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The American Miracle...They Called Lincoln everything they are calling Trump...

We can only hope and pray that the Donald is nothing like the tyrant murderer Lincoln.

Lincoln held the Union together and brought about the end of slavery......he didn't start the war, the democrats did....

Correction- Southern White Democrat males started the war.

Millions of Northern white Democrats supported the Union.
southern unionists werent non existent either

Indeed. The "South" was bitterly divided between the sides. The counties of northwestern Virginia seceded from Virginia for that reason. And even there it wasn't a united front --- some of the counties seceded not because they wanted to but because they were occupied by Union troops. East Tennessee attempted to do the same thing and was coerced by military force to shut up. In fact its local Senator Johnson was the only Senator to remain in the US Senate despite the state's secession (and then became President upon Lincoln's death).

"Civil" war is an entire subdimension of War. It means not only two sides but anarchy and chaos within a side. There is always a noble contingent within that wants no part of either side but just wants to protect its own turf and peace. The more militant of these in the Civil War were called Bushwhackers, and operated as scouts and snipers against any passing army, whether wearing blue or grey (and that wasn't always clear; sometimes they traveled in disguise). On the other side there were the "Home Guards", locals who operated on behalf of whichever army happened to be in control at the time. This is a whole third dimension, like Star Trek's three-dimensional chess, beyond the binary concept of two-sided war -- this is four sides with two of them frequently changing sides and the other two frequently impersonating the opposite side. When we describe "brother against brother" it's a lot more complex than one brother goes blue and the other goes grey. The War disrupted commerce, railroads, food supplies --- everything.

The Confederacy was by no means at all a united front. It's said that its war "died of states rights" when the Richmond government demanded troops and state governors said no.

>> Greene County [Tennessee] changed hands about forty times during the course of the war. No major battles were fought, but skirmishes and ambushes between the two sides were a regular occurrence. The bands of roving Yankees and Rebels had to live off the land. Consequently, they terrorized the local farm families. << -- The Tree in the Churchyard: A Bicentennial History of Meadow Creek, -pp. 21-22 (emphasis added)
"Standard" wars can almost fit into a binary description of "A against B". "Civil" (intranational) war is a whole 'nother thing.

How dare you bring nuance or facts into this discussion!
We can only hope and pray that the Donald is nothing like the tyrant murderer Lincoln.

Lincoln held the Union together and brought about the end of slavery......he didn't start the war, the democrats did....

Correction- Southern White Democrat males started the war.

Millions of Northern white Democrats supported the Union.
southern unionists werent non existent either

Indeed. The "South" was bitterly divided between the sides. The counties of northwestern Virginia seceded from Virginia for that reason. And even there it wasn't a united front --- some of the counties seceded not because they wanted to but because they were occupied by Union troops. East Tennessee attempted to do the same thing and was coerced by military force to shut up. In fact its local Senator Johnson was the only Senator to remain in the US Senate despite the state's secession (and then became President upon Lincoln's death).

"Civil" war is an entire subdimension of War. It means not only two sides but anarchy and chaos within a side. There is always a noble contingent within that wants no part of either side but just wants to protect its own turf and peace. The more militant of these in the Civil War were called Bushwhackers, and operated as scouts and snipers against any passing army, whether wearing blue or grey (and that wasn't always clear; sometimes they traveled in disguise). On the other side there were the "Home Guards", locals who operated on behalf of whichever army happened to be in control at the time. This is a whole third dimension, like Star Trek's three-dimensional chess, beyond the binary concept of two-sided war -- this is four sides with two of them frequently changing sides and the other two frequently impersonating the opposite side. When we describe "brother against brother" it's a lot more complex than one brother goes blue and the other goes grey. The War disrupted commerce, railroads, food supplies --- everything.

The Confederacy was by no means at all a united front. It's said that its war "died of states rights" when the Richmond government demanded troops and state governors said no.

>> Greene County [Tennessee] changed hands about forty times during the course of the war. No major battles were fought, but skirmishes and ambushes between the two sides were a regular occurrence. The bands of roving Yankees and Rebels had to live off the land. Consequently, they terrorized the local farm families. << -- The Tree in the Churchyard: A Bicentennial History of Meadow Creek, -pp. 21-22 (emphasis added)
"Standard" wars can almost fit into a binary description of "A against B". "Civil" (intranational) war is a whole 'nother thing.

How dare you bring nuance or facts into this discussion!

I just like to watch the OP turn all them shades of purple.
I am reading through the Lincoln part of Michael Medved's book on America.....The American Miracle....he relates through his research how the governing class at the time called Lincoln all sorts of names...including buffoon and ape.....and these were his own people....they hated the fact that he came almost from nowhere to capture the Presidency.....the hate for him was real.....and the same as the hate you see for Trump.....

Even McClellan, his general wrote to his wife about how he couldn't stand Lincoln....a General who couldn't fight the democrats on the battlefield .......and allowed the democrats to kick his ass in just about every battle....

And then Lincoln led the country through the worst event in our history, when the democrats tried to separate from the Union so they could keep blacks as slaves.....

The first Republican President, fighting his own party and fighting the democrats both in the North and the South......

Eerily familiar....

The American Miracle: Divine Providence in the Rise of the Republic: Michael Medved: 9780553447262: Amazon.com: Patio, Lawn & Garden

This is what Lincoln had to deal with...

McClellan snubs Lincoln - Nov 13, 1861 - HISTORY.com

On this day in 1861, President Abraham Lincoln pays a late night visit to General George McClellan, who Lincoln had recently named general in chief of the Union army. The general retired to his chambers before speaking with the president.

This was the most famous example of McClellan’s cavalier disregard for the president’s authority. Lincoln had tapped McClellan to head the Army of the Potomac—the main Union army in the East—in July 1861 after the disastrous Union defeat at the First Battle of Bull Run, Virginia. McClellan immediately began to build an effective army, and was elevated to general in chief after Winfield Scott resignedthat fall.

Does this sound like too many republicans today.....

McClellan drew praise for his military initiatives but quickly developed a reputation for his arrogance and contempt toward the political leaders in Washington, D.C. After being named to the top army post, McClellan began openly associating with Democratic leaders in Congress and showing his disregard for the Republican administration.

To his wife,McClellan wrote that Lincoln was “nothing more than a well-meaning baboon,” and Secretary of State William Seward was an “incompetent little puppy.”
I had no idea Lincoln used to be a New York Democrat who had a hardon for Mexicans and Muslims!
The used to call Hitler everything they are calling Trump. Funny you didn't start a topic about that!
I am reading through the Lincoln part of Michael Medved's book on America.....The American Miracle....he relates through his research how the governing class at the time called Lincoln all sorts of names...including buffoon and ape.....and these were his own people....they hated the fact that he came almost from nowhere to capture the Presidency.....the hate for him was real.....and the same as the hate you see for Trump.....

Even McClellan, his general wrote to his wife about how he couldn't stand Lincoln....a General who couldn't fight the democrats on the battlefield .......and allowed the democrats to kick his ass in just about every battle....

And then Lincoln led the country through the worst event in our history, when the democrats tried to separate from the Union so they could keep blacks as slaves.....

The first Republican President, fighting his own party and fighting the democrats both in the North and the South......

Eerily familiar....

The American Miracle: Divine Providence in the Rise of the Republic: Michael Medved: 9780553447262: Amazon.com: Patio, Lawn & Garden

This is what Lincoln had to deal with...

McClellan snubs Lincoln - Nov 13, 1861 - HISTORY.com

On this day in 1861, President Abraham Lincoln pays a late night visit to General George McClellan, who Lincoln had recently named general in chief of the Union army. The general retired to his chambers before speaking with the president.

This was the most famous example of McClellan’s cavalier disregard for the president’s authority. Lincoln had tapped McClellan to head the Army of the Potomac—the main Union army in the East—in July 1861 after the disastrous Union defeat at the First Battle of Bull Run, Virginia. McClellan immediately began to build an effective army, and was elevated to general in chief after Winfield Scott resignedthat fall.

Does this sound like too many republicans today.....

McClellan drew praise for his military initiatives but quickly developed a reputation for his arrogance and contempt toward the political leaders in Washington, D.C. After being named to the top army post, McClellan began openly associating with Democratic leaders in Congress and showing his disregard for the Republican administration.

To his wife,McClellan wrote that Lincoln was “nothing more than a well-meaning baboon,” and Secretary of State William Seward was an “incompetent little puppy.”

Glad you're finally reading something besides this board.
But you're really into spinning a fantasy inside that mini-cranium of yours.
Look at some of the names Bush was called:
  • Dumbo - implying that Bush is an idiot
  • Dumbya - hybrid of Dumbo and Dubya
  • Shrubya - hybrid of Shrub and Dubya
  • Gush - coupled with "Bore" in descriptions of Election 2000 as the "Gush and Bore election", juxtaposing his surname spooneristically with that of Al Gore (whose only two nicknames, by marked contrast, are Al Bore and Al Snore)
  • Bushitler - used by his most extreme opponents to express hatred towards the US president and to liken him to Adolf Hitler.

And Barack Obama:
A Crock O’ Drama
AKOTUS (Ass Kicker Of The United States)
Alfred E. Obama
Alinsky’s Wet Dream
Alinskyite-in-Chief, The
Anointed One, The
Anti-Founder, The
Asshole-in-Chief, The
B. Hussein Obama
Bacrack Obama
Bamster, The
Barack Hussein Alinsky
Barack Hussein Kardashian
Barack Ilyich Lenin
Barack Insane Obama
Barack O’Change Obama
Barack The Magic Negro
Barack The Wealth Spreader
Barack W. Bush
Barack Ovomit
Barack Oralbama
Barack Obabykiller
Barack Oralsex
Barack Omelonpatch
Baracka Claus
Barackus Hubris Maximus
Bareass Banana
Barrack Inseinn O’bowdown
Barrack SoVain Obama
Barry Soetoro
Barry Obowdown, the im-POTUS
Bathhouse Barry
Big Brother
BoBo the Clown
Bowing Barry Sotero
Boy President, The
Bracket Boy
Brokeback Insane O’Bummer
Bystander-in-Chief, The
Campaigner-in-Chief, The
Captain Bullshit
Captain CluelessCaptain Kickass
Captain Teleprompter
Carter 2.0
Celebrity of The United States, The
Chairman Zero
Chairman Mau-Mau
Chairman Bao
Chairman Bow
Che Obama
Chewbacca’s Husband
Chicago Thug-in-Chief, The
Chicago Charlatan, The
Chief Walking Eagle
Chimpy the Kenyan
Choom Prince, The
Chosen One, The
Coach Dreamy
Commander-in-Thief, The
CommanDERP-in-Chief, The
Community-Organizer-in-Chief, The
Comrade Obama
Comrade Chairman Osama bin Bite-Me
Dear Leader
Dear Reader
Demagogue-in-Chief, The
Depression President, The
Divider, The
Dog-Eating Sarong Boy, TheDr. DoNothing
Dr. Utopia
Dreamy McMompants
Duh One
Ear Leader, The
Earth Whisperer, The
Emperor Barack I
Emperor Pen ‘N Phone
Empty Chair, The
Empty Suit, The
Empty-Suit-in-Chief, The
Errorist, The
First Gay President, The
Food Stamp President, The
Fraud, The
Fresh Prince of Bill Ayers, The
Gelding-in-Chief, The
General Zod (Kneel before him!)
Gerbil President, The
God, Jr.
Great Fraud, The
His Imperious Majesty Barack the First, President of America, Protector of the People as Long As They Know Their Place and Belong to The Right Unions, Defender of the Privileges Accrued by Attending the Right University, and Scourge of the Rich If They Don’t Contribute To The Democratic Party
His O’liness
His Phoniness
His Travesty
His “O”ily-ness
His Holiness Pinocchio Obama
Hopey-Dopey-Change Goof, The
Hopiate of the Masses, The
Hussein HopenChangen
Idiot Emperor, The
Idiot King, The
Idiot Messiah, The
Idiot Prince, The
Il Doofus
Il Douche
Il Douchebag
Il Duce The 3rd
Jackass-in-Chief, The
Jarrett’s Bitch
Jarrett’s Puppet
J.E.F. (Jug Eared F***)
Jimmy Carter 2.0
Joker, The
Jug-Eared Demigodlet, The
Jug-Eared Messiah, The
Jug Ears
Kenyan, The
Kenyan Kid, The
Kid Clueless
King Barack I
King of Barrycades, The
King Mumbo Jumbo
King Nopey Changey
King PuttKing Zero
Leper Messiah, The
Liar-in-Chief, The
Lightbringer, The
Lightworker, The
Lord Hussein Obimbo
Lord Of Catastrophes, The
Lucifer’s Fluffer
Lyin’ King, The
Man-Child, The
Man-Child President, The
Marshmallow Balls
Mau-Mauer-in-Chief, The
Messiah, The
Mohammedan Mouthpiece, The
Mr. Magoobama
Mr. Potato Head
Munificent Sun-King Lightworker, The
My Main Marxist
No-Cojone Pony, The
No-Go Mojo Man, The
Nutless Wonder, The
O-cialist, The
OOO (Occupant of the Oval Office; a.k.a. “Triple O”)
Obama the Deceiver, First of His Name
Obama bin Laden
Obama bin Lyin’
Obama Won Kabuki
Obama Osama
Obama-one Yaphony
Obamessiah, The
Obammunist, The
Obie bum Kabrokie
Obi-Wan Nairobi
Obnoxious Buffoon Annoying Most Americans
Obozo the Clown
Obumbles the Clown
OediPOTUS Wrecks
Oh Bow Low
Oilslick Obama
Ol’ Jug Ears
OmniPresident, The
One Big Ass Mistake, America
One, The
One Big Awful Mistake, America
Osama Obama
Pantload-in-Chief, The
Pantywaist-in-Chief, The
Peter Pan President, The
Petulant of The United States, The
Petulant POTUS, The
Preezy Boyfriend
Preezy of the United Steezy, The
Precedent, The
Precedent Uhhhhbama (Peace be upon him)
PresiDEBT of the United States
President Ad Lib
President Asshat
President Asterisk*
President Bagels-And-Lox
President Barrycade
President Bitch
President Blame Things
President Bullworth Truthbomb
President Butthurt
President Calvinball
President Choom
President Chicken Legs
President Chip ShotPresident Christ Superstar
President Diapers
President Dipshit
President Divot
President Doubtfire
President Empty Chair
President Fail
President Faily McWorsethancarter
President Final Four
President Flim-Flam
President Fussybritches
President Hashtag
President Hissy Fit
President Hollywood
President Hopenchange
President Hope ‘N Grovel
President Jackwagon
President Joffrey
President Left Shark
President Lightweight
President Mom Jeans
President Nancypants
President No Balls
President No-You-Can’t-Have-That-Plan-Because-I-Don’t-Like-It-McMandates
President Nose Candy
President Pantywaist
President Pass-The-Buck
President PeeWee
President Pétain
President Pitching Wedge
President Pop Star
President Poppins
President Pot Smoke
President Precious Perfect
President Priss
President Prissypants
President Punk
President Putt-Putt
President Rambobama
President Red Line
President Ron Burgundy
President Sackless
President Santa
President Selfie
President Selfie I-Me-My-Mine
President Selfie Stick
President Selfish
President Seven Iron
President Sham Wow
President Snow(bama)
President Sputnik
President Stompy Foot
President Stompy Foot McMomJeans
President Sand Trap
President Tee Time
President Uh
Presidunce, The
Princess Fairypants
Professor Ditherton Wiggleroom
Promptee, The
Pronoun-in-Chief, The
Punk, The
Purple Lips
Rainbow King, The
Red Line Rambo, The
Redistributor-in-Chief, The
Reggie Love’s Catcher
Reggie’s Sweetie
Rodeo Clown of The United States, The
SCOAMF (Stuttering Cluster**** of a Miserable Failure)
Scold-in-Chief, The
Silver-Tongued Emir of Eloquence, The
Solomon Obama
Spineless Wonder, The
Squanderer-in-Chief, The
Stain, The
Teh One
Teh Won
Teleprompter Jesus
Teleprompter of the U.S. (TOTUS)
Teletubbie-in-Chief, The
Testy McThinskinned
T.F.G. (This F***ing Guy)
Thug-in-Chief, The
Unicorn King, The
Unicorn Prince, The
Usurper-in-Chief, The
Valerie’s Bitch
Valerie’s Puppet
Waffles The Clown
Whacky Barracky
Whiny Little Bitch
Wizard of Uhhs, The
The Pretty Darn Exhaustive Obama Nickname List

So, sorry EasySqueasy, but you really need to do MORE reading, and less cherry-picking. Your grasp of history is fucking lame.
Dictator. Racist. Crazy. Power mad. Liar.

Yep. All the same things they called Hitler.

Hmmm...this must mean something!
I am reading through the Lincoln part of Michael Medved's book on America.....The American Miracle....he relates through his research how the governing class at the time called Lincoln all sorts of names...including buffoon and ape.....and these were his own people....they hated the fact that he came almost from nowhere to capture the Presidency.....the hate for him was real.....and the same as the hate you see for Trump.....

Even McClellan, his general wrote to his wife about how he couldn't stand Lincoln....a General who couldn't fight the democrats on the battlefield .......and allowed the democrats to kick his ass in just about every battle....

And then Lincoln led the country through the worst event in our history, when the democrats tried to separate from the Union so they could keep blacks as slaves.....

The first Republican President, fighting his own party and fighting the democrats both in the North and the South......

Eerily familiar....

The American Miracle: Divine Providence in the Rise of the Republic: Michael Medved: 9780553447262: Amazon.com: Patio, Lawn & Garden

This is what Lincoln had to deal with...

McClellan snubs Lincoln - Nov 13, 1861 - HISTORY.com

On this day in 1861, President Abraham Lincoln pays a late night visit to General George McClellan, who Lincoln had recently named general in chief of the Union army. The general retired to his chambers before speaking with the president.

This was the most famous example of McClellan’s cavalier disregard for the president’s authority. Lincoln had tapped McClellan to head the Army of the Potomac—the main Union army in the East—in July 1861 after the disastrous Union defeat at the First Battle of Bull Run, Virginia. McClellan immediately began to build an effective army, and was elevated to general in chief after Winfield Scott resignedthat fall.

Does this sound like too many republicans today.....

McClellan drew praise for his military initiatives but quickly developed a reputation for his arrogance and contempt toward the political leaders in Washington, D.C. After being named to the top army post, McClellan began openly associating with Democratic leaders in Congress and showing his disregard for the Republican administration.

To his wife,McClellan wrote that Lincoln was “nothing more than a well-meaning baboon,” and Secretary of State William Seward was an “incompetent little puppy.”

Glad you're finally reading something besides this board.
But you're really into spinning a fantasy inside that mini-cranium of yours.
Look at some of the names Bush was called:
  • Dumbo - implying that Bush is an idiot
  • Dumbya - hybrid of Dumbo and Dubya
  • Shrubya - hybrid of Shrub and Dubya
  • Gush - coupled with "Bore" in descriptions of Election 2000 as the "Gush and Bore election", juxtaposing his surname spooneristically with that of Al Gore (whose only two nicknames, by marked contrast, are Al Bore and Al Snore)
  • Bushitler - used by his most extreme opponents to express hatred towards the US president and to liken him to Adolf Hitler.

And Barack Obama:
A Crock O’ Drama
AKOTUS (Ass Kicker Of The United States)
Alfred E. Obama
Alinsky’s Wet Dream
Alinskyite-in-Chief, The
Anointed One, The
Anti-Founder, The
Asshole-in-Chief, The
B. Hussein Obama
Bacrack Obama
Bamster, The
Barack Hussein Alinsky
Barack Hussein Kardashian
Barack Ilyich Lenin
Barack Insane Obama
Barack O’Change Obama
Barack The Magic Negro
Barack The Wealth Spreader
Barack W. Bush
Barack Ovomit
Barack Oralbama
Barack Obabykiller
Barack Oralsex
Barack Omelonpatch
Baracka Claus
Barackus Hubris Maximus
Bareass Banana
Barrack Inseinn O’bowdown
Barrack SoVain Obama
Barry Soetoro
Barry Obowdown, the im-POTUS
Bathhouse Barry
Big Brother
BoBo the Clown
Bowing Barry Sotero
Boy President, The
Bracket Boy
Brokeback Insane O’Bummer
Bystander-in-Chief, The
Campaigner-in-Chief, The
Captain Bullshit
Captain CluelessCaptain Kickass
Captain Teleprompter
Carter 2.0
Celebrity of The United States, The
Chairman Zero
Chairman Mau-Mau
Chairman Bao
Chairman Bow
Che Obama
Chewbacca’s Husband
Chicago Thug-in-Chief, The
Chicago Charlatan, The
Chief Walking Eagle
Chimpy the Kenyan
Choom Prince, The
Chosen One, The
Coach Dreamy
Commander-in-Thief, The
CommanDERP-in-Chief, The
Community-Organizer-in-Chief, The
Comrade Obama
Comrade Chairman Osama bin Bite-Me
Dear Leader
Dear Reader
Demagogue-in-Chief, The
Depression President, The
Divider, The
Dog-Eating Sarong Boy, TheDr. DoNothing
Dr. Utopia
Dreamy McMompants
Duh One
Ear Leader, The
Earth Whisperer, The
Emperor Barack I
Emperor Pen ‘N Phone
Empty Chair, The
Empty Suit, The
Empty-Suit-in-Chief, The
Errorist, The
First Gay President, The
Food Stamp President, The
Fraud, The
Fresh Prince of Bill Ayers, The
Gelding-in-Chief, The
General Zod (Kneel before him!)
Gerbil President, The
God, Jr.
Great Fraud, The
His Imperious Majesty Barack the First, President of America, Protector of the People as Long As They Know Their Place and Belong to The Right Unions, Defender of the Privileges Accrued by Attending the Right University, and Scourge of the Rich If They Don’t Contribute To The Democratic Party
His O’liness
His Phoniness
His Travesty
His “O”ily-ness
His Holiness Pinocchio Obama
Hopey-Dopey-Change Goof, The
Hopiate of the Masses, The
Hussein HopenChangen
Idiot Emperor, The
Idiot King, The
Idiot Messiah, The
Idiot Prince, The
Il Doofus
Il Douche
Il Douchebag
Il Duce The 3rd
Jackass-in-Chief, The
Jarrett’s Bitch
Jarrett’s Puppet
J.E.F. (Jug Eared F***)
Jimmy Carter 2.0
Joker, The
Jug-Eared Demigodlet, The
Jug-Eared Messiah, The
Jug Ears
Kenyan, The
Kenyan Kid, The
Kid Clueless
King Barack I
King of Barrycades, The
King Mumbo Jumbo
King Nopey Changey
King PuttKing Zero
Leper Messiah, The
Liar-in-Chief, The
Lightbringer, The
Lightworker, The
Lord Hussein Obimbo
Lord Of Catastrophes, The
Lucifer’s Fluffer
Lyin’ King, The
Man-Child, The
Man-Child President, The
Marshmallow Balls
Mau-Mauer-in-Chief, The
Messiah, The
Mohammedan Mouthpiece, The
Mr. Magoobama
Mr. Potato Head
Munificent Sun-King Lightworker, The
My Main Marxist
No-Cojone Pony, The
No-Go Mojo Man, The
Nutless Wonder, The
O-cialist, The
OOO (Occupant of the Oval Office; a.k.a. “Triple O”)
Obama the Deceiver, First of His Name
Obama bin Laden
Obama bin Lyin’
Obama Won Kabuki
Obama Osama
Obama-one Yaphony
Obamessiah, The
Obammunist, The
Obie bum Kabrokie
Obi-Wan Nairobi
Obnoxious Buffoon Annoying Most Americans
Obozo the Clown
Obumbles the Clown
OediPOTUS Wrecks
Oh Bow Low
Oilslick Obama
Ol’ Jug Ears
OmniPresident, The
One Big Ass Mistake, America
One, The
One Big Awful Mistake, America
Osama Obama
Pantload-in-Chief, The
Pantywaist-in-Chief, The
Peter Pan President, The
Petulant of The United States, The
Petulant POTUS, The
Preezy Boyfriend
Preezy of the United Steezy, The
Precedent, The
Precedent Uhhhhbama (Peace be upon him)
PresiDEBT of the United States
President Ad Lib
President Asshat
President Asterisk*
President Bagels-And-Lox
President Barrycade
President Bitch
President Blame Things
President Bullworth Truthbomb
President Butthurt
President Calvinball
President Choom
President Chicken Legs
President Chip ShotPresident Christ Superstar
President Diapers
President Dipshit
President Divot
President Doubtfire
President Empty Chair
President Fail
President Faily McWorsethancarter
President Final Four
President Flim-Flam
President Fussybritches
President Hashtag
President Hissy Fit
President Hollywood
President Hopenchange
President Hope ‘N Grovel
President Jackwagon
President Joffrey
President Left Shark
President Lightweight
President Mom Jeans
President Nancypants
President No Balls
President No-You-Can’t-Have-That-Plan-Because-I-Don’t-Like-It-McMandates
President Nose Candy
President Pantywaist
President Pass-The-Buck
President PeeWee
President Pétain
President Pitching Wedge
President Pop Star
President Poppins
President Pot Smoke
President Precious Perfect
President Priss
President Prissypants
President Punk
President Putt-Putt
President Rambobama
President Red Line
President Ron Burgundy
President Sackless
President Santa
President Selfie
President Selfie I-Me-My-Mine
President Selfie Stick
President Selfish
President Seven Iron
President Sham Wow
President Snow(bama)
President Sputnik
President Stompy Foot
President Stompy Foot McMomJeans
President Sand Trap
President Tee Time
President Uh
Presidunce, The
Princess Fairypants
Professor Ditherton Wiggleroom
Promptee, The
Pronoun-in-Chief, The
Punk, The
Purple Lips
Rainbow King, The
Red Line Rambo, The
Redistributor-in-Chief, The
Reggie Love’s Catcher
Reggie’s Sweetie
Rodeo Clown of The United States, The
SCOAMF (Stuttering Cluster**** of a Miserable Failure)
Scold-in-Chief, The
Silver-Tongued Emir of Eloquence, The
Solomon Obama
Spineless Wonder, The
Squanderer-in-Chief, The
Stain, The
Teh One
Teh Won
Teleprompter Jesus
Teleprompter of the U.S. (TOTUS)
Teletubbie-in-Chief, The
Testy McThinskinned
T.F.G. (This F***ing Guy)
Thug-in-Chief, The
Unicorn King, The
Unicorn Prince, The
Usurper-in-Chief, The
Valerie’s Bitch
Valerie’s Puppet
Waffles The Clown
Whacky Barracky
Whiny Little Bitch
Wizard of Uhhs, The
The Pretty Darn Exhaustive Obama Nickname List

So, sorry EasySqueasy, but you really need to do MORE reading, and less cherry-picking. Your grasp of history is fucking lame.

Comprehensive as this list is, it forgot a big one. Perhaps THE most bizarre concoction of a political slur-name ever concocted, that being:

"Brat Hussein".

Seriously, not a typo. This was floating around about 7 years ago. To this day I have no idea wtf they were going for.

Forum List
