The Argument for A Wealth Tax

There is natural concentration of wealth and there is an unnatural concentration of wealth. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison used to correspond about what to do about the unnatural concentration of wealth. And one of Jefferson's solutions was to propose a progressive tax. But not to the extent of choking production to death.

TJ was also in favor of a HEFTY inheritance tax to prevent the accumulation of wealth at the top that we now see
Never heard of the progressive tax rate.

However, long term capital gains should be treated like income and not given a lower rate.
for clarity's sake, we're talking a very slim slice >>>>

and here's the thing, any counrty that's gone this top heavy has major problms

You think the poor and middle class would benefit if the Fed went away tomorrow?


Be as specific as you can.

I'm a firm believer in free-markets. How's that for specific? I think you'll find that the Framers are on my side of the debate.

As I said, and correctly so, the monetary system we have now is so far removed from free-markets that it's laughable to call it such.
Why don't you tell us why you hate free-markets, Toddster? Hm? Why?

Tell us why you think the federal government should be telling the markets what to do. Tell us why you think central economic planning by a central bank has anything to do with free-market capitalism. Why this oughtta be a hoot.
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Never heard of the progressive tax rate.

However, long term capital gains should be treated like income and not given a lower rate.

Why would you try to destroy the reason many people, including foreign entities invest their money, create jobs, and products?
Never heard of the progressive tax rate.

However, long term capital gains should be treated like income and not given a lower rate.
Long term capital gains is what makes companies invest in people, you want to stop employing people? Figures dumbasses like you want more people on welfare, like you...
Never heard of the progressive tax rate.

However, long term capital gains should be treated like income and not given a lower rate.

Why would you try to destroy the reason many people, including foreign entities invest their money, create jobs, and products?

It's still income. Why is the money I make through my labors worth less than money made off of investments?
I tell yas. Some of my so-called conservative friends would make Karl Marx more proud than an actual professed Marxist would these days.

At least the professed Marxists are intellectually honest about it. I can respect intellectual honesty. It's at least gentlemanly. Gosh.
It's still income. Why is the money I make through my labors worth less than money made off of investments?

Because the money you invest in companies has the potential to create jobs, other services, and help grow the economy, therefore is worth a higher return (less penalty by government). Ireland was dying until they lowered their corporate tax rates, and made it more attractive to invest.
Never heard of the progressive tax rate.

However, long term capital gains should be treated like income and not given a lower rate.

Why would you try to destroy the reason many people, including foreign entities invest their money, create jobs, and products?

It's still income. Why is the money I make through my labors worth less than money made off of investments?
Because retard, it is already taxed as corporate profit. Fuck you, if you dont invest in corporations, but in EBT cards and Walmart shopping carts.
Never heard of the progressive tax rate.

However, long term capital gains should be treated like income and not given a lower rate.
Long term capital gains is what makes companies invest in people, you want to stop employing people? Figures dumbasses like you want more people on welfare, like you...

Yeah right because companies were never successful when they had to pay the same rates as working people on the profits on long term capital gains.
Never heard of the progressive tax rate.

However, long term capital gains should be treated like income and not given a lower rate.
Long term capital gains is what makes companies invest in people, you want to stop employing people? Figures dumbasses like you want more people on welfare, like you...
Oy vay. LOL
I think if corporations don't turn a profit people will not invest in them. And they don't pay taxes, or declare dividends, on personnel development.
Never heard of the progressive tax rate.

However, long term capital gains should be treated like income and not given a lower rate.

Why would you try to destroy the reason many people, including foreign entities invest their money, create jobs, and products?

It's still income. Why is the money I make through my labors worth less than money made off of investments?
Because retard, it is already taxed as corporate profit. Fuck you, if you dont invest in corporations, but in EBT cards and Walmart shopping carts.


I love you guys.

You make me laugh.
Never heard of the progressive tax rate.

However, long term capital gains should be treated like income and not given a lower rate.
Long term capital gains is what makes companies invest in people, you want to stop employing people? Figures dumbasses like you want more people on welfare, like you...

Yeah right because companies were never successful when they had to pay the same rates as working people on the profits on long term capital gains.
You do know that plenty of working people invest in stocks that pay capital gains, why do you want to punish them by taking from their retirement funds? Do you hate working people that much? But alas, I am done with you, as you are even dumber than Nanny Pelosi and AOC. I just cant continue lowering my IQ to your level, without you trying to elevate yours to enlighten yourself about economics. So I have to put you with the rest of the other 70 IQ libtards in the ignore zone. Buh Bye.

With the economy doing better than it has in years and with federal revenue still rising, why why why why why would you want to impose more taxes on employers and investors?

The "gap" between 4.0 students and most other students is still huge. The "gap" between professional athletes who make millions and those who are on practice squads and in minor leagues is still huge.

Free your mind of the failed Marxist idea that success is something to be punished.
Never heard of the progressive tax rate.

However, long term capital gains should be treated like income and not given a lower rate.
Long term capital gains is what makes companies invest in people, you want to stop employing people? Figures dumbasses like you want more people on welfare, like you...
Oy vay. LOL
I think if corporations don't turn a profit people will not invest in them. And they don't pay taxes, or declare dividends, on personnel development.
What the fuck....You actually said that? Damn there is hope for you yet... I am going to give you a winner for finally telling the truth.. Congratulations..
The federal government taxes wealth through inheritance or estate taxes and capital gain taxes. Both of these have been reduced to a point where only 13,000 people a year pay any inheritance tax and the capital gains tax rate is lower than the middle class's income tax bracket. These taxes are only applied when property is transferred to another through death or sale.

State and local governments additionally tax property as means of taxing wealth. Real estate taxes and personal property taxes such as on cars here in Arizona account for the biggest bites.

There's a big difference between wealth and income. Holding onto stock worth millions or billions makes one wealthy but it isn't something that is taxed until a transaction is made. Or it may not be taxed at all if it passes to another through inheritance So I 'm wondering what form a wealth tax of 2% would take?

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