The American Military occupation of Germany

Germany had no chance of making a nuke...simply because the head of their program (Heisenberg) was actively sabotaging it! Even if they had, they had no aircraft capable of carrying it.

They had no way to invade England.

It would have taken longer, but US industry could still (vastly) outproduce German industry...grinding them down would have taken longer, but the end result would have been similar.
Depends on the definition of occupation one chooses to use. Any anyhow, you could say we protected them from Soviet enslavement and occupation such as that which occured in East Germany.

We also gave the Soviets the land lease deal to defeat the Germans, thus giving them the ability to occupy East Germany. You could also say that.

Also, it is important to remember that without Soviet opposition during WWII, the Germans and Japanese would surely have defeated the Allied Forces.

Germany had no chance of making a nuke...simply because the head of their program (Heisenberg) was actively sabotaging it! Even if they had, they had no aircraft capable of carrying it.

They had no way to invade England.

It would have taken longer, but US industry could still (vastly) outproduce German industry...grinding them down would have taken longer, but the end result would have been similar.

I respectively disagree with some of your conclusions. First, I do not agree that Heisenberg was the "head of their program". Their program was fractured and Kurt Diebner had control of the coordination of the fractured developement operations. Also, speculation that Heisenberg may have sabatoged the portion of the operation he influenced by choosing heavy water rather than other options is only speculation. It really comes down to whether one puts faith in the Farm Hill Transcripts. If one puts faith in those transcripts it puts the heavy water decision by Heisenberg into the realm of a bad decision rather than one of sabatoge.
In regards to aircraft capable of delivering such a weapon as a nuke, the plans were in development. Development of the Messerschmitt Me 264 V1 were on hold but could have been reactivated at any time. Who knows how advanced the Germans might have gotten if they weren't wasting so many resources on the Eastern Front. They were certainly way ahead of everyone, including us, in regards to aircraft development. To late to make a real difference, but they were knocking down our bombers with jet fighters at the end of the war. Imagine if they had an extra year to build large quanities of those.
Not sure what you mean by the comment about not having a way to invade England. Think they would have figured that one out if that is what they wanted to do. WWII really was about air power. Germany lost huge amounts of bombers on the Eastern Front. If they had turned those bombers against England they may have brought them to the point of surrender.
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Uh, WEST Germany was FREE whereas EAST Germany was a prison.

So let's see....who ran EAST Germany and who protected WEST Germany from the scum ready to invade WEST Germany?

I don't recall the US putting up a wall to fence in people there....
Uh, WEST Germany was FREE whereas EAST Germany was a prison.

So let's see....who ran EAST Germany and who protected WEST Germany from the scum ready to invade WEST Germany?

I don't recall the US putting up a wall to fence in people there....

The reason East Germany even existed was because of US support for the Soviet Union in WW2
Sure....crackhead. The SOVIET UNION only came about when Russia invaded the Eastern European countries and didn't leave.....but you are probably too young/stupid to know this FACT.

The US worked with Stalin because he wasn't the one that started invading countries "first," that was Hitler. The enemy of my enemy is my friend was in play, especially when Japan attacked the US and was aligned with Germany. The US needed Russia to fight Germany while the US fought both Japan and Germany.

You are just a dolt.

Have you even been to Germany????

Uh, WEST Germany was FREE whereas EAST Germany was a prison.

So let's see....who ran EAST Germany and who protected WEST Germany from the scum ready to invade WEST Germany?

I don't recall the US putting up a wall to fence in people there....

The reason East Germany even existed was because of US support for the Soviet Union in WW2
No, the Soviet Union came into being in 1922. It didn't take control of Eastern Europe until after World War Two which ended in 1945, you need to learn some basic history.

The rest of what you are saying is, you agree with me on the fact the US supported the USSR, thus creating East Germany in the process, and then you call me a dolt, lol.
The US is responsible for the Communist tyranny that controlled Eastern Europe for half a century, but they were supposedly protecting West Germany from it, lol.
Stupid fuck...the US didn't support the Russians keeping people in Poland, Germany, etc in prison behind the Iron Curtain.

We were not ready to fight another long war freeing those people after millions died stopping Germany an Japan. Russia took advantage of the situation to steal land and enslave millions for their socialist experiment.

So did the US build the Berlin Wall or did your fellow communists?

The US fought the Germans in many countries during WW2, I don't recall us occupying France. The only land we wanted in their country is for the buried dead from WW1 and WW2. Couldn't the US have occupied France???

The USSR didn't become "the USSR" until they enslaved countries stolen from WW2, idiot.

Again....tell us about living in Germany.....
No, the Soviet Union came into being in 1922. It didn't take control of Eastern Europe until after World War Two which ended in 1945, you need to learn some basic history.
Soviet Union - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The rest of what you are saying is, you agree with me on the fact the US supported the USSR, thus creating East Germany in the process, and then you call me a dolt, lol.
As an American, why would I give a flying fuck about what Germans think about the NSA spying on them? They dont like it? Well that's tough shit.
Science should drill a hole in your head to see your damaged brain.

The US is responsible for the Communist tyranny that controlled Eastern Europe for half a century, but they were supposedly protecting West Germany from it, lol.
No, the Soviet Union came into being in 1922. It didn't take control of Eastern Europe until after World War Two which ended in 1945, you need to learn some basic history.
Soviet Union - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The rest of what you are saying is, you agree with me on the fact the US supported the USSR, thus creating East Germany in the process, and then you call me a dolt, lol.

Actually the Soviet Union took control of Eastern Europe during WWII. Germany had control of the Eastern European countries until they were chased and beaten out of Eastern Europe. Who knows how many millions of Russian military KIA's were lost accomplishing that task. Russia was not so happy that many of those countries population, or at least portions of the population assisted Germany.
The Russians slaughtered Germans where they found them. A mass grave was found in Poland a couple years ago with hundreds of dead Germans (men, women and children) that were living in Poland during WW2 but got caught up in the counter Russian invasion of Poland.

The Russians would have killed every German if the US and UK weren't there to prevent them from doing it. The entire Cold War was based on stopping the Soviets from invading western Europe. The US never made a threat to invade Russia or their little soviet bloc countries.

NATO was a defensive organization created to prevent the USSR from enslaving the rest of Europe. Even today Russia threatens NATO countries and any country looking at joining NATO. Yet scumbags on the internet claim they are innocent....insane.
Stupid fuck...the US didn't support the Russians keeping people in Poland, Germany, etc in prison behind the Iron Curtain.

We were not ready to fight another long war freeing those people after millions died stopping Germany an Japan. Russia took advantage of the situation to steal land and enslave millions for their socialist experiment.

So did the US build the Berlin Wall or did your fellow communists?

The US fought the Germans in many countries during WW2, I don't recall us occupying France. The only land we wanted in their country is for the buried dead from WW1 and WW2. Couldn't the US have occupied France???

The USSR didn't become "the USSR" until they enslaved countries stolen from WW2, idiot.

Again....tell us about living in Germany.....
No, the Soviet Union came into being in 1922. It didn't take control of Eastern Europe until after World War Two which ended in 1945, you need to learn some basic history.
Soviet Union - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The rest of what you are saying is, you agree with me on the fact the US supported the USSR, thus creating East Germany in the process, and then you call me a dolt, lol.

Yes they did, they gave the Soviets a land lease. FDR was buddy buddy with his lefty cousin Stalin. And after the war, instead of taking Patton's advice to move on Moscow, the US instead left all of Eastern Europe to the communists.
Lend-Lease - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Me a communist? LOL, you are the one that supporting fighting a war with them against the Nationalists.

You can keep saying the USSR didn't exist until after WW2, but you are wrong.
:cuckoo: Lend Lease didn't create the Iron Curtain, you stupid pile of shit.

FDR was supporting Russia with Lend Lease because the US Congress didn't support entering a war with Germany until Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. Oh, you'll claim the US did the attack on Pearl

Oh, I find it hilarious you need to rely on Wikipedia for your "knowledge.":lol:

I believe it is time for your psych meds....I'm done dealing with a mental midget with shit for brains.

Stupid fuck...the US didn't support the Russians keeping people in Poland, Germany, etc in prison behind the Iron Curtain.

We were not ready to fight another long war freeing those people after millions died stopping Germany an Japan. Russia took advantage of the situation to steal land and enslave millions for their socialist experiment.

So did the US build the Berlin Wall or did your fellow communists?

The US fought the Germans in many countries during WW2, I don't recall us occupying France. The only land we wanted in their country is for the buried dead from WW1 and WW2. Couldn't the US have occupied France???

The USSR didn't become "the USSR" until they enslaved countries stolen from WW2, idiot.

Again....tell us about living in Germany.....
No, the Soviet Union came into being in 1922. It didn't take control of Eastern Europe until after World War Two which ended in 1945, you need to learn some basic history.
Soviet Union - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The rest of what you are saying is, you agree with me on the fact the US supported the USSR, thus creating East Germany in the process, and then you call me a dolt, lol.

Yes they did, they gave the Soviets a land lease. FDR was buddy buddy with his lefty cousin Stalin. And after the war, instead of taking Patton's advice to move on Moscow, the US instead left all of Eastern Europe to the communists.
Lend-Lease - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Me a communist? LOL, you are the one that supporting fighting a war with them against the Nationalists.

You can keep saying the USSR didn't exist until after WW2, but you are wrong.
:cuckoo: Lend Lease didn't create the Iron Curtain, you stupid pile of shit.

FDR was supporting Russia with Lend Lease because the US Congress didn't support entering a war with Germany until Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. Oh, you'll claim the US did the attack on Pearl

Oh, I find it hilarious you need to rely on Wikipedia for your "knowledge.":lol:

I believe it is time for your psych meds....I'm done dealing with a mental midget with shit for brains.

Stupid fuck...the US didn't support the Russians keeping people in Poland, Germany, etc in prison behind the Iron Curtain.

We were not ready to fight another long war freeing those people after millions died stopping Germany an Japan. Russia took advantage of the situation to steal land and enslave millions for their socialist experiment.

So did the US build the Berlin Wall or did your fellow communists?

The US fought the Germans in many countries during WW2, I don't recall us occupying France. The only land we wanted in their country is for the buried dead from WW1 and WW2. Couldn't the US have occupied France???

The USSR didn't become "the USSR" until they enslaved countries stolen from WW2, idiot.

Again....tell us about living in Germany.....

Yes they did, they gave the Soviets a land lease. FDR was buddy buddy with his lefty cousin Stalin. And after the war, instead of taking Patton's advice to move on Moscow, the US instead left all of Eastern Europe to the communists.
Lend-Lease - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Me a communist? LOL, you are the one that supporting fighting a war with them against the Nationalists.

You can keep saying the USSR didn't exist until after WW2, but you are wrong.

Yes it did, without the landlease and US entry into the war, the Soviets would have lost, and Eastern Europe would have been free of the yolk of Communism.

Since you are a communist sympathizer, perhaps you should change your name to 1984?:lol:

So Wikipedia is wrong about the land lease? You have proof it didn't occur? You just said it did. Make up your mind.
Shit for brains...the US supported Stalin "during" the war because we couldn't afford to have Germany take over the vast resources of Europe and Russia. If Hitler took over Russia, the war was over for the US.

The US didn't support Stalin occupying the Baltics, Balkans, etc.

EAST Germany only existed because the Russians stole the land and enslaved the people.

I don't recall a EAST Japan and WEST Japan, please tell. Maybe Wikipedia can show you.:lol:

:cuckoo: Lend Lease didn't create the Iron Curtain, you stupid pile of shit.

FDR was supporting Russia with Lend Lease because the US Congress didn't support entering a war with Germany until Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. Oh, you'll claim the US did the attack on Pearl

Oh, I find it hilarious you need to rely on Wikipedia for your "knowledge.":lol:

I believe it is time for your psych meds....I'm done dealing with a mental midget with shit for brains.

Yes they did, they gave the Soviets a land lease. FDR was buddy buddy with his lefty cousin Stalin. And after the war, instead of taking Patton's advice to move on Moscow, the US instead left all of Eastern Europe to the communists.
Lend-Lease - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Me a communist? LOL, you are the one that supporting fighting a war with them against the Nationalists.

You can keep saying the USSR didn't exist until after WW2, but you are wrong.

Yes it did, without the landlease and US entry into the war, the Soviets would have lost, and Eastern Europe would have been free of the yolk of Communism.

Since you are a communist sympathizer, perhaps you should change your name to 1984?:lol:

So Wikipedia is wrong about the land lease? You have proof it didn't occur? You just said it did. Make up your mind.
Shit for brains...the US supported Stalin "during" the war because we couldn't afford to have Germany take over the vast resources of Europe and Russia. If Hitler took over Russia, the war was over for the US.

The US didn't support Stalin occupying the Baltics, Balkans, etc.

EAST Germany only existed because the Russians stole the land and enslaved the people.

I don't recall a EAST Japan and WEST Japan, please tell. Maybe Wikipedia can show you.:lol:

:cuckoo: Lend Lease didn't create the Iron Curtain, you stupid pile of shit.

FDR was supporting Russia with Lend Lease because the US Congress didn't support entering a war with Germany until Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. Oh, you'll claim the US did the attack on Pearl

Oh, I find it hilarious you need to rely on Wikipedia for your "knowledge.":lol:

I believe it is time for your psych meds....I'm done dealing with a mental midget with shit for brains.

Yes it did, without the landlease and US entry into the war, the Soviets would have lost, and Eastern Europe would have been free of the yolk of Communism.

Since you are a communist sympathizer, perhaps you should change your name to 1984?:lol:

So Wikipedia is wrong about the land lease? You have proof it didn't occur? You just said it did. Make up your mind.
Ok 1984:lol:, we know you supported a Communist Eastern Europe, you don't need to explain yourself.
Occupation, Germans should be thankful a country called Germany even exist. Could of, maybe should have been busted into a dozen little countries with a 100 years of foriegn oversite and control. Occupation for a short duration was more than they deserved.

More bullshit.

Gee, I do not recall Adolf threatening the USA.


Nazis offered peace with the Allies in 1941… but only if they were allowed to invade Russia


The Nazis offered peace to the world in 1938. They even signed a treaty to make sure there was peace. It was called the Munich Agreement. Maybe you learned how it was signed by John Kerry, Oops, I mean Neville Chamberlain and brought "peace in our time".

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