The Argument for A Wealth Tax

Never heard of the progressive tax rate.

However, long term capital gains should be treated like income and not given a lower rate.

I agree, 15% cap gains rate, 15% top income tax rate.
Again, why dont we cut the government by 15% for the next 10 years and get it down to a more manageable level instead of such overbloated agencies that spend more money than they take in? Damn you guys never talk about cuts, just raise taxes, raise taxes. I shake my head at how stupid the left is...
You think the poor and middle class would benefit if the Fed went away tomorrow?


Be as specific as you can.

I'm a firm believer in free-markets. How's that for specific? I think you'll find that the Framers are on my side of the debate.

As I said, and correctly so, the monetary system we have now is so far removed from free-markets that it's laughable to call it such.

How would the poor and middle class benefit if the Fed went away tomorrow?

Be as specific as you can.

I think you'll find that the Framers are on my side of the debate.

The Framers who created a Central Bank in 1791?
Interesting idea. It would end a lot of debt and funding issues


US wealth inequality - top 0.1% worth as much as the bottom 90%

The top 1/10 of one per cent own almost 25% of the nation's wealth

That's the same amount of wealth as the bottom NINETY PER CENT of the county

In that light a 2% wealth tax isn't that outrageous

I haven't checked the numbers but I have read that it could provide 30 trillion dollars over 10 years.

Health care


Green New Deal

It is a stupid idea.....the wealthy didn't get wealthy by being like you.....they will hide their money and put it in places you can't get at it....reducing the money the government collects, not increasing it....

When Switzerland adopted a wealth tax for every 10th of a percent of wealth tax they implemented, the reported wealth of wealthy citizens dropped by 3.5 %....

This is discussed here on the video at the 2:46:00 mark...

Never heard of the progressive tax rate.

However, long term capital gains should be treated like income and not given a lower rate.

I agree, 15% cap gains rate, 15% top income tax rate.
Again, why dont we cut the government by 15% for the next 10 years and get it down to a more manageable level instead of such overbloated agencies that spend more money than they take in? Damn you guys never talk about cuts, just raise taxes, raise taxes. I shake my head at how stupid the left is...

Damn you guys never talk about cuts, just raise taxes, raise taxes.

Ummmm….a 15% top rate would be a tax cut, not a hike.
If a man builds a better mousetrap, he deserves every dollar he earns. Liberal retards consider that person to be a thief, and believe that entrepreneur should be severely punished.

That kind of wealth is beautiful and good. Liberal retard leeches wants you to bleev it is ill-gotten gains.

But there is an entirely different kind of wealth concentration which has been occurring for quite some time now right under your noses. This kind of wealth concentration is achieved through legislation which tilts the playing field to the advantage of sclerotic special interests who can no longer compete on a level playing field.

And these thieves have all the legal protections of the State to rob you blind.

There is natural concentration of wealth and there is an unnatural concentration of wealth. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison used to correspond about what to do about the unnatural concentration of wealth. And one of Jefferson's solutions was to propose a progressive tax. But not to the extent of choking production to death.

Getting rich from building a better mousetrap or making Hollywood movies is a natural concentration of wealth, and there is nothing wrong with that.

Taxing the rich more to mitigate the unnatural concentration of wealth is the simpleton's means of treating the symptoms instead of the disease.

The unnatural concentration of wealth, the tilting of the playing field, is being accomplished through government legislation. So the obvious cure is to fix or delete the legislation which is tilting the field.

If your house was being robbed on a regular basis, and the police were providing protection to the thieves, how retarded would you have to be to say, "To solve this problem, we need to tax everyone who lives in a bigger house than me more"?

You'd have to be as retarded as Bernie Sanders.

But you would also have to be pretty retarded to deny there isn't a problem with the unnatural concentration of wealth at the expense of everyone else, to deny you aren't being robbed blind. You would have to be severely retarded to defend those who are stealing from you.

Liberals and libertarians are not wrong when they say we are being robbed. The liberal solutions are seriously retarded, though.
I don't see a more progressive income tax as evil, esp when local taxes are undeniably regressive, and state and payroll taxes have no great claim to progressivity.

90% seems a bit punitive though. LOL. Reagan was at 50%

Local and payroll taxes are regressive and every single state in the Union has a regressive tax system.
Interesting idea. It would end a lot of debt and funding issues


US wealth inequality - top 0.1% worth as much as the bottom 90%

The top 1/10 of one per cent own almost 25% of the nation's wealth

That's the same amount of wealth as the bottom NINETY PER CENT of the county

In that light a 2% wealth tax isn't that outrageous

I haven't checked the numbers but I have read that it could provide 30 trillion dollars over 10 years.

Health care


Green New Deal

The argument against.

1) it's stupid
2) it would lead to massive needs for liquidation of fixed assets in some cases, which requires buyers, who would also probably be trying to liquidate assets
3) It's Unconstitutional at the Federal level.
1. Thanks for your stupid opinion

2. For a two per cent tax?

3.on what basis? States already tax wealth (property taxes)

Also, say a person owns $500 million is assets, that's another $10 million in taxes, above their income taxes, property taxes, and other taxes. that means they have to have $10 million in liquid assets they don't use for anything else, or now they have to sell something to raise that money.

Now create a market where many people have to sell assets to pay the tax, where will you find anyone to buy them?

What happens today if you owe ten million dollars and don't pay it. Why the government confiscates it. Hell, they can take that shit right out of your bank account.
A wealth tax is not necessary for those rich folks that give LOTS to helpful charities, like billionaires Gates, Buffett, Turner, etc.

Those greedy rich folks with MANY homes, cars, planes, etc SHOULD BE TAXED MAX.
I have little sympathy for them.
The Framers who created a Central Bank in 1791?

No. The Framers who, after having just suffering through the hyper-inflation of the continental dollar, which was printed into oblivion to fund the Revolutionary War, understood the dangers of the debt based monetary system you're celebrating. The Framers who, in order to protect future generations from institutional theft and out of control government, wrote in the Constitution that only gold and silver can be 'money' for the simple fact that you can't print it, since printing money robs us of the liberty and prosperity that our forefathers fought and died for.

Those Founders.

Here's what a Gold Certificate looks like. Here's what freedom looks like. Why do you hate freedom, Toddster?


Prior to 1971 we were able to use these. That's back when the working class was doing great and the 1%ers were doing lousy. Of course, the 1%ers didn't like that, so they got rid of those so we couldn't use them anymore. They forced us into a debt based fiat currency. And wouldn't you kow it? That's when things changed and that's when the working class started doing lousy and the 1%ers started doing great. It's designed to crush the middle class and it's designed to make the rich richer. The 1%ers are the ones who benefit from it. They're the ones who get all of that freshly printed money and they're the ones who get to put it into the economy how they want.
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Never heard of the progressive tax rate.

However, long term capital gains should be treated like income and not given a lower rate.

I agree, 15% cap gains rate, 15% top income tax rate.
Again, why dont we cut the government by 15% for the next 10 years and get it down to a more manageable level instead of such overbloated agencies that spend more money than they take in? Damn you guys never talk about cuts, just raise taxes, raise taxes. I shake my head at how stupid the left is...

Damn you guys never talk about cuts, just raise taxes, raise taxes.

Ummmm….a 15% top rate would be a tax cut, not a hike.
So instead of taxing the few people that own almost 25% of the wealth of the would CUT spending that helps the 90% of the people who own very little?
It is a stupid idea.....the wealthy didn't get wealthy by being like you.....they will hide their money and put it in places you can't get at it....reducing the money the government collects, not increasing it....

Then why do they fight it so hard?

That's a stupid argument
The Framers who created a Central Bank in 1791?

No. The Framers who, after having just suffered through the hyper-inflation of the continental dollar which was printed into oblivion to fund the Revolutionary War, who understood the dangers of a debt based monetary system. The Framers who, in order to protect future generations from institutional theft and out of control government, wrote in the Constitution that only gold and silver can be 'money' for the simple fact that you can't print it, since printing money robs us of the liberty and prosperity that our forefathers fought and died for.

Those Founders.

The Framers who, after having just suffered through the hyper-inflation of the continental dollar which was printed into oblivion to fund the Revolutionary War, who understood the dangers of a debt based monetary system.

They did all that and still created a Central Bank in 1791.

wrote in the Constitution that only gold and silver can be 'money'

Liar, liar, pants on fire.
Never heard of the progressive tax rate.

However, long term capital gains should be treated like income and not given a lower rate.

I agree, 15% cap gains rate, 15% top income tax rate.
Again, why dont we cut the government by 15% for the next 10 years and get it down to a more manageable level instead of such overbloated agencies that spend more money than they take in? Damn you guys never talk about cuts, just raise taxes, raise taxes. I shake my head at how stupid the left is...

Damn you guys never talk about cuts, just raise taxes, raise taxes.

Ummmm….a 15% top rate would be a tax cut, not a hike.
So instead of taxing the few people that own almost 25% of the wealth of the would CUT spending that helps the 90% of the people who own very little?

Cut that spending. Cut it good!!!
Never heard of the progressive tax rate.

However, long term capital gains should be treated like income and not given a lower rate.
Long term capital gains is what makes companies invest in people, you want to stop employing people? Figures dumbasses like you want more people on welfare, like you...

I thought profits are what made companies invest in people. You really need to make up your mind. But one thing is for damn sure, it is not "long term" capital gains that companies are concerned with. Hell, most companies would be lucky to operate on a five year planning horizon. Public companies are so damn short term oriented that it would be laughable if it were not so damn serious. And part of the driving force behind that short term thinking is outrageously low capital gains rates that are lower than earned income.
It's still income. Why is the money I make through my labors worth less than money made off of investments?

Because the money you invest in companies has the potential to create jobs, other services, and help grow the economy, therefore is worth a higher return (less penalty by government). Ireland was dying until they lowered their corporate tax rates, and made it more attractive to invest.

Horseshit. The only jobs created when you purchase a stock on the open market is the job of the stock trader. I mean do you think the company gets that money or something?
Never heard of the progressive tax rate.

However, long term capital gains should be treated like income and not given a lower rate.

I agree, 15% cap gains rate, 15% top income tax rate.
Again, why dont we cut the government by 15% for the next 10 years and get it down to a more manageable level instead of such overbloated agencies that spend more money than they take in? Damn you guys never talk about cuts, just raise taxes, raise taxes. I shake my head at how stupid the left is...

Damn you guys never talk about cuts, just raise taxes, raise taxes.

Ummmm….a 15% top rate would be a tax cut, not a hike.
So instead of taxing the few people that own almost 25% of the wealth of the would CUT spending that helps the 90% of the people who own very little?

Cut that spending. Cut it good!!!
Only that spending that does good for the middle class and poor of course though right?
It's still income. Why is the money I make through my labors worth less than money made off of investments?

Because the money you invest in companies has the potential to create jobs, other services, and help grow the economy, therefore is worth a higher return (less penalty by government). Ireland was dying until they lowered their corporate tax rates, and made it more attractive to invest.

Horseshit. The only jobs created when you purchase a stock on the open market is the job of the stock trader. I mean do you think the company gets that money or something?
Putting money on the craps table only creates jobs for the casino.
Never heard of the progressive tax rate.

However, long term capital gains should be treated like income and not given a lower rate.

Why would you try to destroy the reason many people, including foreign entities invest their money, create jobs, and products?

It's still income. Why is the money I make through my labors worth less than money made off of investments?
Because retard, it is already taxed as corporate profit. Fuck you, if you dont invest in corporations, but in EBT cards and Walmart shopping carts.

Capital gains are not taxed via corporate profits you dumbshit.
The Framers who, after having just suffered through the hyper-inflation of the continental dollar which was printed into oblivion to fund the Revolutionary War, who understood the dangers of a debt based monetary system.

They did all that and still created a Central Bank in 1791.

wrote in the Constitution that only gold and silver can be 'money'

Liar, liar, pants on fire.

Gosh. You're a snot nosed statist hack if there ever was one, Toddster. It's kind of funny.

I disagree. Your ignorance of the Founders and the Constitution isn't funny at all.

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