The argument for chokeholds.

I never had a bad interaction like this with the police, I never been placed in a chokehold -- therefore chokeholds aren't a problem and police should be able to do it as often as they like...
Whose making this argument?
If cops want to be able to use choke holds, they need to be at minimum a blue belt in jitsu.
A blue belt in jujitsu isn’t like a blue belt you get in karate where they’re like “you’ve been here for a month, and so here’s your blue belt”. No you actually have to show that you can pass guard, sweep, preform the basic holds on an actual opponent whose trying to do the same to you, and is fighting back full force.
By all ages, you probably mean 20-30....because 30 is old. Nope, you’re wrong, people have far too much trust in the system. This is why the left has been anti-gun, and the right is pro-gun. The right doesn’t trust the system. More accurately the right doesn’t trust that the government is always going to be beneficent, and will always carry out the desired goals of bringing prosperity and justice. They believe more often than not, when you give people power, they use it to enrich themselves and care for little other than maintaining that power. The left argues for the exact opposite. The left trust the system so implicitly that they argue we should get rid of all guns, and that what we need is more of the system. That the only way to bring prosperity to the people is through the system. Unless attacking a certain aspect of that system, in this case the police, furthers the goal to make the system bigger.

And no, people don’t want lawlessness. A very small amount may THINK they do. But they don’t. Not even the comparatively petty criminals in this country who think they’d benefit from no police. Those criminals would see what real warlords look like, and be the to either have to bend the knee, or be killed. You want to see real poverty? You want to see real lawlessness and how utterly devastating it is even when the government tries to fight it? Take a 4 hour flight to Honduras. Take a flight to Brazil. Have you been to the favelas? They are hell on earth. Utterly devastating to the people who live in them. The systems that come out of lawlessness are the only ones that should be rebelled against because they are that horrific for people living in them.








I agree people do not want lawlessness. That's why people are protesting the fact that the police could so often get excused for what would send others to prison.

The officers that killed Breonna Taylor lied to get a warrant. What happens if I am caught lying to a judge?
A blue belt in jujitsu isn’t like a blue belt you get in karate where they’re like “you’ve been here for a month, and so here’s your blue belt”. No you actually have to show that you can pass guard, sweep, preform the basic holds on an actual opponent whose trying to do the same to you, and is fighting back full force.

Exactly. Plus you learn through experience and rolling what these chokes fee like.
I agree people do not want lawlessness. That's why people are protesting the fact that the police could so often get excused for what would send others to prison.

The officers that killed Breonna Taylor lied to get a warrant. What happens if I am caught lying to a judge?
I agree, policing needs a reform. I’ve been saying this since before the Micheal Brown Shooting, which btw was a good shooting. There was no “hands up don’t shoot,” it was more like punch a cop in his patrol car, wrestle him for his gun in the car. Get shot while doing so. Run away, and then turn around and charge him when he gets out of the car. It pisses me off so much that the left often elevates cases like that because they are controversial and not the real cases like breonna Taylor. But declaring all police, and policing as a racist system is a perfect example of throwing the baby out with the bath water. There’s a reason these saying last in humanity for so long, because we continually see examples of boys who cried wolf, chicken littles, or babies getting tossed out with bath water in everyday lives.

I was a kid in the early 90s, you know what people were crying for back then? They’re we’re crying for more policing, less crime. The infamous 94 crime bill was a very popular bipartisan effort. Crime was that bad back then. For Christ sake, NYC elected a republican mayor for the first time in like 50 years because the only thing he ever talked about was reducing crime. And he did. A lot of people rag on Giuliani now, but he won his second term by a landslide. NYC loved him because he cleaned up the city both figuratively and literally. It was really bad before him. I don’t think stop and frisk was constitutional, but you can’t deny that it didn’t work, and that NYC didn’t love him for it. It’s what NYC wanted and why he was a popular mayor even before 9/11 happened.
Exactly. Plus you learn through experience and rolling what these chokes fee like.
They don’t feel good haha. But if I was ever belligerently drunk trying to fight the cops (highly unlikely) I would 100% rather have them subdue me with a rear naked vs a taser or billy club to the face. No question. 100%. I’ll take a short involuntary nap while they handcuff me.
I agree, policing needs a reform. I’ve been saying this since before the Micheal Brown Shooting, which btw was a good shooting. There was no “hands up don’t shoot,” it was more like punch a cop in his patrol car, wrestle him for his gun in the car. Get shot while doing so. Run away, and then turn around and charge him when he gets out of the car. It pisses me off so much that the left often elevates cases like that because they are controversial and not the real cases like breonna Taylor. But declaring all police, and policing as a racist system is a perfect example of throwing the baby out with the bath water. There’s a reason these saying last in humanity for so long, because we continually see examples of boys who cried wolf, chicken littles, or babies getting tossed out with bath water in everyday lives.

I was a kid in the early 90s, you know what people were crying for back then? They’re we’re crying for more policing, less crime. The infamous 94 crime bill was a very popular bipartisan effort. Crime was that bad back then. For Christ sake, NYC elected a republican mayor for the first time in like 50 years because the only thing he ever talked about was reducing crime. And he did. A lot of people rag on Giuliani now, but he won his second term by a landslide. NYC loved him because he cleaned up the city both figuratively and literally. It was really bad before him. I don’t think stop and frisk was constitutional, but you can’t deny that it didn’t work, and that NYC didn’t love him for it. It’s what NYC wanted and why he was a popular mayor even before 9/11 happened.

The officers in the Breonna Taylor killing so far have been protected. We have example after example where the system covered for bad actions.

When you allow this the entire system deservedly gets blamed.

If cops do not want painted as guilty they are going to have to start speaking up and not defend their fellow officers blindly.
The police have to follow the rules and may not use methods of self defense.

Criminals can do anything they want.

Exactly. Plus you learn through experience and rolling what these chokes fee like.
They don’t feel good haha. But if I was ever belligerently drunk trying to fight the cops (highly unlikely) I would 100% rather have them subdue me with a rear naked vs a taser or billy club to the face. No question. 100%. I’ll take a short involuntary nap while they handcuff me.

meh, depends on my mood. Hahaa
The Left mocks Tromp for spending an evening in the bunker because thugs felt entitled to climb the fence. Biden has been in his bunker since March because he chooses.
The Left mocks Tromp for spending an evening in the bunker because thugs felt entitled to climb the fence. Biden has been in his bunker since March because he chooses.

No, Trump was mocked because he pretended that wasn't the reason he went.
I agree, policing needs a reform. I’ve been saying this since before the Micheal Brown Shooting, which btw was a good shooting. There was no “hands up don’t shoot,” it was more like punch a cop in his patrol car, wrestle him for his gun in the car. Get shot while doing so. Run away, and then turn around and charge him when he gets out of the car. It pisses me off so much that the left often elevates cases like that because they are controversial and not the real cases like breonna Taylor. But declaring all police, and policing as a racist system is a perfect example of throwing the baby out with the bath water. There’s a reason these saying last in humanity for so long, because we continually see examples of boys who cried wolf, chicken littles, or babies getting tossed out with bath water in everyday lives.

I was a kid in the early 90s, you know what people were crying for back then? They’re we’re crying for more policing, less crime. The infamous 94 crime bill was a very popular bipartisan effort. Crime was that bad back then. For Christ sake, NYC elected a republican mayor for the first time in like 50 years because the only thing he ever talked about was reducing crime. And he did. A lot of people rag on Giuliani now, but he won his second term by a landslide. NYC loved him because he cleaned up the city both figuratively and literally. It was really bad before him. I don’t think stop and frisk was constitutional, but you can’t deny that it didn’t work, and that NYC didn’t love him for it. It’s what NYC wanted and why he was a popular mayor even before 9/11 happened.

The officers in the Breonna Taylor killing so far have been protected. We have example after example where the system covered for bad actions.

When you allow this the entire system deservedly gets blamed.

If cops do not want painted as guilty they are going to have to start speaking up and not defend their fellow officers blindly.
I’m pretty sure that cop in breonna Taylor is getting fired and investigated. It’s not as easily cut and dry as Floyd. Either way, yes I agree, there is a problem with the system. There’s multiple problems that I want fixed and I have been ringing the bell about for years. That doesn’t mean the system is rotten to the core. After the massive crime and murder sprees from the 70s 80s and into 90s plus from 9/11, there’s been an outcry from the public for more policing. That’s what we got. Problem is that pendulum swung way too far. Now we’re seeing the pushback from it. What we don’t want is the pendulum swinging too far back. We will get the pendulum swinging too far in the other way when we use hyperbolic statements like “the system is rotten to its core.” We know there’s a direct correlation when crime is reduced in an area, it brings more opportunities to that area and thus lifts the population in the area. These areas need stability more than anything else. Only 9 unarmed black people were killed by police last year. Most of those were justified shootings with people either reaching for visible guns or things like that. Yes police brutality needs to be reformed. This OP aims to address that problem. Yes we do need reforms in some of our laws. Yes we need to get rid of the law enforcement bill of rights. But the rhetoric coming out now on police is going to devastate the African American communities where they are most needed. Not only is defunding the police going to weaken the ability of the police to care about the policing they SHOULD be doing, but the rhetoric is going to cause the police just to not want to go into black communities. And why would they? Any negative interaction is going to get you fired. And we’re talking about a job where you go to meet people usually having one of the worst days in their life.
eric garner was selling "loosies" in the street and resisted arrest. "Resisting arrest" requires FORCE
on the part of the resister. The responding force on the part of the arresting officer resulted in the death of
eric garner. Selling loosies is a common place crime of the gutter actually fostered by major mobsters and
involves smuggling----much like heroin smuggling.
Eric garner was a "little guy" in major crime----something like a heroin mule or a prostitute from
a mob controlled prostitution ring. He was not being arrested for failing to mail his income tax forms

This is weapon-grade stupid.
I agree, policing needs a reform. I’ve been saying this since before the Micheal Brown Shooting, which btw was a good shooting. There was no “hands up don’t shoot,” it was more like punch a cop in his patrol car, wrestle him for his gun in the car. Get shot while doing so. Run away, and then turn around and charge him when he gets out of the car. It pisses me off so much that the left often elevates cases like that because they are controversial and not the real cases like breonna Taylor. But declaring all police, and policing as a racist system is a perfect example of throwing the baby out with the bath water. There’s a reason these saying last in humanity for so long, because we continually see examples of boys who cried wolf, chicken littles, or babies getting tossed out with bath water in everyday lives.

I was a kid in the early 90s, you know what people were crying for back then? They’re we’re crying for more policing, less crime. The infamous 94 crime bill was a very popular bipartisan effort. Crime was that bad back then. For Christ sake, NYC elected a republican mayor for the first time in like 50 years because the only thing he ever talked about was reducing crime. And he did. A lot of people rag on Giuliani now, but he won his second term by a landslide. NYC loved him because he cleaned up the city both figuratively and literally. It was really bad before him. I don’t think stop and frisk was constitutional, but you can’t deny that it didn’t work, and that NYC didn’t love him for it. It’s what NYC wanted and why he was a popular mayor even before 9/11 happened.

The officers in the Breonna Taylor killing so far have been protected. We have example after example where the system covered for bad actions.

When you allow this the entire system deservedly gets blamed.

If cops do not want painted as guilty they are going to have to start speaking up and not defend their fellow officers blindly.
I’m pretty sure that cop in breonna Taylor is getting fired and investigated. It’s not as easily cut and dry as Floyd. Either way, yes I agree, there is a problem with the system. There’s multiple problems that I want fixed and I have been ringing the bell about for years. That doesn’t mean the system is rotten to the core. After the massive crime and murder sprees from the 70s 80s and into 90s plus from 9/11, there’s been an outcry from the public for more policing. That’s what we got. Problem is that pendulum swung way too far. Now we’re seeing the pushback from it. What we don’t want is the pendulum swinging too far back. We will get the pendulum swinging too far in the other way when we use hyperbolic statements like “the system is rotten to its core.” We know there’s a direct correlation when crime is reduced in an area, it brings more opportunities to that area and thus lifts the population in the area. These areas need stability more than anything else. Only 9 unarmed black people were killed by police last year. Most of those were justified shootings with people either reaching for visible guns or things like that. Yes police brutality needs to be reformed. This OP aims to address that problem. Yes we do need reforms in some of our laws. Yes we need to get rid of the law enforcement bill of rights. But the rhetoric coming out now on police is going to devastate the African American communities where they are most needed. Not only is defunding the police going to weaken the ability of the police to care about the policing they SHOULD be doing, but the rhetoric is going to cause the police just to not want to go into black communities. And why would they? Any negative interaction is going to get you fired. And we’re talking about a job where you go to meet people usually having one of the worst days in their life.

"Unarmed". Baltimore police were caught planting evidence and with spare guns to plant. We have no real record of what has happened.

It's NOT just about killing people either. While Philandro Castillo did end up dead he was pulled over for having a "wide set nose".
The Left mocks Tromp for spending an evening in the bunker because thugs felt entitled to climb the fence. Biden has been in his bunker since March because he chooses.

No, Trump was mocked because he pretended that wasn't the reason he went.

You glossed over Biden being a huge pussy for being in his basement since March.

I'm have no reason to defend Biden and Biden has nothing to do with the mistaken narrative I corrected.
I never had a bad interaction like this with the police, I never been placed in a chokehold -- therefore chokeholds aren't a problem and police should be able to do it as often as they like...

Worst I've ever gotten is a handshake and "Have a good afternoon, sir."

I had an officer engage in a criminal conspiracy with the person attacking me after I called 911. His parting words were, "Don't leave too many bruises." I'm pretty sure I wound up having a skillet busted over my head before, during, or after being thrown down a flight of stairs.

My wife had a much worse experience.

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