The attack on President Trump is, in fact, going to be the greatest scandal in our history...

The criminal conspiracy of the Alt Right has been exposed.

And, yes, that arch criminal, Trump will be removed from office by Amendment XXV or impeachment.

Whether he goes to jail afterwards, remains to be seen, but he can hear the crowds chanting, "lock him up lock him up."

You have nothing...and each day that goes by we see the actual collusion between clinton, obama, and Russia.....every single day more and more is coming out........
Mueller has everything, and every day that goes by we can see the case for obstruction of justice and criminal conspiracy to collude grow stronger.

Those who actively collude and obstruct the investigation by falsely claiming and publish allegations of a Russian collusion with Clinton and Obama will be prosecuted under the Sedition Act.

Collusion is not a crime either.

Obstruction of justice is going to be hard to prove in court. Probably not gonna happen.

Most likely Mueller is going to fuck Manafort, give Flynn a rapping on the knuckles, and maybe go after a few more Trump stooges before calling it a day.
John, conspiracy to collude is a crime, and, yes, the Alt Right can be and will be broken.

Alt Right neo-fascists: understand clearly.

You will not be allowed in any way form or fashion to obstruct the wheels of justice to remove Trump from office and his co-conspirators and toads to face the law.

Do not even whisper in your secret chambers that you will rise up in violence, because you will be put down without pity or remorse or mercy.

Your evil will eradicated.
They should all have a fair day in January should do....then be sentenced by sundown....and hung at sunrise of the following morning.

This is very serious. If you can corrupt the Justice are one step away from a Dictatorship. And Obama corrupted the Justice Department the day he appointed Eric Holder. The Cancer spread quickly to the IRS and the FBI---and has infected our Intelligence Agencies---even parts of the Military.

The Coup was all but complete.

Then Don Trump beat Satan's most important Slave...but she was a drunk and incompetent Slave, who road the coat-tails of a pussy lovin' Southern boy almost to the White House.

If the Republic is saved, it will have been saved on the night of the Election in November, 2016----but the war is obviously not yet over....the Coup not yet completely put down.

Too many Traitors in high places bet on the Clinton Fix being In.

We are going to need a lot of those one day trials...and a lot of Rope.
Trump is waiting for grandsons bris snd then he's going to take out all his seditious enemies in one stroke like the Corleone baptism: Mueller, Soros, Comey, Rice, Clapper
John, conspiracy to collude is a crime, and, yes, the Alt Right can be and will be broken.

Alt Right neo-fascists: understand clearly.

You will not be allowed in any way form or fashion to obstruct the wheels of justice to remove Trump from office and his co-conspirators and toads to face the law.

Do not even whisper in your secret chambers that you will rise up in violence, because you will be put down without pity or remorse or mercy.

Your evil will eradicated.

11 CFR 110.20 - Prohibition on contributions, donations, expenditures, independent expenditures, and disbursements by foreign nationals (52 U.S.C. 30121, 36 U.S.C. 510).

It takes more than simple collusion to constitute a criminal offense. How the fuck would you define collusion in court, anyway? Unless you have a more specific law that you can post here.
John, conspiracy to collude is a crime, and, yes, the Alt Right can be and will be broken.

Alt Right neo-fascists: understand clearly.

You will not be allowed in any way form or fashion to obstruct the wheels of justice to remove Trump from office and his co-conspirators and toads to face the law.

Do not even whisper in your secret chambers that you will rise up in violence, because you will be put down without pity or remorse or mercy.

Your evil will eradicated.

^ SS Oberfueher Starkey speaks his goosestepping mind
The criminal conspiracy of the Alt Right has been exposed.

And, yes, that arch criminal, Trump will be removed from office by Amendment XXV or impeachment.

Whether he goes to jail afterwards, remains to be seen, but he can hear the crowds chanting, "lock him up lock him up."

You have nothing...and each day that goes by we see the actual collusion between clinton, obama, and Russia.....every single day more and more is coming out........
Mueller has everything, and every day that goes by we can see the case for obstruction of justice and criminal conspiracy to collude grow stronger.

Those who actively collude and obstruct the investigation by falsely claiming and publish allegations of a Russian collusion with Clinton and Obama will be prosecuted under the Sedition Act.

Keep dreaming, at this point mueller will be lucky to not get wrapped up with the other conspirators.....since comey is his buddy....
Conspiracy to collude with the purpose to pervert and interfere in American elections will fit the statute, John.
Conspiracy to collude with the purpose to pervert and interfere in American elections will fit the statute, John.

They would have to establish the existence of a foreign contribution that was knowingly and willfully accepted. Even if Trump knew the Russians were gunning for him to become president and didn't have a problem with it, that's not a crime. He would have had to receive money or data from them. He would have had to accept it.

I'm not a lawyer or law student, but this is what I've heard from actual lawyers.
Yep....more and more it is being revealed how the leadership of the FBI, the Justice Department, the State Department, and now....the CIA and the NSA were all part of a conspiracy against the opposition political party and American citizens who were part of that party....the greatest political scandal in our history.....these people need to be arrested and tried for treason....since they did actually conspire with the Russians....

On DNC/FBI/Russia Collusion, the CIA and NSA Played a Part Too

It now appears clear that this entire story was a fraud. There was no collusion; not by Trump, anyway. The collusion was all on the other side, and it looks to me as though the CIA’s and NSA’s politicized leaders were part of it. Who was the Director of the CIA when these reports were prepared and handed to the press? John Brennan, who now tweets partisan nonsense like this:


You could say these people are crazy, but a few short months ago they were in charge of the U.S. intelligence community.

It seems clear that by the end of 2016 they were collaborating in the DNC/Clinton campaign/Steele/Fusion GPS/FBI/Russia effort to undermine the incoming Trump administration. An obvious question is, how far back did cooperation by CIA and NSA go? Did those agencies corruptly collaborate with Obama’s DOJ in spying on Trump and his associates during the campaign?

Based on what we already know, the DNC/Clinton campaign/Steele/Fusion GPS/Russia/FBI collusion looks like the biggest scandal in American political history. To the extent that the CIA and NSA were also involved, it can only get worse.

More conspiracy theory bullshit from the right.

It isn't a theory asswipe......the dossier was created by hilary clinton and used by comey, rosenstein and mccabe to justify the FISA warrants against Trump, which eventually led to the appointment of mueller, a friend of comey as special counsel investigating Trump...based on the dossier......people need to be put under oath and held to account....this was a coup, nothing less....

All it shows is how looney tunes crazy Trump supporters are. There are no conspiracies out there no matter how much you want to believe it. Go back to the asylum you came out of.
Mueller does not tip his hand, ever.

When he brings it down, the perp is caught. Mueller will be able to prove what he needs. All he needs is an action, and it looks like Jared and Donny Jr and possibly Flynn have done that for Mueller's purposes.

There will be no escape for Trump or those who support his criminals and their actions.
Yep....more and more it is being revealed how the leadership of the FBI, the Justice Department, the State Department, and now....the CIA and the NSA were all part of a conspiracy against the opposition political party and American citizens who were part of that party....the greatest political scandal in our history.....these people need to be arrested and tried for treason....since they did actually conspire with the Russians....

On DNC/FBI/Russia Collusion, the CIA and NSA Played a Part Too

It now appears clear that this entire story was a fraud. There was no collusion; not by Trump, anyway. The collusion was all on the other side, and it looks to me as though the CIA’s and NSA’s politicized leaders were part of it. Who was the Director of the CIA when these reports were prepared and handed to the press? John Brennan, who now tweets partisan nonsense like this:


You could say these people are crazy, but a few short months ago they were in charge of the U.S. intelligence community.

It seems clear that by the end of 2016 they were collaborating in the DNC/Clinton campaign/Steele/Fusion GPS/FBI/Russia effort to undermine the incoming Trump administration. An obvious question is, how far back did cooperation by CIA and NSA go? Did those agencies corruptly collaborate with Obama’s DOJ in spying on Trump and his associates during the campaign?

Based on what we already know, the DNC/Clinton campaign/Steele/Fusion GPS/Russia/FBI collusion looks like the biggest scandal in American political history. To the extent that the CIA and NSA were also involved, it can only get worse.

I disagree. The biggest political scandal in this country will be when the current DOJ makes its case on how a former Presidential candidate put American uranium in the hands of the Russians, accepted bribe money from the Russians, and colluded with the Russians against her opponent.
I disagree. The biggest political scandal in this country will be when the current DOJ makes its case on how a former Presidential candidate put American uranium in the hands of the Russians, accepted bribe money from the Russians, and colluded with the Russians against her opponent.

Mueller will be able to use this deliberate and criminal conspiracy meme to start rounding up criminal Trump supporters.

Part of the pro-Trump conspiracy is to create their own set of definitions, terms, and facts, then insist they are an alternate reality.

Crushing that malfeasance of language will be part of Mueller's crushing of Trump and the pro-Trump conspiracy to pervert American law.

Bad Trump Bad Trump
Whatchu gonna do
When Bad Boy Mueller
Comes for you?
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Yep....more and more it is being revealed how the leadership of the FBI, the Justice Department, the State Department, and now....the CIA and the NSA were all part of a conspiracy against the opposition political party and American citizens who were part of that party....the greatest political scandal in our history.....these people need to be arrested and tried for treason....since they did actually conspire with the Russians....

On DNC/FBI/Russia Collusion, the CIA and NSA Played a Part Too

It now appears clear that this entire story was a fraud. There was no collusion; not by Trump, anyway. The collusion was all on the other side, and it looks to me as though the CIA’s and NSA’s politicized leaders were part of it. Who was the Director of the CIA when these reports were prepared and handed to the press? John Brennan, who now tweets partisan nonsense like this:


You could say these people are crazy, but a few short months ago they were in charge of the U.S. intelligence community.

It seems clear that by the end of 2016 they were collaborating in the DNC/Clinton campaign/Steele/Fusion GPS/FBI/Russia effort to undermine the incoming Trump administration. An obvious question is, how far back did cooperation by CIA and NSA go? Did those agencies corruptly collaborate with Obama’s DOJ in spying on Trump and his associates during the campaign?

Based on what we already know, the DNC/Clinton campaign/Steele/Fusion GPS/Russia/FBI collusion looks like the biggest scandal in American political history. To the extent that the CIA and NSA were also involved, it can only get worse.

PARANOIA, much??????...................LOL

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