The answer to the Southern border problem....

It's been awhile since I was out of country but do remember especially in the Carabean that US agents were stationed in countries to check passports and to make sure you were who you said you were and would not let you leave that Carabean country for America until everything was right...It seems the U.S. could have ONE office at a port of entry IN MEXICO, with say 20 judges to hear cases and perhaps another 20 to adjudicate a person before entry....keep Foreigners in Mexico until their appeals are heard....Mexico, on the other hand could make it difficult for Latin Americans to get this far north and prevent having THOUSANDS of now unwanted , unruly, diseased, and criminal aliens from piling up in their country.... a WALL would certainly help them in controlling these people as word gets back that it is almost impossible to get here ...your thoughts!
Stop meddling in the internal affairs of sovereign states in Central America for the benefit of US investors and arms merchants.

The Violence Central American Migrants Are Fleeing Was Stoked by the US

"The Violence Central American Migrants Are Fleeing Was Stoked by the US..."

"The desperate border-crossers often come from Central America’s 'Northern Triangle'—El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras—and are fleeing high homicide rates and violence in those countries.

"But this instability did not arise in a vacuum.

"Many historians and policy experts are quick to point out that much of the troubles in Central America were created or at least helped by the US’s interference in those countries going back decades.

"In other words, the foreign policy of the past has profoundly shaped the present immigration crisis."
That's nice but it has little to do with the millions already here and the thousands who come every month.
Immigration From Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador Up

"The number of immigrants in the United States from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras rose by 25% from 2007 to 2015, in contrast to more modest growth of the country’s overall foreign-born population and a decline from neighboring Mexico.

"During these same years, the total U.S. immigrant population increased by 10%, while the number of U.S. Mexican immigrants decreased by 6%, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data."

As long as US economic policies like NAFTA impoverish millions of Mexican and Central Americans, and US institutions like the CIA overthrow democratically elected governments in countries like Guatemala, massive flows of refugees are guaranteed to occur.

Blaming the victims will not solve this problem either.
It really hasn't mattered since the days of Teddy Roosevelt who occupies the White House; Guatemala has been perceived as part of "our backyard", and our corporate interests (backed by the US military) are elevated above the sovereign rights of the citizens living there: Papers Show U.S. Role in Guatemalan Abuses

"By Douglas Farah
Washington Post Foreign Service
Thursday, March 11, 1999; Page A26

"During the 1960s, the United States was intimately involved in equipping and training Guatemalan security forces that murdered thousands of civilians in the nation's civil war, according to newly declassified U.S. intelligence documents.

"The documents show, moreover, that the CIA retained close ties to the Guatemalan army in the 1980s, when the army and its paramilitary allies were massacring Indian villagers, and that U.S. officials were aware of the killings at the time. The documents were obtained by the National Security Archive, a private nonprofit group in Washington."

1960s and 1980s again! When are you going to get to this century?
How 'bout 2009 AND a Democrat?

"In a recent op-ed in The Washington Post, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton used a review of Henry Kissinger’s latest book, 'World Order,' to lay out her vision for 'sustaining America’s leadership in the world.'

"In the midst of numerous global crises, she called for return to a foreign policy with purpose, strategy and pragmatism.

"She also highlighted some of these policy choices in her memoir
'Hard Choices' and how they contributed to the challenges that Barack Obama’s administration now faces.

"The chapter on Latin America, particularly the section on Honduras, a major source of the child migrants currently pouring into the United States, has gone largely unnoticed.

"In letters to Clinton and her successor, John Kerry, more than 100 members of Congress have repeatedly warned about the deteriorating security situation in Honduras, especially since the 2009 military coup that ousted the country’s democratically elected President Manuel Zelaya."

Why do you suppose "sustaining America's leadership in the world" requires creating massive refugee flows from the Middle East to Mexico?

OPINION: Hard choices: Hillary Clinton admits role in Honduran coup aftermath

Hillary and John F-ing Kerry? The two biggest morons to ever be Secretary of State?

Surely you jest!
Would you consider Hillary and Kerry war criminals?
How about these two psychopathic bit*hs?
You're calling a black woman a psychopathic bit*h, YOU SIR, ARE A RACIST!

When the black psychopath happens to be partially responsible for the mass killing, maiming, and displacement of millions of innocent civilians, she is a war criminal.
With people shooting up synagogues, churches, malls, schools, movie theaters, etc., I need a reminder of why I`m supposed to be afraid of these people who want to mow our lawns and bus our tables at Applebee`s.
The caravan near LA, shots have been fired. They are thinking tear gas and then some sort of gun.
1960s and 1980s again! When are you going to get to this century?
How 'bout 2009 AND a Democrat?

"In a recent op-ed in The Washington Post, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton used a review of Henry Kissinger’s latest book, 'World Order,' to lay out her vision for 'sustaining America’s leadership in the world.'

"In the midst of numerous global crises, she called for return to a foreign policy with purpose, strategy and pragmatism.

"She also highlighted some of these policy choices in her memoir
'Hard Choices' and how they contributed to the challenges that Barack Obama’s administration now faces.

"The chapter on Latin America, particularly the section on Honduras, a major source of the child migrants currently pouring into the United States, has gone largely unnoticed.

"In letters to Clinton and her successor, John Kerry, more than 100 members of Congress have repeatedly warned about the deteriorating security situation in Honduras, especially since the 2009 military coup that ousted the country’s democratically elected President Manuel Zelaya."

Why do you suppose "sustaining America's leadership in the world" requires creating massive refugee flows from the Middle East to Mexico?

OPINION: Hard choices: Hillary Clinton admits role in Honduran coup aftermath

Hillary and John F-ing Kerry? The two biggest morons to ever be Secretary of State?

Surely you jest!
Would you consider Hillary and Kerry war criminals?
How about these two psychopathic bit*hs?
You're calling a black woman a psychopathic bit*h, YOU SIR, ARE A RACIST!

When the black psychopath happens to be partially responsible for the mass killing, maiming, and displacement of millions of innocent civilians, she is a war criminal.
And you are still a RACIST!....What no Oboma in this group?
With people shooting up synagogues, churches, malls, schools, movie theaters, etc., I need a reminder of why I`m supposed to be afraid of these people who want to mow our lawns and bus our tables at Applebee`s.
Because you are stupid and you and your fellow ABNORMALS are a huge part of our problem!

With people shooting up synagogues, churches, malls, schools, movie theaters, etc., I need a reminder of why I`m supposed to be afraid of these people who want to mow our lawns and bus our tables at Applebee`s.
Because you are stupid and you and your fellow ABNORMALS are a huge part of our problem!

How drunk are you Purge man? never mind.
So how many will you take in. Feed, cloth, sponsor, and pay their medical bills....3, 4, or how about more!...Do you have a few young daughters?
With people shooting up synagogues, churches, malls, schools, movie theaters, etc., I need a reminder of why I`m supposed to be afraid of these people who want to mow our lawns and bus our tables at Applebee`s.

Two years after Democrats take control of the House, anyone willing to look will see how the Trump crime family's brand of white-collar corruption totally dwarfs the larceny of illegal migrants.
Analysis | Two charts demolish the notion that immigrants here illegally commit more crime
With people shooting up synagogues, churches, malls, schools, movie theaters, etc., I need a reminder of why I`m supposed to be afraid of these people who want to mow our lawns and bus our tables at Applebee`s.

Two years after Democrats take control of the House, anyone willing to look will see how the Trump crime family's brand of white-collar corruption totally dwarfs the larceny of illegal migrants.
Analysis | Two charts demolish the notion that immigrants here illegally commit more crime
Now apply THIS to illegals killing our children...

With people shooting up synagogues, churches, malls, schools, movie theaters, etc., I need a reminder of why I`m supposed to be afraid of these people who want to mow our lawns and bus our tables at Applebee`s.
Because you are stupid and you and your fellow ABNORMALS are a huge part of our problem!


Illegals have killed 63,000 people in the last ten years. This does not include other crimes where there were survivors.

Because democrats want the votes and because democrats want the American population replaced.

Victims of Illegal Aliens Memorial
You're conflating revenge with justice.

As US citizens, your lifestyle and mine would not exist in their present state of relative affluence without a century of free labor (slavery) and US interference in the political economies of other sovereign states like Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala:

Congress, the CIA, and Guatemala, 1954 — Central Intelligence Agency

"In the late Cold War period and since, however, the American overthrow of the Arbenz government came to be widely seen as shameful.

"This is mostly because the governments that followed the 1954 coup in the subsequent five decades were far more repressive than Arbenz's elective government.

"Even intelligence scholar Christopher Andrew, an Eisenhower admirer, describes the Guatemala affair as a 'disreputable moment'--Eisenhower was 'directly responsible' for 'death and destruction,' yet showed no signs of embarrassment then or later over his 'bullying of a banana republic.'

"A culminating moment in the evolving historical memory of the United States and Guatemala in 1954 came in 1999, when President Clinton visited Guatemala and said, 'Support for military forces and intelligence units which engaged in violence and widespread repression was wrong, and the United States must not repeat that mistake."'3

"Aside from morality, there were other unfortunate legacies of the Guatemalan 'success:' Allen Dulles used it as a model in advising President Kennedy seven years later to pursue the ill-fated Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba."

Newsflash dumbass! It is 2018, not 1954!
Guatemala has had a steady stream of nasty dictators since we installed the first one. What happened in 1954 is very relevant today.
It really hasn't mattered since the days of Teddy Roosevelt who occupies the White House; Guatemala has been perceived as part of "our backyard", and our corporate interests (backed by the US military) are elevated above the sovereign rights of the citizens living there: Papers Show U.S. Role in Guatemalan Abuses

"By Douglas Farah
Washington Post Foreign Service
Thursday, March 11, 1999; Page A26

"During the 1960s, the United States was intimately involved in equipping and training Guatemalan security forces that murdered thousands of civilians in the nation's civil war, according to newly declassified U.S. intelligence documents.

"The documents show, moreover, that the CIA retained close ties to the Guatemalan army in the 1980s, when the army and its paramilitary allies were massacring Indian villagers, and that U.S. officials were aware of the killings at the time. The documents were obtained by the National Security Archive, a private nonprofit group in Washington."
And this has what to do with them coming to America, especially 75% of them young single men between 16-30?
They are coming for your GUNS,

Might give them a bullet or two if necessary.
With people shooting up synagogues, churches, malls, schools, movie theaters, etc., I need a reminder of why I`m supposed to be afraid of these people who want to mow our lawns and bus our tables at Applebee`s.

Two years after Democrats take control of the House, anyone willing to look will see how the Trump crime family's brand of white-collar corruption totally dwarfs the larceny of illegal migrants.
Analysis | Two charts demolish the notion that immigrants here illegally commit more crime
Now apply THIS to illegals killing our children...

Are you trying to say illegal immigrants are responsible for current levels of abortion, or are you attempting to hijack this thread?
Abolish all the trappings of the welfare state....Then any immigrants would be here to work and not mooch.

Not just cheaper than the wall, but it would actually free up money.
And Americans will starve trying to compete with these immigrants. But you don't care about your fellow American.
I am so sorry forgive me I said those shots were fired near LA when in fact I believe it was San Diego.
With people shooting up synagogues, churches, malls, schools, movie theaters, etc., I need a reminder of why I`m supposed to be afraid of these people who want to mow our lawns and bus our tables at Applebee`s.
Because you are stupid and you and your fellow ABNORMALS are a huge part of our problem!


Illegals have killed 63,000 people in the last ten years. This does not include other crimes where there were survivors.

Because democrats want the votes and because democrats want the American population replaced.

Victims of Illegal Aliens Memorial
How damn dumb can you be to believe that bullshit? Those numbers came from Iowa Klansman Rep. Steve King of Iowa. A passing 7th grader can explain the math for you. You`re handlers don`t want you to know the facts but here they are.
FACT CHECK: Have Undocumented Immigrants Killed 63,000 American Citizens Since 11 September 2001?

Trump says 63,000 Americans were killed by illegal immigrants since 9/11. The math doesn't add up
Getting Immigration Facts Straight
It's been awhile since I was out of country but do remember especially in the Carabean that US agents were stationed in countries to check passports and to make sure you were who you said you were and would not let you leave that Carabean country for America until everything was right...It seems the U.S. could have ONE office at a port of entry IN MEXICO, with say 20 judges to hear cases and perhaps another 20 to adjudicate a person before entry....keep Foreigners in Mexico until their appeals are heard....Mexico, on the other hand could make it difficult for Latin Americans to get this far north and prevent having THOUSANDS of now unwanted , unruly, diseased, and criminal aliens from piling up in their country.... a WALL would certainly help them in controlling these people as word gets back that it is almost impossible to get here ...your thoughts!
Stop meddling in the internal affairs of sovereign states in Central America for the benefit of US investors and arms merchants.

The Violence Central American Migrants Are Fleeing Was Stoked by the US

"The Violence Central American Migrants Are Fleeing Was Stoked by the US..."

"The desperate border-crossers often come from Central America’s 'Northern Triangle'—El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras—and are fleeing high homicide rates and violence in those countries.

"But this instability did not arise in a vacuum.

"Many historians and policy experts are quick to point out that much of the troubles in Central America were created or at least helped by the US’s interference in those countries going back decades.

"In other words, the foreign policy of the past has profoundly shaped the present immigration crisis."

waaaaay too long ago
That certainly sounds like more COMMIE LEFTIST BULLSHIT to me. It has been a few decades since we actively interfered in Latin America,
It's true Bush took his evil eye off Central America when he launched Operation Iraqi Liberation (OIL), but that was quickly remedied by his successor:

"The US role in the Honduras coup and subsequent violence..."

The US role in the Honduras coup and subsequent violence

"The leader of the (2009) coup, Honduran General Romeo Vásquez Velásquez, was a graduate of the notorious School of the Americas, a U.S. Army training program nicknamed 'School of Assassins' for the sizable number of graduates who have engaged in coups, as well as the torture and murder of political opponents.

"The training of coup plotters at the program, since renamed the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation, isn’t a bygone feature of the Cold War:"
And THIS has what to do with illegal Immigrants coming here for free shit?
Learn some history.

The Violence Central American Migrants Are Fleeing Was Stoked by the US

"Oglesby spoke to me from Guatemala, which even today is still feeling the cumulative effects of US actions from over 50 years ago.

"In the 1950s, Guatemala attempted to end exploitative labor practices and give land to Mayan Indians in the highlands.

"The move, according to now-unclassified CIA documents, threatened US interests like the United Fruit Company, which controlled a good portion of land in Guatemala.

" But instead of citing economic factors, many in the US cried 'communism,' saying the labor reforms were a threat to democracy. Wisconsin Senator Alexander Wiley, chair of the Foreign Relations Committee at the time, said he believed that a 'Communist octopus' had used its tentacles to control events in Guatemala.

"In 1954, the CIA helped organize a military coup to overthrow Guatemala’s democratically elected government, and continued to train the Guatemalan military well into the 70s."

US inspired violence in Central America in the 50s and 80s has never completely abated. It is driving much of the migration Trump and his Twinkies are WHINING about today.

generations ago, not valid

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