The answer to the Southern border problem....

Abolish all the trappings of the welfare state....Then any immigrants would be here to work and not mooch.

Not just cheaper than the wall, but it would actually free up money.

Ilegals only tend to get government assistance at the hospital, or if they have children.
I understand that's the bullshit story that we're told by the lolberals and their toadies in the media....But the facts state otherwise.

Most Illegal Immigrant Families Collect Welfare - Judicial Watch

Debunking the myth that illegal aliens don't get welfare

Welfare Use by Legal and Illegal Immigrant Households
Abolish all the trappings of the welfare state....Then any immigrants would be here to work and not mooch.

Not just cheaper than the wall, but it would actually free up money.

Ilegals only tend to get government assistance at the hospital, or if they have children.
I understand that's the bullshit story that we're told by the lolberals and their toadies in the media....But the facts state otherwise.

Most Illegal Immigrant Families Collect Welfare - Judicial Watch

Debunking the myth that illegal aliens don't get welfare

Welfare Use by Legal and Illegal Immigrant Households

Most illegals around here are single male migrants, and they can't collect welfare proper.
Most illegals around here are single male migrants, and they can't collect welfare proper.
Anecdotal....And whether they're legally allowed to apply and receive benefits is irrelevant to the fact that far too many are getting them trough illegal means.

Legal immigrants are clearly far more likely to collect welfare.
Anecdotal....And whether they're legally allowed to apply and receive benefits is irrelevant to the fact that far too many are getting them trough illegal means.

Prove it.

Now I'm just asking, no animosity intended or implied
I just want to see the facts for myself :)-
The answer to the Southern border problem...

mexico has agreed to house the caravan in mexico

Anecdotal....And whether they're legally allowed to apply and receive benefits is irrelevant to the fact that far too many are getting them trough illegal means.

Prove it.

Now I'm just asking, no animosity intended or implied
I just want to see the facts for myself :)-
I just posted three links....The clicking and absorbing of the facts is on you.
Abolish all the trappings of the welfare state....Then any immigrants would be here to work and not mooch.

Not just cheaper than the wall, but it would actually free up money.

Ilegals only tend to get government assistance at the hospital, or if they have children.
I understand that's the bullshit story that we're told by the lolberals and their toadies in the media....But the facts state otherwise.

Most Illegal Immigrant Families Collect Welfare - Judicial Watch

Debunking the myth that illegal aliens don't get welfare

Welfare Use by Legal and Illegal Immigrant Households

Most illegals around here are single male migrants, and they can't collect welfare proper.
We should be applying capitalism at every market based opportunity. Our border is no exception. There should be no market based incentive to be illegal under Capitalism, well regulated.

A fee or fine could generate revenue to provide for some form of unemployment compensation for legal tourists in our republic. A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed; provides the "goal posts within which capitalism may flourish".
Legal immigrants are clearly far more likely to collect welfare.
Though true, still irrelevant.

The Illegals "Anchor babies" need welfare if qualified for, that's the issue, blame the 14th Amendment, it's a monstrosity at best.
we should try to resort to "quantum theory" whenever possible.

Consider that All of the US population could fit in the State of Texas.

We should be building new Cities in more optimal locations.
The answer to the Southern border problem...

mexico has agreed to house the caravan in mexico

The invaders will fight among themselves. They will be attacked by Mexicans wanting them gone. They will be picked at by cartels. Some may decide to go back.
Abolish all the trappings of the welfare state....Then any immigrants would be here to work and not mooch.

Not just cheaper than the wall, but it would actually free up money.
Isn't that the LAW already Oddball? Even legal immigrants, here with a green card, by law are not eligible for Welfare (TANF) until they have been here 5 years is my understanding of the law?

Food Stamps, I am not certain about... but welfare for illegal and legal immigrants, is against the law. Those with Refugee status, (those who have been accepted by a judge as legitimate) might be eligible for some benefits like food stamps, but I believe they too are not eligible for Welfare (TANF)?

Those delivering babies here, the American child would be eligible, but not their parents or their siblings, if they were not born here.... and it really is not that much money for the American child alone.

I've never seen a Mexican man that was not working... I've seen them in construction, and in Lawn care, and in farming, and laying ceramic tile and in Restaurants....even way up here... don't know if they are legal or illegal....? but from my experience, I've only seen them working...

NOTE! I am not on the southern border or even near the border, so my perspective with this is limited... but the ones I have come in contact with, seemed to be hard workers.

We do have a lot of Canadians that cross the border of my state up here.... we even send buses up to Canada to pick them up and bring them here to go shopping at the mall that is closest to the border....or to go to the Casino in the city, we welcome Canadians and wouldn't know if they were Canadian or American in our every day lives, and no one is bothered by it... we were even busing our seniors to Canada to buy cheaper prescription drugs once a month... lot's of sharing of resources between Maine and Canada with the logging industry here and there too.
I just posted three links....The clicking and absorbing of the facts is on you.

Wow, I seem to have missed them. As on friend to another please repost those three (3) links.

Thanks in advance :)-

Wait, I found them in post #41.
Sorry if it looked as though I doubted you.

Having said that I still don't agree with your findings

Please forgive me :)-
Our border is no exception. There should be no market based incentive to be illegal under Capitalism, well regulated.

I agree, there should be a taco bell and a What-a-burger stand just on our side of the border. Maybe even a dairy queen too.

Our border is no exception. There should be no market based incentive to be illegal under Capitalism, well regulated.

I agree, there should be a taco bell and a What-a-burger stand just on our side of the border. Maybe even a dairy queen too.

our welfare clause is general not common and we have a commerce clause; why are we losing money on border policy?
It's been awhile since I was out of country but do remember especially in the Carabean that US agents were stationed in countries to check passports and to make sure you were who you said you were and would not let you leave that Carabean country for America until everything was right...It seems the U.S. could have ONE office at a port of entry IN MEXICO, with say 20 judges to hear cases and perhaps another 20 to adjudicate a person before entry....keep Foreigners in Mexico until their appeals are heard....Mexico, on the other hand could make it difficult for Latin Americans to get this far north and prevent having THOUSANDS of now unwanted , unruly, diseased, and criminal aliens from piling up in their country.... a WALL would certainly help them in controlling these people as word gets back that it is almost impossible to get here ...your thoughts!

The Necessary and Proper Clause should guide us. At this period of time, we need secure borders, that is necessary. However, Trump's behavior, bellicose and belligerent, is not proper and not effective.

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