The argument for chokeholds.

This is crazy talk coming from someone who doesn’t know what they are talking about. What we’re seeing in the news is kids who’ve been stuck inside, get to go out and fuck shit up. If we’re talking actual prolonged lawlessness, what you see is what Honduras or Somalia looks like. No one can get an economic foothold because there is no trust or confidence in a system where if you take a risk on investing in let’s say 100 shirts to sell in the market, there’s no confidence that someone won’t just rob you, or kill you and rob you. The only people who are able to climb the economic ladders in those situations are warlords. Without trust in stability, and a fair amount of confidence in the fact you probably won’t get cheated, the only worthy currency is force. Why be a “good guy” and try to make money the right way, when you’re just going to get robbed and robbers will get away with it? Why not just join the robbers?

right----we are moving in that FORCE direction
This is crazy talk coming from someone who doesn’t know what they are talking about. What we’re seeing in the news is kids who’ve been stuck inside, get to go out and fuck shit up. If we’re talking actual prolonged lawlessness, what you see is what Honduras or Somalia looks like. No one can get an economic foothold because there is no trust or confidence in a system where if you take a risk on investing in let’s say 100 shirts to sell in the market, there’s no confidence that someone won’t just rob you, or kill you and rob you. The only people who are able to climb the economic ladders in those situations are warlords. Without trust in stability, and a fair amount of confidence in the fact you probably won’t get cheated, the only worthy currency is force. Why be a “good guy” and try to make money the right way, when you’re just going to get robbed and robbers will get away with it? Why not just join the robbers?

You aren't paying attention or you aren't willing to admit what you are seeing. Go to a protest. There are people of all ages there.

Fewer and fewer trust our system. It's set up for the few.
You aren't paying attention or you aren't willing to admit what you are seeing. Go to a protest. There are people of all ages there.

Fewer and fewer trust our system. It's set up for the few.

Nonsense. But if the Democrats keep pushing the misbehavior, you may well find it set up for the few. That means you people.
US Citizen is 99 times more killed by there Police force than a UK Citizen...
This doesn't count injuries...

Unarmed US Citizen is 20 more times more likely to be killed than all UK Citizens (both armed and unarmed)
Vascular chokeholds (i.e. rear naked choke, guillotine) don’t cut off the airway or airflow. They can restrict airflow, if preformed awkwardly, but it takes a minute or 2 if depriving someone of air to render them unconscious/dead. Vascular chokeholds work by restricting blood flow to the brain (carotid artery), and render people unconscious in seconds. They are perfectly safe. Far safer than tasers, batons, knees on neck, etc. Only in extremely rare cases do they ever cause even moderate damage. I personally have been “choked” unconscious twice, both guillotines. If officers receive the proper training on these techniques, and I’m talking dozens of hours of training, it’s a fact that chokeholds are far safer policing techniques than using tasers or baton.

If you limit the tools of police to just tasers, batons, and pistols, their only option is to escalate a situation facing an unarmed man. If someone drugged up and belligerent is fighting them, the first way to take them out is hopefully a taser, which often aren’t enough depending on the persons size and intoxication. Let’s say it does work, you’ll have 200 lb men free falling to the ground, if that’s on concrete, you’re looking at serious damage if they land on their head. If it doesn’t work, the next option is to repeatedly bash them on the head repeatedly with a baton to render them unconscious. This is an extremely dangerous proposition.

Again, I’m talking vascular choke holds. No risk of damaging the hyoid bones. You’re not digging into the windpipe. You’re cutting off blood flow to the brain, the brain goes into restart mode like your laptop, and starts to boot back up as soon as the hold is released.

If cops want to be able to use choke holds, they need to be at minimum a blue belt in jitsu.
Eric Garner was not violent, he was murdered by Police for allegedly avoiding taxes.

eric garner was selling "loosies" in the street and resisted arrest. "Resisting arrest" requires FORCE
on the part of the resister. The responding force on the part of the arresting officer resulted in the death of
eric garner. Selling loosies is a common place crime of the gutter actually fostered by major mobsters and
involves smuggling----much like heroin smuggling.
Eric garner was a "little guy" in major crime----something like a heroin mule or a prostitute from
a mob controlled prostitution ring. He was not being arrested for failing to mail his income tax forms
eric garner was selling "loosies" in the street and resisted arrest. "Resisting arrest" requires FORCE
on the part of the resister. The responding force on the part of the arresting officer resulted in the death of
eric garner. Selling loosies is a common place crime of the gutter actually fostered by major mobsters and
involves smuggling----much like heroin smuggling.
Eric garner was a "little guy" in major crime----something like a heroin mule or a prostitute from
a mob controlled prostitution ring. He was not being arrested for failing to mail his income tax forms

Yes he was.
Yes he was.

the arrest was for failure to file? NOPE He was not
required to file. The mob big shot---godfather thing------was supposed to file when he smuggled 16 tons
of tobacco into the port city Newark, NJ. Eric was just
peddling the smuggled stuff
the arrest was for failure to file? NOPE He was not
required to file. The mob big shot---godfather thing------was supposed to file when he smuggled 16 tons
of tobacco into the port city Newark, NJ. Eric was just
peddling the smuggled stuff

Garner was killed for selling .75 cent cigarettes. I'm sure he was rolling in the money. All the while bankers across town screwed taxpayers out of trillions and are held in high esteem.

It's going to change one way or the other.
I never had a bad interaction like this with the police, I never been placed in a chokehold -- therefore chokeholds aren't a problem and police should be able to do it as often as they like...
Garner was killed for selling .75 cent cigarettes. I'm sure he was rolling in the money. All the while bankers across town screwed taxpayers out of trillions and are held in high esteem.

It's going to change one way or the other.

how do bankers screw taxpayers out of millions?
I never had a bad interaction like this with the police, I never been placed in a chokehold -- therefore chokeholds aren't a problem and police should be able to do it as often as they like...

Police should be able to arrest a person without being attacked by the arrestee
Vascular chokeholds (i.e. rear naked choke, guillotine) don’t cut off the airway or airflow. They can restrict airflow, if preformed awkwardly, but it takes a minute or 2 if depriving someone of air to render them unconscious/dead. Vascular chokeholds work by restricting blood flow to the brain (carotid artery), and render people unconscious in seconds. They are perfectly safe. Far safer than tasers, batons, knees on neck, etc. Only in extremely rare cases do they ever cause even moderate damage. I personally have been “choked” unconscious twice, both guillotines. If officers receive the proper training on these techniques, and I’m talking dozens of hours of training, it’s a fact that chokeholds are far safer policing techniques than using tasers or baton.

If you limit the tools of police to just tasers, batons, and pistols, their only option is to escalate a situation facing an unarmed man. If someone drugged up and belligerent is fighting them, the first way to take them out is hopefully a taser, which often aren’t enough depending on the persons size and intoxication. Let’s say it does work, you’ll have 200 lb men free falling to the ground, if that’s on concrete, you’re looking at serious damage if they land on their head. If it doesn’t work, the next option is to repeatedly bash them on the head repeatedly with a baton to render them unconscious. This is an extremely dangerous proposition.

Again, I’m talking vascular choke holds. No risk of damaging the hyoid bones. You’re not digging into the windpipe. You’re cutting off blood flow to the brain, the brain goes into restart mode like your laptop, and starts to boot back up as soon as the hold is released.
Chokeholds do conserve ammo so they're green and environmentally responsible. I would think the left would be all for them. LOL
I never had a bad interaction like this with the police, I never been placed in a chokehold -- therefore chokeholds aren't a problem and police should be able to do it as often as they like...

Worst I've ever gotten is a handshake and "Have a good afternoon, sir."
eric garner was selling "loosies" in the street and resisted arrest. "Resisting arrest" requires FORCE
on the part of the resister. The responding force on the part of the arresting officer resulted in the death of
eric garner. Selling loosies is a common place crime of the gutter actually fostered by major mobsters and
involves smuggling----much like heroin smuggling.
Eric garner was a "little guy" in major crime----something like a heroin mule or a prostitute from
a mob controlled prostitution ring. He was not being arrested for failing to mail his income tax forms

yo he bought a pack of smokes from the bodega, then sold them individually, thats all he did
You aren't paying attention or you aren't willing to admit what you are seeing. Go to a protest. There are people of all ages there.

Fewer and fewer trust our system. It's set up for the few.
By all ages, you probably mean 20-30....because 30 is old. Nope, you’re wrong, people have far too much trust in the system. This is why the left has been anti-gun, and the right is pro-gun. The right doesn’t trust the system. More accurately the right doesn’t trust that the government is always going to be beneficent, and will always carry out the desired goals of bringing prosperity and justice. They believe more often than not, when you give people power, they use it to enrich themselves and care for little other than maintaining that power. The left argues for the exact opposite. The left trust the system so implicitly that they argue we should get rid of all guns, and that what we need is more of the system. That the only way to bring prosperity to the people is through the system. Unless attacking a certain aspect of that system, in this case the police, furthers the goal to make the system bigger.

And no, people don’t want lawlessness. A very small amount may THINK they do. But they don’t. Not even the comparatively petty criminals in this country who think they’d benefit from no police. Those criminals would see what real warlords look like, and be the to either have to bend the knee, or be killed. You want to see real poverty? You want to see real lawlessness and how utterly devastating it is even when the government tries to fight it? Take a 4 hour flight to Honduras. Take a flight to Brazil. Have you been to the favelas? They are hell on earth. Utterly devastating to the people who live in them. The systems that come out of lawlessness are the only ones that should be rebelled against because they are that horrific for people living in them.








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