The answer to the Southern border problem....

Build a Big Beautiful Wall! and NO welfare trappings NONE! NOT ONE

That might do the trick... and address the Southern border mess!:wink_2: :thup:
1960s and 1980s again! When are you going to get to this century?
How 'bout 2009 AND a Democrat?

"In a recent op-ed in The Washington Post, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton used a review of Henry Kissinger’s latest book, 'World Order,' to lay out her vision for 'sustaining America’s leadership in the world.'

"In the midst of numerous global crises, she called for return to a foreign policy with purpose, strategy and pragmatism.

"She also highlighted some of these policy choices in her memoir
'Hard Choices' and how they contributed to the challenges that Barack Obama’s administration now faces.

"The chapter on Latin America, particularly the section on Honduras, a major source of the child migrants currently pouring into the United States, has gone largely unnoticed.

"In letters to Clinton and her successor, John Kerry, more than 100 members of Congress have repeatedly warned about the deteriorating security situation in Honduras, especially since the 2009 military coup that ousted the country’s democratically elected President Manuel Zelaya."

Why do you suppose "sustaining America's leadership in the world" requires creating massive refugee flows from the Middle East to Mexico?

OPINION: Hard choices: Hillary Clinton admits role in Honduran coup aftermath

Hillary and John F-ing Kerry? The two biggest morons to ever be Secretary of State?

Surely you jest!
Would you consider Hillary and Kerry war criminals?
How about these two psychopathic bit*hs?
You're calling a black woman a psychopathic bit*h, YOU SIR, ARE A RACIST!

When the black psychopath happens to be partially responsible for the mass killing, maiming, and displacement of millions of innocent civilians, she is a war criminal.

My God, you are a pathetic POS!

You actually posted a photoshop cover of a magazine to defend your position? What a moron!

Goodbye! I have better things to do with my time that listen to the idiotic rants of someone with the IQ of room temperature.
generations ago, not valid
His legacy lives on in today's migrant caravans:

"'Hundreds of thousands of people were displaced in the 1980s,' said Elizabeth Oglesby, an associate professor of Latin American studies at the University of Arizona.

"'People were fleeing violence and massacres and political persecution that the United States was either funding directly or at the very minimum, covering up and excusing.'

"Violence today in those countries, she said, is a directly legacy of US involvement."

The Violence Central American Migrants Are Fleeing Was Stoked by the US
How 'bout 2009 AND a Democrat?

"In a recent op-ed in The Washington Post, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton used a review of Henry Kissinger’s latest book, 'World Order,' to lay out her vision for 'sustaining America’s leadership in the world.'

"In the midst of numerous global crises, she called for return to a foreign policy with purpose, strategy and pragmatism.

"She also highlighted some of these policy choices in her memoir
'Hard Choices' and how they contributed to the challenges that Barack Obama’s administration now faces.

"The chapter on Latin America, particularly the section on Honduras, a major source of the child migrants currently pouring into the United States, has gone largely unnoticed.

"In letters to Clinton and her successor, John Kerry, more than 100 members of Congress have repeatedly warned about the deteriorating security situation in Honduras, especially since the 2009 military coup that ousted the country’s democratically elected President Manuel Zelaya."

Why do you suppose "sustaining America's leadership in the world" requires creating massive refugee flows from the Middle East to Mexico?

OPINION: Hard choices: Hillary Clinton admits role in Honduran coup aftermath

Hillary and John F-ing Kerry? The two biggest morons to ever be Secretary of State?

Surely you jest!
Would you consider Hillary and Kerry war criminals?
How about these two psychopathic bit*hs?
You're calling a black woman a psychopathic bit*h, YOU SIR, ARE A RACIST!

When the black psychopath happens to be partially responsible for the mass killing, maiming, and displacement of millions of innocent civilians, she is a war criminal.

My God, you are a pathetic POS!

You actually posted a photoshop cover of a magazine to defend your position? What a moron!

Goodbye! I have better things to do with my time that listen to the idiotic rants of someone with the IQ of room temperature.

Good riddance, Moron.
generations ago, not valid
His legacy lives on in today's migrant caravans:

"'Hundreds of thousands of people were displaced in the 1980s,' said Elizabeth Oglesby, an associate professor of Latin American studies at the University of Arizona.

"'People were fleeing violence and massacres and political persecution that the United States was either funding directly or at the very minimum, covering up and excusing.'

"Violence today in those countries, she said, is a directly legacy of US involvement."

The Violence Central American Migrants Are Fleeing Was Stoked by the US
extremely lame excuses
Hillary and John F-ing Kerry? The two biggest morons to ever be Secretary of State?

Surely you jest!
Would you consider Hillary and Kerry war criminals?
How about these two psychopathic bit*hs?
You're calling a black woman a psychopathic bit*h, YOU SIR, ARE A RACIST!

When the black psychopath happens to be partially responsible for the mass killing, maiming, and displacement of millions of innocent civilians, she is a war criminal.

My God, you are a pathetic POS!

You actually posted a photoshop cover of a magazine to defend your position? What a moron!

Goodbye! I have better things to do with my time that listen to the idiotic rants of someone with the IQ of room temperature.

Good riddance, Moron.

Trump is using the Dem's own game against them and they are outraged
With people shooting up synagogues, churches, malls, schools, movie theaters, etc., I need a reminder of why I`m supposed to be afraid of these people who want to mow our lawns and bus our tables at Applebee`s.
Because you are stupid and you and your fellow ABNORMALS are a huge part of our problem!

How drunk are you Purge man? never mind.
So how many will you take in. Feed, cloth, sponsor, and pay their medical bills....3, 4, or how about more!...Do you have a few young daughters?
end our fake and merely alleged, wars on crime, drugs, and terror.
It's been awhile since I was out of country but do remember especially in the Carabean that US agents were stationed in countries to check passports and to make sure you were who you said you were and would not let you leave that Carabean country for America until everything was right...It seems the U.S. could have ONE office at a port of entry IN MEXICO, with say 20 judges to hear cases and perhaps another 20 to adjudicate a person before entry....keep Foreigners in Mexico until their appeals are heard....Mexico, on the other hand could make it difficult for Latin Americans to get this far north and prevent having THOUSANDS of now unwanted , unruly, diseased, and criminal aliens from piling up in their country.... a WALL would certainly help them in controlling these people as word gets back that it is almost impossible to get here ...your thoughts!
This is what we are supposed to be doing with our Constitution:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Upgrading Ellis Island is more cost effective.
It's been awhile since I was out of country but do remember especially in the Carabean that US agents were stationed in countries to check passports and to make sure you were who you said you were and would not let you leave that Carabean country for America until everything was right...It seems the U.S. could have ONE office at a port of entry IN MEXICO, with say 20 judges to hear cases and perhaps another 20 to adjudicate a person before entry....keep Foreigners in Mexico until their appeals are heard....Mexico, on the other hand could make it difficult for Latin Americans to get this far north and prevent having THOUSANDS of now unwanted , unruly, diseased, and criminal aliens from piling up in their country.... a WALL would certainly help them in controlling these people as word gets back that it is almost impossible to get here ...your thoughts!
This is what we are supposed to be doing with our Constitution:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Upgrading Ellis Island is more cost effective.
But it brings them INTO THIS COUNTRY, and the DemonRATS had changed to law once you are here after 20 days you must be released IN OUR COUNTRY!. Got to keep them out!!!
It's been awhile since I was out of country but do remember especially in the Carabean that US agents were stationed in countries to check passports and to make sure you were who you said you were and would not let you leave that Carabean country for America until everything was right...It seems the U.S. could have ONE office at a port of entry IN MEXICO, with say 20 judges to hear cases and perhaps another 20 to adjudicate a person before entry....keep Foreigners in Mexico until their appeals are heard....Mexico, on the other hand could make it difficult for Latin Americans to get this far north and prevent having THOUSANDS of now unwanted , unruly, diseased, and criminal aliens from piling up in their country.... a WALL would certainly help them in controlling these people as word gets back that it is almost impossible to get here ...your thoughts!
This is what we are supposed to be doing with our Constitution:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Upgrading Ellis Island is more cost effective.
But it brings them INTO THIS COUNTRY, and the DemonRATS had changed to law once you are here after 20 days you must be released IN OUR COUNTRY!. Got to keep them out!!!
Ellis Island could process thousands a day. Upgrading Ellis Island creates "manufacturing" jobs and should upgrade local infrastructure in the area.

Our welfare clause is General not Common. We also have a Commerce Clause, and Congress has the authority to enact laws concerning Entry into the Union. We should be making money, not losing money on border policy with a Commerce Clause.
generations ago, not valid
His legacy lives on in today's migrant caravans:

"'Hundreds of thousands of people were displaced in the 1980s,' said Elizabeth Oglesby, an associate professor of Latin American studies at the University of Arizona.

"'People were fleeing violence and massacres and political persecution that the United States was either funding directly or at the very minimum, covering up and excusing.'

"Violence today in those countries, she said, is a directly legacy of US involvement."

The Violence Central American Migrants Are Fleeing Was Stoked by the US
extremely lame excuses
Not as lame as Republicans backing a blatant racist for tax cuts

"Republican lawmakers blasted presidential candidate Donald Trump for making 'racist' comments about a federal judge yet almost all vowed to continue supporting his campaign."

Republicans slam Trump's 'racist' comments but still support him
Ellis Island could not hold all the illegals that have come...AND NOW WILL COME, from South of our border. If we hold them out of country, when they RIOT, and we have seen already that they will riot, it would be MEXICO'S PROBLEM, not ours with them escaping into the general population, which is already mostly Hispanic in that part of the country. It would also save us BILLIONS in costs related to hospitalization, education, CRIME, and other assorted cost related to them.
generations ago, not valid
His legacy lives on in today's migrant caravans:

"'Hundreds of thousands of people were displaced in the 1980s,' said Elizabeth Oglesby, an associate professor of Latin American studies at the University of Arizona.

"'People were fleeing violence and massacres and political persecution that the United States was either funding directly or at the very minimum, covering up and excusing.'

"Violence today in those countries, she said, is a directly legacy of US involvement."

The Violence Central American Migrants Are Fleeing Was Stoked by the US
extremely lame excuses
Not as lame as Republicans backing a blatant racist for tax cuts

"Republican lawmakers blasted presidential candidate Donald Trump for making 'racist' comments about a federal judge yet almost all vowed to continue supporting his campaign."

Republicans slam Trump's 'racist' comments but still support him

naaa, that's not really racist
A real racist would invite Black Lives Matter to the White House, after they shot 5 Dallas Policemen.
A real racist would invite the Muslim Brotherhood to the White House
A real racist would invite La Raza to the White House
A real racist would invite Al Sharpton to the White House.
A real racist would give a speech to the New Black Panthers
A real racist would volunteer to work for Louis Farakahn
A real racist would go to Rev. Wright's racist church for 20 years
A real racist creep would say “If I had a son he would look like Trayvon Martin”
A real racist would demand open borders so that the Racist Democratic Party can displace Anglo Voters.

By now most Americans have realized the true meaning of “community organizer”, it actually means that Obama is a shameless racist demagogue.
Ellis Island could not hold all the illegals that have come...AND NOW WILL COME, from South of our border. If we hold them out of country, when they RIOT, and we have seen already that they will riot, it would be MEXICO'S PROBLEM, not ours with them escaping into the general population, which is already mostly Hispanic in that part of the country. It would also save us BILLIONS in costs related to hospitalization, education, CRIME, and other assorted cost related to them.
Ellis Island processed up to ten thousand a day, according to some accounts. Let's upgrade the Island and contain that problem over there on the Island, until they get a federal id., so States don't have to issue their own.
generations ago, not valid
His legacy lives on in today's migrant caravans:

"'Hundreds of thousands of people were displaced in the 1980s,' said Elizabeth Oglesby, an associate professor of Latin American studies at the University of Arizona.

"'People were fleeing violence and massacres and political persecution that the United States was either funding directly or at the very minimum, covering up and excusing.'

"Violence today in those countries, she said, is a directly legacy of US involvement."

The Violence Central American Migrants Are Fleeing Was Stoked by the US
extremely lame excuses
Not as lame as Republicans backing a blatant racist for tax cuts

"Republican lawmakers blasted presidential candidate Donald Trump for making 'racist' comments about a federal judge yet almost all vowed to continue supporting his campaign."

Republicans slam Trump's 'racist' comments but still support him
But nothing to say about this racism...



Eric Holder: Black Panther case focus demeans 'my people' - POLITICO
Politico › under-the-radar › 2011/03 › er...

Mar 1, 2011 · Attorney General Eric Holder finally got fed up Tuesday with claims that the Justice Department went easy in a voting rights case against members of the New Black Panther Party because they are African American. ... The Attorney General seemed to take personal offense at a comment
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Ellis Island could not hold all the illegals that have come...AND NOW WILL COME, from South of our border. If we hold them out of country, when they RIOT, and we have seen already that they will riot, it would be MEXICO'S PROBLEM, not ours with them escaping into the general population, which is already mostly Hispanic in that part of the country. It would also save us BILLIONS in costs related to hospitalization, education, CRIME, and other assorted cost related to them.
Ellis Island processed up to ten thousand a day, according to some accounts. Let's upgrade the Island and contain that problem over there on the Island, until they get a federal id., so States don't have to issue their own.
That was 100 years ago BEFORE EACH PERSON NOW HAS TO GO BEFORE A JUDGE WITH A LAWYER that can hold up deportation for a few years!....Try to know CURRENT procedures!
Ellis Island could not hold all the illegals that have come...AND NOW WILL COME, from South of our border. If we hold them out of country, when they RIOT, and we have seen already that they will riot, it would be MEXICO'S PROBLEM, not ours with them escaping into the general population, which is already mostly Hispanic in that part of the country. It would also save us BILLIONS in costs related to hospitalization, education, CRIME, and other assorted cost related to them.
Ellis Island processed up to ten thousand a day, according to some accounts. Let's upgrade the Island and contain that problem over there on the Island, until they get a federal id., so States don't have to issue their own.
That was 100 years ago BEFORE EACH PERSON NOW HAS TO GO BEFORE A JUDGE WITH A LAWYER that can hold up deportation for a few years!....Try to know CURRENT procedures!
it used to only take four hours.
Ellis Island could not hold all the illegals that have come...AND NOW WILL COME, from South of our border. If we hold them out of country, when they RIOT, and we have seen already that they will riot, it would be MEXICO'S PROBLEM, not ours with them escaping into the general population, which is already mostly Hispanic in that part of the country. It would also save us BILLIONS in costs related to hospitalization, education, CRIME, and other assorted cost related to them.
Ellis Island processed up to ten thousand a day, according to some accounts. Let's upgrade the Island and contain that problem over there on the Island, until they get a federal id., so States don't have to issue their own.
That was 100 years ago BEFORE EACH PERSON NOW HAS TO GO BEFORE A JUDGE WITH A LAWYER that can hold up deportation for a few years!....Try to know CURRENT procedures!
it used to only take four hours.
And a murder trial in the 20's WITH ALL APPEALS EXHAUSTED never took more than 18 months.....

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