The Astroturf is Coming! The Astroturf is Coming!


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 12, 2007
Coming soon to a Town Hall near you: Astroturf Resistance Activities training and facilitated by Indivisible.

They plan to swarm Town Halls and spin Fake News in support of the Prog Coup Attempt.

The audio also reveals the activists laughing about “the poor people of Breaux Bridge” — local constituents — who might get stuck behind them. Local news coverage of the town hall said that “many attendees were turned away” from the town hall due to “capacity restrictions.”

“Game plan number one is to fill as many seats as we can, right? If it’s all of us in there and the poor people of Breaux Bridge are sitting behind us, well then tough luck for them,” said one organizer, identified by KPEL as James Proctor. His “poor people” comment drew laughs from the other activists.

“If we can arrange it so he doesn’t hear one sympathetic question–great. That only magnifies our impact,” Proctor said.

KPEL identified Proctor as the leader of Indivisible Acadiana, a local branch of the national Indivisible organization, which has organized hostile Republican town halls all around the country. (RELATED: Anti-Trump Protesters To Begin Soliciting Tax-Deductible Donations)

“The Indivisible Guide does say that when you start to lose the meeting, that’s when you boo and hiss,” one unidentified activist can be heard saying. “Right, I was going to say that,” another activist replied. Local news outlet The Advertiser reported that members of the crowd “frequently interrupted, expressing disagreement with some of Cassidy’s positions and shouting out their own questions.”

“The outside team will join the inside team in the hall after media coverage,” Proctor states at one point. “So what we’ll do is we’ll try to dominate enough, because–remember, the camera people especially are looking for some ‘b-roll’ and some quotes.”...

Read more: Leaked Audio Reveals Anti-Trump Forces Manufacturing Hostile Town Hall
Pretty disgusting stuff.
I'm sure the board liberals are silently cheering them on.

Of course they are. The end justifies the means...and Deplorables must be annihilated.
Anyone who believes that conservatives are protesting at Town Halls is delusional.

Leaked audio from an anti-Trump protest group meeting reveals activists with anti-Trump group Indivisible plotting how to best manufacture a hostile environment at a town hall with Republican Sen. Bill Cassidy in Breaux Bridge, Louisiana on Friday.

The audio, obtained by local radio station KPEL, reveals a coordinated effort to create the public impression that Cassidy’s support for Trump is unpopular with his constituents. The activists, who describe themselves as liberals in the audio, can be heard strategizing how to best turn a local town hall into a political victory. (RELATED: Democrats Behind Mexico City Demonstration Against Tillerson)

The activists split up into an “inside team” — tasked with occupying “as many seats as we can” and an “outside team,” whose job was to “give [the media] the coverage they want” before joining the others inside. Activists were instructed to dress like conservatives and leave at home “any signifier that you’re a liberal” in order to blend in with constituents.[/i]

Read more: Leaked Audio Reveals Anti-Trump Forces Manufacturing Hostile Town Hall
Quit whining. You didn't mind when the Koch funded tea people were doing the same things. The right set the precedent, so you have no right to complain now. I'm waiting to hear "YOU LIE" in that orange fools first State of the Union speech.
Quit whining. You didn't mind when the Koch funded tea people were doing the same things. The right set the precedent, so you have no right to complain now. I'm waiting to hear "YOU LIE" in that orange fools first State of the Union speech.

You can change your av, but not your kink, bub.

And tea partiers never did this astroturf impersonation crap.

by boedicca on US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Quit whining. You didn't mind when the Koch funded tea people were doing the same things. The right set the precedent, so you have no right to complain now. I'm waiting to hear "YOU LIE" in that orange fools first State of the Union speech.

You can change your av, but not your kink, bub.

And tea partiers never did this astroturf impersonation crap.

by boedicca on US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You're funny, but not in a HaHa kind of way-------more like an odd kind of way.
I'll get it out there. It's easy. Don't be inside the hall. Let them load in. Surround the outside of the hall so they can't get out.

NOW let them shriek and shout. Don't break ranks on the outside. Hem them in.
This is ridiculous that our side doesn't have a fucking clue how to handle this. Oh shit. What the hell is wrong with those on the right.

Here's the deal. You know the left is going in to disrupt and destry the town hall.

Be quiet. Stay outside. Surround the town hall. Be still. Wear every Make America Great Again bit of clothing you can find.

It will freak them out if you are outside being quiet. That's what you want.
This is ridiculous that our side doesn't have a fucking clue how to handle this. Oh shit. What the hell is wrong with those on the right.

Here's the deal. You know the left is going in to disrupt and destry the town hall.

Be quiet. Stay outside. Surround the town hall. Be still. Wear every Make America Great Again bit of clothing you can find.

It will freak them out if you are outside being quiet. That's what you want.
Yes stand around outside in silence like the brainless zombies you are :rofl:
I'll get it out there. It's easy. Don't be inside the hall. Let them load in. Surround the outside of the hall so they can't get out.

NOW let them shriek and shout. Don't break ranks on the outside. Hem them in.
Good idea. Don't let the traitorous republican representatives leave without hearing their constituents.

I used to be far left Old School. I know the game. What we have here are people pretending to be constituents.



Don't mess with me.
I'll get it out there. It's easy. Don't be inside the hall. Let them load in. Surround the outside of the hall so they can't get out.

NOW let them shriek and shout. Don't break ranks on the outside. Hem them in.

And then play Christian music over the loud speakers at full volume!

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