The Attorney General Of The US Probably Just Committed Obstruction Of Justice

If Sessions were to leave his post, maybe then we'd get a REAL AG , who would prosecute sanctuary city leaders, imprison them, and get rid of ALL illegal aliens infecting the US.

Resurrect Roy Cohn........That caliber of scum bag would best fit your idea of a proper
While we have not yet seen the Inspector General report that allegedly recommended McCabe’s firing, some supposed details have been presented.

At least one of the findings reported so far is nonsensical at best. The IG report is quoted as saying that McCabe made improper disclosures to the media, but Deputy Director is one of three positions in the agency authorized to disclose information to the media.

Some of the other accusations described seem profoundly fluffed up:

Supposed violations of the Hatch Act for being photographed wearing his wife’s campaign paraphernalia. If he was campaigning for her on his own time, there’s obviously no violation.

But, setting all that aside, let us take as a temporary premise that all of the items described in this report are both accurately reported and factually correct in and of themselves.

None of that explains:

  • why this activity was released (without the supposedly supporting report) at 10pm local time on a Friday just in time to damage McCabe’s pension,
  • nor why Jefferson Sessions took this action himself when his previous recusal should prevent him from touching anyone or anything connected to the Mueller investigation,
  • nor why a more normal review process was not followed.
We are left to conclude that the reason for the remarkable haste and Sessions’ direct involvement is to retaliate against a witness in the ongoing investigation and to intimidate that witness from further cooperation.

For those keeping score at home, this would also be an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy.

The Attorney General of the United States probably just committed obstruction of justice
The agencies own internal affairs said McCabe violated laws and lied UNDER OATH, a criminal offense.. Session had no choice but to fire him..
Why was Trump on such a childish vendetta to destroy McCabe and his wife? This will also affect their two children. So sad...


Only the magamites think this is the last chapter of this story. McCabe is going to be fine. He will either win his case in court, take a job with a Congressman that offered him the job that would keep his pension in tact, or retroactively be reinstated by a Democratic President in 2021. In the interim, he will get money from a book, as well as offers for paid speaking venues.
He will be lucky to NOT wind up behind bars.

It is baffling that so many on this board look at each legal case, be it a politicians or private citizens, through ideological lenses. No regard for facts you are unaware of just a rush to judgment based on you political "feelings"

Truly pathetic
How in the world could it be "obstruction of justice" to fire someone who admitted wrongdoing? They didn't execute him or lock him up (for now) so how its it obstruction? Maybe McCabe doesn't have an agent to drive him to court but he can still use the subway like the rest of us.

Easy, the Left can NEVER do anything wrong, the Right can NEVR do anything right. These Lefty's are very sick people.

So the AG just fired a 20+ year veteran for not being forthcoming after the AG lied multiple times at his Senate confirmation meeting.....Then u wonder why a Blue Wave is coming in November.

This Regime is Rotten to the Core!
How in the world could it be "obstruction of justice" to fire someone who admitted wrongdoing? They didn't execute him or lock him up (for now) so how its it obstruction? Maybe McCabe doesn't have an agent to drive him to court but he can still use the subway like the rest of us.

Easy, the Left can NEVER do anything wrong, the Right can NEVR do anything right. These Lefty's are very sick people.

So the AG just fired a 20+ year veteran for not being forthcoming after the AG lied multiple times at his Senate confirmation meeting.....Then u wonder why a Blue Wave is coming in November.

This Regime is Rotten to the Core!

We've been hearing about this "Blue Wave" since 2010. Get over it.
McCabe fucked up and he got what he deserved. It ain't over Sally. But as I so frequently say, you could be shown a film the Hildabitch doing a child and you'd defend her.
While we have not yet seen the Inspector General report that allegedly recommended McCabe’s firing, some supposed details have been presented.

At least one of the findings reported so far is nonsensical at best. The IG report is quoted as saying that McCabe made improper disclosures to the media, but Deputy Director is one of three positions in the agency authorized to disclose information to the media.

Some of the other accusations described seem profoundly fluffed up:

Supposed violations of the Hatch Act for being photographed wearing his wife’s campaign paraphernalia. If he was campaigning for her on his own time, there’s obviously no violation.

But, setting all that aside, let us take as a temporary premise that all of the items described in this report are both accurately reported and factually correct in and of themselves.

None of that explains:

  • why this activity was released (without the supposedly supporting report) at 10pm local time on a Friday just in time to damage McCabe’s pension,
  • nor why Jefferson Sessions took this action himself when his previous recusal should prevent him from touching anyone or anything connected to the Mueller investigation,
  • nor why a more normal review process was not followed.
We are left to conclude that the reason for the remarkable haste and Sessions’ direct involvement is to retaliate against a witness in the ongoing investigation and to intimidate that witness from further cooperation.

For those keeping score at home, this would also be an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy.

The Attorney General of the United States probably just committed obstruction of justice

Sessions finally does something worth a damn.

.McCabe and Mueller - the Crooked Feds

How in the world could it be "obstruction of justice" to fire someone who admitted wrongdoing? They didn't execute him or lock him up (for now) so how its it obstruction? Maybe McCabe doesn't have an agent to drive him to court but he can still use the subway like the rest of us.

Easy, the Left can NEVER do anything wrong, the Right can NEVR do anything right. These Lefty's are very sick people.

So the AG just fired a 20+ year veteran for not being forthcoming after the AG lied multiple times at his Senate confirmation meeting.....Then u wonder why a Blue Wave is coming in November.

This Regime is Rotten to the Core!

We've been hearing about this "Blue Wave" since 2010. Get over it.
McCabe fucked up and he got what he deserved. It ain't over Sally. But as I so frequently say, you could be shown a film the Hildabitch doing a child and you'd defend her.

So you lie much?
How in the world could it be "obstruction of justice" to fire someone who admitted wrongdoing? They didn't execute him or lock him up (for now) so how its it obstruction? Maybe McCabe doesn't have an agent to drive him to court but he can still use the subway like the rest of us.

Easy, the Left can NEVER do anything wrong, the Right can NEVR do anything right. These Lefty's are very sick people.

So the AG just fired a 20+ year veteran for not being forthcoming after the AG lied multiple times at his Senate confirmation meeting.....Then u wonder why a Blue Wave is coming in November.

This Regime is Rotten to the Core!

We've been hearing about this "Blue Wave" since 2010. Get over it.
McCabe fucked up and he got what he deserved. It ain't over Sally. But as I so frequently say, you could be shown a film the Hildabitch doing a child and you'd defend her.

So you lie much?

McCabe has many problems and is at the heart of the criminal conspiracy to protect Hillary and unseat President Trump. The “Ohr problem” relates to Bruce Ohr and his wife Nellie and their connections to Fusion GPS, the firm paid indirectly by the Clinton campaign and the DNC to work with former British spy Christopher Steele and Russian sources to put together a fake dossier likely used by the FBI to fraudulently obtain FISA surveillance warrants on Team Trump:"

McCabe just got a lesson in thinking before running off at the mouth.

But will he learn from it?

Are liberals allowed to learn?????
While we have not yet seen the Inspector General report that allegedly recommended McCabe’s firing, some supposed details have been presented.

At least one of the findings reported so far is nonsensical at best. The IG report is quoted as saying that McCabe made improper disclosures to the media, but Deputy Director is one of three positions in the agency authorized to disclose information to the media.

Some of the other accusations described seem profoundly fluffed up:

Supposed violations of the Hatch Act for being photographed wearing his wife’s campaign paraphernalia. If he was campaigning for her on his own time, there’s obviously no violation.

But, setting all that aside, let us take as a temporary premise that all of the items described in this report are both accurately reported and factually correct in and of themselves.

None of that explains:
  • why this activity was released (without the supposedly supporting report) at 10pm local time on a Friday just in time to damage McCabe’s pension,
  • nor why Jefferson Sessions took this action himself when his previous recusal should prevent him from touching anyone or anything connected to the Mueller investigation,
  • nor why a more normal review process was not followed.
We are left to conclude that the reason for the remarkable haste and Sessions’ direct involvement is to retaliate against a witness in the ongoing investigation and to intimidate that witness from further cooperation.

For those keeping score at home, this would also be an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy.

The Attorney General of the United States probably just committed obstruction of justice

Political activity by any federal employee, regardless of when it occurs is illegal. Campaign signs are not allowed in military base housing and political bumper stickers cannot even be on your car if you are a civilian or military worker on a base.

Suck it up, buttercup! He got nailed because he was over his head at playing political games..
Why was Trump on such a childish vendetta to destroy McCabe and his wife? This will also affect their two children. So sad...


Only the magamites think this is the last chapter of this story. McCabe is going to be fine. He will either win his case in court, take a job with a Congressman that offered him the job that would keep his pension in tact, or retroactively be reinstated by a Democratic President in 2021. In the interim, he will get money from a book, as well as offers for paid speaking venues.

You said "in tact"? Would that be anything like "intact"?

You cannot profit from a book that was written as a result of criminal conduct.

The OPM ultimately decides who gets hired and who doesn't, so if he was fired for misconduct, they will be unable to hire him.
Why was Trump on such a childish vendetta to destroy McCabe and his wife? This will also affect their two children. So sad...


Only the magamites think this is the last chapter of this story. McCabe is going to be fine. He will either win his case in court, take a job with a Congressman that offered him the job that would keep his pension in tact, or retroactively be reinstated by a Democratic President in 2021. In the interim, he will get money from a book, as well as offers for paid speaking venues.
He's already had such a job offered to him....

He is persona non-grata to the federal government. Good luck getting paid for that job!
How in the world could it be "obstruction of justice" to fire someone who admitted wrongdoing? They didn't execute him or lock him up (for now) so how its it obstruction? Maybe McCabe doesn't have an agent to drive him to court but he can still use the subway like the rest of us.

Easy, the Left can NEVER do anything wrong, the Right can NEVR do anything right. These Lefty's are very sick people.

So the AG just fired a 20+ year veteran for not being forthcoming after the AG lied multiple times at his Senate confirmation meeting.....Then u wonder why a Blue Wave is coming in November.

This Regime is Rotten to the Core!


Riddle me this ALT-RIGHT Racists: How does Sessions, a guy who himself lied under oath to Congress, TWICE, who also had to RECUSE HIMSELF from all things Russia investigation get to fire and therefore discredit a material witness *in* the Russia investigation?

While we have not yet seen the Inspector General report that allegedly recommended McCabe’s firing, some supposed details have been presented.

At least one of the findings reported so far is nonsensical at best. The IG report is quoted as saying that McCabe made improper disclosures to the media, but Deputy Director is one of three positions in the agency authorized to disclose information to the media.

Some of the other accusations described seem profoundly fluffed up:

Supposed violations of the Hatch Act for being photographed wearing his wife’s campaign paraphernalia. If he was campaigning for her on his own time, there’s obviously no violation.

But, setting all that aside, let us take as a temporary premise that all of the items described in this report are both accurately reported and factually correct in and of themselves.

None of that explains:

  • why this activity was released (without the supposedly supporting report) at 10pm local time on a Friday just in time to damage McCabe’s pension,
  • nor why Jefferson Sessions took this action himself when his previous recusal should prevent him from touching anyone or anything connected to the Mueller investigation,
  • nor why a more normal review process was not followed.
We are left to conclude that the reason for the remarkable haste and Sessions’ direct involvement is to retaliate against a witness in the ongoing investigation and to intimidate that witness from further cooperation.

For those keeping score at home, this would also be an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy.

The Attorney General of the United States probably just committed obstruction of justice

Wait until McFired turns on Comey pop goes the weasel

Pheweee, it's good job you're not linking your firing of McCabe to your firing of Comey... and that whole obstruction of justice thang. Eh? Cuz that would be just stoopid. Wouldn't it? :113:


The simple Son a Bitch playing his Apprentice game. :abgg2q.jpg:
Why was Trump on such a childish vendetta to destroy McCabe and his wife? This will also affect their two children. So sad...


It was McCabes own FBI who recommended the axe. Sessions just followed through


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