The anti-Syrian hate in this country is rising to a demented and psychotic fascist level


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014

Bomb a people back into the stone-age under the guise of "humanitarian intervention" and then denounce them as evil terrorists when the perpetrators of the evil are our own politicians and those who profit from these wars.

The danger of World War Three is staring us in the face and every bullet shot along with every bomb dropped takes us closer to nuclear annihilation.

George McGovern, predicted that all of this would happen as soon as George Bush and Dick Cheney launched the war on Iraq but it was impossible to predict the depths and magnitude of the barbarism that would be spawned.

Anyone who thinks that more bombing, more killing and more war will keep us protected and free from terrorism is a complete idiot and fool who has fallen for all the lies, jingoism and great power chauvinism being spun by Wall Street's over-paid degenerate pundits posing as "experts on terrorism."
lol, Now the left/progressive democrats are using foreigners to try and score some dirty political points.

they are hysterical, psychotic people, wailing about people they don't even freaking know and against the fact that ALMOST 70% of the people polled DO NOT want to allow anyone not just SYRIANS into our country at this time. but here is the left/democrats spitting on their own countrymen and women AGAIN. they'll rant and rave about this and then support the party that champions abortions on demand

really folks have you had enough of them already? vote them out of our lives in 2016

Bomb a people back into the stone-age under the guise of "humanitarian intervention" and then denounce them as evil terrorists when the perpetrators of the evil are our own politicians and those who profit from these wars.

The danger of World War Three is staring us in the face and every bullet shot along with every bomb dropped takes us closer to nuclear annihilation.

George McGovern, predicted that all of this would happen as soon as George Bush and Dick Cheney launched the war on Iraq but it was impossible to predict the depths and magnitude of the barbarism that would be spawned.

Anyone who thinks that more bombing, more killing and more war will keep us protected and free from terrorism is a complete idiot and fool who has fallen for all the lies, jingoism and great power chauvinism being spun by Wall Street's over-paid degenerate pundits posing as "experts on terrorism."
I am glad that in Israel they love them Syrian Muslims... How many did you say Israel gave refuge to?

Bomb a people back into the stone-age under the guise of "humanitarian intervention" and then denounce them as evil terrorists when the perpetrators of the evil are our own politicians and those who profit from these wars.

The danger of World War Three is staring us in the face and every bullet shot along with every bomb dropped takes us closer to nuclear annihilation.

George McGovern, predicted that all of this would happen as soon as George Bush and Dick Cheney launched the war on Iraq but it was impossible to predict the depths and magnitude of the barbarism that would be spawned.

Anyone who thinks that more bombing, more killing and more war will keep us protected and free from terrorism is a complete idiot and fool who has fallen for all the lies, jingoism and great power chauvinism being spun by Wall Street's over-paid degenerate pundits posing as "experts on terrorism."

Bomb a people back into the stone-age under the guise of "humanitarian intervention"

Well, first of all, Muslims like it in the stone-age.
Second, Obama hardly bombed anything over there.
'Cause he's a pussy.

then denounce them as evil terrorists when the perpetrators of the evil are our own politicians and those who profit from these wars.

Yup, Obama is evil. Destabilized the Middle East, sent millions running for cover.
Good job with that reset button, fucko!

Bomb a people back into the stone-age under the guise of "humanitarian intervention" and then denounce them as evil terrorists when the perpetrators of the evil are our own politicians and those who profit from these wars.

The danger of World War Three is staring us in the face and every bullet shot along with every bomb dropped takes us closer to nuclear annihilation.

George McGovern, predicted that all of this would happen as soon as George Bush and Dick Cheney launched the war on Iraq but it was impossible to predict the depths and magnitude of the barbarism that would be spawned.

Anyone who thinks that more bombing, more killing and more war will keep us protected and free from terrorism is a complete idiot and fool who has fallen for all the lies, jingoism and great power chauvinism being spun by Wall Street's over-paid degenerate pundits posing as "experts on terrorism."

Then start demanding that Obama stop fighting the UN's wars! Why are we going to war for the UN? Libya, Egypt and now Syria? Where does it end? Enough already. We need to get out of the UN, Guno.

Bomb a people back into the stone-age under the guise of "humanitarian intervention" and then denounce them as evil terrorists when the perpetrators of the evil are our own politicians and those who profit from these wars.

The danger of World War Three is staring us in the face and every bullet shot along with every bomb dropped takes us closer to nuclear annihilation.

George McGovern, predicted that all of this would happen as soon as George Bush and Dick Cheney launched the war on Iraq but it was impossible to predict the depths and magnitude of the barbarism that would be spawned.

Anyone who thinks that more bombing, more killing and more war will keep us protected and free from terrorism is a complete idiot and fool who has fallen for all the lies, jingoism and great power chauvinism being spun by Wall Street's over-paid degenerate pundits posing as "experts on terrorism."
I am glad that in Israel they love them Syrian Muslims... How many did you say Israel gave refuge to?

How many did Saudi Arabia, the Arab States and Vatican City accept? That is where the hypocrisy lies. HEAVILY.
When did ISIS get nukes and how the fuck did the administration let that fucking happen?
People are sick of terrorism and right now there is little way to determine who is safe.
Sorry but if most of the al-qaida/ISIS/Jihad based terrorist are from the middle east and northern africa, it is a starting point. There are converts with pale white skin and blue eye but they are members and seem to be radicalized by those from the middle east and mosques.

If we need to consider security, we can't just assume anyone and everyone with minimal documentation that wants to enter the US is a friend. not everyone on every plane or train or that enters every major hotel or restaurant or entertainment is a good guy. We have to begin with a few basic categories to watch. Most, but not all are male. Most seen to have ties to Islam. Most seem to be 18-35, though younger have been involved.

First scenting, check the above. Second screening you can check those with bags, bulky jackets, caps and hoods. Someone in a skimpy bikini is not likely to be carrying explosives or weapons, but there are some ways that men or women wearing near nothing could be.

It is possible someone could be a carrier for a dangerous contagious disease but short of a fever or rash it might not be picked up without medical test. Maybe they could have a poison that they slip into the water or spray in the room.

We have to begin someplace and profiling is necessary. Some people can go through special screening and finger printing or for jobs requiring bonding and be issued special ID cards to speed through the first level of scrutiny, much the way police and government can flash a badge.

There are no guarantees but with so many billion people e need to thin down potential threats someplace. Short of infants and coma patients, they are not willingly going to be a terror threat, we need to focus elsewhere.

Why are people so afraid of profiling? Terrorist don't need to be waving an AK-47 or wearing a obvious explosive vest. They don't wear signs and neon jackets that can be seen a hundred or moe yards away saying "terrorist".

If it means keep the majority safe, we should not be offended by screening, profiling, questioning, searches or scanning. This 2015 not 1815. If we need to chip or tag some people to track their movement, so be it. We do it to children, seniors, disabled and pets. We do it to prisoners and those on bail or parol. Most people carry cell phones and soon may have their phone strictly on watches or chips. Even something like a medical/hospital type bracelet, dog tags or flash drive that could be used and verified with a biometric fingerprint. We ae already tracked by out charge cards and office ID cards to open doors.

the more people we can easily eliminate the better.
Lets get real here. Daesh loves to hide among innocent civilians, Syrian refugees are the PERFECT cover for them, please. They aren't all widows or orphans.A little skepticism is in order.
You see who is tearing this country folks. it's the left/progressives democrats like Obama, Hillary and people who start threads like this one

Bomb a people back into the stone-age under the guise of "humanitarian intervention" and then denounce them as evil terrorists when the perpetrators of the evil are our own politicians and those who profit from these wars.

The danger of World War Three is staring us in the face and every bullet shot along with every bomb dropped takes us closer to nuclear annihilation.

George McGovern, predicted that all of this would happen as soon as George Bush and Dick Cheney launched the war on Iraq but it was impossible to predict the depths and magnitude of the barbarism that would be spawned.

Anyone who thinks that more bombing, more killing and more war will keep us protected and free from terrorism is a complete idiot and fool who has fallen for all the lies, jingoism and great power chauvinism being spun by Wall Street's over-paid degenerate pundits posing as "experts on terrorism."

The Hussein's foreign policy is a complete failure and responsible for all the destabilization in the ME. Guano-for-brains and other assclowns are finally starting to see it, but their programming only allows blame for the current situation to fall squarely on Bush.

Sometimes I almost feel sorry for these types, but then I remember they have no one to blame but themselves.
just what the fxxk did they think would happen. When their Oozo the peace prize holder went and bombed seven countries over in the middle east? and where the fxxk where all those anti-war protesters protesting that? hell where was anyone speaking out over his "creating more terrorist" by meddling in the middle east? you phonies now dump these people on us because of his BS and then try to use them as POLITICAL PAWNS. You are low as he is using people for your own dirty politics.
Obama’s Long War in the Middle East

There’s a frightening enthusiasm for war among pundits—and now the public seems ready to go along too.

William Greider

September 10, 2014

Do not be misled by White House double-talk: the United States is embarking on another Long War in the Middle East. This one will belong to Barack Obama, and it may extend beyond his presidency. Secretary of State John Kerry said as much. “It may take a year. It may take two years. It may take three years. But we’re determined it has to happen,” Kerry vowed.Ad Policy
Actually, it may take ten years, or longer. Americans have heard this bold, brave talk before. It has led to costly failure for our country and horrendous losses for humanity. The United States went to war in Afghanistan in 2001 and finally intends to withdraw in 2016—making it the longest war in US history. The Taliban, though, are almost as strong as ever, merely waiting for US troops to leave. Washington launched its unprovoked war of aggression against Iraq in 2003, conquered the country and installed a new government, but troops were not withdrawn until the end of 2011. Now Iraq’s civil war has reignited, only on a much broader front that includes the devastating civil war next door in Syria. Fight we must, Obama says. It’s as if we’ve learned nothing from our post-9/11 failures.

ALL OF it:
Obama’s Long War in the Middle East
The world is absorbed with hate, Muslim terrorists are on the top of that list. Syrians are all part of that climate. Don't blame us non Muslims for being a bit paranoid of folks coming out of that maelstrom. And that hell storm is ALL of Islam' creation. Can't lay that at anyone's feet but their own...
We see who the haters are in this country. you go against something they want and you get threads such as this or that thug OBama wailing how we are afraid of women and children, and blaaa blaaa blaa. As if it's up to us to fill up our country with these people over the mess that Obama and Hillary went in and made from the middle east. First we had Benghazi to deal with from them and now this MESS.

Progressive/democrats should not be allowed to run our government or be in charge of OUR SECURITY.

vote them out and all they hate they spew and what it has stirred up on us in our OWN COUNTRY by their supported groups like the OWS, the BLMs thugs all over us in 2016
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