The American Military occupation of Germany

We occupy Germany now? Really? are we marching on the streets suppressing the people now?

They could ask us to leave at any time and we would.
Our presense in the Philippines became problematic for them, they wanted us out, we got out. We gave up the Panama Canal at the end of the lease. Most places appreciate the economic advantages of having a US military base next to their community.
Simple suitcase, a warm water port and a lot of money, and the technical know how to assemble it. This isn't rocket science.

They are, in fact, much less rational than Pakistan....which is in and of itself, beyond frightening.

If it's one thing that people in political power want more than anything else, it's to stay in power.

Like I said earlier, the Iran-ophobes sound to me as nutty and paranoid as anti-gun nuts here in America.
When you have huge armies, staying in power isn't all that difficult to do. I doubt they fear it, because after all, they're 72 virgins waiting for them at the end of the ride.....Iran-ophobes.....cute. Except that I do not oppose Iran. I oppose the nut cases who will do anything to dominate the world with their particular brand of Islam.

So, thanks, but no thanks. I'll support policies and actions that keep the crazy mofo's from getting their hands one of the worlds most destructive WMD's.

The same thing was said about the Soviets, and they had scads of warheads and delivery systems.

You guys are getting nearly as nutty as the global warming alarmists.

If it's one thing that people in political power want more than anything else, it's to stay in power.

Like I said earlier, the Iran-ophobes sound to me as nutty and paranoid as anti-gun nuts here in America.
When you have huge armies, staying in power isn't all that difficult to do. I doubt they fear it, because after all, they're 72 virgins waiting for them at the end of the ride.....Iran-ophobes.....cute. Except that I do not oppose Iran. I oppose the nut cases who will do anything to dominate the world with their particular brand of Islam.

So, thanks, but no thanks. I'll support policies and actions that keep the crazy mofo's from getting their hands one of the worlds most destructive WMD's.

The same thing was said about the Soviets, and they had scads of warheads and delivery systems.

You guys are getting nearly as nutty as the global warming alarmists.
Our policies work, hence our being here.....Thanks, but this has stopped going in circles and has now started growing tangents. This is My exit.
We occupy Germany now? Really? are we marching on the streets suppressing the people now?

They could ask us to leave at any time and we would.

Marching in the street is the definition of the military occupation.

Who is "they" asking the American military to leave?
thugs like Iran....? tell that to Obama...
The Iran situation goes back at least to the horrible error in propping up The Shah.

But let's take your biggest fear hear at face value: Iran manages to build and detonate a nuke.

What's next?

They have no delivery vehicle.

Pakistan's political situation is at least as sketchy as Iran's. Lots and lots of radical Muslims there too. What makes Iran any more of a threat?

If they even try to attack Israel, they'd be crushed in a matter of days, if not hours.

What's in it for them to give the bomb to anyone else, if nearly certain annihilation would ensue?

Seriously, all this betwetting over Iran is eerily parallel to that of anti-gun nuts in America.

Iran only needs one nuclear EMP over the U.S. to destroy us.....they say a long range delivery system won't be ready until 2020 but who knows for sure....?

Israel should know about Iran better than anyone and they are apoplectic about Obama's deal....

the Saudis are turning to Pakistan for nuclear armament....

what is it about Iran that gives you fluffy feelings....? :cuckoo:
I have no fluffy feelings about Iran. I just know when some goat herding nobodies are being grossly overrated as any kind of serious threat.

Have I mentioned that you guys are starting to sound as paranoid as the anti-gun nuts AND the global warming alarmists rolled into one yet?
You're making two mistakes.

1. A delivery system consists of ONLY a missle, and;

2. You assume that these are rational individuals.

1. Intercontinental Ballistic Camel?

2. They're no more or less rational than the Pakistanis, who are themselves nuts.
Simple suitcase, a warm water port and a lot of money, and the technical know how to assemble it. This isn't rocket science.

They are, in fact, much less rational than Pakistan....which is in and of itself, beyond frightening.

speaking of frightening i hope this 'appeasement' rumor isn't easy to bring in a bomb...:eek:
While Americans enjoyed their day of thanks and feasting yesterday, news emerged from the Arab world about a shocking dimension of the cave-in to Iran at Geneva. If true, this report from Al-Arabiya is highly disturbing:

Iran and the United States are to establish a joint chamber of commerce within a month, with direct flights also planned, an Iranian official said Wednesday in a newspaper report.

"Iran-U.S. chamber of commerce will be launched in less than one month," Abolfazl Hejazi, a member of Iran's Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture, told the English-language Iran Daily.

Why on earth would we want direct flights from Iran to the United States? Iran would control the cargo hold on such flights, which would be able to enter American airspace. Does anyone think the Itanians are so respectful of human life that they would not martyr a planeload of passengers (sending the Muslims to heaven in their view) for the pleasure of detonating a nuke a few thousand feet above New York City?

Read more: Blog: Obama's cave-in to Iran may be worse than we knew
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Germany should have been a slave camp in the Soviet Union....they would have deserved it
How would Europe look after 60 years of Nazi rule? What Europe?

The nazi rule was never a threat to Europe.
The soviet one was - and it happened for the half of it, because the scumbag FDR sold it to his ideological twin :evil:
The Iran situation goes back at least to the horrible error in propping up The Shah.

But let's take your biggest fear hear at face value: Iran manages to build and detonate a nuke.

What's next?

They have no delivery vehicle.

Pakistan's political situation is at least as sketchy as Iran's. Lots and lots of radical Muslims there too. What makes Iran any more of a threat?

If they even try to attack Israel, they'd be crushed in a matter of days, if not hours.

What's in it for them to give the bomb to anyone else, if nearly certain annihilation would ensue?

Seriously, all this betwetting over Iran is eerily parallel to that of anti-gun nuts in America.

Iran only needs one nuclear EMP over the U.S. to destroy us.....they say a long range delivery system won't be ready until 2020 but who knows for sure....?

Israel should know about Iran better than anyone and they are apoplectic about Obama's deal....

the Saudis are turning to Pakistan for nuclear armament....

what is it about Iran that gives you fluffy feelings....? :cuckoo:
I have no fluffy feelings about Iran. I just know when some goat herding nobodies are being grossly overrated as any kind of serious threat.

Have I mentioned that you guys are starting to sound as paranoid as the anti-gun nuts AND the global warming alarmists rolled into one yet?

"goat herding nobodies"........? a city in Iran...

Oh, and when Iran does something on a par with militarily invading and occupying the Sudetenland and the Czech Republic, you bedwetting neoconservatives get back to us.

In the meantime, knock it off with the tired scaremongering Hitler comparisons.
Iran only needs one nuclear EMP over the U.S. to destroy us.....they say a long range delivery system won't be ready until 2020 but who knows for sure....?

Israel should know about Iran better than anyone and they are apoplectic about Obama's deal....

the Saudis are turning to Pakistan for nuclear armament....

what is it about Iran that gives you fluffy feelings....? :cuckoo:
I have no fluffy feelings about Iran. I just know when some goat herding nobodies are being grossly overrated as any kind of serious threat.

Have I mentioned that you guys are starting to sound as paranoid as the anti-gun nuts AND the global warming alarmists rolled into one yet?

"goat herding nobodies"........? a city in Iran...

Yeah, and?

You really think the political power structure in Iran wants to blow it all by setting off a nuke or letting someone else do so?

I have no fluffy feelings about Iran. I just know when some goat herding nobodies are being grossly overrated as any kind of serious threat.

Have I mentioned that you guys are starting to sound as paranoid as the anti-gun nuts AND the global warming alarmists rolled into one yet?

"goat herding nobodies"........? a city in Iran...

Yeah, and?

You really think the political power structure in Iran wants to blow it all by setting off a nuke or letting someone else do so?


whoops i accidentally repped you...

didn't Hitler 'blow it all' in Europe.....?

we are dealing with ideologue fananics....

Oh, and when Iran does something on a par with militarily invading and occupying the Sudetenland and the Czech Republic, you bedwetting neoconservatives get back to us.

In the meantime, knock it off with the tired scaremongering Hitler comparisons.

Anyone that complains about National Socialist Germany "taking" the Sudetenland knows nothing about the history of the Sudetenland(The Sudetenland was overwhelmingly ethnic German). This fits the Neo-Con MO of knowing nothing about history. Not to mention the bs pity party for the Czechs, who were suppressing Slovak Independence(which Hitler granted after the intervention). The Neo-Con pieces of shit, along with left wing and jewish agitators do a great job of revising history and getting the dumbed down masses to accept it. Thankfully the masses haven't bought the propaganda on Iran hook line and sinker yet.

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