The American Military occupation of Germany

That is a quote from Banisadr, the first president of Iran after the 1979 Iranian Revolution. He was president at the time of the hostage crisis. He knows what happened.

Because he didn't have anything to gain from it......Sorry, but the shit has been about 20 years ago......Sheesh....conspiracy theorists abound!
My source is from March 11, 2013. See the link.
You've fallen for the rightwing spin machine.

"October Surprise" and "Argo"
Wow...really? your everyday nut website I take it? Are they extraordinary in their conspiracies?

BTW....I don't pay attention to phantom rightwing spin machines.

But you go on ahead with your belief system(s). It takes all kinds.

And just so everyone understands.....I am 1000% behind pulling out of the EU, Asia, Sub-Asia, the Middle East, and Africa.

Lets see how far you loons get without the support and money we provide.
An interview on the subject with preeminent Russian political theorist Alexsandr Dugin

November 30, 2013 Manuel Ochsenreiter

Prof. Dugin, the NSA spying scandal caused a deep impact on German-American relations. We Germans have been told for decades that Washington is our "friend" and "partner". Now many Germans have come to realize that the US has been behaving more or less like an occupation force. Why did it take so long to realize that?

Dugin: We cannot answer this important question without historical details. First of all, Germany lost World War II. In May 1945 there was the unconditional surrender of the German armed forces. The result of the total loss of the war was the total occupation by the two main powers – USA and Soviet Union. Washington and Moscow were not just the main forces at the end of the war; they also represented the two ideological camps of the post war era. The German eastern provinces, eventually annexed by Poland and the Soviet Union, and Central Germany were occupied by the Soviet army, West Germany by the US-army and its western allies, UK and France. Germany was divided by two occupation forces. No part of Germany was free. Frankly speaking, occupation is occupation. There is no degree of occupation. With the Cold War ideology on both sides of occupied Germany the face of the occupation changed. Germans in the GDR were educated to believe that the Soviet Union had liberated them from Nazism and that they were now "free." The Soviet occupation was interpreted in schools and education as the guarantee of "freedom and independence." The same we can see in the FRG, where the Anglo-Saxon occupation powers re-educated the population. There the Germans were told that the western forces liberated them in 1945 and protected their "freedom and democracy" against the "communist threat" from the East. But neither the Germans in the GDR nor in the FRG were free and sovereign, they were still occupied.

Read Here:"Occupation is Occupation!": An Interview with Alexandr Dugin ? Alternative Right - A Magazine of Radical Traditionalism

You have to be kidding me - Dugin, DUGIN :lol: He is not "right" - he is the far left loon and as far left as one can get:

Aleksandr Gelyevich Dugin (Russian: Алекса́ндр Ге́льевич Ду́гин, born 7 January 1962) is a Russian politologist, traditionalist, and one of the most popular ideologists of the creation of a Eurasian empire that would be against the "North Atlantic interests". He is known[by whom?] for his proximity to fascism,[1][2][3][4] and had close ties to the Kremlin and Russian military.[5] He was the leading organizer of National Bolshevik Party, National Bolshevik Front, and Eurasia Party. His political activities are directed toward restoration of the Russian Empire through partitioning of the former Soviet republics, such as Georgia and Ukraine, and unification with Russian-speaking territories, especially Eastern Ukraine and Crimea.[6][7] He is known for the book Foundations of Geopolitics.

Aleksandr Dugin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In Russia "traditionalist" today means a Soviet apologist :D
What wasn't tried was leaving the Europeans to settle their own squabbles without American meddling.

No, it wasn't...but once involved, things should have been dealt with forever! Half-measures never work.
Well, who knew that you were such a big fan of progressives like Woodrow Wilson, FDR, Truman and LBJ?

Handy bit of information to know.

Did you actually read what I posted or not? I'm guessing "not".
That is a quote from Banisadr, the first president of Iran after the 1979 Iranian Revolution. He was president at the time of the hostage crisis. He knows what happened.

Because he didn't have anything to gain from it......Sorry, but the shit has been about 20 years ago......Sheesh....conspiracy theorists abound!
My source is from March 11, 2013. See the link.
You've fallen for the rightwing spin machine.

"October Surprise" and "Argo"

whatever......Carter had plenty of time to do something himself......52 Americans were held hostage for 444 days......well over a year.....
The occupation has lasted for nearly 60 years.

And it hasn't made the Germans at all grateful, it seems by some of the few responses I've seen to this thread so far.

America has taken on the lion's share of Germany's national defense and security costs these past 60 years and made sure the Soviet Union would not be able to act on their aggressive inclinations toward Germany and all of Europe.

We have provided the peace and the peace of mind for Germans these past 60 years so they could invest in their industry and growing their economy.

And just because the asshole in the Oval Office eaves drops on Merkle the Germans are all verboten on AMERICA???

Look, half of us hate Obama's actions so don't blame all of America.

Just the stupid Libs.

Do you actually think the actions of our surveillance apparatus has anything to do with political ideology? Do you think a republican president such as Mitt would have said "hands off"?

I think we'd have a whole lot less to worry about with Mitt at the wheel.

For a dozen or more reasons.
like i said.....stop worrying about feelings and focus on our security....

it's telling that both Carter and Carter II have had major problems with U.S. Embassy security....
How can you expect to be secure when there is so much time, money and effort creating enemies by supporting oppressive goons?

What do you believe might happen if as much effort were put into creating helpful relationships with peaceful political factions who want to be our friends, rather than just bankrolling oppressive brutal tyrants out of expediency?

And, no, I don't believe that you can just be friends with everyone by just being friendly. But you certainly go a long way in making friends by refusing to support thugs.

thugs like Iran....? tell that to Obama...
The Iran situation goes back at least to the horrible error in propping up The Shah.

But let's take your biggest fear hear at face value: Iran manages to build and detonate a nuke.

What's next?

They have no delivery vehicle.

Pakistan's political situation is at least as sketchy as Iran's. Lots and lots of radical Muslims there too. What makes Iran any more of a threat?

If they even try to attack Israel, they'd be crushed in a matter of days, if not hours.

What's in it for them to give the bomb to anyone else, if nearly certain annihilation would ensue?

Seriously, all this betwetting over Iran is eerily parallel to that of anti-gun nuts in America.
No, it wasn't...but once involved, things should have been dealt with forever! Half-measures never work.
Well, who knew that you were such a big fan of progressives like Woodrow Wilson, FDR, Truman and LBJ?

Handy bit of information to know.

Did you actually read what I posted or not? I'm guessing "not".
I read it.

You just want to continue progressive interventionist policies, only with a bigger and heavier iron fist than the progressives.

As though that will work out any better.
as if it hasn't been free since WWII....:rolleyes:

instead of taking potshots at the USA why don't you leftie jerks spend more time worrying about the coming rule of Islam in Europe....?

Left wing, lol. It was the USA that allied with the Soviets against Nationalists in WW2 and leave Eastern Europe to the communists, and the west to be occupied by Anglo-American and Zionist puppets.

go complain to FDR...

In most western European countries, you will be arrested for criticizing multiculturalism and immigration, some freedom!

good thing we're leaving then....huh?

ScreamingEagle you know nothing of the right wing, stop trying to pretend you are part of it. which part are you....? a libertarian with his head up his ass...?

So you oppose American intervention in WW2? If this is the case good.

I am not aware of America leaving their bases in Europe. It would be good if this were the case go.

No, I am a traditionalist with Fascist and Monarchist tendencies. Your language makes you sound like a neo-con, which is a neo-troskyist. Trotskyism is a left wing ideology. Spreading democracy throughout the world is left wing.
How can you expect to be secure when there is so much time, money and effort creating enemies by supporting oppressive goons?

What do you believe might happen if as much effort were put into creating helpful relationships with peaceful political factions who want to be our friends, rather than just bankrolling oppressive brutal tyrants out of expediency?

And, no, I don't believe that you can just be friends with everyone by just being friendly. But you certainly go a long way in making friends by refusing to support thugs.

thugs like Iran....? tell that to Obama...
The Iran situation goes back at least to the horrible error in propping up The Shah.

But let's take your biggest fear hear at face value: Iran manages to build and detonate a nuke.

What's next?

They have no delivery vehicle.

Pakistan's political situation is at least as sketchy as Iran's. Lots and lots of radical Muslims there too. What makes Iran any more of a threat?

If they even try to attack Israel, they'd be crushed in a matter of days, if not hours.

What's in it for them to give the bomb to anyone else, if nearly certain annihilation would ensue?

Seriously, all this betwetting over Iran is eerily parallel to that of anti-gun nuts in America.
You're making two mistakes.

1. A delivery system consists of ONLY a missle, and;

2. You assume that these are rational individuals.
thugs like Iran....? tell that to Obama...
The Iran situation goes back at least to the horrible error in propping up The Shah.

But let's take your biggest fear hear at face value: Iran manages to build and detonate a nuke.

What's next?

They have no delivery vehicle.

Pakistan's political situation is at least as sketchy as Iran's. Lots and lots of radical Muslims there too. What makes Iran any more of a threat?

If they even try to attack Israel, they'd be crushed in a matter of days, if not hours.

What's in it for them to give the bomb to anyone else, if nearly certain annihilation would ensue?

Seriously, all this betwetting over Iran is eerily parallel to that of anti-gun nuts in America.
You're making two mistakes.

1. A delivery system consists of ONLY a missle, and;

2. You assume that these are rational individuals.

1. Intercontinental Ballistic Camel?

2. They're no more or less rational than the Pakistanis, who are themselves nuts.
Well, who knew that you were such a big fan of progressives like Woodrow Wilson, FDR, Truman and LBJ?

Handy bit of information to know.

Did you actually read what I posted or not? I'm guessing "not".
I read it.

You just want to continue progressive interventionist policies, only with a bigger and heavier iron fist than the progressives.

As though that will work out any better.

No, I want to stay out...but when and if provoked, come down with the hammers of hell.
The Iran situation goes back at least to the horrible error in propping up The Shah.

But let's take your biggest fear hear at face value: Iran manages to build and detonate a nuke.

What's next?

They have no delivery vehicle.

Pakistan's political situation is at least as sketchy as Iran's. Lots and lots of radical Muslims there too. What makes Iran any more of a threat?

If they even try to attack Israel, they'd be crushed in a matter of days, if not hours.

What's in it for them to give the bomb to anyone else, if nearly certain annihilation would ensue?

Seriously, all this betwetting over Iran is eerily parallel to that of anti-gun nuts in America.
You're making two mistakes.

1. A delivery system consists of ONLY a missle, and;

2. You assume that these are rational individuals.

1. Intercontinental Ballistic Camel?

2. They're no more or less rational than the Pakistanis, who are themselves nuts.
Simple suitcase, a warm water port and a lot of money, and the technical know how to assemble it. This isn't rocket science.

They are, in fact, much less rational than Pakistan....which is in and of itself, beyond frightening.
Did you actually read what I posted or not? I'm guessing "not".
I read it.

You just want to continue progressive interventionist policies, only with a bigger and heavier iron fist than the progressives.

As though that will work out any better.

No, I want to stay out...but when and if provoked, come down with the hammers of hell.
If you want to stay out, then stay out.

But that policy hasn't been tried since at least Wilson.
No nuke will go off in Israel, unless Israel launches one first.
You're making two mistakes.

1. A delivery system consists of ONLY a missle, and;

2. You assume that these are rational individuals.

1. Intercontinental Ballistic Camel?

2. They're no more or less rational than the Pakistanis, who are themselves nuts.
Simple suitcase, a warm water port and a lot of money, and the technical know how to assemble it. This isn't rocket science.

They are, in fact, much less rational than Pakistan....which is in and of itself, beyond frightening.

If it's one thing that people in political power want more than anything else, it's to stay in power.

Like I said earlier, the Iran-ophobes sound to me as nutty and paranoid as anti-gun nuts here in America.
How can you expect to be secure when there is so much time, money and effort creating enemies by supporting oppressive goons?

What do you believe might happen if as much effort were put into creating helpful relationships with peaceful political factions who want to be our friends, rather than just bankrolling oppressive brutal tyrants out of expediency?

And, no, I don't believe that you can just be friends with everyone by just being friendly. But you certainly go a long way in making friends by refusing to support thugs.

thugs like Iran....? tell that to Obama...
The Iran situation goes back at least to the horrible error in propping up The Shah.

But let's take your biggest fear hear at face value: Iran manages to build and detonate a nuke.

What's next?

They have no delivery vehicle.

Pakistan's political situation is at least as sketchy as Iran's. Lots and lots of radical Muslims there too. What makes Iran any more of a threat?

If they even try to attack Israel, they'd be crushed in a matter of days, if not hours.

What's in it for them to give the bomb to anyone else, if nearly certain annihilation would ensue?

Seriously, all this betwetting over Iran is eerily parallel to that of anti-gun nuts in America.

Iran only needs one nuclear EMP over the U.S. to destroy us.....they say a long range delivery system won't be ready until 2020 but who knows for sure....?

Israel should know about Iran better than anyone and they are apoplectic about Obama's deal....

the Saudis are turning to Pakistan for nuclear armament....

what is it about Iran that gives you fluffy feelings....? :cuckoo:

1. Intercontinental Ballistic Camel?

2. They're no more or less rational than the Pakistanis, who are themselves nuts.
Simple suitcase, a warm water port and a lot of money, and the technical know how to assemble it. This isn't rocket science.

They are, in fact, much less rational than Pakistan....which is in and of itself, beyond frightening.

If it's one thing that people in political power want more than anything else, it's to stay in power.

Like I said earlier, the Iran-ophobes sound to me as nutty and paranoid as anti-gun nuts here in America.
When you have huge armies, staying in power isn't all that difficult to do. I doubt they fear it, because after all, there are 72 virgins waiting for them at the end of the ride.....Iran-ophobes.....cute. Except that I do not oppose Iran. I oppose the nut cases who will do anything to dominate the world with their particular brand of Islam.

So, thanks, but no thanks. I'll support policies and actions that keep the crazy mofo's from getting their hands one of the worlds most destructive WMD's.
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take control of (a place, esp. a country) by military conquest or settlement.
"the region was occupied by Britain during World War I"

Okay. We put you down for supporting Obama removing the American presense in Germany. Once out we can disband, consolidate and make more military cutbacks.
We occupy Germany now? Really? are we marching on the streets suppressing the people now?

They could ask us to leave at any time and we would.
take control of (a place, esp. a country) by military conquest or settlement.
"the region was occupied by Britain during World War I"

Okay. We put you down for supporting Obama removing the American presense in Germany. Once out we can disband, consolidate and make more military cutbacks.

I haven't heard of Obama supporting drawbacks. But if he did, it would be a nice change of pace from our interventionist foreign policy. But he won't, he is owned by AIPAC and the military industrial complex.

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