well then you'll have to explain what you are.....your 'blame America' approach is offensive...
very must be a product of our liberal schools where textbooks are being rewritten to portray the US as evil and oppressive....

I went to private Catholic schools. Not really liberal at all on the whole at all. I didn't form my traditionalist beliefs until college, and it had nothing to do with the school I happened to be at. If you think I am a liberal you are a fool.

well then you'll have to explain what you are.....your 'blame America' approach is offensive...

I don't "blame America". I criticize American government policies and the political system. I am a traditionalist, I have both fascist and monarchist tendencies. I guess simply put a nationalist.
I am referring to American veterans. Support for World War Two and FDR wasn't as high in the US as the history books lead one to believe.

i'm referring to the general gist of what you've been saying.....some of what you say is true but you come across pretty anti-American...what country are you from...?

Isolationism was at it's height leading up to WWII. We had a strong American Nazi party and lots of pro German supporters. Not sure what history books you have read, but one would hope they included these facts. FDR and the military knew what was coming. War with Germany was inevitable. The idea that the war in Europe could be avoided was ridiculous. Those today who think it could have been avoided are just as ridiculous.

While we knew Jews were being mistreated, deported, and had suspicions, we did not know about death camps. They didn't exist at the start of the war. Plans for the Final Solution didn't come about until after the war had begun. They didn't start to operate until 1942. America's involvment in WWII had nothing to do with Jews. It had everything to do with Germany's ambition to be the worlds economic and military superpower.
It had everything to do with FDR seizing nearly the entire American economy, and to change the subject from the massive economic debacle that was the New Deal.

Think of it as bombing nearly every modern industrial economy back to the pre-industrial revolution era, as economic stimulus.
A German U-Boat captured and sank the SS Robin Moore after setting it's crew adrift on May 25, 1941. The SS City of Flint had been captured by a U-Boat on Oct. 9, 1939. German's were harrassing and preventing the USA from free trade on the open seas.
What they were preventing was FDR arming and supporting the British, while proclaiming neutrality.
I went to private Catholic schools. Not really liberal at all on the whole at all. I didn't form my traditionalist beliefs until college, and it had nothing to do with the school I happened to be at. If you think I am a liberal you are a fool.

well then you'll have to explain what you are.....your 'blame America' approach is offensive...

I don't "blame America". I criticize American government policies and the political system. I am a traditionalist, I have both fascist and monarchist tendencies. I guess simply put a nationalist.

in what tradition....?

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