The attack on President Trump is, in fact, going to be the greatest scandal in our history...

I disagree. The biggest political scandal in this country will be when the current DOJ makes its case on how a former Presidential candidate put American uranium in the hands of the Russians, accepted bribe money from the Russians, and colluded with the Russians against her opponent.

The thing is, it does not stop with Crooked Hillary. Barry Hussaine Obama and his cronies did several things after The Donald won that indicate Barry was in on the collusion to attack our democracy and attempt to overthrow our President. Again, the fake Russian hacking investigation not only backfired, it exposed that essentially all Democrats are ridiculous, lying, scumbag Swamp Rats and showed us there are a number of Republicans willing to support American citizens and the US Constitution. Finally it comes down to draining the Swamp, but the Swamp is so vast, from the public schools, to Hollywood to local town councils, to the courts. But it should be interesting and the Stock Market activity sure shows optimism, a lot of Swamp Rats will have to learn a trade.

None of this is true and the stock market has been rising since 2009. Nothing has backfired, the investigation still continues.
Yep....more and more it is being revealed how the leadership of the FBI, the Justice Department, the State Department, and now....the CIA and the NSA were all part of a conspiracy against the opposition political party and American citizens who were part of that party....the greatest political scandal in our history.....these people need to be arrested and tried for treason....since they did actually conspire with the Russians....

On DNC/FBI/Russia Collusion, the CIA and NSA Played a Part Too

It now appears clear that this entire story was a fraud. There was no collusion; not by Trump, anyway. The collusion was all on the other side, and it looks to me as though the CIA’s and NSA’s politicized leaders were part of it. Who was the Director of the CIA when these reports were prepared and handed to the press? John Brennan, who now tweets partisan nonsense like this:


You could say these people are crazy, but a few short months ago they were in charge of the U.S. intelligence community.

It seems clear that by the end of 2016 they were collaborating in the DNC/Clinton campaign/Steele/Fusion GPS/FBI/Russia effort to undermine the incoming Trump administration. An obvious question is, how far back did cooperation by CIA and NSA go? Did those agencies corruptly collaborate with Obama’s DOJ in spying on Trump and his associates during the campaign?

Based on what we already know, the DNC/Clinton campaign/Steele/Fusion GPS/Russia/FBI collusion looks like the biggest scandal in American political history. To the extent that the CIA and NSA were also involved, it can only get worse.

All planned at Comet Ping Pong.
Yep....more and more it is being revealed how the leadership of the FBI, the Justice Department, the State Department, and now....the CIA and the NSA were all part of a conspiracy against the opposition political party and American citizens who were part of that party....the greatest political scandal in our history.....these people need to be arrested and tried for treason....since they did actually conspire with the Russians....

On DNC/FBI/Russia Collusion, the CIA and NSA Played a Part Too

It now appears clear that this entire story was a fraud. There was no collusion; not by Trump, anyway. The collusion was all on the other side, and it looks to me as though the CIA’s and NSA’s politicized leaders were part of it. Who was the Director of the CIA when these reports were prepared and handed to the press? John Brennan, who now tweets partisan nonsense like this:


You could say these people are crazy, but a few short months ago they were in charge of the U.S. intelligence community.

It seems clear that by the end of 2016 they were collaborating in the DNC/Clinton campaign/Steele/Fusion GPS/FBI/Russia effort to undermine the incoming Trump administration. An obvious question is, how far back did cooperation by CIA and NSA go? Did those agencies corruptly collaborate with Obama’s DOJ in spying on Trump and his associates during the campaign?

Based on what we already know, the DNC/Clinton campaign/Steele/Fusion GPS/Russia/FBI collusion looks like the biggest scandal in American political history. To the extent that the CIA and NSA were also involved, it can only get worse.

I disagree. The biggest political scandal in this country will be when the current DOJ makes its case on how a former Presidential candidate put American uranium in the hands of the Russians, accepted bribe money from the Russians, and colluded with the Russians against her opponent.

Do you cuckoo every hour? The Uranium One deal had to be approved by 9 different people. I suppose Clinton hacked the DNC servers.
Based on what we already know, the DNC/Clinton campaign/Steele/Fusion GPS/Russia/FBI collusion looks like the biggest scandal in American political history. To the extent that the CIA and NSA were also involved, it can only get worse.

If not the worst, right up in there, the question now is if the true story and extent will ever get out or will the Deep State succeed in entirely silencing the whistle-blowers? If not the latter, it will spell doom for the Leftist Radical Activist Anarchist Democratic' Party. Or as Nancy puts it: Armageddon.

There is no Deep State. It will spell doom for Trump and his cuckoo supporters. Go back to the looney bin.
More conspiracy theory bullshit from the right.

It isn't a theory asswipe......the dossier was created by hilary clinton and used by comey, rosenstein and mccabe to justify the FISA warrants against Trump, which eventually led to the appointment of mueller, a friend of comey as special counsel investigating Trump...based on the dossier......people need to be put under oath and held to account....this was a coup, nothing less....
Look, the very best thing that could happen for this nation right now would be for that fat fuck in the White House to have a terminal stroke or heart attack. That would save us the problems of impeachment or the 25th amendment.
Yep....more and more it is being revealed how the leadership of the FBI, the Justice Department, the State Department, and now....the CIA and the NSA were all part of a conspiracy against the opposition political party and American citizens who were part of that party....the greatest political scandal in our history.....these people need to be arrested and tried for treason....since they did actually conspire with the Russians....

On DNC/FBI/Russia Collusion, the CIA and NSA Played a Part Too

It now appears clear that this entire story was a fraud. There was no collusion; not by Trump, anyway. The collusion was all on the other side, and it looks to me as though the CIA’s and NSA’s politicized leaders were part of it. Who was the Director of the CIA when these reports were prepared and handed to the press? John Brennan, who now tweets partisan nonsense like this:


You could say these people are crazy, but a few short months ago they were in charge of the U.S. intelligence community.

It seems clear that by the end of 2016 they were collaborating in the DNC/Clinton campaign/Steele/Fusion GPS/FBI/Russia effort to undermine the incoming Trump administration. An obvious question is, how far back did cooperation by CIA and NSA go? Did those agencies corruptly collaborate with Obama’s DOJ in spying on Trump and his associates during the campaign?

Based on what we already know, the DNC/Clinton campaign/Steele/Fusion GPS/Russia/FBI collusion looks like the biggest scandal in American political history. To the extent that the CIA and NSA were also involved, it can only get worse.

Clinton, mueller, and the gang all thought they had the election. They rammed it into overdrive in their efforts to obfuscate and cover up their own collusion once they knew the gig was up.
More conspiracy theory bullshit from the right.

It isn't a theory asswipe......the dossier was created by hilary clinton and used by comey, rosenstein and mccabe to justify the FISA warrants against Trump, which eventually led to the appointment of mueller, a friend of comey as special counsel investigating Trump...based on the dossier......people need to be put under oath and held to account....this was a coup, nothing less....
Look, the very best thing that could happen for this nation right now would be for that fat fuck in the White House to have a terminal stroke or heart attack. That would save us the problems of impeachment or the 25th amendment.

The best thing to happen is for the real criminals that are covering up their own collusion with russia, clinton, mueller to be brought to justice.
Yep....more and more it is being revealed how the leadership of the FBI, the Justice Department, the State Department, and now....the CIA and the NSA were all part of a conspiracy against the opposition political party and American citizens who were part of that party....the greatest political scandal in our history.....these people need to be arrested and tried for treason....since they did actually conspire with the Russians....

On DNC/FBI/Russia Collusion, the CIA and NSA Played a Part Too

It now appears clear that this entire story was a fraud. There was no collusion; not by Trump, anyway. The collusion was all on the other side, and it looks to me as though the CIA’s and NSA’s politicized leaders were part of it. Who was the Director of the CIA when these reports were prepared and handed to the press? John Brennan, who now tweets partisan nonsense like this:


You could say these people are crazy, but a few short months ago they were in charge of the U.S. intelligence community.

It seems clear that by the end of 2016 they were collaborating in the DNC/Clinton campaign/Steele/Fusion GPS/FBI/Russia effort to undermine the incoming Trump administration. An obvious question is, how far back did cooperation by CIA and NSA go? Did those agencies corruptly collaborate with Obama’s DOJ in spying on Trump and his associates during the campaign?

Based on what we already know, the DNC/Clinton campaign/Steele/Fusion GPS/Russia/FBI collusion looks like the biggest scandal in American political history. To the extent that the CIA and NSA were also involved, it can only get worse.

I think so. Our kids will look back and be amazed at the battle against the ruling elite and also amazed that such a small cadre ever controlled information before Trump took them on.
They will say “Rosie O’who?” but Trump they will know.
Yep....more and more it is being revealed how the leadership of the FBI, the Justice Department, the State Department, and now....the CIA and the NSA were all part of a conspiracy against the opposition political party and American citizens who were part of that party....the greatest political scandal in our history.....these people need to be arrested and tried for treason....since they did actually conspire with the Russians....

On DNC/FBI/Russia Collusion, the CIA and NSA Played a Part Too

It now appears clear that this entire story was a fraud. There was no collusion; not by Trump, anyway. The collusion was all on the other side, and it looks to me as though the CIA’s and NSA’s politicized leaders were part of it. Who was the Director of the CIA when these reports were prepared and handed to the press? John Brennan, who now tweets partisan nonsense like this:


You could say these people are crazy, but a few short months ago they were in charge of the U.S. intelligence community.

It seems clear that by the end of 2016 they were collaborating in the DNC/Clinton campaign/Steele/Fusion GPS/FBI/Russia effort to undermine the incoming Trump administration. An obvious question is, how far back did cooperation by CIA and NSA go? Did those agencies corruptly collaborate with Obama’s DOJ in spying on Trump and his associates during the campaign?

Based on what we already know, the DNC/Clinton campaign/Steele/Fusion GPS/Russia/FBI collusion looks like the biggest scandal in American political history. To the extent that the CIA and NSA were also involved, it can only get worse.

Clinton, mueller, and the gang all thought they had the election. They rammed it into overdrive in their efforts to obfuscate and cover up their own collusion once they knew the gig was up.

The whole collusion/delusion is really all the left has, lol. They have to make as big a deal out of it as possible, as they can't run on their real positions, can they!

What do they really want-------->

1. higher taxes
2. open borders
3. amnesty for illegals
4. control of healthcare
5. higher energy prices

and the list goes on, and on.

So, understanding that this whole thing is political instead of criminal, it gives you an understanding why it hasn't totally been blown out of the water yet. Just as the Democrats have used it to their benefit with the timing, so will the Republicans use it to their benefit when most advantageous. Realize-------->without the collusion/delusion, what can the Democrats run on that is main stream? If the collusion/delusion is totally debunked and tied to the Democrats like an anchor, how excited would ANY INDEPENDENT voter be to cast a vote for them?

So you see, just have a little more patience; just a little. For all intensive purposes, they already have identified 2 of the main leakers, (and oh, are the Democrats on here going to howl over this one) and are getting their ducks in a row to destroy the Democrats for 18. I promise, you will be laughing as it unfolds, and the lefts paid posters on here will be heading for the hills:Boom2:

Democrat scum doing something illegal, to keep Republican scum from attaining power?

Troubling allegations.

Rather like Republican scum doing something illegal to keep Democrat scum from regaining power.


They're both scum.

Merely different sides of the same, sick coin.

Let us not over-indulge in the Identity-Politics Kool-Aid that the Corporatists and the Patrician Class have brewed-up for us.

Let us remember that we're all Americans and believers in the Rule of Law and the Republic and, most importantly, ourselves - The People.
I disagree. The biggest political scandal in this country will be when the current DOJ makes its case on how a former Presidential candidate put American uranium in the hands of the Russians, accepted bribe money from the Russians, and colluded with the Russians against her opponent.

The thing is, it does not stop with Crooked Hillary. Barry Hussaine Obama and his cronies did several things after The Donald won that indicate Barry was in on the collusion to attack our democracy and attempt to overthrow our President. Again, the fake Russian hacking investigation not only backfired, it exposed that essentially all Democrats are ridiculous, lying, scumbag Swamp Rats and showed us there are a number of Republicans willing to support American citizens and the US Constitution. Finally it comes down to draining the Swamp, but the Swamp is so vast, from the public schools, to Hollywood to local town councils, to the courts. But it should be interesting and the Stock Market activity sure shows optimism, a lot of Swamp Rats will have to learn a trade.

The only attack on our democracy is Trump supporters and their crazy conspiracy theories. The Russians did hack our elections but you cannot accept the fact that it might have helped Trump so you attack any institution that dares to speak the truth. While we are talking about swamp rats, Trump signs a tax bill that has specific provisions that will benefit him. That sounds like a swamp rat to me.

Democrat scum doing something illegal, to keep Republican scum from attaining power?

Troubling allegations.

Rather like Republican scum doing something illegal to keep Democrat scum from regaining power.


They're both scum.

Merely different sides of the same, sick coin.

Let us not over-indulge in the Identity-Politics Kool-Aid that the Corporatists and the Patrician Class have brewed-up for us.

Let us remember that we're all Americans and believers in the Rule of Law and the Republic and, most importantly, ourselves - The People.

^So much this!

Although the Democrats do use a few nastier tricks. Two sides of the same coin, dividing and conquering.

I want to see real justice!
More conspiracy theory bullshit from the right.
You are a useless blind bag of shit.

That's not very nice.
Enjoy you fucking tax cuts you pathetic arrogant hypocritical dick.

Let us all know about that collusion thing you dumb dickbag.

Fucking hilarious how you dumb puppets are proven to be nothing but fucking puppets.

Everyone remember:


Often in error, never in doubt.

Why are you so angry? Chill out,

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