The Attorney General Of The US Probably Just Committed Obstruction Of Justice

Law Prof: Did McCabe Just Throw Comey Under The Bus For Perjury?

Fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe may have just thrown former FBI Director James Comey under the bus - perhaps intentionally.

Recall that McCabe was fired for, among other things, an "improper media disclosure." In other words leaking.

In a Saturday morning appearance on CNN with host Michael Smerconish, Constitutional law professor Jonathan Turley suggested that McCabe's statement following his firing "immediately" raised a flag, which may lead to serious consequences for his former boss. McCabe's statement reads in part:

The OIG investigation has focused on information I chose to share with a reporter through my public affairs officer and a legal counselor. As Deputy Director, I was one of only a few people who had the authority to do that. It was not a secret, it took place over several days, and others, including the Director, were aware of the interaction with the reporter.

Law Prof: Did McCabe Just Throw Comey Under The Bus For Perjury?

Why was Trump on such a childish vendetta to destroy McCabe and his wife? This will also affect their two children. So sad...


It was McCabes own FBI who recommended the axe. Sessions just followed through


Well, that remains to be seen.

While we have not yet seen the Inspector General report that allegedly recommended McCabe’s firing, some supposed details have been presented.

At least one of the findings reported so far is nonsensical at best. The IG report is quoted as saying that McCabe made improper disclosures to the media, but Deputy Director is one of three positions in the agency authorized to disclose information to the media.

Some of the other accusations described seem profoundly fluffed up:

Supposed violations of the Hatch Act for being photographed wearing his wife’s campaign paraphernalia. If he was campaigning for her on his own time, there’s obviously no violation.

But, setting all that aside, let us take as a temporary premise that all of the items described in this report are both accurately reported and factually correct in and of themselves.

None of that explains:

  • why this activity was released (without the supposedly supporting report) at 10pm local time on a Friday just in time to damage McCabe’s pension,
  • nor why Jefferson Sessions took this action himself when his previous recusal should prevent him from touching anyone or anything connected to the Mueller investigation,
  • nor why a more normal review process was not followed.
We are left to conclude that the reason for the remarkable haste and Sessions’ direct involvement is to retaliate against a witness in the ongoing investigation and to intimidate that witness from further cooperation.

For those keeping score at home, this would also be an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy.

The Attorney General of the United States probably just committed obstruction of justice

What a crock of commie propaganda. Do you idiots have any idea what the other name for lack of candor under oath is? Can you say perjury. Lying to CYA in the FBI is the ultimate sin and 19 other agents have been fired for just lying and not under oath.

Also the IG report provided the evidence to the FBI Office of Professional Responsibility who recommended the firing for lack of candor under oath. Sessions looked at the evidence and followed their recommendation.

The timing was made necessary by McCabe himself, had he not retired they could have taken their time and he would have still lost his benefits. What's really funny now is McCabe is saying Comey authorized his leaks, knowing full well Comey testified to congress to the contrary. Hell, maybe both will be going down for perjury.

So feel free to eat the dailykos jiz, but it's not reality.

EDIT. Just so you know the scum bucket still gets his pension, he just can't collect it till he's 57. He's 50 now.

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Good riddance to Cohn the globalist. I'd be OK with Andrew McCarthy or Ann Coulter for US AG.

You Cohn was Joe McCarthy's lawyer.....(you're thinking of Gary Cohn)
You idiot. I said ANDREW McCarthy, not Joe. Good riddance to GARY Cohn, an anti-tariff globalist. Got it now ? Yes. I'd pick Ann Coulter or Andrew McCarthy (lead prosecutor in the 1993 World Trade center attack, and author of >> The Grand Jihad.)

Why was Trump on such a childish vendetta to destroy McCabe and his wife? This will also affect their two children. So sad...

Are you serious ? Some Liberal minded group will be after him with a retardedly large salary. I will take note of your concern for the children and then rub it in your face the next time you attack Trump you know because he has an 11 year old son.
Wife receives half million dollars from Clinton clown posse.
Husband oversees Clinton email investigation.
Dahhhhhhhh ya think?
Why was Trump on such a childish vendetta to destroy McCabe and his wife? This will also affect their two children. So sad...

Are you serious ? Some Liberal minded group will be after him with a retardedly large salary. I will take note of your concern for the children and then rub it in your face the next time you attack Trump you know because he has an 11 year old son.

I have never heard anyone on USMB attack Trump's youngest son. Have you? Anyway, that's apples and onions financially.
Yes, the timing was not good, this should have been dealt with months ago. However this was decided by the FBI OPR, even former FBI agents themselves say that this means it was on the level. These are men and women who have busted their hump for their organization and the country, do you think they liked seeing the circus that was going on with their former workplace? This isn't the dirty RCMP FFS, this is the FBI! There's no room for bad actors in this organization. Literally the liberty of the Western hemisphere can be at stake in extreme cases.

I do feel sorry for his kids, but his wife probably had a great deal to do with this outcome and it's not as if she didn't receive a very handsome donation by the Clintons. He knows the consequences if he broke the rules, the FBI themselves dislike abusers of authority within their ranks more than they hate many criminals they arrest. If you do not defend the reputation and character of the most storied police force in the world, you place America in great peril. Again, this is just me taking t face value the FBI internal decision, I don't know anything more factually than anyone else.

Time will tell just what was going on, I've heard both sides of the argument. However, if we assume the FBI OPR wouldn't just willy nilly throw a co-worker of his stature under the bus, then just as McCabe himself wouldn't feel much sympathy for the criminal with a family who he puts in prison for 30 years, he shouldn't expect anything less than equal consequences for himself.

Quite frankly, whatever McCabe did, it is probably a fraction of what Hillary got away with. To me, the addressing of her abuses is the stress test.

Hillary? Was she in the FBI? I didn't know that...

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