The antidote to Tara Reade: "Joe Biden truly saw me: Why one former staffer supports the vice president and says other women should too"

The antidote to a stupid argument is to point out it is a stupid argument.

Just what is the basis for saying others should vote for Joe.

Because he's a nice guy ?

Really....have we gotten that stupid.
The antidote to a stupid argument is to point out it is a stupid argument.

Just what is the basis for saying others should vote for Joe.

Because he's a nice guy ?

Really....have we gotten that stupid.
You know who else was revered for being nice?


you're against Jesus now?
Biden is a like a comfortable pair of bedroom slippers...Trump is COWBOY BOOTS, ready for unpredictable adventures!


" Juliann Bortz wants to apologize for something she did a few years ago.

The 71-year-old resident of the battleground state of Pennsylvania, a registered Democrat, voted for Donald Trump.

“I was wrong. Boy was I wrong,” said Bortz, who is white. Her change of heart is due to the “lies,” the “division” and Trump’s attacks on veterans. And she said there are friends and neighbors just like her — Democrats who voted Republican in 2016 but are now flipping back.

“We were joking about forming a group, like the, 'We're so sorry, group,’” she said.

The same women who put him in the White House four years ago appear to now be on track to oust him.

On the same night Trump insisted suburban women should like him more than anybody else in attendance at his rally, Longwell conducted a focus group with seven white women who had voted for the president in 2016. Not a single one said they were planning to — or even leaning toward — voting for Trump again.

“When I look on Facebook, the women that support Biden are a lot of middle-aged suburban white women who are talking about Covid constantly and their fear of it,” she said. “I’ll be honest: They’re obsessed with Covid. Most of them I know are really into Covid. They think the world’s ending with Covid. They’re in their house with Covid. They’re worried about Covid.”

Despite his struggles in the state, Trump has not visited Northampton County, a key swing region: “We’re kind of a red-headed stepchild to them. I kind of don’t really like it,” said Snover."
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If you're gonna say "covid" that many times, at least thrown in a "Chinese Virus" or "Kung Flu Virus" to mix things up!

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