The Battered Public Syndrome


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
this article is so true, Since Obama we have been battered with one manufactured crisis after another...we haven't' had any peace for five long painful years with him as President.....thankfully a lot of the people who voted for him are waking up...His disapprovals are now higher than approvals....I hope this has woken them up to the Democrat/Progressive party next time they think of putting one in the White house and giving them any control over our lives and country..and all those in the 30 something who still approval of Obama, I just call them, CULT
links in article at site

Bryce Buchanan

The battered wife syndrome is a well-known psychological malady in which an abused partner stays with her abuser, thinking things would be worse without him. They think the separation would be more painful than the beatings and can't really imagine life without their man.

For some victims, there finally comes a time when they have had enough and they face the reality that this man is not good for them. He lies to them. He hurts them. Eventually, even his sweet talk falls on deaf ears.

Watching the news this week, I have seen clips of our president lying smoothly, comfortably, and repeatedly in his bait and switch sales pitch for the comically named Affordable Health Care Act. "You like your doctor; you can keep your doctor." "You like your plan; you can keep your plan, period." "You will have much better insurance for less money". "Your insurance costs will go down by an average of $2,500. " "This plan will not increase our deficit by one dime."

All lies.

The public is being battered on health care and that is becoming increasingly obvious.

Bill O'Reilly played clips of the president responding to various administration scandals. After the Fast and Furious gunrunning scandal, after the Benghazi disaster, after the IRS was used as an instrument of political intimidation, after the ObamaCare rollout debacle, the President assured us that he would "get to the bottom of this" and "hold people accountable". He comfortably played the role that was required at the time.

Then he endlessly stonewalled, held no high level officials accountable, and eventually said it was time to move past these "phony scandals." Scandals that he acted very concerned about had morphed into completely unimportant distractions.

His concern was an act, a lie. He does not need an investigation to know what he did on the night of September 11, 2012. He knows what orders he made and what orders he withheld. He knows what he discussed with Hillary Clinton in their 10 PM conversation. He knows why she used the video alibi immediately after the call. Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods were still fighting for their lives at the time of the call. And he knows perfectly well that the IRS targeting of conservative was a partisan operation. He knows White House officials were involved in the operation and the cover-up.

all of it here

Read more: Blog: The Battered Public Syndrome
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