The American Public Blames Bush and the GOP for the Financial Mess

The American Public Blames Bush and the GOP for the Financial Mess

Americans Blame Bush and the GOP Not Obama for the Economy


A new CNN/Opinion Dynamics poll released today should provide some hope to Democrats and cause a bit of concern for the GOP ahead of the mid term elections. The poll revealed that a majority of Americans (53%) blame George W. Bush and the GOP not Barack Obama and the Democrats for the nation’s current economic problems.

obama and company have made things worse
i blame deregulation of the financial system....which did not happen during the bush years.....

I agree. That was probably the single biggest cause, rolling back Glass Steagal. But Phil Graham had a big role in that as well. He is a democrat btw. And Glass Steagal was an FDR New Deal piece of legislation.

The Subprime Mess and Phil Gramm: An Experiment in Deregulation | InjuryBoard Los Angeles

But there were hundreds of other causes of our meltdown. Wall street surely deserves a lot of blame. As does the Fed, Fannie and Freddie, the entire mortgage securitization industry etc.

EVERYbody is to blame. Even Europe and China.
The American Public Blames Bush and the GOP for the Financial Mess

Americans Blame Bush and the GOP Not Obama for the Economy


A new CNN/Opinion Dynamics poll released today should provide some hope to Democrats and cause a bit of concern for the GOP ahead of the mid term elections. The poll revealed that a majority of Americans (53%) blame George W. Bush and the GOP not Barack Obama and the Democrats for the nation’s current economic problems.

obama and company have made things worse

Why do you hate the American people?


Why do you behave like such a jackass? :cuckoo:
Here's the problem here. People are all looking to blame the other person.

Does anyone honestly believe that either party is blameless in our current state? The problem is Republicans or Democrats. The Problem is the people of this nation have become corrupt. So we end up with representatives who are corrupt.

We will not fix these problems with politics. We will fix them by changing ourselves.
Here's the problem here. People are all looking to blame the other person.

Does anyone honestly believe that either party is blameless in our current state? The problem is Republicans or Democrats. The Problem is the people of this nation have become corrupt. So we end up with representatives who are corrupt.

We will not fix these problems with politics. We will fix them by changing ourselves.

Speak for yourself. Conservatives have become corrupt yet have problems admitting it , so they use 'the people' in place of 'we'

Here's the problem here. People are all looking to blame the other person.

Does anyone honestly believe that either party is blameless in our current state? The problem is Republicans or Democrats. The Problem is the people of this nation have become corrupt. So we end up with representatives who are corrupt.

We will not fix these problems with politics. We will fix them by changing ourselves.

Buy this man a $2500 hooker and a cuban cigar!
and like the President said, the GOP has become the party of "No we cannot!"

Neither party can. LOL



what the GOP has been up to for years is not funny. This latest talking point spreading the blame to all Americans --- fuck 'em. It was conservatives who sold their souls for power.

You are so blind. The Democrats have done the same. They are not any better for this Nation. If you still think so you are the fool.

Our best hope is constant gridlock because everything they do is corrosive to us all. In the end it does not matter who win or who is in power. We all still get screwed because they are leading us toward collapse. 110 Trillion in unfunded liabilities and counting.

Nothing either party can or will do now can save us from that. IMO
Here's the problem here. People are all looking to blame the other person.

Does anyone honestly believe that either party is blameless in our current state? The problem is Republicans or Democrats. The Problem is the people of this nation have become corrupt. So we end up with representatives who are corrupt.

We will not fix these problems with politics. We will fix them by changing ourselves.

Speak for yourself. Conservatives have become corrupt yet have problems admitting it , so they use 'the people' in place of 'we'


democrats have become corrupt yet can't admit it.

Consult this thread for bonafide proof.

In these sentiments, Sir, I agree to this Constitution with all its faults, if they are such; because I think a general Government necessary for us, and there is no form of Government but what may be a blessing to the people if well administered, and believe farther that this is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in Despotism, as other forms have done before it, when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic Government, being incapable of any other.
~ Ben Franklin, constitutional convention, September 17, 1787

Speech of Benjamin Franklin - The U.S. Constitution Online -
Neither party can. LOL



what the GOP has been up to for years is not funny. This latest talking point spreading the blame to all Americans --- fuck 'em. It was conservatives who sold their souls for power.

You are so blind. The Democrats have done the same. They are not any better for this Nation. If you still think so you are the fool.

Our best hope is constant gridlock because everything they do is corrosive to us all. In the end it does not matter who win or who is in power. We all still get screwed because they are leading us toward collapse. 110 Trillion in unfunded liabilities and counting.

Nothing either party can or will do now can save us from that. IMO

I a willing to give the Democrats a chance. I think they have dropped the ball on many things, but.............the obstructionist tactics of the GOP has me running scared from anything they say or do.

collapse? we'll see. I do not do alarmist well
In these sentiments, Sir, I agree to this Constitution with all its faults, if they are such; because I think a general Government necessary for us, and there is no form of Government but what may be a blessing to the people if well administered, and believe farther that this is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in Despotism, as other forms have done before it, when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic Government, being incapable of any other.
~ Ben Franklin, constitutional convention, September 17, 1787

Speech of Benjamin Franklin - The U.S. Constitution Online -

the problem with listening to idiots like you cherry pick stuff from the 1700s, is it is embarrassing to witness the failure of the American educational system up this close and personal.
well bush and his cronies ran this country for 8 years. when he entered office there was a surplus when he left there was a trillion dollar defeciet.
so you cannot blame people for blaming bush.


what the GOP has been up to for years is not funny. This latest talking point spreading the blame to all Americans --- fuck 'em. It was conservatives who sold their souls for power.

You are so blind. The Democrats have done the same. They are not any better for this Nation. If you still think so you are the fool.

Our best hope is constant gridlock because everything they do is corrosive to us all. In the end it does not matter who win or who is in power. We all still get screwed because they are leading us toward collapse. 110 Trillion in unfunded liabilities and counting.

Nothing either party can or will do now can save us from that. IMO

I a willing to give the Democrats a chance. I think they have dropped the ball on many things, but.............the obstructionist tactics of the GOP has me running scared from anything they say or do.

collapse? we'll see. I do not do alarmist well

Of course you are willing to give the deocrats a chance a house divided cannot stand.

So when you see danger do say NO don't do that, or do you go along for the ride?

Oh and people must stand for something or they will fall for anything, in your case it seems that part is true. If saying no when people know something is wrong, I will live with that. Can you live with the yes that just striped you of your rights?
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well bush and his cronies ran this country for 8 years. when he entered office there was a surplus when he left there was a trillion dollar defeciet.
so you cannot blame people for blaming bush.

Bush was president for 8 years, out of that 8 years 2 of those years democrats controlled congress.

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