The American Voter Can Now Identify The Enemy.

We now sit back and relax as JimBowie attempts to find examples of me defending the "'everybody is a lazy scumbag' bullshit".
done did it, dumbass
Only in your head. You made an ASSUMPTION, and have not proven it.

Here's an idea. Use this forum's search function and search on "government gifts" under username G5000.

Then do a correlative search on the words "tax expenditures".

No, moron, how about YOU STATE WHAT YOU MEAN.

How about that, water boy?
Oh, lookee what I found when I searched on "mirror tax expenditures" for username G5000!

Tax expenditures are DOUBLE the cost of all the welfare programs.

Look in the mirror. There's your problem.

February 16!

Gee, this guy must talk about this all the time!
If Donald Trump has done one great thing for this nation then it has to be this. For the first time in decades America now realizes just exactly where the lies the filth and scams come from.

They don't so much have a face but you can ID them from their logo's.
View attachment 64705


These dirty bastards bring you the fear and false reporting of global warming and many other NON problems to cover up the theft going on by these filthy bastards.


View attachment 64707

View attachment 64708

Now those dirty bastards are nothing but hucksters or flunky's for THIS dirty bastard.

One big damn dirty late night spot on how to waste YOUR money. Instead of getting you to spend your money saving your own children you MUST save the homo. They are NOTHING but late night pitchmen.

And that first group of dirty bastards are playing politics NOT based on issues of need or importance but more like "Wrestlemania" with the second group your "heels" and "baby faces" and Sorros is Vince Mcmahon. Which makes you the "mark" or the View attachment 64709

Now Trump screws the "pooch" because he does not belong to the program or troupe. What you have in politics today is nothing more then poorly trained highly unskilled actors. That's all folks, that IS what they are. PRE-scripted horse sh#t brought to you through an "idiot box".

You DO recall that Debbie Wasserman Shultz REQUIRED talking points be sent to HER for content and programing. That makes her the editor and producer. Jeb was PRE booked as the heel and Hillary as the aging baby face. Kind of a "Stone Cold" Steve Austin VS a "Hulk Hogan".

Some really really poor f#cking casting. And that IS all it was CASTING. Trump screwed the pooch because he had NO pre scripted role. He's by no means a baby face NOR a heal. He just wants to kick some ass.

There is NOTHING more dangerous on the wrestling circuit then somebody jumping in the ring from the crowd into the ring. Why? Because he is the ONLY one who wants to REALLY kick ass. And that folks is NOT part of the "show".


Have you ever noticed the evil countenance of these Democrat establishment quislings? They all have that same wicked scowl. What a bunch!
Have you ever noticed that Jeri never notices that you can take a picture of anyone at anytime and make them look anything from demonic to angelic.
Everyone has their favorite propaganda outlet whose piss they like to guzzle, while pointing at the other guy's propaganda outlets as the source of our problems.

Divide and conquer.

Rubes. You deserve to be lied to.
Is that why you people cling to Obama and Hillary? You deserve to be lied to?
Seek therapy. It's cheaper than the price you'll pay for staying on a dead end road.
Have you ever noticed the evil countenance of these Democrat establishment quislings? They all have that same wicked scowl. What a bunch!
I notice that you place a lot of weight on cherry-picked photos, but refuse to look in the mirror. :ack-1:

The best reason for me to look in the mirror is to avoid being stabbed in the back by a liberal.
If Donald Trump has done one great thing for this nation then it has to be this. For the first time in decades America now realizes just exactly where the lies the filth and scams come from.

They don't so much have a face but you can ID them from their logo's.
View attachment 64705


These dirty bastards bring you the fear and false reporting of global warming and many other NON problems to cover up the theft going on by these filthy bastards.


View attachment 64707

View attachment 64708

Now those dirty bastards are nothing but hucksters or flunky's for THIS dirty bastard.

One big damn dirty late night spot on how to waste YOUR money. Instead of getting you to spend your money saving your own children you MUST save the homo. They are NOTHING but late night pitchmen.

And that first group of dirty bastards are playing politics NOT based on issues of need or importance but more like "Wrestlemania" with the second group your "heels" and "baby faces" and Sorros is Vince Mcmahon. Which makes you the "mark" or the View attachment 64709

Now Trump screws the "pooch" because he does not belong to the program or troupe. What you have in politics today is nothing more then poorly trained highly unskilled actors. That's all folks, that IS what they are. PRE-scripted horse sh#t brought to you through an "idiot box".

You DO recall that Debbie Wasserman Shultz REQUIRED talking points be sent to HER for content and programing. That makes her the editor and producer. Jeb was PRE booked as the heel and Hillary as the aging baby face. Kind of a "Stone Cold" Steve Austin VS a "Hulk Hogan".

Some really really poor f#cking casting. And that IS all it was CASTING. Trump screwed the pooch because he had NO pre scripted role. He's by no means a baby face NOR a heal. He just wants to kick some ass.

There is NOTHING more dangerous on the wrestling circuit then somebody jumping in the ring from the crowd into the ring. Why? Because he is the ONLY one who wants to REALLY kick ass. And that folks is NOT part of the "show".


Have you ever noticed the evil countenance of these Democrat establishment quislings? They all have that same wicked scowl. What a bunch!
Have you ever noticed that Jeri never notices that you can take a picture of anyone at anytime and make them look anything from demonic to angelic.
If those photos look angelic to you? You're thinking of fallen angels, not heavenly ones.
Divide and conquer. You rubes have been conditioned to make wild assumptions and see enemies everywhere.
Have you ever noticed the evil countenance of these Democrat establishment quislings? They all have that same wicked scowl. What a bunch!
I notice that you place a lot of weight on cherry-picked photos, but refuse to look in the mirror. :ack-1:

The best reason for me to look in the mirror is to avoid being stabbed in the back by a liberal.
If they had a best reply of the day category you'd win it for this one!
We now sit back and relax as JimBowie attempts to find examples of me defending the "'everybody is a lazy scumbag' bullshit".
done did it, dumbass
Only in your head. You made an ASSUMPTION, and have not proven it.

Here's an idea. Use this forum's search function and search on "government gifts" under username G5000.

Then do a correlative search on the words "tax expenditures".

No, moron, how about YOU STATE WHAT YOU MEAN.

How about that, water boy?
I do say what I mean. Then you come along and ASSUME I mean something else.

I am not the problem, dipshit.
You said, "You want your government gifts. You point at the government gifts other people get, and get all hot and bothered by it, while failing to see you are just as much a leech, if nor moreso, than they are.
Everyone is a taker. Gimme gimme gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it.

That is as much GOP party boss ass kissing as it gets.

People on welfare DONT WANT TO BE ON WELFARE.

Most people on the government dole DESERVE TO BE. They are our Social Security retirees, our retired veterans and disabled veterans, they are people who have had bad fortune in life, like families whose homes got flooded out or whose homes were foreclosed on because they made the mistake of believing that the government was actually doing its fucking job and not letting banks make bad loans to them and then resell them.

But you have your head so far up the GOP bosses ass that you cant see where you are wrong and working on flawed premises.

And that makes us the idiots who deserve our damnation?

fuck you.
Hey dumbshit. I wasn't talking about food stamps and other forms of welfare.

Try again.

So what, water boy? I AM TALKING ABOUT IT, and it is a woven part of the GOP party boss message that you defend with your 'Everybody is a lazy scumbag' bullshit.
Straw man. Show me where I have defended the "everybody is a lazy scumbag" bullshit.

Good luck with that. Perhaps you should stop listening to the voices in your head and making assumptions about what I am saying.

I've only made it abundantly clear what I am talking about in about a zillion posts on this forum. Idiot.

Fuck, dude, try reading the damned posts.

You said, "You want your government gifts. You point at the government gifts other people get, and get all hot and bothered by it, while failing to see you are just as much a leech, if nor moreso, than they are.
Everyone is a taker. Gimme gimme gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it.

That is as much GOP party boss ass kissing as it gets.
And what "government gifts" did you ASSUME I am talking about?

Food stamps? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

How could you possibly be this ignorant of where I stand on "government gifts"???

I am not kidding when I say I have made a zillion posts about this subject, and it has nothing to do with food stamps or other traditional forms of welfare.
Where do you and your welfare beggars go first? TV.
Where do you and your thugs go first? TV.
And then come YOUR fellow commie hucksters, where? TV.

Your are truly so STUPID you could not pass the test to be a lab rat. But you see yourself as leadership!

Obama says he leads from behind. That IS what the smartest lemming in the group does. But you are STILL a Lemming.
If Donald Trump has done one great thing for this nation...

Don't worry, he hasn't...
Ah, isnt that adorable? Another lefty with a quick retort to heavily edited quotation....
You know, I once got reported for that, and a mod. actually gave me a warning for that shit. I had no idea it was against forum rules b/c everyone does it. Did you know that?

Apparently, if you are one of the mods favorites,you can get away with that shit. I had no idea. . . .

That's why these communist scum bags get away with breaking the rules, while nobody else does. . .
Naw, I think he's right, Cruz is establishment.

Even if we were to let slide the "coincidence" that his wife is working for the enemy, the banking cartel, there is no getting around that he uses assets of the political class.

His campaign has hired, at least that we have found out about, one known asset from the neo-cons and the CFR elites.

In the same realm, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz—whose wife is an executive with the investment bank Goldman Sachs, a preeminent force in the Rothschild sphere of influence—has actually drafted Victoria C. Gardner Coates, a former aide to ex-Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld (a primary architect of the disastrous Bush-era wars), as his national security advisor. A tea party favorite, Cruz—the son of a Christian Zionist minister—is particularly strident in his advocacy for a pro-war/pro-Israel agenda.
Rothschild Influence Deep Within GOP - American Free Press

Who knows how many more assets will be coming over now that Jeb! is no longer actively campaigning.

I respect your opinion on this and understand your concern, but I think that is just how the game is played since about 1950. You collect your money from the party donors, sell them on the idea that you can get elected and if you do then they will get their pet legislation passed.

The deep rooted problem I think we must stop now that has become a national crisis is the Globalist Open Borders kabal that is destroying the American culture and self identity. If we bring in 400 million immigrants, even the nicest immigrants in the world, this will cease to be America and will be a polyglot of ethnic groups all at war with each other. Our Republic will go the way of the Austrian empire who made that exact same mistake by expanding their borders too aggressively.

We absolutely must regain control of our borders and revise our tax policies to incentivize our businesses staying in the USA and hiring AMerican citizens.

This election might be our last chance to stop this internal subversion of America into a dozen little Balkanized nations.
Everyone is a taker. The propaganda outlets train us to bleev we are not takers and that other people who are different from us are the takers.

Divide and conquer.

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