The Best Commencement Address Ever!

If it were not the truth that Liberals, Leftists 'feel' rather than think, how to explain continued support for provably failed paradigm's such as communism, fascism, socialism, environmentalism.....etc., etc.


Fascism is not liberalism.

Name a country that has ever succeeded devoid of socialism.


Did you say 'socialism'????

OMG! You're gonna get me arrested for felony laughing!!!

"Spain's pro-EU ruling Socialists have been pummeled in recent elections over the budget cuts demanded by the EU. Its loss in municipal elections in May was the greatest since democracy returned to Spain in 1978.

In Finland, the True Finns party and its anti-bailout adherents won an unheard-of 20% of the seats in the 200-member parliament in April, putting it a mere five seats behind the top vote-getter, the conservative National Coalition Party.

"It is not the little guy who benefits: He is being milked and lied to in order to keep the insolvent system running," True Finns leader Timo Soini said in an editorial in the Wall Street Journal Europe soon after the election.

The EU's welfare states are going broke, and the knives are out for their budgets and the politicians who have supported the EU project. Voters to the north are electing anti-EU candidates who are lecturing about "responsibility" and "thriftiness" to profligate neighbors such as the "lazy" Greeks, Spanish and Portuguese, as German Chancellor Angela Merkel described her southern partners in May.

European Council President Herman Van Rompuy summed up Europe's situation: "We can't finance our social model anymore."
In Europe, economic meltdown tears at unity

I tell ya'....nothing funnier than you Liberals and your love affair with failed systems....

Still buying Facebook stocks?

How's that Betamax system working out for ya'?
Everybody's unified till the bill comes due.
Fascism is not liberalism.

Name a country that has ever succeeded devoid of socialism.


Did you say 'socialism'????

OMG! You're gonna get me arrested for felony laughing!!!

"Spain's pro-EU ruling Socialists have been pummeled in recent elections over the budget cuts demanded by the EU. Its loss in municipal elections in May was the greatest since democracy returned to Spain in 1978.

In Finland, the True Finns party and its anti-bailout adherents won an unheard-of 20% of the seats in the 200-member parliament in April, putting it a mere five seats behind the top vote-getter, the conservative National Coalition Party.

"It is not the little guy who benefits: He is being milked and lied to in order to keep the insolvent system running," True Finns leader Timo Soini said in an editorial in the Wall Street Journal Europe soon after the election.

The EU's welfare states are going broke, and the knives are out for their budgets and the politicians who have supported the EU project. Voters to the north are electing anti-EU candidates who are lecturing about "responsibility" and "thriftiness" to profligate neighbors such as the "lazy" Greeks, Spanish and Portuguese, as German Chancellor Angela Merkel described her southern partners in May.

European Council President Herman Van Rompuy summed up Europe's situation: "We can't finance our social model anymore."
In Europe, economic meltdown tears at unity

I tell ya'....nothing funnier than you Liberals and your love affair with failed systems....

Still buying Facebook stocks?

How's that Betamax system working out for ya'?
Everybody's unified till the bill comes due.

1. "You care so much. You feel so much. You want to help so much. After all, you’re a compassionate and caring person, aren’t you now? Well, isn’t that just so extraordinarily special."

He demeans the concept of being a compassionate and caring person. Where did you pull "other people's money", out of your withered fecal-stained ass?

2. I believe the collusion with the evangelicals began with Mr. Graham and his influence on Ike and Tricky Dicky. Nice try, though.

3. What a dance of intellectual dishonesty. You and I both know the social contract, either explicitly or tacitly, is the agreement between the citizenry and the state to surrender some of their freedoms and submit to the authority of government, in exchange for protection of their natural rights. When did Rosseau order executions?

4. I said it was the only means to enforce contracts. Whether it chooses to enforce all contracts is a different question. How else do you propose to enforce a contract? Stop being a tool.

5. By his statements, he only grants 2 rights. No mention from him if God is a co-grantor.
Diversity is a mathematically provable way to increase the likelihood of problem-solving. Or do you solve every problem by quoting Hayek and Mises? That working out okay on home repairs?

6. The top 10% require us to go to war to protect their interests in the natural resources of other countries. Every time you hear the term strategic national interests, the bill goes to the top 10%. And they always refuse to pay, loading that debt onto the citizenry. The percentage they pay is woefully short of the bill they owe.

Now stop trying to discourse with the apes and crawl back into your den, gila.

How nice...back for a second remediation session?
Based on your responses above, you'd best sign on to the 'Infinite Instruction' version...

1." He demeans the concept of being a compassionate and caring person. Where did you pull "other people's money", out of your ... ass?"

I was about to say 'you can't be that dense....', but, are.
He was being sarcastic, you dolt.
Boortz was laughing at all of you Liberals who believe that about yourselves...while studies have shown how false it is.
See " Who Really Cares? America's Charity Divide-- Who Gives, Who Doesn't, and Why It Matters," Albert C. Brooks.

Liberals: feeling passes for knowing.

Rather than dig into their own pockets, Liberals take taxpayer money and throw it to constituent groups....hence, "other people's money."

2. " I believe the collusion with the evangelicals began with Mr. Graham and his influence on Ike and Tricky Dicky. Nice try, though."

Really? Let's see...

a. The evangelical entrance into the politics first occurred in the mid 1970s with the election of Jimmy Carter as president. Born Again: The Evangelical Movement

b. “Expecting Carter to fulfill his campaign promise to, in his words, “try to shape government so it does exemplify the teaching of God,” evangelical conservatives failed to notice or take seriously his stated commitment to the Baptist belief in absolute separation of church and state. ... When Carter made his personal antiabortion views clear during the campaign, his candidacy drew evangelicals into the movement. But they failed to pay attention to Carter’s oft-repeated promise to uphold the Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade decision. His refusal in the White House to back a constitutional amendment outlawing abortion alienated evangelicals, even as his refusal to support federal funding for abortion alienated pro-choice feminists.”
“Jimmy Carter: The Re-emergence of Faith-Based Politics and the Abortion Rights Issue” by Andrew R. Flint and Joy Porter, in Presidential Studies Quarterly (March 2005)Ascension - Baumann

Two strikes.

3. "You and I both know the social contract,..."

No, think you know something about it, it's provenance, and it's usage in the political arena....
...actually, all you know is how to spell it.

In my post I provided two links....when you decide to educate yourself, give 'em a perusal.

" the agreement between the citizenry and the state..."

Leftists pretend so, but it is the demand that all agree with an elitist construction of 'the general will." I showed, the punishment is death.
That is totalitarian 'democracy.'

I'd bet you are a product of government schools, and eschew your own study and research.
I provide links and sources....but have no illusion that you will investigate them.

After all...ignorance is required to be a Janissary of the Left.

"When did Rosseau order executions?"

Did you miss this:
"Robespierre used Rousseau’s call for a “reign of virtue,’ proclaiming the Republic of Virtue, his euphemism for The Terror. In ‘The Social Contract’ Rousseau advocated death for anyone who did not uphold the common values of the community: the totalitarian view of reshaping of humanity, echoed in communism, Nazism, progressivism. Robespierre: “the necessity of bringing about a complete regeneration and, if I may express myself so, of creating a new people.”
Himmefarb, , “The Roads to Modernity,” p. 167-68.

Have you ever wondered why Leftist universities shy away from teaching the French Revolution...other than the emphasis on 'egalitarianism.'
Or why France turned into an abattoir....unlike America after its revolution.
Liberalism stems from the French Revolution....not the American.

I hope you appreciate the education I'm providing....

4. "I said it was the only means to enforce contracts. Whether it chooses to..."
Where, then, is the legitimacy of such a government, you fool????

The US Constitution, Article I, section 10: "No State shall ... pass any... Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts,..."
It is the Constitution that the people agreed to be governed by.
Not some elitist Liberal establishment...
Now go back and read idiot...and see if it conforms to the above.

My're a you believe in a 'living Constitution.' A 'dead Constitution.

5. "... he only grants 2 rights. No mention from him if God is a co-grantor."

“True” rights are inalienable. They exist whether or not they are recognized, and whether or not the ability or the will to defend them exists.
True rights do not impose an implicit obligation upon any other person to provide them to us. In fact, rights exist in greatest measure when we are each simply “left alone”.
If something must be provided to us at the expense of someone else in order for us to have it, then it may be an entitlement, a privilage, or an act of charity – but it is not a “right”.
Rights vs entitlement and privilege | Breckshire … World with a View

6. "The top 10% require us to go to war to protect their interests in the natural resources of other countries. Every time you hear the term strategic national interests, the bill goes to the top 10%. And they always refuse to pay, loading that debt onto the citizenry. The percentage they pay is woefully short of the bill they owe."

There is no perennial 'top 10%.' This is America, and there is economic mobility.
I recommend Thomas Sowell's 'Economic Facts and Fallacies.'

You are are brainless, ignorant, uneducated...but totally self assured.

Your life has been ruined as has been any chance of independent thought....

...and, sadly- for you- you will remain galactically stupid.
The only way you would ever be considered bright would be if I threw a lamp at you.

Consider yourself dissed and dismissed.

1. The study only shows that religious people give more than non-religious, without any correlation to their political views or brand of religion. I guess that makes muslims the ultimate givers. If taxes are "other people's money" for liberals, are we tax-exempt? And here I thought it was his heartfelt opinion.

2. Eisenhower welcomed the NAE delegation and conferred with Graham. From your own link concerning Carter.
"The story includes Jimmy Carter, whose frank talk about faith got him half the evangelical vote in 1976, and who went on to pursue policies on issues like abortion and the Equal Rights Amendment that outraged his evangelical base, creating an opportunity the Republican Party shrewdly exploited. As Sullivan observes, "the idea of organizing evangelicals into a conservative political force was the brainchild of a group of mostly secular New Right activists who saw conservative Christians as 'the greatest tract of virgin timber on the political landscape.'"
They voted for a white male Southern Baptist the same way DC votes for Marion Barry. Like I said, nice try.

3. When did Robespierre become Rosseau? Is this the passage that concerns you so greatly?
"It is expedient for the State that you should die," he ought to die, because it is only on that condition that he has been living in security up to the present, and because his life is no longer a mere bounty of nature, but a gift made conditionally by the State.
You have the concept of the "general will" woefully reversed. The general will is the common interest of a society, without which no society is formed and you only have warring factions without a common interest. That's not elitist, it's self-evident. We all have a common interest in protection from murder, therefore we accept that we will be punished if we murder. And Himmefarb is a slavishly anglophiliac neocon fool. BTW, you may want to speak with the AmerInd population about what kind of abattior we became after the American Revolution. And civil wars are notoriously messy. Like the one we had 100 yrs later.

4. Judging the context it seems that it refers to contracts the states have entered into, not the legislatures use of law to modify contracts entered into by private parties. Legislatures and the judiciary determine the legality of contracts all the time. See how far you get with trying to enforce the delivery of those two Chinese babies you bought over the internet for your pedophilia photography studio.

5. Natural rights, claim rights, civil rights? Liberty rights are privilege. Your link offers no definition of rights and seems to assert we must pass through bondage to achieve spiritual truth in a never-ending cycle. I tend to disagree.

6. Old "Women can get equal pay as long as they don't get married and have children" Sowell? Strange how he completely ignores the fact that men get married and have children yet don't fall prey to the same pay differential. The individuals in the 10% come and go but their interests stay the same, access to foreign natural and labor resources and their inability to keep up with the bill remains the same.

Do you really think you are a deep thinker of some sort? Or that Boortz is? Boortz is just a curmudgeon, much like the entire GOP.

1. I’ve given you oodles of time individual attention…but, as predicted…it has had little effect…see summary.

2. While I have linked and documented, provided sources, you…none.

a. An example of same is of Carter and the evangelicals….my direct quote from means naught, it seems. You must be a Liberal….

3. “The study only shows that religious people give more than non-religious…”

Wrong again.

“In 2006, Arthur C. Brooks did a tremendous job of displaying the evidence regarding the non-existence of leftist empathy, displaying in numbers what most non-leftists already knew of themselves. Brooks wrote "Who Really Cares" , an empirical examination of whether political identification correlates with acts of charity and volunteerism.

It does.

And it is worthwhile to note that Brooks defined himself as a liberal when he began his research and as a conservative once he had analyzed the results.

Brooks writes:

This book has shown that one of the greatest political hypocrisies of our time is the pious sloganeering about liberals in America being more compassionate than conservatives. This stereotype is false, and it is a disservice to our country.

Conservatives give more — much more — to charity, both in terms of total dollar amount and in terms of percentage of income. Conservatives also give much more of their time to volunteerism.”
PJ Media » Who Really Cares? Not Sotomayor and the Leftists

Have someone with comprehension skills greater than yours, read it to you.
Aren't you embarrassed at being this wrong with this frequency???

4. “Like I said, nice try. “
It’s ‘As I said.” And it wasn’t a ‘try,’ it was a success….you are the failure.

5. “When did Robespierre become Rosseau?” Is it possible that you don’t know that Rousseau was the inspiration for Robespierre?? What am I saying….of course you don’t know. You're an idiot.

6. “The general will is the common interest of a society,…” And that is what makes you a Liberal. You neither understand, nor endorse the American value known as “Liberty.” ” Liberty refers to personal freedom, based on small government , a free economy, and a God-based society.”

I don't have to agree with your view of what's good for the country....

7. “And Himmefarb is a slavishly anglophiliac neocon fool.”

My favorite part is when Liberals prove what frauds they are….you pretenders love to critique opposition as though you have some expertise.

Here, let’s prove this….now, be very careful, because a wrong answer will expose you: have you read any of Gertrude Himmelfarb’s books? There are at least a dozen…

Gertrude Himmelfarb (born August 8, 1922), also known as Bea Kristol, is an American historian. She has written extensively on intellectual history, with a focus on Britain and the Victorian era, as well as on contemporary society and culture. Gertrude Himmelfarb - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

8. “BTW, you may want to speak with the AmerInd population about what kind of abattior we became after the American Revolution.”
Don’t give me any ‘BTW,’ you idiot….I dare you to provide proof of “the AmerInd population about what kind of abattoir…”

Another one you haven’t read, “Our Savage Neighbors,” by Peter Silver…or “The 10 Big Lies About America,” by Michael Medved.

9. Blaisdell…” it seems that it refers to contracts the states have entered into,…”
Wrong, bonehead. New Deal judges decided that the Constitution no longer applied.

10. "Women can get equal pay as long as they don't get married and have children" Sowell?”
Which of Sowell’s books have you read?
Oh, none.

Women with the same jobs and resume get the same pay as men.

I do appreciate how well you’ve served your purpose….as foil and to document the truth of this: Not facts, nor data, nor experience, nor learning, nor rational debate will convince Liberals.
You are a tribute to the government school systems.

And as far as “Do you really think you are a deep thinker…”
I can only state that I’m somewhere between ‘deep thinker’ and you.

In summary, our dialogues have shown that, not only are you an ineducable fool, but have the temerity to demand that you be allowed to remain so.

With my blessings.

When you come up with a quality response…just give me a call…I’ll be ice skating in Hell.
If it were not the truth that Liberals, Leftists 'feel' rather than think, how to explain continued support for provably failed paradigm's such as communism, fascism, socialism, environmentalism.....etc., etc.


Fascism is not liberalism.

Name a country that has ever succeeded devoid of socialism.


Did you say 'socialism'????

OMG! You're gonna get me arrested for felony laughing!!!

"Spain's pro-EU ruling Socialists have been pummeled in recent elections over the budget cuts demanded by the EU. Its loss in municipal elections in May was the greatest since democracy returned to Spain in 1978.

In Finland, the True Finns party and its anti-bailout adherents won an unheard-of 20% of the seats in the 200-member parliament in April, putting it a mere five seats behind the top vote-getter, the conservative National Coalition Party.

"It is not the little guy who benefits: He is being milked and lied to in order to keep the insolvent system running," True Finns leader Timo Soini said in an editorial in the Wall Street Journal Europe soon after the election.

The EU's welfare states are going broke, and the knives are out for their budgets and the politicians who have supported the EU project. Voters to the north are electing anti-EU candidates who are lecturing about "responsibility" and "thriftiness" to profligate neighbors such as the "lazy" Greeks, Spanish and Portuguese, as German Chancellor Angela Merkel described her southern partners in May.

European Council President Herman Van Rompuy summed up Europe's situation: "We can't finance our social model anymore."
In Europe, economic meltdown tears at unity

I tell ya'....nothing funnier than you Liberals and your love affair with failed systems....

Still buying Facebook stocks?

How's that Betamax system working out for ya'?

I asked you if you could name any country that has ever succeeded that was devoid of socialism.

A simple 'no' would have sufficed. We know there has never been any such country.
Speaking of fake, is Boortz a fake Libertarian, or a fake Conservative, or just some sort of political mongrel who manages to take the worst of both worlds?
The Best Commencement Address Ever!

....But, when it comes to public-speaking, in-general....for practical-purposes, rather than some White Wing horseshit.....ya' can't beat......


[ame=]Vice President Biden Discusses Grief & Loss - YouTube[/ame]​
:lol: Since I have been married to teacher forever and know the work they do in spite of the kids and buffoons like Bortz anyone who finds this moron admirable is equally a moron. It is why America is becoming stupid, the stupid think they think when any thinking person would realize the only reason the can write and speak is because of his education. A fricking lawyer yet, why do some listen and admire assholes like this I will never know.
Last edited:
I think Boortz is in the same mold as Hannity - a radio personality opportunist who has put together an a la carte menu of political positions designed primarily for their niche audience appeal,

and having only a secondary relationship to what either might actually think or believe.
I wish one of the teachers had gotten up and punched the jackass in the face and then threw him off the stage, that would have been a real feel good minute of the clown's life. I wish I was there, the students would have found the obnoxious jackass on his ass. Since I have been married to teacher forever and know the work they do in spite of the kids and buffoons like Bortz anyone who finds this moron admirable is equally a moron. It is why America is becoming stupid, the stupid think they think when any thinking person would realize the only reason the can write and speak is because of his education. A fricking lawyer yet, why do some listen and admire assholes like this I will never know.

1. do educated Liberals respond to those with whom they disagree?

"...punched the jackass in the face and then threw him off the stage,..."

2. Is this kind of response unusual for the Left?

a. Georges Eugène Sorel (2 November 1847 in Cherbourg – 29 August 1922 in Boulogne-sur-Seine) was a French philosopher and theorist of revolutionary syndicalism. His notion of the power of myth in people's lives inspired Marxists and Fascists, it is, together with his defense of violence, the contribution for which he is most often remembered. Georges Sorel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. Historic review: every presidential assassin in the history of the United States has been a Liberal- or has not been associated with a political outlook- none were right-wingers.

3. BTW....The cult's leader/father is Fred Phelps, who calls America a "sodomite nation of flag-worshipping idolaters." Since you won't read it anyplace else, Phelps has run for public office five times -- as a Democrat. Ann Coulter: GOD HATES JUDGES [Fred Phelps cult assaults Matthew Snyder's funeral]

4. Explanation?
Sure.... the marketplace of ideas, the Left comes in second,
Must be tough to put up with....



It's all yours, Middy.....

Last edited:
I think Boortz is in the same mold as Hannity - a radio personality opportunist who has put together an a la carte menu of political positions designed primarily for their niche audience appeal,

and having only a secondary relationship to what either might actually think or believe.

Sadly for your side that " niche audience " is those folks who support American values:

American is identified by the “American Trinity” of “Liberty,” “In God We Trust,” and “E Pluribus Unum.”
Liberty refers to personal freedom, based on small government , a free economy, and a God-based society. ,”
“In God We Trust,” proceeds from the moral values axiomatic with the Founders.
“E Pluribus Unum.” refers to a society based on neither ethnicity nor race.
Prager, "Still The Best Hope."
I wish one of the teachers had gotten up and punched the jackass in the face and then threw him off the stage, that would have been a real feel good minute of the clown's life. I wish I was there, the students would have found the obnoxious jackass on his ass. Since I have been married to teacher forever and know the work they do in spite of the kids and buffoons like Bortz anyone who finds this moron admirable is equally a moron. It is why America is becoming stupid, the stupid think they think when any thinking person would realize the only reason the can write and speak is because of his education. A fricking lawyer yet, why do some listen and admire assholes like this I will never know.

1. do educated Liberals respond to those with whom they disagree?

"...punched the jackass in the face and then threw him off the stage,..."

2. Is this kind of response unusual for the Left?

a. Georges Eugène Sorel (2 November 1847 in Cherbourg – 29 August 1922 in Boulogne-sur-Seine) was a French philosopher and theorist of revolutionary syndicalism. His notion of the power of myth in people's lives inspired Marxists and Fascists, it is, together with his defense of violence, the contribution for which he is most often remembered. Georges Sorel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. Historic review: every presidential assassin in the history of the United States has been a Liberal- or has not been associated with a political outlook- none were right-wingers.

3. BTW....The cult's leader/father is Fred Phelps, who calls America a "sodomite nation of flag-worshipping idolaters." Since you won't read it anyplace else, Phelps has run for public office five times -- as a Democrat. Ann Coulter: GOD HATES JUDGES [Fred Phelps cult assaults Matthew Snyder's funeral]

4. Explanation?
Sure.... the marketplace of ideas, the Left comes in second,
Must be tough to put up with....



It's all yours, Middy.....

How do they respond?

Like this.

Man Curses at Fitzgerald Campaigners **Explicit Language** - YouTube
I wish one of the teachers had gotten up and punched the jackass in the face and then threw him off the stage, that would have been a real feel good minute of the clown's life. I wish I was there, the students would have found the obnoxious jackass on his ass. Since I have been married to teacher forever and know the work they do in spite of the kids and buffoons like Bortz anyone who finds this moron admirable is equally a moron. It is why America is becoming stupid, the stupid think they think when any thinking person would realize the only reason the can write and speak is because of his education. A fricking lawyer yet, why do some listen and admire assholes like this I will never know.

1. do educated Liberals respond to those with whom they disagree?

"...punched the jackass in the face and then threw him off the stage,..."

2. Is this kind of response unusual for the Left?

a. Georges Eugène Sorel (2 November 1847 in Cherbourg – 29 August 1922 in Boulogne-sur-Seine) was a French philosopher and theorist of revolutionary syndicalism. His notion of the power of myth in people's lives inspired Marxists and Fascists, it is, together with his defense of violence, the contribution for which he is most often remembered. Georges Sorel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

b. Historic review: every presidential assassin in the history of the United States has been a Liberal- or has not been associated with a political outlook- none were right-wingers.

3. BTW....The cult's leader/father is Fred Phelps, who calls America a "sodomite nation of flag-worshipping idolaters." Since you won't read it anyplace else, Phelps has run for public office five times -- as a Democrat. Ann Coulter: GOD HATES JUDGES [Fred Phelps cult assaults Matthew Snyder's funeral]

4. Explanation?
Sure.... the marketplace of ideas, the Left comes in second,
Must be tough to put up with....



It's all yours, Middy.....

How do they respond?

Like this.

Man Curses at Fitzgerald Campaigners **Explicit Language** - YouTube

Fitzy...isn't it interesting how many of the self-aggrandizing apocrypha that the Liberal put out are absolutely, totally false!
Fascism is not liberalism.

Name a country that has ever succeeded devoid of socialism.


Did you say 'socialism'????

OMG! You're gonna get me arrested for felony laughing!!!

"Spain's pro-EU ruling Socialists have been pummeled in recent elections over the budget cuts demanded by the EU. Its loss in municipal elections in May was the greatest since democracy returned to Spain in 1978.

In Finland, the True Finns party and its anti-bailout adherents won an unheard-of 20% of the seats in the 200-member parliament in April, putting it a mere five seats behind the top vote-getter, the conservative National Coalition Party.

"It is not the little guy who benefits: He is being milked and lied to in order to keep the insolvent system running," True Finns leader Timo Soini said in an editorial in the Wall Street Journal Europe soon after the election.

The EU's welfare states are going broke, and the knives are out for their budgets and the politicians who have supported the EU project. Voters to the north are electing anti-EU candidates who are lecturing about "responsibility" and "thriftiness" to profligate neighbors such as the "lazy" Greeks, Spanish and Portuguese, as German Chancellor Angela Merkel described her southern partners in May.

European Council President Herman Van Rompuy summed up Europe's situation: "We can't finance our social model anymore."
In Europe, economic meltdown tears at unity

I tell ya'....nothing funnier than you Liberals and your love affair with failed systems....

Still buying Facebook stocks?

How's that Betamax system working out for ya'?

I asked you if you could name any country that has ever succeeded that was devoid of socialism.

A simple 'no' would have sufficed. We know there has never been any such country.

Wait....don't leave: I have more-

1. Unfortunately, the national governments thought it possible to reap the economic benefits of a free Europe and the electoral delights of socialism. By “socialism,” I mean the unlimited growth of the welfare state—the accumulation of entitlements and jobs protected by the state. This de facto socialism, this sedimentation of electoral promises and acquired rights, grew in Europe at a much faster rate than did the economy or the population.

2. The result was a remarkably homogeneous indebtedness in all the countries of Europe, on the order of 100 percent of national wealth—ranging between Germany’s 91 percent and the Greeks’ 133 percent (a relatively modest difference), all reflecting a common socialist drift. All European states are run socialist-style, in contradiction with the European Union’s free-market principles. Some will be more able than others to deal with defaults, but all have drifted off course.

3. The true cause lies in ideology. Socialism dominates minds across Europe, whereas liberalism—which has retained its original free-market meaning in Europe [classical liberalism, i.e. conservatism] —is under attack in the academy, in the media, and among intellectuals generally: to support the market against the state, to recommend modesty on the part of the state, is taken for an “American” perversion.

4. t’s almost impossible for a non-suicidal politician to win election without promising still more public “solidarity” and still less individual risk. These welfare states, through their financial cost and the erosion of ethical responsibility that they foster, have smothered economic growth in Europe.
End of the European Siesta? by Guy Sorman, City Journal 25 June 2010
So now you're going to fall back to the hey he's just joking around defense? So the reason this is the greatest fake commencement speech ever is because it is of such little authenticity, sincerity, and substance that anyone who would be so foolish as to think Boortz was actually trying to make some serious points here,

they are the suckers??

Really? I could have sworn for all your righteous indignation that no one was seriously discussing the 'points' that you actually wanted someone to seriously discuss the points?

Was that part of the joke too??

1. "So now you're going to fall back to the hey he's just joking around defense?"


That means he is disrespecting the absurdities of your position.

Get it?

2. "the greatest fake commencement speech ..."

Again, no.

It is a real and substantial commencement speech.

What is 'fake' about it.

Now...for the umpteenth time, prove what an uneducated fool you are by suggesting that it is 'fake' because it was written, not spoken.

Go ahead....double dog dare 'ya.

BTW...Did you like George Washington's Farewell Address?

Note: Washington's Farewell Address was printed by David C. Claypoole's American Daily Advertiser (Philadelphia), on 19 September 1796.
It was never delivered orally.

Now, since you have referred to 'fake' in several posts....doesn't this kind of prove you to be dumber than a box of rocks?

No, really.....

3. Let's review:

The joke here is the idea that you have a brain in your head.

True story.

Once again, no substantive counterpoints, just another barrage of insults.

Hey...let me know if there are any you feel are undeserved and I'll replace 'em- free of charge!
Point 3:

3. So here are the first assignments for your initial class in reality: Pay attention to the news, read newspapers, and listen to the words and phrases that proud Liberals use to promote their causes. Then, compare the words of the left to the words and phrases you hear from those evil, heartless, greedy conservatives.

a. From the Left you will hear “I feel.” From the Right you will hear “I think.” From the Liberals you will hear references to groups — The Blacks, the Poor, the Rich, the Disadvantaged, the Less Fortunate. From the Right you will hear references to individuals. On the Left you hear talk of group rights; on the Right, individual rights. That about sums it up, really: Liberals feel. Liberals care. They are pack animals whose identity is tied up in group dynamics. Conservatives think — and, setting aside the theocracy crowd, their identity is centered on the individual.

Ah, where to start? Well, first of all Boortz, a lesson in outlining: if you don't have a 'b.' don't make an 'a.'

The above is simply fictitious drivel. But you want me to explain why it's drivel.

a. his generalization about liberals 'feeling' and conservatives 'thinking' has no basis in fact. One example: conservatives are never hesitant to tout their 'faith' credentials as stronger than, in general, that of liberals. Conservatives generally believe they are more religious, more God fearing, more Christian.

Faith is the ultimate exercise in 'feeling' over 'thinking'. If Conservatives hold the high ground in faith, then it's because they're better feelers than thinkers.

b. And Boortz's claim that Liberals talk about 'groups'; Conservatives talk about 'individuals'??
That's a precious pile of oops on Boortz's part,

since a major theme of his own pretend speech is built around identifying Liberals as a GROUP, and then broadbrushing them time after time with GROUP generalties, stereotypes, and assumptions.

c. Oh, and Boortz's jaw drop inducing set aside when talking about conservatives, i.e.,
"setting aside the theocracy crowd". Indeed? He can safely and rightfully discard the Christian Coalition and the various other manifestations and representations of the 'theocracy crowd' when he wants to make points about Conservatives?

What percent of American conservatism goes out with the bath water in that move???:lol:

If it were not the truth that Liberals, Leftists 'feel' rather than think, how to explain continued support for provably failed paradigm's such as communism, fascism, socialism, environmentalism.....etc., etc.


Fascism is not liberalism.

Name a country that has ever succeeded devoid of socialism.

"Fascism is not liberalism."

Liberalism is fascism filtered through the American experience...

The excesses of the European versions of fascism were mitigated by the specific history and culture of America, Jeffersonian individualism, heterogeneity of the population, but the central theme is still an all-encompassing state that centralizes power to perfect human nature by controlling every aspect of life., albeit at the loss of what had hitherfore been accepted as ‘inalienable human rights.’

The dichotomy that is today’s political reality is based on this retreat, as the American left simply flipped from the brown-shirt utopians to the red-flag utopians, parroting Stalin’s rhetoric: anything objectionable is fascist.

It was these early modern liberals- to be distinguished from classical liberals, who laid the intellectual groundwork of the New Deal and the welfare state: they thought that fascism sounded pretty good.

It is kind of funny all this PC talk from the right wingnuts, aka PC / Big Ftiz, the same people cheered shock and awe, and defend a paranoid thug who kills a young man because he is Black. War and violence is fine with wingnuts so long as they don't have to fight it. Killing is fine and justified because you are scared. Hypocrite thy name is right wing conservative apologist for murder and death. Don't worry after the moron got a simple punch in the mouth for disrespect and outlandish words, we liberals would have helped him to the hospital and UHC. :lol: Anger is the only rational response to morons like Boortz and the stupidity they spread with their words. When nonsense fits your worldview nonsense is what you sow.
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That's too deep for liberals to contemplate or comprehend..

They can comprehend it.....they just don't agree with it......and might get pissed about it.

It's like diversity training.

Who needs diversity training? What's the purpose of diversity training?

The left spends so much time trying to pigeonhole us into groups, but then they looked back on their work and decided that we need to learn how to blend together again to cut down on possible civil-rights violations. Never mind that their habit of marginalizing, dividing, and demonizing causes most of these violations in the first place.
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Fake: Neal Boortz Commencement Speech

It is kind of funny all this PC talk from the right wingnuts, aka PC / Big Ftiz, the same people cheered shock and awe, and defend a paranoid thug who kills a young man because he is Black. War and violence is fine with wingnuts so long as they don't have to fight it. Killing is fine and justified because you are scared. Hypocrite thy name is right wing conservative apologist for murder and death. Don't worry after the moron got a simple punch in the mouth for disrespect and outlandish words, we liberals would have helped him to the hospital and UHC. :lol: Anger is the only rational response to morons like Boortz and the stupidity they spread with their words. When nonsense fits your worldview nonsense is what you sow.

This one is too meaty to merely require a post....I may write an OP about pacifism...please let me know if you'd rather I not refer to you by name.

And, your ability to pay attention injures your thrust...."fake"???

What was fake about it?
Did Boortz write it?
Did the fact that it was posted rather than delivered make it a fake?

Well....then, this, from post #153:

"BTW...Did you like George Washington's Farewell Address?

Note: Washington's Farewell Address was printed by David C. Claypoole's American Daily Advertiser (Philadelphia), on 19 September 1796.
It was never delivered orally.

Now, since you have referred to 'fake' in several posts....doesn't this kind of prove you to be dumber than a box of rocks?"

So....was Washington's Farewell Address a "fake"?

Need a tissue for that egg on your face?
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Fake: Neal Boortz Commencement Speech

It is kind of funny all this PC talk from the right wingnuts, aka PC / Big Ftiz, the same people cheered shock and awe, and defend a paranoid thug who kills a young man because he is Black. War and violence is fine with wingnuts so long as they don't have to fight it. Killing is fine and justified because you are scared. Hypocrite thy name is right wing conservative apologist for murder and death. Don't worry after the moron got a simple punch in the mouth for disrespect and outlandish words, we liberals would have helped him to the hospital and UHC. :lol: Anger is the only rational response to morons like Boortz and the stupidity they spread with their words. When nonsense fits your worldview nonsense is what you sow.

Jeez... did you just derp? You clean it up.

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