The Bastard Just Had To Do It: Obama In Hiroshima Apologizes For America's Actions During WW2

^^^ Says the crack whore who can't even use correct punctuation or capital letters.

Stuff it fake lawyer.

How is your crack addiction coming anyway?

^^^ Says the crack whore who can't even use correct punctuation or capital letters.

Stuff it fake lawyer.

How is your crack addiction coming anyway?

^^Look at captain save a ho go...

Hoping she will share her crack pipe and vagina with you?

Is that your crack talking- or your heroin addiction?
Puts a lot of effort into his dreams of a quickie with an angry ,crack addled lesbian.

Must be a slow year.

Be a buddy, share yours?
Don't worry Jilly will let you braid her pubes while wearing a ball gag. You just have to wait your turn. :)
it didn't so your false assumption fails
The surrender of the Empire of Japan on September 2, 1945, brought the hostilities of World War II to a close. By the end of July 1945, the Imperial Japanese Navy was incapable of conducting operations and an Allied invasion of Japan was imminent.

if only you had one live brain cell.
Man, you are clueless. Operation Olympic casualty estimates for just the southern island of Japan:
View attachment 76144

And if you want hard numbers, go look up the casualties for the tiny island of Okinawa and get back to us with a report.
you are only talking about American soldiers you forget soldiers are expendable .
the lives i'm talking about are not
your rationalization fails

No lives are expendable

But the United States and its allies had committed to removing the threat of Japan.

And guess what it worked.

Japan and the United States are friends and allies.

Well, apparently we got us some folks who don't understand that, cuz Obama just really pissed them off for knowing it without their consent.
like the poster who claims the war with japan ended before it actually did?
Einstein doesn't know that official hostilities between Japan and America ended on August 15, 1945.
Again, this is what happens when you have a non-natural born Citizen as president born without sole allegiance to America.

Obama Ignores Japanese Atrocities in Hiroshima: US Decision to Drop Atom Bomb Arose from "Humanity's Worst Instincts"
Obama Makes Historic Visit To Hiroshima Memorial Peace Park
Listen to the 17 minute remarks. He said war in general (including Japanese atrocities) rises from humanity's worst instincts. You are receiving twisted, out of context propaganda. If you care.
War in general means Obama should be a slave.
No it didn't save lives. It destroyed lives. That's what war does. It destroys. That's its entire purpose.

Oh yeah, and enrich the 1%.

And, as usual, the inbred, cracker, trailer trash, ignorant pile of human garbage, feral albino chimp OP is lying.

But what else would we expect from brainless slime?
Another round of idiotic all war is bad.

Nah, war is good, it is a force that gives us meaning in america.

War founded America.
War ended slavery.
War stopped the Nazis.
War stopped Imperial Japan.
War stops ISIS.

WAR is often the right answer. Sometimes the ONLY amswer.
Actually...who started the wars in each of those cases?
How is your crack addiction coming anyway?

How is your crack addiction coming anyway?

^^Look at captain save a ho go...

Hoping she will share her crack pipe and vagina with you?

Is that your crack talking- or your heroin addiction?
Puts a lot of effort into his dreams of a quickie with an angry ,crack addled lesbian.

Must be a slow year.

Be a buddy, share yours?
Don't worry Jilly will let you braid her pubes while wearing a ball gag. You just have to wait your turn. :)

I'm sure that's better company that you could be.
Again, this is what happens when you have a non-natural born Citizen as president born without sole allegiance to America.

Obama Ignores Japanese Atrocities in Hiroshima: US Decision to Drop Atom Bomb Arose from "Humanity's Worst Instincts"
Obama Makes Historic Visit To Hiroshima Memorial Peace Park
Listen to the 17 minute remarks. He said war in general (including Japanese atrocities) rises from humanity's worst instincts. You are receiving twisted, out of context propaganda. If you care.

When the Japanese premier or emperor makes a similar statement about pearl harbor, you might have a point, but until then----------------they started it, we finished it. The bombs saved millions of American and Japanese lives.

Stop trying to remake history, tell it like it was so we learn from it and do not repeat it.
Again, this is what happens when you have a non-natural born Citizen as president born without sole allegiance to America.

Obama Ignores Japanese Atrocities in Hiroshima: US Decision to Drop Atom Bomb Arose from "Humanity's Worst Instincts"
Obama Makes Historic Visit To Hiroshima Memorial Peace Park
Listen to the 17 minute remarks. He said war in general (including Japanese atrocities) rises from humanity's worst instincts. You are receiving twisted, out of context propaganda. If you care.
War in general means Obama should be a slave.

wtf, man you're gone gone gone.
Haven't read the 11 pages here but I assume some lefty moron has claimed we forced Japan to attack us and it is all our fault. Cause after all we should have kept selling them scrap metal to build war ships to attack others with and fuel to drive the air craft and ships and tanks they were using to kill Chinese with.
Man, you are clueless. Operation Olympic casualty estimates for just the southern island of Japan:
View attachment 76144

And if you want hard numbers, go look up the casualties for the tiny island of Okinawa and get back to us with a report.
you are only talking about American soldiers you forget soldiers are expendable .
the lives i'm talking about are not
your rationalization fails

No lives are expendable

But the United States and its allies had committed to removing the threat of Japan.

And guess what it worked.

Japan and the United States are friends and allies.

Well, apparently we got us some folks who don't understand that, cuz Obama just really pissed them off for knowing it without their consent.
like the poster who claims the war with japan ended before it actually did?
Einstein doesn't know that official hostilities between Japan and America ended on August 15, 1945.
Man, you are clueless. Operation Olympic casualty estimates for just the southern island of Japan:
View attachment 76144

And if you want hard numbers, go look up the casualties for the tiny island of Okinawa and get back to us with a report.
you are only talking about American soldiers you forget soldiers are expendable .
the lives i'm talking about are not
your rationalization fails

No lives are expendable

But the United States and its allies had committed to removing the threat of Japan.

And guess what it worked.

Japan and the United States are friends and allies.

Well, apparently we got us some folks who don't understand that, cuz Obama just really pissed them off for knowing it without their consent.
like the poster who claims the war with japan ended before it actually did?
Einstein doesn't know that official hostilities between Japan and America ended on August 15, 1945.
The surrender of the Empire of Japan on September 2, 1945, brought the hostilities of World War II to a close.

the Soviet entry into the Pacific conflict, not Hiroshima and Nagasaki, that forced Japan’s surrender
Do you get mad at bats for flying?

Do you get mad at sharks for swimming?

Do you get mad at snakes for slithering?

You don't?

They why in Hell waste time in getting mad at an apologist for apologizing?
Haven't read the 11 pages here but I assume some lefty moron has claimed we forced Japan to attack us and it is all our fault. Cause after all we should have kept selling them scrap metal to build war ships to attack others with and fuel to drive the air craft and ships and tanks they were using to kill Chinese with.
no some white supremacist republican did!
Do you get mad at bats for flying?

Do you get mad at sharks for swimming?

Do you get mad at snakes for slithering?

You don't?

They why in Hell waste time in getting mad at an apologist for apologizing?
he did not apologize .
but you can wish he did.
Funny how the US was GOOD for not "supporting"Japan's "atrocities" in Asia but no one seems to care about the US allying its self with the USSR who massacred more humans than ANY Dictatorship or nation in HISTORY! Stay consistent folks!

The United States allied itself with the Soviets to oppose Nazi Germany.

The enemy of my enemy.
How was NS Germany more evil than Communist Russia?
Funny how the US was GOOD for not "supporting"Japan's "atrocities" in Asia but no one seems to care about the US allying its self with the USSR who massacred more humans than ANY Dictatorship or nation in HISTORY! Stay consistent folks!
US was allied with the USSR for what reason? Oh yeah, defeat a bigger demon - Hitler. What happened to that alliance as soon as Hitler was dead?

USSR slaughtered over 60 million,NS Germany SUPPOSEDLY slaughtered 6. Oh I see because it was JEWS that died Hitler is automatically the bad guy and since Communism was founded by Jews OF COURSE the US with its puppet president was pushed towards allying with the communist menace who we then spent 50 years fighting a cold war with.
you are only talking about American soldiers you forget soldiers are expendable .
the lives i'm talking about are not
your rationalization fails

No lives are expendable

But the United States and its allies had committed to removing the threat of Japan.

And guess what it worked.

Japan and the United States are friends and allies.

Well, apparently we got us some folks who don't understand that, cuz Obama just really pissed them off for knowing it without their consent.
like the poster who claims the war with japan ended before it actually did?
Einstein doesn't know that official hostilities between Japan and America ended on August 15, 1945.
you are only talking about American soldiers you forget soldiers are expendable .
the lives i'm talking about are not
your rationalization fails

No lives are expendable

But the United States and its allies had committed to removing the threat of Japan.

And guess what it worked.

Japan and the United States are friends and allies.

Well, apparently we got us some folks who don't understand that, cuz Obama just really pissed them off for knowing it without their consent.
like the poster who claims the war with japan ended before it actually did?
Einstein doesn't know that official hostilities between Japan and America ended on August 15, 1945.
The surrender of the Empire of Japan on September 2, 1945, brought the hostilities of World War II to a close.

the Soviet entry into the Pacific conflict, not Hiroshima and Nagasaki, that forced Japan’s surrender
Wrong as usual, after the US dropped the first bomb Japan STILL insisted on a cease fire with a return to Nov 1941 start lines and no penalties to Japan. After the 2nd Bomb ONLY the intervention of the Emperor forced the surrender, the Army which ran the Government STILL refused to surrender. Even then the Army attempted a Coup to stop the Emperor from surrendering. Source documents The Atomic Bomb and the End of World War II: A Collection of Primary Sources
No lives are expendable

But the United States and its allies had committed to removing the threat of Japan.

And guess what it worked.

Japan and the United States are friends and allies.

Well, apparently we got us some folks who don't understand that, cuz Obama just really pissed them off for knowing it without their consent.
like the poster who claims the war with japan ended before it actually did?
Einstein doesn't know that official hostilities between Japan and America ended on August 15, 1945.
No lives are expendable

But the United States and its allies had committed to removing the threat of Japan.

And guess what it worked.

Japan and the United States are friends and allies.

Well, apparently we got us some folks who don't understand that, cuz Obama just really pissed them off for knowing it without their consent.
like the poster who claims the war with japan ended before it actually did?
Einstein doesn't know that official hostilities between Japan and America ended on August 15, 1945.
The surrender of the Empire of Japan on September 2, 1945, brought the hostilities of World War II to a close.

the Soviet entry into the Pacific conflict, not Hiroshima and Nagasaki, that forced Japan’s surrender
Wrong as usual, after the US dropped the first bomb Japan STILL insisted on a cease fire with a return to Nov 1941 start lines and no penalties to Japan. After the 2nd Bomb ONLY the intervention of the Emperor forced the surrender, the Army which ran the Government STILL refused to surrender. Even then the Army attempted a Coup to stop the Emperor from surrendering. Source documents The Atomic Bomb and the End of World War II: A Collection of Primary Sources
I said that already and your buddy weather man keeps disputing it .
Do you get mad at bats for flying?

Do you get mad at sharks for swimming?

Do you get mad at snakes for slithering?

You don't?

They why in Hell waste time in getting mad at an apologist for apologizing?
What apology?
Did so!

There. now, paws, I've reduced the logic to a level you may grasp.
make that so you could understand .
doesn't changer the fact he did not apologize.
but feel free to willfully misrepresent and misinterpret him ,
that's what you do best.

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