The American Public Blames Bush and the GOP for the Financial Mess

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
The American Public Blames Bush and the GOP for the Financial Mess

Americans Blame Bush and the GOP Not Obama for the Economy


A new CNN/Opinion Dynamics poll released today should provide some hope to Democrats and cause a bit of concern for the GOP ahead of the mid term elections. The poll revealed that a majority of Americans (53%) blame George W. Bush and the GOP not Barack Obama and the Democrats for the nation’s current economic problems.
The American Public Blames Bush and the GOP for the Financial Mess

Americans Blame Bush and the GOP Not Obama for the Economy


A new CNN/Opinion Dynamics poll released today should provide some hope to Democrats and cause a bit of concern for the GOP ahead of the mid term elections. The poll revealed that a majority of Americans (53%) blame George W. Bush and the GOP not Barack Obama and the Democrats for the nation’s current economic problems.

obama and company have made things worse
The American Public Blames Bush and the GOP for the Financial Mess

Americans Blame Bush and the GOP Not Obama for the Economy


A new CNN/Opinion Dynamics poll released today should provide some hope to Democrats and cause a bit of concern for the GOP ahead of the mid term elections. The poll revealed that a majority of Americans (53%) blame George W. Bush and the GOP not Barack Obama and the Democrats for the nation’s current economic problems.

The CNN/ Opinion Dynamics poll asked a very simple question. Who do you hold responsible for the nation’s current economic problems George W. Bush and the GOP, or Barack Obama and the Democrats? Fifty three percent of respondents blamed Bush and the Republicans, while only 33% blamed Obama and the Democrats, 10% blamed both parties, 3% said neither, and 1% were not sure.

Interviews with 1,024 adult Americans conducted by telephone
by Opinion Research Corporation on September 1-2, 2010. The
margin of sampling error for results based on the total sample is
plus or minus 3 percentage points.
"The American public has an attention span of two weeks" ~Richard Millhouse Nixon

"The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversations with the average voter" ~ Winston Churchill
The American Public Blames Bush and the GOP for the Financial Mess

Americans Blame Bush and the GOP Not Obama for the Economy


A new CNN/Opinion Dynamics poll released today should provide some hope to Democrats and cause a bit of concern for the GOP ahead of the mid term elections. The poll revealed that a majority of Americans (53%) blame George W. Bush and the GOP not Barack Obama and the Democrats for the nation’s current economic problems.

obama and company have made things worse

Why do you hate the American people?

The American Public Blames Bush and the GOP for the Financial Mess

Americans Blame Bush and the GOP Not Obama for the Economy


A new CNN/Opinion Dynamics poll released today should provide some hope to Democrats and cause a bit of concern for the GOP ahead of the mid term elections. The poll revealed that a majority of Americans (53%) blame George W. Bush and the GOP not Barack Obama and the Democrats for the nation’s current economic problems.

The CNN/ Opinion Dynamics poll asked a very simple question. Who do you hold responsible for the nation’s current economic problems George W. Bush and the GOP, or Barack Obama and the Democrats? Fifty three percent of respondents blamed Bush and the Republicans, while only 33% blamed Obama and the Democrats, 10% blamed both parties, 3% said neither, and 1% were not sure.

Interviews with 1,024 adult Americans conducted by telephone
by Opinion Research Corporation on September 1-2, 2010. The
margin of sampling error for results based on the total sample is
plus or minus 3 percentage points.

Come Nov. 2 you will feel just how much blame the American people place at Buoooosh and how much they will blame obama.
The American Public Blames Bush and the GOP for the Financial Mess

Americans Blame Bush and the GOP Not Obama for the Economy


A new CNN/Opinion Dynamics poll released today should provide some hope to Democrats and cause a bit of concern for the GOP ahead of the mid term elections. The poll revealed that a majority of Americans (53%) blame George W. Bush and the GOP not Barack Obama and the Democrats for the nation’s current economic problems.

obama and company have made things worse

Why do you hate the American people?


"The American public has an attention span of two weeks" ~Richard Millhouse Nixon

"The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversations with the average voter" ~ Winston Churchill


but we all know who drove the economy into the ditch, don't we?

The American Public Blames Bush and the GOP for the Financial Mess

Americans Blame Bush and the GOP Not Obama for the Economy


A new CNN/Opinion Dynamics poll released today should provide some hope to Democrats and cause a bit of concern for the GOP ahead of the mid term elections. The poll revealed that a majority of Americans (53%) blame George W. Bush and the GOP not Barack Obama and the Democrats for the nation’s current economic problems.

The CNN/ Opinion Dynamics poll asked a very simple question. Who do you hold responsible for the nation’s current economic problems George W. Bush and the GOP, or Barack Obama and the Democrats? Fifty three percent of respondents blamed Bush and the Republicans, while only 33% blamed Obama and the Democrats, 10% blamed both parties, 3% said neither, and 1% were not sure.

Interviews with 1,024 adult Americans conducted by telephone
by Opinion Research Corporation on September 1-2, 2010. The
margin of sampling error for results based on the total sample is
plus or minus 3 percentage points.

Come Nov. 2 you will feel just how much blame the American people place at Buoooosh and how much they will blame obama.


Obama won't be voted on until 2012.
"The American public has an attention span of two weeks" ~Richard Millhouse Nixon

"The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversations with the average voter" ~ Winston Churchill


but we all know who drove the economy into the ditch, don't we?


EVERYbody drove the economy into the ditch. It was a true national effort supported wholeheartedly by leaders from both sides of the aisle.

And it wasn't just politicos, it was




of us.

Playing blame is about as retarded a response as I can imagine.

No wonder we wound up in this mess.
"The American public has an attention span of two weeks" ~Richard Millhouse Nixon

"The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversations with the average voter" ~ Winston Churchill


but we all know who drove the economy into the ditch, don't we?


I really don't think that will be true this year. obama hopes it's true that's why he made the lying statement that all combat troops have left Iraq. while redesignating the remaining combat troops to something else all spin all lies. all the time.
"The American public has an attention span of two weeks" ~Richard Millhouse Nixon

"The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversations with the average voter" ~ Winston Churchill


but we all know who drove the economy into the ditch, don't we?


EVERYbody drove the economy into the ditch. It was a true national effort supported wholeheartedly by leaders from both sides of the aisle.

And it wasn't just politicos, it was




of us.

Playing blame is about as retarded a response as I can imagine.

No wonder we wound up in this mess.

sure everyone did, but in politics we don't deal with reality do we? if we did no one would have believed Ronald Reagan was a conservative.

Americans Blame Bush and the GOP Not Obama for the Economy
"The American public has an attention span of two weeks" ~Richard Millhouse Nixon

"The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversations with the average voter" ~ Winston Churchill


but we all know who drove the economy into the ditch, don't we?


Yes. It was a bipartisan effort on the part of americans trying to live beyond their means, greed on wall street and financial institutions making piss poor invesments, and inept government policies. For the most part americans have simply to look in the mirror to see a contributing reason to the economic shit storm we're in now.
"The American public has an attention span of two weeks" ~Richard Millhouse Nixon

"The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversations with the average voter" ~ Winston Churchill


but we all know who drove the economy into the ditch, don't we?


I really don't think that will be true this year. obama hopes it's true that's why he made the lying statement that all combat troops have left Iraq. while redesignating the remaining combat troops to something else all spin all lies. all the time.

The Military Brass made statements about combat operations being over. Stop attacking our military. They are paying your bills and protecting your freedoms.
"The American public has an attention span of two weeks" ~Richard Millhouse Nixon

"The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversations with the average voter" ~ Winston Churchill


but we all know who drove the economy into the ditch, don't we?


Yes. It was a bipartisan effort on the part of americans trying to live beyond their means, greed on wall street and financial institutions making piss poor invesments, and inept government policies. For the most part americans have simply to look in the mirror to see a contributing reason to the economic shit storm we're in now.

Politicians always get credit and blame. Reagan got credit and blame and Bush and Obama will.
The American people believe the talking points.I was watching Meet the Press and an Obama official someone from his campaign was stressing some of have seen it here constantly from most of the Lib posters here....something about Bush driving us into the ditch and putting the car in forward....not in reverse....
Well this guy every few seconds when describing the Bush administration would use these words over and over....driving forward, going in reverse,getting us out of the ditch,putting us into the ditch....

but we all know who drove the economy into the ditch, don't we?

I didn't have to go all that far to copy the above did I.

The Dems will pound out this really clever quote or so they seem to think....driving us and the economy into the ditch,they want us to go in reverse....President Obama wants us to forward,We should all drive as one going forward,not in reverse because if we go in reverse we are not going forward in drive.....because going forward we are not going in reverse.
Like a car driving on the road,we can't go into the ditch again....blah blah blah....

The American people believe in what their favorite talking heads tell them....

Look at where we are right now thanks to clever slogans that were pounded into the heads of people that didn't care where we were being taken as a country.All they heard non stop was ....

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The American Public Blames Bush and the GOP for the Financial Mess

Americans Blame Bush and the GOP Not Obama for the Economy


A new CNN/Opinion Dynamics poll released today should provide some hope to Democrats and cause a bit of concern for the GOP ahead of the mid term elections. The poll revealed that a majority of Americans (53%) blame George W. Bush and the GOP not Barack Obama and the Democrats for the nation’s current economic problems.
The American Public Blames Bush and the GOP for the Financial Mess

Americans Blame Bush and the GOP Not Obama for the Economy


A new CNN/Opinion Dynamics poll released today should provide some hope to Democrats and cause a bit of concern for the GOP ahead of the mid term elections. The poll revealed that a majority of Americans (53%) blame George W. Bush and the GOP not Barack Obama and the Democrats for the nation’s current economic problems.

The CNN/ Opinion Dynamics poll asked a very simple question. Who do you hold responsible for the nation’s current economic problems George W. Bush and the GOP, or Barack Obama and the Democrats? Fifty three percent of respondents blamed Bush and the Republicans, while only 33% blamed Obama and the Democrats, 10% blamed both parties, 3% said neither, and 1% were not sure.

Interviews with 1,024 adult Americans conducted by telephone
by Opinion Research Corporation on September 1-2, 2010. The
margin of sampling error for results based on the total sample is
plus or minus 3 percentage points.

deflection won't work.

The American Public Blames Bush and the GOP for the Financial Mess

Americans Blame Bush and the GOP Not Obama for the Economy


A new CNN/Opinion Dynamics poll released today should provide some hope to Democrats and cause a bit of concern for the GOP ahead of the mid term elections. The poll revealed that a majority of Americans (53%) blame George W. Bush and the GOP not Barack Obama and the Democrats for the nation’s current economic problems.

Being that most of the general public is not too bright in general, I don't put much stock in the opinons from the poll.

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