The American Military occupation of Germany

Occupation, Germans should be thankful a country called Germany even exist. Could of, maybe should have been busted into a dozen little countries with a 100 years of foriegn oversite and control. Occupation for a short duration was more than they deserved.

More bullshit.

Gee, I do not recall Adolf threatening the USA.


Nazis offered peace with the Allies in 1941… but only if they were allowed to invade Russia


Germany declared war on the US the day after the Pearl Harbor attack. Are you this damned STUPID?!?!
Occupation, Germans should be thankful a country called Germany even exist. Could of, maybe should have been busted into a dozen little countries with a 100 years of foriegn oversite and control. Occupation for a short duration was more than they deserved.

More bullshit.

Gee, I do not recall Adolf threatening the USA.


Nazis offered peace with the Allies in 1941… but only if they were allowed to invade Russia


Germany declared war on the US the day after the Pearl Harbor attack. Are you this damned STUPID?!?!
He had a pact with the Japanese.
"...It had everything to do with FDR seizing nearly the entire American economy, and to change the subject from the massive economic debacle that was the New Deal. Think of it as bombing nearly every modern industrial economy back to the pre-industrial revolution era, as economic stimulus."
Unlikely. This position is the 1941 version of the 9-11 Truther stance. It is highly unlikely that FDR orchestrated the launch of WWII in both Europe and Asia, either before or after we became belligerents, largely as a matter of economic stimulus; all the later-day Revisionist Thinking and evidentiary claptrap in the world notwithstanding.
Occupation, Germans should be thankful a country called Germany even exist. Could of, maybe should have been busted into a dozen little countries with a 100 years of foriegn oversite and control. Occupation for a short duration was more than they deserved.

More bullshit.

Gee, I do not recall Adolf threatening the USA.


Nazis offered peace with the Allies in 1941… but only if they were allowed to invade Russia


Germany declared war on the US the day after the Pearl Harbor attack. Are you this damned STUPID?!?!
Also the US waged war on Germany and Japan first through embargoes and aiding the Allies.
"...It had everything to do with FDR seizing nearly the entire American economy, and to change the subject from the massive economic debacle that was the New Deal. Think of it as bombing nearly every modern industrial economy back to the pre-industrial revolution era, as economic stimulus."
Unlikely. This position is the 1941 version of the 9-11 Truther stance. It is highly unlikely that FDR orchestrated the launch of WWII in both Europe and Asia, either before or after we became belligerents, largely as a matter of economic stimulus; all the later-day Revisionist Thinking and evidentiary claptrap in the world notwithstanding.

It's a matter of history that FDR wanted in WWII, against the wishes of the American people.

Secretly aiding the British in the west and antagonizing the Japanese in the east brought about America's involvement in the war. Not even a shadow of doubt about it.
"...It's a matter of history that FDR wanted in WWII, against the wishes of the American people.

Secretly aiding the British in the west and antagonizing the Japanese in the east brought about America's involvement in the war. Not even a shadow of doubt about it.
Did FDR want...

1. to engage in war against Germany and Japan before September 1939, or...

2. realized that we would have to fight them after 1939 and began lining-up and helping future allies, with an eye towards buying us more time and preserving allies, before we had to jump-in?

Big difference; a distinction missing from your singular rendering.
"...It's a matter of history that FDR wanted in WWII, against the wishes of the American people.

Secretly aiding the British in the west and antagonizing the Japanese in the east brought about America's involvement in the war. Not even a shadow of doubt about it.
Did FDR want...

1. to engage in war against Germany and Japan before September 1939, or...

2. realized that we would have to fight them after 1939 and began lining-up and helping future allies, with an eye towards buying us more time and preserving allies, before we had to jump-in?

Big difference; a distinction missing from your singular rendering.

Both American Eagle Squadrons in England and the American Volunteer Group -A.K.A. the Flying Tigers- in China were deployed and in action prior to December 7, 1941.

True historical fact.
i'm referring to the general gist of what you've been saying.....some of what you say is true but you come across pretty anti-American...what country are you from...?

Isolationism was at it's height leading up to WWII. We had a strong American Nazi party and lots of pro German supporters. Not sure what history books you have read, but one would hope they included these facts. FDR and the military knew what was coming. War with Germany was inevitable. The idea that the war in Europe could be avoided was ridiculous. Those today who think it could have been avoided are just as ridiculous.

While we knew Jews were being mistreated, deported, and had suspicions, we did not know about death camps. They didn't exist at the start of the war. Plans for the Final Solution didn't come about until after the war had begun. They didn't start to operate until 1942. America's involvment in WWII had nothing to do with Jews. It had everything to do with Germany's ambition to be the worlds economic and military superpower.
It had everything to do with FDR seizing nearly the entire American economy, and to change the subject from the massive economic debacle that was the New Deal.

Think of it as bombing nearly every modern industrial economy back to the pre-industrial revolution era, as economic stimulus.

Garbage. Even the isolationist new war was engulfing the world. They just deluded themselves into thinking America could be left out and survive in the aftermath. Europe was being taken over by ruthless and brutal dictators in Spain, Italy and Germany. America's very survival was at stake and FDR recognized it.
Isolationism was at it's height leading up to WWII. We had a strong American Nazi party and lots of pro German supporters. Not sure what history books you have read, but one would hope they included these facts. FDR and the military knew what was coming. War with Germany was inevitable. The idea that the war in Europe could be avoided was ridiculous. Those today who think it could have been avoided are just as ridiculous.

While we knew Jews were being mistreated, deported, and had suspicions, we did not know about death camps. They didn't exist at the start of the war. Plans for the Final Solution didn't come about until after the war had begun. They didn't start to operate until 1942. America's involvment in WWII had nothing to do with Jews. It had everything to do with Germany's ambition to be the worlds economic and military superpower.
It had everything to do with FDR seizing nearly the entire American economy, and to change the subject from the massive economic debacle that was the New Deal.

Think of it as bombing nearly every modern industrial economy back to the pre-industrial revolution era, as economic stimulus.

Garbage. Even the isolationist new war was engulfing the world. They just deluded themselves into thinking America could be left out and survive in the aftermath. Europe was being taken over by ruthless and brutal dictators in Spain, Italy and Germany. America's very survival was at stake and FDR recognized it.

FDR was arming the British and antagonizing the Japanese, to the point that involvement was inevitable.

Progressives like Wilson, FDR, Truman and LBJ are the biggest warmongers that your will encounter in all of American history.
"...It had everything to do with FDR seizing nearly the entire American economy, and to change the subject from the massive economic debacle that was the New Deal. Think of it as bombing nearly every modern industrial economy back to the pre-industrial revolution era, as economic stimulus."
Unlikely. This position is the 1941 version of the 9-11 Truther stance. It is highly unlikely that FDR orchestrated the launch of WWII in both Europe and Asia, either before or after we became belligerents, largely as a matter of economic stimulus; all the later-day Revisionist Thinking and evidentiary claptrap in the world notwithstanding.

It's a matter of history that FDR wanted in WWII, against the wishes of the American people.

Secretly aiding the British in the west and antagonizing the Japanese in the east brought about America's involvement in the war. Not even a shadow of doubt about it.

There was nothing secret about aiding the British. Nor was the efforts in Asia meant to antagonize. A conscious and firm message was being sent to Germany and Japan that neither of those nations would be allowed to force embargo's, make threats of war and violence or dictate to America. FDR made a stand against actual, real tyranny. He refused to even consider America being dominated by a foriegn nation. He worked around the assholes who put politics first with blinded eyes and their shallow thoughts and ideas and prepared the nation for war. When the shit hit the fan it took him only a few years to defeat two of the most powerful military powers ever assembled on planet earth. He killed them until they begged for mercy and unconditional surrender.
It had everything to do with FDR seizing nearly the entire American economy, and to change the subject from the massive economic debacle that was the New Deal.

Think of it as bombing nearly every modern industrial economy back to the pre-industrial revolution era, as economic stimulus.

Garbage. Even the isolationist new war was engulfing the world. They just deluded themselves into thinking America could be left out and survive in the aftermath. Europe was being taken over by ruthless and brutal dictators in Spain, Italy and Germany. America's very survival was at stake and FDR recognized it.

FDR was arming the British and antagonizing the Japanese, to the point that involvement was inevitable.

Progressives like Wilson, FDR, Truman and LBJ are the biggest warmongers that your will encounter in all of American history.

You are just attempting to deflect the conversation into some broader political debate because you don't know crap about WWII other than little snipit sound bites designed to disparage a President that knew how to fight and win a war by motivating a nation to get the job done as one united United States of America.
Unlikely. This position is the 1941 version of the 9-11 Truther stance. It is highly unlikely that FDR orchestrated the launch of WWII in both Europe and Asia, either before or after we became belligerents, largely as a matter of economic stimulus; all the later-day Revisionist Thinking and evidentiary claptrap in the world notwithstanding.

It's a matter of history that FDR wanted in WWII, against the wishes of the American people.

Secretly aiding the British in the west and antagonizing the Japanese in the east brought about America's involvement in the war. Not even a shadow of doubt about it.

There was nothing secret about aiding the British. Nor was the efforts in Asia meant to antagonize. A conscious and firm message was being sent to Germany and Japan that neither of those nations would be allowed to force embargo's, make threats of war and violence or dictate to America. FDR made a stand against actual, real tyranny. He refused to even consider America being dominated by a foriegn nation. He worked around the assholes who put politics first with blinded eyes and their shallow thoughts and ideas and prepared the nation for war. When the shit hit the fan it took him only a few years to defeat two of the most powerful military powers ever assembled on planet earth. He killed them until they begged for mercy and unconditional surrender.
Nothing secret about America aiding the British while proclaiming neutrality? Srsly?

And flying American aircraft, with American pilots, under the nationalist Chinese flag, shooting down Japanese planes, wasn't antagonistic?

Wow. Just wow.
"..Both American Eagle Squadrons in England and the American Volunteer Group -A.K.A. the Flying Tigers- in China were deployed and in action prior to December 7, 1941. True historical fact."
Individual Americans acting in an ex officio capacity, much as the members of the German Condor Legion acted in an ex offico capacity in the Spanish Civil War of the 1930s...

In both the German and American examples, some were merely civilians taking mercenary pay, some were angry that their country did not take a more active role and volunteered to fight on behalf of their cause, some were officers of their respective millitaries on extended leave in order to observe and gain combat experience and to report back on their observations and findings later, if they survived.

The citing of two American volunteer fighter squadrons - one in China and one in Britain - is hardly large-scale or sufficient prima facie evidence that Roosevelt was actually spoiling for a fight with an economic stimulus in mind, rather than buying time until those Nazi and Imperial Japanese bastards forced our hand and dragged us into war eventually - and supplying our future allies with some of what they needed to kill as many of the bastards as possible before they got in OUR face.

As a matter of fact, quite honestly, such a citation is damned-near entirely irrelevant and non sequitur to Economic Stimulus as Casus Belli, but I'm just a wee bit reluctant to make such a judgment, just yet, as a benefit-of-a-doubt courtesy.
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Man, so many reputed conservatives carrying the water for progressive globalist warmongers Wilson and FDR! Positively astonishing. :eek:
That is not an adequate nor relevant response, but it is what I am probably going to have to settle for. Thank you for the time.
"...It's a matter of history that FDR wanted in WWII, against the wishes of the American people.

Secretly aiding the British in the west and antagonizing the Japanese in the east brought about America's involvement in the war. Not even a shadow of doubt about it.
Did FDR want...

1. to engage in war against Germany and Japan before September 1939, or...

2. realized that we would have to fight them after 1939 and began lining-up and helping future allies, with an eye towards buying us more time and preserving allies, before we had to jump-in?

Big difference; a distinction missing from your singular rendering.

Both American Eagle Squadrons in England and the American Volunteer Group -A.K.A. the Flying Tigers- in China were deployed and in action prior to December 7, 1941.

True historical fact.

No...the Flying Tigers first saw action on December 20, 1941. There were Americans flying against the Japanese in China, but the A. V. G. saw no action until AFTER Pearl Harbor.
Occupation, Germans should be thankful a country called Germany even exist. Could of, maybe should have been busted into a dozen little countries with a 100 years of foriegn oversite and control. Occupation for a short duration was more than they deserved.
Sounds a lot like this.

"The Germans are not human beings. From now on, the word 'German' is the most horrible curse. From now on, the word 'German' strikes us to the quick. We have nothing to discuss. We will not get excited. We will kill. If you have not killed at least one German a day, you have wasted that day ... If you cannot kill a German with a bullet, then kill him with your bayonet. If your part of the front is quiet and there is no fighting, then kill a German in the meantime ... If you have already killed a German, then kill another one - there is nothing more amusing to us than a heap of German corpses. Don't count the days, don't count the kilometers. Count only one thing: the number of Germans you have killed. Kill the Germans! ... - Kill the Germans! Kill!"

Ilya Ehrenburg-Soviet Propagandist

If Ilya Ehrenburg wrote that during the Second World War I can understand why he felt that way. An estimated 28 million Soviets were killed by the German invasion.

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