The Battle of the Polls; Gallup says 52% of Americans want Trump Gone, Reuters says only 43%


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Another example of why polls are horse crap.

According to Gallup 52% of Americans want Trump impeached, while Reuters says that only 43% want it.

Here is the problem with the Gallup poll:
October 2019 Gallup Poll 52% Support Trump impeachment
........... GOP Ind Dem ...Cons Mod Lib
Unweighted n 462 612 419 ...604 ..531 348
Weighted ....n 393 655 450 ...556 ..559 373​

POLL-Support for impeachment cools as Congress digs in for extended fight
NEW YORK, Oct 15 (Reuters) - Support for impeaching U.S. President Donald Trump cooled off this week, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll, as the White House hunkered down for an extended fight over allegations that the administration pushed a foreign government to investigate one of Trump's Democratic rivals.

The Oct. 14-15 opinion poll, released on Tuesday, found that 43% of adults in the U.S. believe that Trump "should be impeached," down 2 points from a similar poll last week. Another 42% said he "should not be impeached" and 14% said they were not sure.

Americans had expressed stronger interest last month in sanctioning the president - and possibly removing him from office - through congressional impeachment after a government whistleblower revealed that Trump may have misused the power of his office to help his chances at winning re-election.

The whistleblower reported that Trump appeared to be pressuring Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskiy in a July 25 phone call to pursue unsubstantiated allegations of corruption against former Vice President Joe Biden, an early favorite to win the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination.

It has leveled off since then, according to Reuters/Ipsos polling. Opinions are also sharply divided along party lines, and political scientists say they are likely to remain that way with only a handful of prominent Republican leaders publicly criticizing the president.​

So what is the Reality? Polling is bullshit.
Duh...2016 proved that
True, but look at how dishonest the polling for Gallup is in their sample 'weighting'.
...................... GOP Ind Dem ...Cons Mod Lib
Unweighted n 462 612 419 ...604 ..531 348
Weighted ....n 393 655 450 ...556 ..559 373

So, they shave off 69 Republican answers, and mathematically increase the share of Independents and Democrats by 33 and 31 respectively, and do a similar thing with Conservatives vrs moderates and liberals. that gives them their magical 52% they wanted. The original numbers of the sampling were shaved off 5% of GOP samples and the rest pumped the same amount, so 37% in favor of impeachment sounds about right.
Another example of why polls are horse crap.

According to Gallup 52% of Americans want Trump impeached, while Reuters says that only 43% want it.

Here is the problem with the Gallup poll:
October 2019 Gallup Poll 52% Support Trump impeachment
........... GOP Ind Dem ...Cons Mod Lib
Unweighted n 462 612 419 ...604 ..531 348
Weighted ....n 393 655 450 ...556 ..559 373​

POLL-Support for impeachment cools as Congress digs in for extended fight
NEW YORK, Oct 15 (Reuters) - Support for impeaching U.S. President Donald Trump cooled off this week, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll, as the White House hunkered down for an extended fight over allegations that the administration pushed a foreign government to investigate one of Trump's Democratic rivals.

The Oct. 14-15 opinion poll, released on Tuesday, found that 43% of adults in the U.S. believe that Trump "should be impeached," down 2 points from a similar poll last week. Another 42% said he "should not be impeached" and 14% said they were not sure.

Americans had expressed stronger interest last month in sanctioning the president - and possibly removing him from office - through congressional impeachment after a government whistleblower revealed that Trump may have misused the power of his office to help his chances at winning re-election.

The whistleblower reported that Trump appeared to be pressuring Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskiy in a July 25 phone call to pursue unsubstantiated allegations of corruption against former Vice President Joe Biden, an early favorite to win the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination.

It has leveled off since then, according to Reuters/Ipsos polling. Opinions are also sharply divided along party lines, and political scientists say they are likely to remain that way with only a handful of prominent Republican leaders publicly criticizing the president.​

So what is the Reality? Polling is bullshit.

That's why you go with aggregates. Real Clear Politics put the averages at around 50% a day or so ago.

And polling averages generally give good resuls. They were within about a percent of actual voting results in 2016 and 2018.
70% of the people have benefitted from Trump's Presidency. Therefore, both polls are underestimating Trump.
Let's just be sure we get out and vote next year. I want to see Trump crush whatever leftist lunatic the bed wetters nominate.


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